Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Martial Law: Groundbreaking

Last year just after the Marawi siege ended DND Sec. Lorenzana predicted a return to normalcy within two months. 
This, of course, did not happen. The city first had to be cleared of bombs and only very slowly were refugees allowed to return to the rubble of their homes. It is already August 2018 and rebuilding has not even started yet. 

Negotiations with the Chinese-led Bangon Marawi Consortium, which the task force initially selected, failed early in June. 
“Unfortunately, ‘yung na-select namin initially was not able to comply sa requirements natin on financial and technical,” Del Rosario noted. 
Bangon Marawi Consortium consists of five Chinese and four Filipino companies, including China State Construction Engineering Corp. Ltd., Anhui Huali Construction Group Co. Ltd., China Geo Engineering Corp., TBEA Co. Ltd., Shandong Jinyuan Homes Industry Development Co. Ltd., Future Homes PH Inc., A. Brown Co. Inc., HS Pow Construction Inc., and SD Realty & Development Inc.  
China State Construction Engineering Corp. and China Geo Engineering Corp. were blacklisted in 2009 by the World Bank for supposedly colluding with local companies in rigging the bidding of road projects partly financed by the multilateral lender in 2004. 
The Palace has said that the blacklisted firms deserve a “second chance.”  
Now that Bangon Marawi is out of the picture, Del Rosario said the TFBM is in talks with the Power Construction Corp. of China or PowerChina, the second company that expressed its intent to participate in the Marawi rehabilitation. 
“Definitely, the end result of the negotiation is the conferment of the original proponent status. And then once it is conferred, the following day it is published and the Swiss Challenge starts,” Del Rosario said.
Del Rosario said the rehabilitation will be completed by the last quarter of 2021. 
“We are very confident that even with the ground breaking in August, September, or October ... we can complete the rehabilitation of Marawi by December of 2021,” he said.
The government was really negotiating with a blacklisted Chinese firm to rebuild Marawi. Why would they even pick them in the first place? It is already the last week of August and there is no word if anyone has been chosen yet and since foreign companies are still expressing interest in this venture it is likely that no firm has been chosen and the start and completion dates will be pushed back farther and farther.

“We are receiving some information and in fact some big developers, actually mga from Indonesia and South Korea, they have signified their intention to participate in the rehabilitation,” Task Force Bangon Marawi chairperson Eduardo del Rosario said in a briefing. 
“We have immediate back up just in case there will be a failure of negotiation again,” Del Rosario told reporters in Marawi City. 
The government is currently in talks with Chinese-owned developer PowerChina (Power Construction Corporation of China) for rebuilding the war-torn city. 
Negotiations with the first developer, Chinese-led Bagong Marawi Consortium, failed last June because it did not meet the “legal, financial and technical requirements.” 
“I was told by the selection committee this week that today they will know the exact time table; and if ever the negotiation will be successful or not,” del Rosario said. 
He said it would be known by next week if the negotiations with PowerChina will be successful or not. 
“If reached, we can give you our definite time table of groundbreaking and eventual rehabilitation of the most affected area,” he added. 
Despite the delay in choosing the developer, Del Rosario believes that the rehabilitation remains on track with its schedule — the groundbreaking ceremony is set on Sept. 19 and will be completed by Dec. 2021.
How can there be a groundbreaking ceremony if there is no company to develop the city? A ceremony will be empty and meaningless if there is no one to rebuild the city.  This is not the first time groundbreaking has been moved.

