The God Culture is incredibly stupid. Whoever is running that show is just plain dumb as a bag of rocks. We know that from their false history about the Philippines and their fake deep research which amounts to quoting Wikipedia and various blogs. But their ignorance shines through in other places as well like in the comment section of their Youtube channel.
See over in the right hand column there is a section titled "Mix - The God Culture?"
The God Culture is so stupid that they think the mix is another channel that has stolen their videos! They have even put a notice in their comments to beware of it.
Beware....BEWARE!!! You have to laugh at that quadruple beware as if the mix is so scary you should avoid it like the plague.
So what is this mix? Is it another channel? No! It's an auto-generated playlist of The God Culture's own videos created by Youtube based on the videos you have watched.
A YouTube Mix is a nonstop playlist tailored to you. |
YouTube is experimenting with a new feature designed to help users better discover videos and channels on its site. Called “YouTube Mix”, it’s an auto-generated playlist that will display suggested videos based on what you’re reading.
While the video service already has suggested videos displayed in the right-hand sidebar of each page, YouTube Mix offers users the ability to watch 50 videos continuously that it thinks they’ll be interested in. No additional work needed to click through each video one by one to watch it.
That article is from 2013 so the Youtube Mix is no longer an experiment. It is a part of the Youtube algorithm. Mix - The God Culture IS their channel! It's hilarious how oblivious The God Culture is to this feature so much so that they issue a quadruple warning to beware of their own channel.
It's just another reason to laugh at this ridiculous group. Listen to their videos and you will hear such paranoia thinking that Youtube is censoring them because some subscribers do not receive notifications about new uploads.
Let's remember the paradigm in which we live as this platform supports and props up agitation and it suppresses the truth. Don't believe me? Then why do our over 80,000 subscribers, when we release a video, many of them never receive a notification? We know this because we are subscribers in at least five email boxes and they're not being notified. Simple as that. Especially during this time of lockdown? Why? Because they have tightened the rules and they just plain stop it before it goes out. But no matter we're not going to stop and they will not stop us.
They are certainly not alone with this problem and it probably has more to do with The God Culture's settings than Google attempting to censor them. Frankly Tim is neither brave enough nor smart enough to produce videos that those in power would want to suppress. Timothy Jay Schwab is no Alex Linder, Kevin MacDonald, Andrew Anglin, or Alex Jones and The God Culture is not 8chan. Each of those men, as well as 8chan, have been censored across the internet in some form or other. The God Culture literally teaches nothing but lies and this only furthers the agenda of the NWO who want to keep everyone dumbed down and in the dark. People who spout lies are fine with them. Nobody is out to get them because they don't pose a threat to those in power. It just goes to show how much of a martyr complex Timothy Jay Schwab and The God Culture have.
This martyr complex is fundamental to the nature of schismatic groups like The God Culture, the Mormons, JWs, the Protestant Reformed Church, and the like. These small groups always pit themselves against the world. In a time of ignorance their group has been given the light of revelation and now stands all alone on the side of truth while the rest of the world has been hoodwinked by Satan. They are the remnant. They are the true Church.
Meanwhile the Philippines remains one of the most corrupt nations on the entire planet and anyone with any sense wants to be an OFW and escape these islands.
Here's another thing that The God Culture is completely ignorant about: accessing information about who owns a website.
It's not secret at all. This information did not come from the deep web and it does not require payment to access. It is plain for all to see and it is all free. Here is info for another website.
This martyr complex is fundamental to the nature of schismatic groups like The God Culture, the Mormons, JWs, the Protestant Reformed Church, and the like. These small groups always pit themselves against the world. In a time of ignorance their group has been given the light of revelation and now stands all alone on the side of truth while the rest of the world has been hoodwinked by Satan. They are the remnant. They are the true Church.
The world will hate you and I if you are serving Him. He said so. If the world does not hate you may want to do some soul searching. Are you really serving Him? martyr complex is important to The God Culture and explains why so many Filipinos eat up their fake history. Filipinos have been colonized by two nations. Their early history has practically vanished. Their resources have been exploited. A foreign culture has been imposed upon them. They have no identity except the one foisted upon them. Some of the more savvy types, like Pedro Paterno, have balked at this declaring that Filipinos were once a proud maritime nation which even provided gold for Solomon's temple. A false yet uplifting and intricate spiritual history is concocted. These martyrs just have to wait and bide their time because one day they will Rise Up as God vindicates them. That is literally the message Timothy Jay Schwab and The God Culture are bringing to the Philippines.
