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https://newsinfo.inquirer.net/1549310/robin-padilla-says-ejk-part-of-crime-fighting-duterte-drug-war-most-successful |
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https://www.manilatimes.net/2022/05/09/opinion/columns/genuine-people-power-will-occur-today-at-the-polls/1842932 |
There you have it. Everything about the past 36 years has been based on a lie. EDSA was engineered by the US and the Communist Party. The real people power will be when the Marcos family is restored to the highest office in the land which is where they would have remained but for the Machiavellian machinations of Cory Aquino. But Tiglao is not done here.THE real, authentic expression of the people's will occurs today.
Unlike the bogus ones in 1986 and 2001 which were a Machiavellian mix of mobs and the threat of the use of force, this people power today will be expressed through secret ballots cast by at least 60 percent of voting citizens, who after more than a year of careful deliberation and relentless black propaganda by the Yellow elite, choose Ferdinand "Bongbong" Marcos Jr. as their president.
The 1986 "People Power" hardly represented Filipinos' voice. Even using the reports of the Yellow-controlled vote counter, the Namfrel (National Citizens' Movement for Free Elections), nearly half (47 percent) of Filipinos still wanted BBM's father as president. The official Comelec results showed him the winner with 54 percent of votes. The US cleverly engineered a massing of warm bodies in front of Camp Crame with the people mostly there not demanding to topple Marcos but as Cardinal Sin told them, to prevent the bloody take-out of the mutineers holed up there.
The Communist Party, on the other hand, called for a full mobilization of their forces at its favorite target since the late 1960s, Malacañang, and were set to ram the gates — to be slaughtered by the Presidential Security Group, headed by Gen. Fabian Ver's two sons. Whether fearful of his life or, as he would claim later, to prevent bloodshed, Marcos rightly chose to vacate Malacañang, to move to his home province of Ilocos Norte, and the US offered to airlift him. After Cory Aquino was told about this, she demanded for Marcos to be shanghaied to Hawaii.
C'mon, is that People Power?
Why do I say today will be the real People Power phenomenon? Most likely 64 percent to as high as 70 percent of Filipinos will vote BBM into power, based on polls and incorporating other factors not captured by polls, such as command votes for BBM (by the INC (Iglesia ni Cristo) among others) and bandwagon thinking among Filipinos.
This will be in total defiance of the elites who embrace the Yellow world view, the Church, American and international media, and the most powerful and most meddlesome nation on earth, the US — all of which for various, different reasons have thrown everything they can at BBM.
But the bigger question Filipinos must really ask themselves on May 9 is what kind of a nation sends someone like Bongbong Marcos to even higher public office? A morally bankrupt nation of naïve and gullible voters who have set themselves up for more lies and evasions of the truth, that’s what. People have been sold a bill of goods once before; will they continue to buy more of the same toxic, made-in-Batac fairy tales? Seen from across the Pacific, there is more blind loyalty, sheer bullheadedness and self-delusion. It doesn’t seem like a people who have learned and learned deeply from a bitter past.
Secondly, data from surveys explain why BBM will win by a majority. His win will mainly be because of the conjunction of two phenomena. The Yellows (now Finks) refuse to see these phenomena that they have resorted to cockamamie theories that the BBM camp has effectively spread lies in social media, or that the youth voters have no recollection of martial law. (That social media has become dominant in people's voting choices has absolutely no empirical basis at all. There is roughly the same percentage of pro-BBM voters in all age cohorts.)
Cockamamie theories!?
Is Rigoberto Tiglao really unaware that lies have been spread all over social media about the so-called Golden Age of Marcos? It is a undeniable fact that Marcos trashed the economy and plunged the nation into debt all while giving his cronies a piece of the pie and that he imprisoned and tortured thousands of people of which Tiglao was one. Yet the public has been told it was a Golden Age when much infrastructure was built and the nation was disciplined into shape by the loving whip of Marcos. The public is also told that Bongbong is a graduate of Oxford when in fact all he has is a special diploma. Bongbong is a bonafide liar! The entire public image presented by the Marcos family is a lie.
The votes for BBM thus mean the majority of Filipinos judging that martial law wasn't the "Dark Age" the Yellows, and especially Robredo, have been shrieking against. Such will be done after years of being bombarded by Finks' black propaganda against BBM and mythologizing Robredo to cartoonish and then religious levels.
The third big factor for BBM's lead is his personality itself, which many think make him an ideal president: articulate, knowledgeable, diplomatic and not quarrelsome, intelligent and experienced in government — qualities that Robredo definitely lacks. If BBM for instance was as arrogant as Isko Moreno, or as inarticulate in English as Manny Pacquiao, as vacuous and inexperienced as Robredo, it would have been a steep uphill climb to the presidency, even with the two political titans pushing him up.