"We are even ahead of schedule pagdating po doon sa mga rebuilding of the communities...ang importante po 70 percent of the residents have gone back to Marawi are occupying homes that we built for them and life goes on for a greater majority of the residents of Marawi."
Groundbreaking is expected to be held in June. 
However, Task Force Bangon Marawi chairperson Eduardo del Rosario said Friday the government is still finalizing its negotiation with the Bangon Marawi Consortium, which proposed to rebuild the most affected area for P16 billion.
“And if there will be a successful negotiation that would be declared by Monday [June 11], then on Tuesday [June 12] the Swiss challenge will start,” Del Rosario told reporters in Malacañang.
It's deja vu! If there is a successful negotiation then the Swiss challenge can start the next day. Will Del Rosario be quoted saying that for a third or forth time as the search for a developer continues? What a mess. All because the government is seeking help from foreign firms, one of which was BLACKLISTED BY THE WORLD BANK!! Is it any wonder the first choice did not meet legal and financial requirements? 

With all the difficulty of the government in finding a firm to rebuild the city it might be best to leave it in the hands of the people of Marawi. After all it is their city and they definitely do not want outsiders coming in and dictating to them how their city will be rebuilt. They want the old one back.
Transitional justice under the newly signed Bangsamoro Organic Law should tackle first and foremost the bombing of Marawi and its aftermath—not only the plight of some 80,000 people still unable to return to their homes and about 1,000 missing persons, but also the cultural loss to the Maranaws from a war that was so unexpected and many feel uncalled for. 
“They bombed our mosques, they bombed our madrasas, they bombed our schools. How can we go back to normalcy if these things are not restored? Marawi is not an ordinary land for us. These are also serving as the grave of our forefathers,” said Tirmizy Abdullah, associate professor at Mindanao State University, at a forum held here August 3. 
Titled “Understanding violent extremism in the midst of peace prospects in Mindanao,” the forum was organized by the New York chapter of Nonviolence International, a group that is engaged in capacity-building efforts among the Bangsamoro people through its Southeast Asia chapter. 
Abdullah said he was speaking at the forum as one of the thousands of internally displaced people (IDPs) who feel left out in the cold by the Philippine government, which is negotiating with investors on the rehabilitation of the most affected area of Marawi. 
“It is very clear that what the Philippine government is doing when it comes to rehabilitation is not community-led,” he said. 
“People [are] coming from outside of Marawi, coming to us and telling us this is what is good for you—we’ll build condominiums in the city, we will get Chinese money. So the entire framework of rehabilitation is very problematic, it is not community-led and the people of Marawi are one in opposing that one,” Abdullah added, saying that Maranaws found the current approach “very insulting and very unfortunate.” 
Samira Gutoc, resigned Bangsamoro transition commissioner, told the forum that Maranaws want the government to finish clearing Marawi’s most affected area of bombs so that they can start rebuilding their lives. 
“Our challenge to the security sector is now to remove the bombs that you put in our community—600 days later, 70 bombs are still to be found and is preventing us from returning home. After 600 days, and you bombed our community in three days—why would it take that long, sir? Please tell me. It was easy for you to bomb our community, but it’s hard for you to pull out what you bombed us with?” Gutoc said. 
Describing the hardship of IDPs living in evacuation centers or with relatives, she narrated how babies did not survive the heat in Iligan City because they were accustomed to much cooler climate in Marawi City, which is about 600 meters above sea level. 
It was also a culture shock for many women. “Can you imagine living your whole life in a house that’s your own built from every peso, and then you have to live where comfort rooms are shared with everybody? So it was the first time for many women to be able to share a comfort room with other women that they didn’t know. In the culture that kind of is very conservative—you’ve never seen other people, you’ve never met other people because you’re just stuck in your house with your cousins who are your only exposure in your life, it was disconcerting. It was really a different experience altogether,” Gutoc said. 
She revealed that many walked 39 kilometers to reach safety in Iligan City because public transportation simply froze during the Marawi siege, with public utility drivers also busy trying to get their own families out of danger. 