Meanwhile the Philippines remains one of the most corrupt nations on the entire planet and anyone with any sense wants to be an OFW and escape these islands.
Here's another thing that The God Culture is completely ignorant about: accessing information about who owns a website.
No Tim's personal email is not available publicly until you published it you libelous fraud but you have done far worse than that and you will pay for that soon. information pertaining to who owns a website including name, phone number, email, and address, are very public.
Website information for |
It's not secret at all. This information did not come from the deep web and it does not require payment to access. It is plain for all to see and it is all free. Here is info for another website.
Website information for |
That The God Culture does not know how to access this information goes to show how inept they really are at researching anything. Tim defends this ineptness in his videos.
The gist of much of my criticism against the God Culture is that, contrary to what they claim, they have not done deep research. They literally quote from Wikipedia and other blogs using them as primary sources. The fact that they do this and don't bother to seek out primary sources proves that they are not researchers. They are quote miners. In some cases they have not even read the sources they cite such as the three they listed allegedly proving that Philippine gold jewelry was found in 1st century Egypt. If The God Culture was doing any real research they would have ordered those sources and quoted from them as I did.
They aren't doing any field work either. They are literally doing all their "research" on the internet. They haven't gone exploring in Greece, Israel, or the Philippines to prove that the Greeks sailed here for gold. They claim that the Philippines is Ophir but offer no physical proof only circumstantial evidence based on their faulty reading of ancient maps. They claim The Garden of Eden is in the Philippines but no pictures of either it or its lone inhabitant Enoch have surfaced. They claim to have traced the journey of the lost tribes but they only do this virtually and not by actually trekking across Israel through Kurdistan and down to the Philippines showing us all the archeological proofs along the way. In short their claim to doing "deep research including history, geography, archeology, science, language, etc." is a total sham. They altered their website removing the word "deep" and replacing it with the word "discerning" but that doesn't change a thing. A discerning researcher would know that the Greeks never came to the Philippines and that the Aurea Chersonese is the Malay Peninsula and represents the limit of the Greek's geographical knowledge of the Far East.
"You quoted a secondary source citing the original." I am guessing Tim is mocking me in this instance for criticizing his use of a middle school teacher's class outline as his source for Dionysius Perigetes.
He made an hour long video talking as if he were familiar with Dionysius when he had not read him at all. What a total fraud. If Tim was doing deep research as he claims he would have sought out the original source. I found an English translation of Dionysius with a few clicks of the mouse. Why couldn't he? The fact that he did not belies any claim to doing deep research. A closer look at this source shows he most certainly took it from J.G. Cheock's research which again just shows Tim is copy/pasting from others and not engaging in anything original.
The issue about font size is very important. Tim tells his listeners to check and see if what he is saying is true. How is anyone supposed to do that when the sources are listed in an unreadable font? That is not nit picking. If he really wanted people to check up on him he would be more forthright about his sources. That he thinks the issue of font size is ridiculous shows his utter disdain for his audience. He does not really want people to check up on him. As far as I know I am the only person who has actually taken up his challenge to test him and when I find fraud after fraud and report this he has nothing to counter with except name calling and deception as he altered three videos and even his own website!
Now Tim has even sunk to issuing veiled threats of violence against me because he did not like when I, quoting the words of Jesus Christ, called his marriage to his second wife (Tim is her third husband) adultery. He makes the false claim that I suggested he divorce her and says:
That Tim takes the time to mock and threaten me publicly in his videos is flattering. He feels the sting of my criticism which is why he altered his videos and website. He knows I am right. It's also troubling because it shows that Tim does not take what he is doing very seriously. A serious researcher would not make the choices he does. They would not use Wikipedia as a source and they would most certainly be doing field work and not just Googling all day. The book that Tim is writing, will it be based entirely on Googling or will actual field work be included?
Tim has said previously that his Youtube videos are not scientific journals so I ought not to expect the same standards.
I admit that he is right that I have not watched all of his videos. I did not do that at the first and I still have not done it though I have watched many of them at this point. But all? No. There really is no need. The older you get and the more steeped in scripture you are the quicker it becomes to sniff out heresy. From the beginning I knew Tim and The God Culture weren't right. Their motto, "Challenge Tradition," says it all! Their video titles scream heresy. Take the Name of God series which is obviously Sacred Namer nonsense.