There has never been in our history two viewpoints dominant among our people — that the Duterte and Marcos Sr. regimes were good for the country — that are the powerful engines for the victory of a presidential candidate. No amount of gimmicks — faking crowds in rallies, ridiculous imaging attempts, endorsements by celebrities and by whatever groups — can stop these engines.
This right here is Tiglao's main argument. It is the main argument of many who seek to rehabilitate the Marcos family. The facts of history depend not on what actually happened but on what the people THINK happened. Court records and eyewitness testimony be damned! Thus any figure from the past is liable to being reimaged in the public's mind given the right PR campaign. In the USA Thomas Jefferson and George Washington have been reduced from beloved Founding Fathers to abominable slave owners in the space of a few decades. Likewise in the Philippines the Marcos family has gone from shunned kleptocrats to mythologized and beloved saviors of this nation.
It cannot be doubted that the failures of living up to the promise of EDSA is to blame for a lot of that mythologizing. If Cory Aquino and her successors had come along and actually been up to the task of restructuring, reworking, and rebuilding the Philippines then we might not be here today seeing the son of the dictator being handed the reins of power by the very same people his father once oppressed.
But corruption is a given at every level of government in the Philippines. Cory was a housewife who won solely because she was the widow of Marcos' rival, Benigno Aquino Sr. She is the face of Philippine necropolitics which is all too prevalent in this nation because assassins routinely gun down political opponents and their spouses rise up to bear the mantle on their shoulders. She had no plans to run and no idea what to do when she decided to run but listened whole heartedly to her advisers as her VP Doy Laurel confessed.
One day, she told the Cardinal: "I will run. I have decided. My decision was made on December 8." It was the closing of the Marian Year. Cory was then on retreat at the Pink Sisters Convent. "I am sure to run. It is God's will," she repeated.
Our first meeting was at her house on Times Street on Saturday, November 23 at 5:00 p.m. I told her she should not run. "You are are Ninoy's widow. If you run, they will attack you and vilify NInoy. Your victory will be Ninoy's victory but your defeat will also be his defeat. You should not risk that. When you go up a boxing ring and put on gloves, they will hit you even if you are a lady. You should just be our symbol - above and beyond the fray. Let me do the fighting, let me take the blows for you," I said. But she did not answer. It was obvious that she was told just to listen by a hidden group of advisers.
But should she be blamed for not rectifying everything Ferdinand Marcos destroyed? Cory was literally working with NOTHING because Marcos had stripped the nation bare. Even her husband knew that the absence of Marcos would leave a vacuum.
MJ: So you believe that Marcos really is the key?
AQUINO: I've already said that. In 1973 I wrote him a memo. I wrote him a detailed memo on how to bring the country back on track. He picked up a few points in that memo: he lifted martial law as I suggested; he called for elections as I suggested. But he was very selective. He liked the points that dovetailed with his own ideas. But other matters, which could have completed the picture, he junked. Still., I've always held that Marcos is the key, and if he goes tomorrow, by George, the Philippines is going to have a hell of a time until someone else emerges from the scramble.
MJ: What if you were that person?
AQUINO: If you made me president of the Philippines today, my friend, in six months I would be smelling like horseshit. Because there's nothing I can do. I cannot provide employment. I cannot bring prices down. I cannot stop the criminality spawned by economic difficulties. I mean, let's face it. When people are hungry, you can bring down St. Peter and you won't get a stable government. So, this must be anchored collectively on the free world.
If Cory is to be blamed then even more so her advisers who knew how to manipulate her.
We can't judge the meaning or truth of EDSA based solely on the outcome. When the Philippines declared independence in 1898 and sent out delegations to foreign nations to have that independence recognized they were turned down. True independence did not come until 1946. But that does not stop Filipinos from celebrating Independence Day as June 12th, 1898. Likewise EDSA had noble intentions even if they were not fully realized. The solution is to carry out those promises, not to glorify or seek to return to a past which was objectively bad and has been documented so through every metric used to analyze the years Ferdinand Marcos Sr. was president.
During the next six years we are going to see people crowing about how EDSA was a lie and how Marcos was actually a savior because his son Bongbong won the presidency. We are going to see convicted felon Imelda Marcos strutting through the Palace reliving her salad days. We are going to see history rewritten even though it stands written firmly in the blood of those who lived through and died during the Marcos dictatorship as well as in court records convicting the Marcos family of financial crimes. This crowing will be based not on facts but on appeals to emotion. After all, if the people voted for Bongbong surely that means his father was not so bad after all. Right?
How ironic. The son of a corrupt father who stole a fortune from the Philippines the same money to convince Filipinos that he's not corrupt.