Welcome back to 100 lies The God culture teaches about the Philippines. Today's lie concerns the Philippine flag and national anthem. Timothy claims they contain biblical prophecy but as we shall see that is a lie.
In one of his videos Tim explains the alleged biblical prophecy contained in the Philippine flag and the words of the national anthem.
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Revelation 12: The Land That Protects The Woman. Solomon's Gold Series 13D |
28:56 So let's look here at the national flag of the Philippines. Notice the symbol of the Sun. Are there other countries that have such? Certainly there are many in fact but take a look at their national anthem Lupang Hinirang or chosen land, interesting. Land of the morning. Why? Well the Sun rises in the east and has been considered the Far East as far back as history goes really. The Orient is well recorded, even Japan is also known as the Land of the Rising Sun and it sits parallel to the Philippines but it is not a Lost Tribe territory thus it does not fit this. But the Philippines is.
Now read the next line though. Very odd. "Child of the Sun returning." Wow! The first time we saw that we thought well it must be Sun God symbology yet in lieu of these findings in Revelation 12 perhaps not.
"Never shall invaders trample thy sacred shores." Sacred shores. Funny.
Understand this anthem is written after the Spanish had invaded in about 1898. They were invaded by the U.S. in the very next year in fact and also Japan in World War 2 so that did not come true then, right? Or did it? Actually if in fact this is a reference referring to Satan attacking as the enemy it would be accurate a minor point but we look at everything that we see here. However, is the Philippines the land of the Sun that's the symbology we're looking for. The answer yes.
And look at the Greek word used here. The word is Helios which means Sun but also actually means East. Why? Because the Sun rises in the east you see that with Hebrew and Greek words often nothing abnormal about that. But literally one could replace the word East in the passage and it would be accurate. A woman clothed in the east. And we know it's Jacob and Jacobs descendants in the East are in the Philippines.
We looked up all the words in this passage basically in Greek but they are really translated pretty appropriately as things like clothes is pretty much clothed each time it's used or arrayed which is maybe a better word but pretty much the same thing. The anthem continues to mention the nation's radiance, again more sun language, but "thy banner dear to all hearts its Sun and stars." Alright so yes we see star symbology here too but we'll get there.
"Oh never shall it's shining fields be dimmed by tyrants might." There have been tyrants but they have not lasted in the Philippines, Remember that.
Again they were attacked but they have gained their independence just after World War two in fact and they remain so and even now we begin to see the prophecy of Messiah in Matthew 12:42 as Sheba, Ophir, Philippines begins to rise against corruption, against the New World Order, the Beast whichever you wish to call it which is also exactly what this land which protects the woman is really doing when you look at the passage. They are taking a stand against the dragon. In our opinion this is far too much to overlook.
So, "land of the morning child of the Sun returning." Child of Jacob the Sun returning. Hmm. The hundred and forty-four thousand. Hmm.
And more language, "beautiful land of love, oh land of light." Now, there are three lights in Genesis that were placed in the firmament. What are they? The Sun, the Moon, and stars. Hmm.
"In thine embraced 'tis rapture to lie." Huh. Rapture? The manchild is from the woman Israel and is birthed in heaven and raptured, the actual Greek word used there is harpazo. No every time you see that word mean in Scripture it does not mean that is the rapture doctrine. You first have to prove the rapture doctrine is scriptural and then you can start applying the word in such a way but you can't do it the other way around. This is not the rapture. It cannot be the rapture of the rapture doctrine absolutely not. So, raptured to the throne room of Yahuah think about it.
"But it is glory ever when thou art wronged for us, thy sons to suffer and die." No doubt could be a military reference there and that's fine but it's a very interesting choice of words especially throughout the entire national anthem.
We find these kinds of things all over the Philippine history. But the main point here is is the Philippines a land of Jacob? Ye,s Lost Tribes migrated there thus it is the Sun and even uses sun symbology. It just piles on top of all of this to just confirm the Philippines is the land that clothes the woman in the Sun. So does it fit here? We believe it does.
One of the greatest mysteries in prophecy which has eluded scholars is Revelation 12. Most immediately migrate to astrology and there is no biblical precedence to interpret His prophecy through the paradigm of star patterns named for His adversaries. In fact, we examine every scripture that appears to classify constellations in the English and studying out the Hebrew and Greek, there is not one which even refers to a star cluster which commemorates the Watcher Fallen Angels and their Nephilim offspring. Talk about “doctrines of demons.”
Instead, with this restored geography in mind, we now understand the Philippines to be far more important than once perceived. To ignore this, would be a huge oversight. Understandably, scholars are unaware largely of this thinking thus they will never interpret this prophecy with accuracy in our opinion.