A little digging reveals that Tim was involved in the Sacred Name movement.
Tim does not teach what the scriptures teach and he rejects the ekklesia, the visible Body of Christ, which Jesus said He would build and the gates of hell would never overcome. Tim actually says the opposite of Christ and teaches that Satan wiped out and took over the church.
Who says Church history starts at 300 AD? Nobody says that, Tim! Here are 10 volumes of church doctrine and history from before the Nicene Council. That is from about 70 AD - 315 AD.
If Tim bothered to read actual church history and doctrine he would find that the church NEVER placed importance in celebrating the sabbath like Jews. They celebrated the Lord's Day.
That is from the letter of Ignatius to the Magnesians which is in volume 1 of the series above. Ignatius was a disciple of John the Apostle! A much earlier reference is from the Teaching of the Twelve Apostles also known as the Didache. This can be found in volume 7 of the same series.
In his new sabbath series videos Tim makes the outlandish claim again and again that the church has neglected the 4th commandment. That is a lie! True the church does not celebrate the sabbath like Jews. Instead they celebrate the Lord's day, the first day of the week, the same day Christ rose from the dead. But Tim does not know any of that because he has not read church history or any of the fathers. He can't even be bothered to look and see what the modern day Catholic Catechism has to say about the matter of the sabbath.
And here are the 15 anathemas against Origen's teachings. |
16:55 - This has not changed friends. We deal with it the same today. We locate the ancient land of gold for instance. Ophir, Sheba, Tarshish, The Garden of Eden for that matter, ancient Havilah where Adam and Eve lived and most react as the crowd reacted because they are authentic and genuine. They recognize the meaning.
However a Pharisee looks at that and scoffs. "Heh! Well you could have used a better source. Why is your font so small on that screen? That one quote doesn't say that!" Though it always does say exactly what we represent by the way because it always vets, every single challenge has. "That map that shows those islands southeast of China's not really showing southeast of China. That's, well, India." Huh? No it's southeast of China. That's what the maps shows, duh. "And that map, and that map, and those directions, and those directions, and aww that font should be larger and yaw you should have quoted that differently, and..."
I mean that's the kind of stuff that you get for going out, stepping out on a limb, and doing the research and telling people what is truth. And we prove it. Those same people don't even bother to actually review the whole case. No. No, no. They'll watch one brief video or a few brief videos and then go and just ramble on and on and on. And they are absolutely ignorant. They don't even know what we prove, what we don't prove but all along they'll say "Ah see you didn't prove that." Well how will you know what we prove? You didn't even review the case. But it doesn't matter because it's not their point. They throw it all out in ignorance, haven't even reviewed the case yet they know because they know what we're going to prove because they have what basis? Absolutely none.
"You used a font too small! Throw it out!" Really? "You quoted a secondary source citing the original" oh which happens to be true and in representation actually match the original? Duh! I mean could you be more ridiculous? Yet we get all of this.Bless Tim's heart. He comes to my blog and leaves all kinds of nasty, ridiculous comments saying he is done with me and I don't deserve a response. Then he responds to me for three minutes in his video.
The gist of much of my criticism against the God Culture is that, contrary to what they claim, they have not done deep research. They literally quote from Wikipedia and other blogs using them as primary sources. The fact that they do this and don't bother to seek out primary sources proves that they are not researchers. They are quote miners. In some cases they have not even read the sources they cite such as the three they listed allegedly proving that Philippine gold jewelry was found in 1st century Egypt. If The God Culture was doing any real research they would have ordered those sources and quoted from them as I did.
They aren't doing any field work either. They are literally doing all their "research" on the internet. They haven't gone exploring in Greece, Israel, or the Philippines to prove that the Greeks sailed here for gold. They claim that the Philippines is Ophir but offer no physical proof only circumstantial evidence based on their faulty reading of ancient maps. They claim The Garden of Eden is in the Philippines but no pictures of either it or its lone inhabitant Enoch have surfaced. They claim to have traced the journey of the lost tribes but they only do this virtually and not by actually trekking across Israel through Kurdistan and down to the Philippines showing us all the archeological proofs along the way. In short their claim to doing "deep research including history, geography, archeology, science, language, etc." is a total sham. They altered their website removing the word "deep" and replacing it with the word "discerning" but that doesn't change a thing. A discerning researcher would know that the Greeks never came to the Philippines and that the Aurea Chersonese is the Malay Peninsula and represents the limit of the Greek's geographical knowledge of the Far East.
