The God Culture is writing a book which will distill all their videos about the Philippines into one handy, portable source. Timothy Jay Schwab claims he has been working on this book for a few months now but it has yet to be published. However Tim is ready to go as soon as the book is finished. He has posted all the information on Google Books. The title is "The Search for King Solomon's Treasure: The Lost Isles of Gold & the Garden of Eden."
Tim has a cover and even two ISBN numbers registered for this book.
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You are about to embark on the most monumental journey of all archaeological discoveries. The mother load that would make the likes of Indiana Jones salivate. The true land of gold in all of history which leads to the location of the Garden of Eden and Land of Creation identifying the Rivers from Eden en route. Though founded in the Bible which is the origin of this saga, examine the history, archaeology, geography, science, linguistics, etc. which all converge to reveal what the world knew and somehow misplaced about a century ago. This is a mystery no longer and now, you will know the whereabouts of the lost isles of gold..."The most monumental journey of all archaeological discoveries?" Has Tim been doing archeological research in the Philippines since he moved here? Did he discover the Palace of the Queen of Sheba or any of Solomon's mines or any physical evidence proving beyond a shadow of a doubt that the Philippines is Ophir, Tarshish, Sheba, Seba, Havilah, and The Garden of Eden? Will there be pictures of The Garden of Eden which Tim claims lies beneath the Sulu Sea? Or will it just be more of the same fraudulent nonsense as is in his videos?
The publisher is listed as God Culture. What does that mean? Is The God Culture now a publishing company? The ISBN numbers lead nowhere.
Obviously it is impossible to do a book review because there is no book yet. What we can do is a book cover review. Believe it or not the cover reveals quite a lot.
It looks like Scotch tape font. The font shows a continuity between the book and the videos. Whatever is in the videos will be in the book. Perhaps a little tweaking and maybe even some new stuff. But I think overall the book will follow the video series quite faithfully.
The front cover is from a stock photo on Shutterstock.
The front cover is from a stock photo on Shutterstock.
Does Tim have an account with Shutterstock? Has he used other photos from Shutterstock in his videos? This photo aptly illustrates the title: Solomon's Treasure. However many books about Solomon and his gold have the word "mines" in the title.
Haggard's book is certainly the most famous of all the books about King Solomon's Mines. A real adventure story with Allan Quatermain set in Africa and not the Philippines. Why would Timothy choose the word "treasure" instead of "mines" or "gold" for the title of his book? His video series is titled "Solomon's Gold." And why isn't the word "king" in the same font size as "Solomon's Gold?" King should be right next to Solomon since that is his title and office. "The Search for King: Solomon's Treasure" does not sound right yet that is how the title reads. Maybe Tim will correct this major flub before the book goes to publication.
Leaning against the treasure chest is what appears to be a map. Or maybe it's an ancient book or two stone tablets. One page reads:
There are two blurbs on the cover.
The second blurb is:
His most recent video is all about how Philippine Independence Day, June 12th, 1898, is seven days after Pentecost according to the Hebrew calendar. That is despite him telling us elsewhere he does not even know the real calendar!! Tim makes a big deal of these dates but does he realize that the Philippine Independence movement was run and led by Masons?
Eventually the US Congress worked it all out and sent the payment but now the Philippines is stuck celebrating a lie every single year. The same lie Tim attempts to infuse with a spiritual meaning! Read my article "A Brief and True History of the Philippines' Road to Independence" to learn the true story of how the Philippines became independent.
Tim also lies about the Greeks sailing to the Philippines for gold and misinterprets maps and directions to Chryse which is the Golden Peninsula aka the Malay Peninsula. Tim does not even have a correct understanding of the Earth because he thinks it is flat and motionless! He does not even believe the universe exists.
Timothy Jay Schwab does not understand the nature of reality yet he wants us to believe he has restored history? What a joke! He does not understand history in the slightest.
He also fails to understand that all the prophecies in the Bible do indeed revolve around the salvation of God's people through Jesus Christ. Tim lacks a throughly Christocentric view of the scriptures. Jesus Christ is the subject of the Bible. He is the great theme of the entire book. As Jesus Himself said:
The forward to Tim's book is written by Dr. Grepor "Butch" Belgica.
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Haggard's book is certainly the most famous of all the books about King Solomon's Mines. A real adventure story with Allan Quatermain set in Africa and not the Philippines. Why would Timothy choose the word "treasure" instead of "mines" or "gold" for the title of his book? His video series is titled "Solomon's Gold." And why isn't the word "king" in the same font size as "Solomon's Gold?" King should be right next to Solomon since that is his title and office. "The Search for King: Solomon's Treasure" does not sound right yet that is how the title reads. Maybe Tim will correct this major flub before the book goes to publication.
Leaning against the treasure chest is what appears to be a map. Or maybe it's an ancient book or two stone tablets. One page reads:
land of adam & eve
garden of eden
rivers from eden
land of creation
no longer enigmasThe other page has a map of the Philippines. That's because he claims the Philippines is all the places listed on the opposite page. Enigma solved!
There are two blurbs on the cover.
"The monumental case for the Philippines no one can disprove.""No one can disprove?" Sure. Let's put this book in the hands of real archeologists, historians, linguists, and geologists and hear what they have to say. If the case is "monumental" I will except the evidence to be "monumental." Again I ask has Timothy been doing archeological research here in the Philippines to prove his case? Or will he be quoting the same materials and making the same faulty arguments as in his videos?
