Let's end 2018 by taking a look at some things that don't make a bit of sense.
SM always has the strangest deals. Buy four cans of San Mig Light and get a roll of paper towels free. Or is it buy a roll of paper towels and get four cans of San Mig Light free? How do these two items go together? Maybe you will spill your beer and need a paper towel to clean up. Maybe you can use the a paper towel as a beer coozie. Maybe they are just trying to get rid of stocks as fast as possible.
After a hard day at work in the sugar cane fields it's time to wash your clothes. But where to hang them? Why not in the bed? But are these the driver's clothes or the harvester's clothes? Where did they wash them? Since many drivers sleep in their trucks either in the cab or in a hammock under the bed perhaps it's not so strange to hang up the wash in the empty bed.
Nothing strange about an ATM right? Sure but look at the computer on the ground.
That is the brain of this ATM. Anyone can come along and unplug the machine if they so choose. But people aren't that malicious you say. So what? The point is the machine should be secure. How hard is it to have this ATM against the wall and the computer running it protected and out of sight?
Touching butts while taking a pee. Who designed this??
I looked down and there it was. The tooth. Where did it come from? How did it get there? The world will never know.
Well thank goodness the construction team is kind enough to warn us not to park here. We would not want debris falling on and destroying our vehicle. What are they building anyway?
NOTHING!!! There is literally no construction happening but this sign is warning of falling debris. Falling from where? The sky?? Ridiculous.