"You quoted a secondary source citing the original." I am guessing Tim is mocking me in this instance for criticizing his use of a middle school teacher's class outline as his source for Dionysius Perigetes. |
He made an hour long video talking as if he were familiar with Dionysius when he had not read him at all. What a total fraud. If Tim was doing deep research as he claims he would have sought out the original source. I found an English translation of Dionysius with a few clicks of the mouse. Why couldn't he? The fact that he did not belies any claim to doing deep research. A closer look at this source shows he most certainly took it from J.G. Cheock's research which again just shows Tim is copy/pasting from others and not engaging in anything original.
The issue about font size is very important. Tim tells his listeners to check and see if what he is saying is true. How is anyone supposed to do that when the sources are listed in an unreadable font? That is not nit picking. If he really wanted people to check up on him he would be more forthright about his sources. That he thinks the issue of font size is ridiculous shows his utter disdain for his audience. He does not really want people to check up on him. As far as I know I am the only person who has actually taken up his challenge to test him and when I find fraud after fraud and report this he has nothing to counter with except name calling and deception as he altered three videos and even his own website!
Now Tim has even sunk to issuing veiled threats of violence against me because he did not like when I, quoting the words of Jesus Christ, called his marriage to his second wife (Tim is her third husband) adultery. He makes the false claim that I suggested he divorce her and says:
How dare he. He better hope I am able to follow the commandments if I ever meet him, that's for sure. never made such a suggestion at all nor was it to be implied. I only pointed out the hypocrisy of an active adulterer going around telling people they need to keep the law to be engrafted into Christ. True, we are all sinners but we are not all currently in an active state of adultery. How he gets out of that situation is up to him. I offered no advice nor do I offer any now.
That Tim takes the time to mock and threaten me publicly in his videos is flattering. He feels the sting of my criticism which is why he altered his videos and website. He knows I am right. It's also troubling because it shows that Tim does not take what he is doing very seriously. A serious researcher would not make the choices he does. They would not use Wikipedia as a source and they would most certainly be doing field work and not just Googling all day. The book that Tim is writing, will it be based entirely on Googling or will actual field work be included?
Tim has said previously that his Youtube videos are not scientific journals so I ought not to expect the same standards.
For instance this video deals with tons of history asnd was one of our first in our publishing on YouTube of our journey of research. The sources are not cited like a scientific journal and at that point, we didn't even know many would even watch. We did so in representing history accurately. This fraud only misrepresents.
Of course a YouTube channel is not a scientific journal but he applies such standard and yet, still fails. the shoddy research in these videos would never be allowed in any reputable scientific journal. But I never once said anything about scientific journals. I only asked for clarity and honesty in using sources. Citing a source you have never read, like Farrisol or Dinoysius Perigetes, is dishonest. It's amazing how Tim denigrates his own videos in order to excuse his sloppy, shallow, so-called "research."
I admit that he is right that I have not watched all of his videos. I did not do that at the first and I still have not done it though I have watched many of them at this point. But all? No. There really is no need. The older you get and the more steeped in scripture you are the quicker it becomes to sniff out heresy. From the beginning I knew Tim and The God Culture weren't right. Their motto, "Challenge Tradition," says it all! Their video titles scream heresy. Take the Name of God series which is obviously Sacred Namer nonsense.
The Name of God - Part 1: How To Pronounce YHWH May Surprise You |
A little digging reveals that Tim was involved in the Sacred Name movement.
A perfect example is the Sacred Name Movement which we actually learned the accurate name of God but the movement just didn't stay the course as it really should lead to restoring the entire Bible and they did create a Bible but it's still based on Modern Translations just inserting names which is cool but doesn't really do much in restoring the translation which is so badly needed.