“There was no siren, there was no public announcement, there was no advisory, there was no megaphone saying to go from here to where, no direction. So from zero persons walking to half a million people, more than the population of Marawi, which meant the nearby provinces of the nearby municipalities of Marawi had to also leave the city because some of the air strikes were also affecting already them. 
“So this is not Afghanistan, this is not Syria, this is the democratic capital of Asia. [The] Philippines is your small America, we were your colony for 40 years, you introduced James Bond to us and all. But then, what happened, what happened?” Gutoc told the audience in New York. 
“All the tactics—naval force, air force, water force, every force that was existing in the Philippines was brought to a small community, a small village-like community that had no malls, no access to wifi, couldn’t call out for help as much, didn’t have newspapers—no, that wasn’t our privilege. We couldn’t tell our story but every day was the story of how our houses were bombed and you could read it, guys, because you have strong wifi. We didn’t know what was happening with our kin,” she added. 
Flashing a slide showing how much the Philippine government has spent for wars in Mindanao, which have led to more than 100,000 dead during each regime since Marcos’ time, Gutoc warned of dire consequences of what she referred to as “war games.” 
“Historically, we’ve spent for war, but we’ve spent less for schools. We live in Marawi, Lanao where there’s no wifi. How can we download information? How can we learn without books and libraries? After 600 years of our existence as a people, 600 years of Bangsamoro, you spent PHP200 billion every president for war,” she said. 
Drieza Lininding, chairman of the Moro Consensus Group (MCG) and the third speaker at the forum, described himself as a DDS, “dating Duterte supporter” (former Duterte supporter), and teared up when a video of Marawi was shown, saying, “We miss our home.” 
Formed four months before the Marawi siege, the MCG had documented incidents involving the Maute terrorist group a year before the siege. MCG is seeking a congressional inquiry because it believes the widespread destruction could have been prevented had the Philippine government taken the threats more seriously. 
While we took all the beatings, we sacrificed a lot, we also are the ones being blamed—that we coddled this [Maute] group, that we welcomed this group. It’s on record—we can prove this, that’s why it is very important to have an inquiry—[that] during the siege and the day after that, May 24, our local leaders, our barangay leaders, went to the military camp and t proposed that the military, the government to allow us Maranaws, the barangay and their volunteers, to take up arms and they will be the one to engage this terrorist group who occupied some barangays in Marawi City. And also some of our mayors including the governors went to the military that we should be allowed to take up arms. But the military, the government rejected that offer,” he said. 
He added that religious leaders and civil society leaders had initiated talks with the Maute group, which seemed open at first to leaving Marawi City. “In fact, in the earlier days, they [were] more open to abandon Marawi City because for them, it’s just more of a propaganda. They just want to hoist the flag of ISIS there and to show to the world that they occupied this place, but some of them are not really that serious. Some of them also didn’t expect the kind of response that they [got] from the government,” Lininding said.
This is a very interesting article since it is not often the public hears from the side of citizens of Marawi. One almost feels sympathetic for them but then you remember that these people did indeed coddle the Maute group if not outright welcome them. Presidential peace advisor Dureza is on record admitting that is what Marawi citizens told him.
"When martial law ... Marawi because many people were shocked, people from Marawi, even the Moro people. They never thought that they themselves wold become victims of violent extremists. They knew that many are members of their own clan.  They know them. They knew that they were moving firearms for a long timethey had been stockpiling up firearms. But when I asked the evacuees "Bakit di nyo sinabi yan?" (Why didn't you tell us?) "Sir, akala namin, kapwa Muslim hindi kami bibiktimahin" (We thought they would spare us because we are also Muslims).” 
When this lady Gutoc tells her sob stories of hardship it is impossible to feel anything but disdain as this is a situation the citizens of Marawi created for themselves by knowing about the activities of the Maute group and telling no one. Did they really think city leaders would be able to talk this group into leaving? They stockpiled a massive amount of weapons and were able to hold the city for 5 months! They had no intent on leaving. The fact that city leaders tried to talk Maute into leaving only implicates them in having prior knowledge of this attack. What incidents involving Maute did the MCG document? What did they know? What did they do with that knowledge? Just more pieces of information which need to be investigated if an investigation is ever initiated by the Senate.

