Sunday, February 4, 2018

Dog Stuffed Into Cramped Cage at Pet Shop

I was at a pet shop yesterday. In the Philippines pet shops are always dimly lit dingy dungeons selling fish swimming in yellow water you can barely see through the scum covered glass or mice and gerbils in filthy cages or, in this case, unkempt dogs in uncomfortable cages.

How cruel to keep this dog in a cage where he can't even stand up properly! Bending over like that is going to give him spinal trouble. Not all the dogs in this shop are in this condition. Some of them have rather large cages. But they are all unkempt.  The shih tzus looked particularly nasty and in need of a good grooming. Across the street out in the rain there were several other cages crammed with dogs barking and howling. What a disgrace!

Here is a video of this poor chihuahua. He was spinning around in circles but stopped as soon as I hit record. Too bad because then you could have seen how hunched over and cramped he really is.


  1. Eveything needed to understand Filipinos is contained in this one very enlightening Wikipedia article.

    For anyone one who has ever spent an extended period in the Philippines (in my case 1978), this will immediately ring true.

    The vast majority of Filipinos clearly exhibit all of these Dark Triad traits.

    The kicker being that those diagnosed as Dark Triad are more prone to acts of animal cruelty.

    1. Anon,
      Google Pinoy Pride and see what Wiki says about that.