Remember, this is prophecy and we are simply attempting to examine one which no scholar has ever explained with precision. This is a future event as all of Revelation is according to John in his opening. We see dual symbology here in which the woman appears physically in Heaven but these symbols which surround her distinguish a land as well which will protect her and she will flee into it’s wilderness. This land is described asclothing the woman in the sun, the moon at it’s feet, twelve stars in it’s crown, having a wilderness or desert, likely an island or on the coastline in the ocean where a great tsunami could form and it has the great eagle. Do any of these seem familiar? We believe so.The Philippines is known in it’s National Anthem, “Lupang Hinirang,” as the “Land of the morning” or sun. Some English translations then render “child of the sun returning.” It is well known geographically as the area in which the sun rises in the Far East just as Japan is the “Land of the Rising Sun” in almost parallel longitude to the Philippines. The Philippines would envelope this woman in the warmth of the sun.
pg. 265-266
Whether knowingly or unknowingly Tim is interpreting the Bible through Freemasonic symbology! The flag of the Philippines was designed by Emilio Aguinaldo and is replete with masonic symbols.
The Hong Kong designed flag that Aguinaldo brought with him from his exile on board the US dispatch boat McCullock, and which became the official flag of the first Philippine Republic, consisted of two horizontal stripes, blue on top and red below. It had a white equilateral triangle at the hoist that is smaller than that in our flag today. Within the triangle, at its center, a mythological sun was depicted with eyebrows, eyes, nose and mouth in black, bearing eight rays without any minor ray for each, and three five-pointed stars, one at each angle of the triangle. All these devices were in gold or yellow colour.
Among the more credible assertions relied upon to establish the tie between masonry and the flag are the following:
In October 1899, Ambrocio Flores, Grand Master of the Gran Consejo Regional and at that time a general in the army of Aguinaldo, wrote letters to the Grand Lodges in the United States appealing to them to employ their influence to help the fledgling Philippine Republic. In these letters he compared the Philippine flag to the masonic banner saying, "...this national flag resembles closely our masonic banner starting from its triangular quarter to the prominent central position of its resplendent sun surrounded in its triangular position by three 5-pointed stars. Even in its three coloured background, it is the spitting image of our Venerable Institution’s banner so that when you see it in any part of the world, waving with honor amidst the flags of other nations and acknowledged by these nations, let us hope that with this flag, and through it, our common parent, Freemasonry will likewise be so honored."
In his beautiful Grand Oration pronounced in 1928, historian Teodoro M. Kalaw, Sr., uttered these words: "And the triangle appearing on the Philippine flag, the loftiest symbolism of the struggles of the Filipino people, was put there, according to President Aguinaldo, as an homage to Freemasonry."
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https://grandlodge.ph/sites/default/files/cabletow/Cabletow2005-1.pdf |
The untold story of our National Anthem is that the music and the lyrics came into being because of the inspiration and prompting of Freemasons.
Rafael Palma, who became Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of the Philippines in 1920, wrote how the lyrics of the National Anthem came about, thus:
“During the leisure hours allowed by the daily and especially at night after the day’s work, the members of the staff of La Independencia, seeking to amuse themselves and to be relieved from their physical weariness, used to assemble together and sing or play on musical instruments. Their souls afflicted by the military situation, which was growing worse every day, needed spiritual elation, and they found it in singing war tunes and martial songs which made them forget the bitterness of a sad reality....
“It was in one of those occasions that Jose Palma saw the necessity of writing a poem for the words of the Marcha Nacional Filipina. Although this march was known since the beginning of the revolution and was hummed by everybody, it had not yet then any words accompanying it. To suit its music, he wrote a poem Filipinas, which was published for the first time in the issue of the first anniversary of La Independencia on Sept. 3, 1899. the spirit of his verses glowed with an optimistic faith in the future because (then) it was the general belief that it would be impossible for the American forces to dominate the entire archipelago.”
The music and the lyrics of our National Anthem no doubt came about when our forebears fought for their freedom and independence, but its patriotic message transcends their time. Patriotism is in the heart of the nationalists who love their country.
The involvement of Freemasons in the development of our National Anthem is more than a coincidence. The message is clear: Freemasons love Freedom. and the National Anthem bears the imprint of their devotion.
The fact is the Philippine National Anthem is thoroughly steeped in Freemasonry. It is absolutely not a bible based prophecy.
Unbelievably Tim is basing his interpretation of Revelation 12 on symbols rooted in and originating from Philippine Freemasonry! Is he really this dumb? Yes, he is. Timothy Jay Schwab is interpreting Bible prophecy through the lyrics of the Freemasonic Philippine national anthem which is irrational, insane, and is simply another lie The God Culture teaches about the Philippines.
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