As I wrote before one need not scientifically investigate a turd to know it's a turd. Likewise one need not listen to all a group has to say to know whether or not they are heretics. Actually watching their videos and diving into their doctrine has confirmed my initial suspicions. At heart Tim is nothing more than an anti-trinitarian heretic. He finally belched out his blasphemy for all to smell in one of his new Sabbath Series videos.The Name of God Series 6: ORIGIN OF THE WORD JEW. NOT THE BIBLE
Then espousing some doctrine of men like Trinity which is a word that never even appears in scripture once. That's why you don't see any videos from us on that. We could care less about the doctrines of men. Tim does teach that the Father and the Son are both God his teaching about their relationship and equity is not exactly clear. Sometimes he sounds like a modalist and sometimes he does not. His teaching about the Holy Spirit is also lacking. From all accounts it seems as if he denies the personality of the Spirit and considers Him to be an impersonal active force of the Father. Or perhaps a force shared by the Father and the Son.
Tim does not teach what the scriptures teach and he rejects the ekklesia, the visible Body of Christ, which Jesus said He would build and the gates of hell would never overcome. Tim actually says the opposite of Christ and teaches that Satan wiped out and took over the church.
The synagogue of satan was installed and their doctrines as what we call the early church today but the true early church was wiped out.
He promulgates novel doctrines, such as Enoch living for the past 4000 years in the Philippines which he claims is the Garden of Eden, based on the apocryphal Book of Jubilees. His history of the Philippines and the ancient world is untruthful and ill-informed. But to hear him talk about Church history is a whole other level of ignorance.New Sabbath Series Trailer
So get this, the Pharisee church, the false church, replaced His church in the days of Constantine especially was the complete takeover. And this is what we are told is the early church and that is false. Church history does not start in 300 AD. That is stupid. No one can say such a thing yet they do. They certainly do. is Tim talking about? Why does he hate the Nicene Council so much? Next thing you know he will tell his listeners that Arius was unjustly condemned for speaking the truth and that Athanasius was the real heretic.
Who says Church history starts at 300 AD? Nobody says that, Tim! Here are 10 volumes of church doctrine and history from before the Nicene Council. That is from about 70 AD - 315 AD.
If Tim bothered to read actual church history and doctrine he would find that the church NEVER placed importance in celebrating the sabbath like Jews. They celebrated the Lord's Day.
That is from the letter of Ignatius to the Magnesians which is in volume 1 of the series above. Ignatius was a disciple of John the Apostle! A much earlier reference is from the Teaching of the Twelve Apostles also known as the Didache. This can be found in volume 7 of the same series.
In his new sabbath series videos Tim makes the outlandish claim again and again that the church has neglected the 4th commandment. That is a lie! True the church does not celebrate the sabbath like Jews. Instead they celebrate the Lord's day, the first day of the week, the same day Christ rose from the dead. But Tim does not know any of that because he has not read church history or any of the fathers. He can't even be bothered to look and see what the modern day Catholic Catechism has to say about the matter of the sabbath.
In Christ's Passover, Sunday fulfills the spiritual truth of the Jewish sabbath and announces man's eternal rest in God. complete misrepresentation by Tim. Not only does he not know what the church teaches but he also does not know who are the church's teachers.
Take someone like Origen whom they call an early church father. But look into what he writes, what he says. He was a gnostic in thinking if you look at over all what he espouses. And he is even pictured, in fact, with a demon at his feet which is really odd. Don't know what that is all about. But it sure does seem like he was not a disciple. calls Origen an early church father except for ignorant people like Timothy Jay Schwab. If Tim knew what the church councils teach he would know that the fifth ecumenical council condemned Origen and anathematized his teachings. Here is the condemnation in the 11th canon:
Note that canon ten anathematizes Timothy because he denies that Jesus Christ is one of the Holy Trinity |
And here are the 15 anathemas against Origen's teachings. |
One has to wonder, "Does God hate the Philippines?" The nation remains poor and backwards, powerful typhoons strike the nation every year killing many, crime is rampant, the government is corrupt, there has been a 50 year war against the communists, and now Timothy Jay Schwab has been sent to deceive the people with a strong delusion that the Philippines is the Garden of Eden, Ophir, Sheba, Seba, Tarshish, and Filipinos are members of the lost tribes of Israel. Not only that but Tim teaches that law is grace, the new covenant is the law and not the blood of Christ, and that to be grafted into Christ one must keep the law. He rejects the Godhead and the Gospel entirely and now spends his time in the Philippines spreading his anti-christian lies and nonsense deceiving and poisoning thousands of unsuspecting souls with videos and conferences.
What have Filipinos done to deserve a man like Timothy Jay Schwab and The God Culture?
What have Filipinos done to deserve a man like Timothy Jay Schwab and The God Culture?