Are the people of Marawi really surprised that their city was blown to rubble? It was a war. It IS a war. For decades now there has been war and it has not been instigated by the government. Why do they blame the government but not the terrorists who held the city hostage? The Philippine government is not the one going around kidnapping people and blowing up people and waging a campaign of terror on Filipinos. It's their fellow Muslims who continue to do so.

Abubakar reportedly headed one of the three BIFF factions that had pledged allegiance to the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria. 
The group had been moving around the marshland, using wooden motorized boats, and relying on farmers and fishermen’s forced taxation in the guise of “zakat,” an annual obligatory contribution of Muslims under Islamic laws, to be used for charitable and religious purposes.
Marawi may still be a pile of rubble and people might still be displaced and living in tents or fabricated homes but at least elections are about to get underway.
That's a start.

Monday, August 27, 2018

Smoky Piles 5

Smoke 'em if you got 'em!

Friday, August 24, 2018

Retards in the Government 64

The numbers this week: 1 assassinated village official, P5 million as a bounty on "ninja cops", and 9 PCOO officials seeking the dismissal of Mocha Uson.

As the party that propelled him to the presidency struggles with disunity, President Duterte takes his oath today as a member of what is being branded as a regional party organized by his daughter Sara. 
President Duterte, chairman of the PDP-Laban, is taking his oath today as member of the Hugpong ng Pagbabago (HNP) at the SMX Convention Center here at SM Lanang Premiere. 
The President’s joining HNP is expected to strengthen the regional grouping, which on Monday forged alliances with three major national political parties and six local groups.
His party in shambles Duterte has decided to split and head over to his daughter's party for some peace and quiet. While technically he has not abandoned his party, joining another party while being the party chairman is a move signalling no confidence in PDP-Laban. Duterte knows his time is short. Perhaps he is doing this for Sara. Her star is rising.

The national budget is still packed with pork—more than P130 billion this year and “hundreds of billions” of pesos for 2019—contrary to the claim of Budget Secretary Benjamin Diokno, according to Sen. Panfilo Lacson. 
Lacson said on Thursday that the graft-ridden pork allotments for members of the House of Representatives alone ran into billions of pesos. 
“If you think the pork has left, no, it hasn’t left,” said the senator, who renounced pork years ago. 
“Pork is a waste of taxpayers’ money,” he stressed.
Reacting to Lacson’s statement, Malacañang insisted there was no pork in the proposed 2019 national budget. 
“Yes, we can guarantee you [the proposed 2019 budget] is pork-free,” said presidential spokesperson Harry Roque.
It's  a war of words. If Lacson is right he should point out where the pork is.

The ascension of Surigao del Sur Rep. Prospero Pichay Jr. and Bohol Rep. Arthur Yap as deputy speakers virtually turned the 292-member chamber into a postcard of Arroyo’s tumultuous nine-year presidency, which was rocked by corruption scandals involving her and some of her senior officials. 
Both had been indicted for a string of graft and corruption charges in the Sandiganbayan after their boss stepped down from power in 2010. 
But eight years went by too fast as Arroyo and her loyal allies were able to claw their way back to the top of the political spectrum via the House, which is still dominated by President Duterte’s supporters in the supermajority.
Corruption is the House rule.

The Philippine National Police (PNP) on Tuesday filed with the Department of Justice (DOJ)  several criminal complaints against 11 police officers for their alleged involvement in kidnapping, drugs and robbery.
They must still be around because Duterte has upped the bounty on ninja cops.

“Ang pulis maraming atraso. P**ang ina kayo. Ang sabi ko sa inyo, tama na [These policemen have done a lot of offenses. You son of a b*tch. I told you this already to stop it],” the Chief Executive said in his speech. 
“Sa ninja cops, I will now raise the amount to P5 million per ninja cop,” he said. “If you bring him to me dead, P5 million, pag buhay, bigyan kita ng P10,000 [If alive i will give you P10,000],” Duterte added.
It's the wild west in the Philippines. Somebody call Yojimbo!