The second blurb is:
"History, geography, and prophecy restored."When was any of that lost? Tim just released a new video where he says:
6:50 Now over three years the extent of challenges to our finding Ophir consists of either attempting to debate with side notes that aren't even points within the case. Come on. Raising scriptures that don't even apply or misreading them. Ignoring the restoration of history which, by the way, leads to the restoration of prophecy. But, and we hear this every now and then, because it is not the single topic of salvation which this view dismisses almost all the rest of scripture. That's ignorance. Don't be one of those who ignores Isaiah and Malachi especially as Yahuah God warned his people perish for lack from knowledge. There is none of the Bible that we should not be studying and understanding. a true understanding of history leads to a true understanding of prophecy then by no means has Timothy restored prophecy because he has concocted a fake history of not just the Philippines but also the Kurds and Sub-Saharan Hamitic negroes who he claims are Semitic Israelites from the tribe of Judah! He claims that all three of those people groups are Israelites!
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A Kurd, Filipino, and American slave. Do these people look like the are from the same genetic group? |
His most recent video is all about how Philippine Independence Day, June 12th, 1898, is seven days after Pentecost according to the Hebrew calendar. That is despite him telling us elsewhere he does not even know the real calendar!! Tim makes a big deal of these dates but does he realize that the Philippine Independence movement was run and led by Masons?
It is quite interesting to note that despite the Masonic roots of the Philippine struggle for independence, the leaders were all Masons and the first constitutional program, written by Apollinaro Mabini, was dismissed as being too steeped in the principles of Freemasonry, they did not succeed while the revolutions in America and France, which were also led by Masons and steeped in the fraternal doctrines of Freemasonry, did succeed. Tim telling us that God honors the declaration of Philippine independence which is rooted in Freemasonry? His point is actually quite dumb and ignorant because as even he acknowledges Philippine independence did not come until 1946. Tim has zero understanding of how the Philippines became independent or why the date was moved from July 4 to June 12 in 1962. It was moved because President Macapagal got mad when the US Congress refused to send a payment of $73 million.
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Tim also lies about the Greeks sailing to the Philippines for gold and misinterprets maps and directions to Chryse which is the Golden Peninsula aka the Malay Peninsula. Tim does not even have a correct understanding of the Earth because he thinks it is flat and motionless! He does not even believe the universe exists.
30:30 Now the word universe is not even actually a Bible word or concept. Think about that. Yahuah is never referred to in scripture as the Lord of the universe.
He also fails to understand that all the prophecies in the Bible do indeed revolve around the salvation of God's people through Jesus Christ. Tim lacks a throughly Christocentric view of the scriptures. Jesus Christ is the subject of the Bible. He is the great theme of the entire book. As Jesus Himself said:
John 5:39 Search the scriptures; for in them ye think ye have eternal life: and they are they which testify of me.Such a view does not dismiss almost all of the Bible. Such a view is the teaching of Jesus Christ Himself.
The forward to Tim's book is written by Dr. Grepor "Butch" Belgica.
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He earned a Masters Degree in Divinity (1989) and his Doctorate in Ministry (1991) from Friends International Christian University, Merced, California, USA.Belgica's story is too long to reprint here. Basically when he was a young man he killed a guy, spent time in prison, found Jesus, and turned his life around. He was even Speaker of the House at one point! What concerns us here is his doctorate. Timothy refers to him as Dr. Belgica on the cover of his book but does he possess a bona fide Phd.? Did the man write a doctoral dissertation?
The first clue that he did not is that there is no mention of his BA. Everybody knows you get your bachelors, then your masters, then your doctorate. The second clue is that the school he got these degrees from is an unaccredited diploma mill.
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Appointed by President Rodrigo Duterte as Presidential Adviser for Religious Affairs under the Office of the President.Pretty interesting that Tim knows all these powerfully connected people isn't it? All he did was make some Youtube videos about a subject Filipinos have been researching for years. Pedro Paterno came on the scene 100 years ago saying the Philippines was Ophir and everyone has forgotten him. In fact he was ridiculed during his lifetime. But Tim, a foreigner, is lauded and fêted! And much of his information is lifted directly from Filipino bloggers.
Now for the one part of this cover that reveals so much. That is the author.
Timothy SchwabWhat!?? Here is what I wrote a few months ago:
What we don't know is who is on this alleged team of researchers. What are their qualifications? They say they will be publishing a book soon. Who will be the credited author? Tim? The God Culture? If it is "The God Culture" who will get authorial credit? Will Tim then introduce us to his team of researchers? The God Culture is a a research team then why is Tim getting all the credit? This lends further support to the notion that there is no team of researchers called The God Culture. It's only Tim and Anna. If there was ever a time to reveal the names and expertise of this supposed team it would be in this book. Tim is writing a book involving many scientific disciplines, claims he has a team of researchers familiar with those disciplines, and yet only Timothy Schwab gets authorial credit? It does not make any sense. Perhaps he will rectify all that before finally going to print.
I cannot wait for this book to be published. It looks like it will be big, glossy, and colorful with many pictures. It will be fun to see what exactly is inside. I predict Tim will use my own research which is the English translation of Dionysius Periegetes and the three sources cited to claim Philippine gold was found in 1st century Egypt. That would be Legeza, Peralta, and Villegas. Tim did not know about any of those resources until I used them in my rebuttals to him.
I will certainly be buying this book (if it is for sale) and I will certainly be reviewing it here. Let's hope it is published soon.
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