Sara Duterte is going to launch a branch of her "regional only" political party in Luzon! So much for being "regional only."  With a nine party alliance, her father joining, and now this it's undeniable she is building political capital for a bid at a national office. There are some who would like to see her as president.

Former San Remigio, Cebu mayor Jay Olivar has been charged for his failure to liquidate cash advances worth over P500,000 in 2011. 
The Office of the Ombudsman filed before the Sandiganbayan four counts of failure to render accounts under the Revised Penal Code against Olivar 
The case stemmed from the cash advances he received totaling P585,000.
Another case that will take years to resolve.

Caluya, Antique Mayor Genevieve Gumban Lim-Reyes has been ordered suspended for 90 days concerning a graft case over her decision to cut down coconut trees in 2014. 
The complainant, property owner Juliet Ramos, alleged that the operation was done without compliance with the legal processes of a prior public consultation and judicial recovery of possession as well as lacked permit to cut from the Philippine Coconut Authority.
90 days for cutting down coconut trees without a permit! Silly and stupid is better than evil and plunderous.
The antigraft court Sandiganbayan has ordered two former Cabinet officials of the Arroyo administration to face trial for P46 million in fertilizer deals that they entered into in 2003.
Members of the Arroyo administration!  See how justice flows like molasses in the Philippines.
Almost two months ago, Pagapang was locked up in jail after he was implicated in the attempt on the life of Joemy Gelacio and his wife, Janet, in Barangay Libas.
Sound like this was a revenge killing.

The Leonardo Panaligan Command-Central Negros Guerrilla Front, in a statement released to the local media on Monday night, said the 38-year-old barangay captain was a “military asset”. 
Through their spokesperson JB Regalado, the rebel group said they have been warning Pagapang for his actions since they included him on their target list in 2016. 
They added that Pagapang defied them by continuing to report NPA activities to the intelligence officer of the Philippine Army’s 303rd Infantry Brigade.
And so it was.

What goes through the mind of DOT officials?  There are so many other problems with the Philippines like kidnapping and terrorism to keep people away that a plane skidding off the runway during a heavy rain is nothing.

Medialdea was supposedly sympathetic to those behind the letter, even telling them he "understands" where they are coming from and that he too was angered by Uson's video. Duterte himself has been informed of the request.  
Her PCOO colleague, Undersecretary Lorraine Badoy, admitted the video was a violation of the government code of ethics. Another official, Philippine Information Agency Director General Harold Clavite, called on Uson to apologize and go on leave. 
"If there is public outcry, she can be held liable.... It now depends on the head of the agency if he saw nothing wrong," said former CSC chairperson Corazon Alma de Leon. 
Officials sensing a breach in code of ethics can file a complaint with Duterte. 
"There should be a formal complaint to the appointing authority, who will determine if there is prima facie case. The appointing authority decides on an investigation with possible suspension," said former CSC commissioner Mary Ann Mendoza. 
Duterte himself was not bothered by Uson's video, according to Malacañang.
All 9 of these people can expect to be drug through the mud on Mocha's blog. Why does there have to be a public outcry before someone is held responsible for violating the code of ethics? Since Duterte "was not bothered" don't expect Mocha to be going anywhere.

President Rodrigo Duterte says the country needs more citizens like Benigno "Ninoy" Aquino, Jr., as the nation marks the former senator's 35th death anniversary.  
"In this time of real and lasting change, we need more citizens like him so we can steer our country towards the direction where a brighter and better future awaits us all," Duterte said in his message Tuesday. 
The President also said change can only be achieved if Filipinos work together to implement reforms to remedy what he calls "many social ills." 
"Let us take this opportunity to reflect on his sacrifice as we honor the courage and patriotism that Ninoy demonstrated during his struggle," he said.
Kind of a strange thing for Duterte to say. At least DDS won't like it since they take every opportunity they get to malign Aquino and blame him and his followers and family for the nation's ills.
In a statement, Maza bared that the termination of peace talks between the government and the communist rebels had been a factor in her decision to step down from office. 
(However, the biggest reason behind my resignation is the cancellation of President Duterte of the peace talks between the GRP and the NDFP which he said last August 14.)

(This extinguished my hopes that the talks would bear meaningful socio-economic and political reforms that would end widespread poverty and war in our country.) 
Maza was recently ordered arrested along with three former leftist lawmakers for double murder charges in connection with election-related violence in 2006. However, a trial court in Palayan City, Nueva Ecija junked the charges due to weak evidence.
Did Duterte really appoint a CPP sympathiser to his administration? Yes he did. Because, as he is said, he is sympathetic towards their struggle and he is friends with them.

Still no word or hint of a "full-blown" probe on the Marawi attack!

PRESIDENT Rodrigo Duterte does not need to prove his claim that Naga was a hotbed of illegal drugs, Malacañang said Monday, August 20. 
Speaking to Palace reporters, Presidential Spokesperson Harry Roque Jr. maintained that the President has access to all "available" information on the supposed prevalence of illegal drugs in Naga. 
"He doesn’t have to do that. He already has access to information. He said it, let it be," Roque said, when asked if Duterte will present a proof that Naga is indeed a hotbed of shabu. 
"I can only say that he has access to all available information that only a President has access to," he added.
The burden of proof always lies with the accuser. How did these people pass the bar exam and become lawyers?


THE Philippine National Police (PNP) clarified on Monday, August 20, that there is no order to kill "ninja cops" and that police officers are not entitled to receive the P5-million bounty on the head of a dead "ninja cop." 
PNP chief Oscar Albayalde said the reward will go to the person who provided information that led to the neutralization of a "ninja cop," or police officers who protect drug personalities or recycle recovered illegal drugs for their own business. 
(The reward goes to the person who provided the information that led to the neutralization of a ninja cop. Usually a civilian or police asset provides that information. The police officers involved in the operation do no get the reward.) 
He made the statement after President Rodrigo Duterte announced that he was increasing the bounty on the head of a “ninja cop” to P5 million from P3 million. 
Albayalde said over 1,700 police personnel who were allegedly involved in various illegal activities are included in their counter-intelligence watchlist.
1,700 cops on the watchlist!  1,700 cops! If they know who they are they should go get them. Police reform is bunk. They have been making the same promises at eradicating so-called rogue policemen for years.  Read my report on the history of PNP reform here.



“I know ang nakikinig sa akin is United States siguro, yan ang CIA. ‘Yan ang papatay sa akin, ang ulol na yan e,” Duterte said in a speech during the League of Municipalities of the Philippines (LMP) Visayas Island Cluster Conference in Cebu City.
Seems a little paranoid. If he dies from a sudden natural heart attack it's likely DDS will be flooding the internet with CIA conspiracy theories.

SPEAKING before Cebu mayors, President Rodrigo Duterte yesterday labeled Cebu’s policemen and Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency (PDEA) 7 agents as “drug addicts.”
“Pulis ninyo diri sa Cebu, puro adik. Halos tanan, hasta inyong mga opisyal, hasta inyong mga PDEA. Imbes nagtaas nang rango, p***** i** niya... (Your policemen in Cebu are all addicts, almost everybody, even your officials and your PDEA. To think that you were promoted to a higher rank),” the President said in his speech during the League of Municipalities of the Philippines Visayas Island Cluster Conference at the Radisson Blu Hotel yesterday.
Duterte did not mention names, but he addressed a certain official: “Mga Cebuano, tingnan niyo kung anong nangyari. P***** i**, opisyal ka na. (Cebuanos, look what happened to... You are an official already.) That’s treason. If you are PDEA, or with the military and the police, nandiyan ka (you engage in illegal drugs), that is treason. It’s the highest infidelity that you can commit,” he said. 
“If you use your office as a platform for crime...do not ever think that because you are with PDEA, or the police, or you are a general (that I will not go after you),” he added. 
Other than this statement, the President said nothing more about the Cebu policemen and the PDEA.
The President, however, did not mention accused drug lord Peter Go Lim, who has a standing warrant of arrest for conspiracy to commit illegal drugs trading.
What a thing to say. To berate and belittle cops he suspects are involved in drugs while making no mention of the man who is supposed to be the biggest drug lord in Cebu, Peter Lim. After the president made these remarks the PNP made two conflicting statements.  First from the PNP chief.

And secondly from the local PNP office.

Why does there have to be allegations coming from the president if these allegations are known truths in the LEO community? Why does he have to stand up on stage and curse bad cops if the PNP Chief knows all about it? Why not just arrest those men and have done with it? What is stopping the PNP from really and truly cleansing their ranks?
“Rewards aren’t anything new. It’s just that this is big,” he said. 
Albayalde said the bounty should go to the person who gave information leading to a “positive operation” and not to police “because they might end up as bounty hunters, and that would be dangerous.”
If Duterte was not sincere he said: “Sa ninja cops, I will now raise the amount to P5 million per ninja cop,” he said. “If you bring him to me dead, P5 million, pag buhay, bigyan kita ng P10,000 [If alive i will give you P10,000]," then why did he say it at all?

Arresting alleged Cebu drug lord Peter Lim is a “big challenge” for the police force, considering his wealth and influence, Philippine National Police (PNP) chief Oscar Albayalde said on Wednesday.
The Philippines’ judiciary has already proven its independence to the world, Roque said, adding that Lim has “nothing to fear by way of being a victim of injustice.” 
“I’m just saying surrender. I’m not appealing. I’m just saying if you don’t surrender, we will still get you. But if you’re innocent, then, we guarantee that you will be given your day in court,” Roque assured. 
“We have competent courts so I think he should surrender,” he added.
Three things.
1. Didn't the PNP have a tail on Peter Lim? How did this high profile man get away? How is his wealth and connections a hindrance to good police work?

2. Harry Roque's assertions about the fairness of the Philippine judicial system fall flat on their face in the fact that the charges against Lim were dropped by the DOJ only to be reinstated after being practically ordered to do do by the president and after much public outrage. No one in their right mind would trust the justice system or consider them competent after such blatant incompetence.

3. Roque also appeals to Kim to surrender in order to prove his innocence when a cornerstone of criminal law is that all men are innocent until proven guilty. The State must prove Kim's guilt and not Kim prove his innocence. With Harry Roque being a lawyer one wonders what they are teaching in Philippine law schools.

Look at the thickness of those petitions! This is petty revenge politics plain and simple.

A daughter’s wedding is a “significant milestone to be cherished and remembered,” the Quezon City Regional Trial Court said in its order that allowed former Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (ARMM) Zaldy Ampatuan to attend his eldest daughter’s wedding. 
“It is a momentous family occasion which must be witnessed and attended by the couple’s loved-ones, especially the accused-movant who will personally bring his eldest daughter to the altar,” the court’s order stated.
Zaldy Ampatuan is a suspect in the Maguindanao massacre in which 58 people were brutally slaughtered. And yet he was allowed to attend his daughter's wedding "for humanitarian considerations" according to court documents. These same documents note that "this is not the first time that a Court will be granting furlough to a detention prisoner for the same reason, for humanitarian considerations." What a a joke.

"We're concerned about the entry of any and all nuclear weapons into the Philippine territory because our constitution provides we are a nuclear-free zone," Presidential Spokesperson Harry Roque said in a press briefing Thursday. 
Oh now they are worried?  Remember this from May 2018?

How did the government respond?
“We are taking the appropriate diplomatic action necessary to protect our claims and will continue to do so in the future,” it said in a statement, but it did not elaborate. 
By lodging a protest. Sooner later the Philippines' appeasement policy towards China will bite them hard.