Conspiracies and Controversies: Philippines' Favorite Conspiracy Theories and Most Controversial Filipinos of the 20th Century is a book chock full of so much conspiratorial terminology and references that the casual reader might get lost in the verbiage. The prose can also be a bit rambling as the author rehashes obscure stories from arcane magazines which could very well be mere opinion. And how can one tell the difference between fact and fancy when access to those magazines is not so easy being that most of them are from the 80's, a time when digitization was not a common practice? |
Nevertheless many of the author's sources are available online and not so out of reach to the reader with a black belt in Google-fu. Erick San Juan is also the author of Marcos Legacy Revisited: Raiders of the Lost Gold. Let us not forget the editor of that book wrote:
How much of Erick's book is based on fact, and how much on conjecture, is difficult to say. What is easy to conclude is that if there is one single person who has looked at the gold from a wide range of angles and has accumulated wheel-barrow loads of documentation, that person is Erick.
p. xi
Alas, this volume gives the reader no such warning to heed but such caution is necessary.
The entire book can be summed up on pages 100-101.
After all has been said and done, our political and military leaders will come to the inevitable conclusion which many around the world before them have to realized, that "It is not ultimately ‘humanity’, but a frighteningly small conclave of political figures — some more or less ‘democratically elected’, some not — who wield the authority of life and death over the entire planet. Some of them are intelligent and responsible, but some are unimaginative, insensitive, even positively stupid. Some are manifestly incompetent. Some are arguably insane, to one or another degree. Yet it is they who, with a signature appended to a document, or even with a single spoken word, can send individuals into battle, can determine people’s nationalities, can dictate the circumstances in which one lives, can pronounce where one can go or cannot go, what one can do or cannot do. It is they who, for example, by drawing a line on a paper map, can conjure a ‘frontier’ into being, a barrier as restrictive and insurmountable as any physical wall...And it is they, not ‘humanity’, who, if there is indeed to be an apocalypse, will bring it about."
Frightening, isn't it. But look what they have done to our country and the rest of the world since the turbulent 1960s. We are headed toward a one-way Socialist "new world order." Only then will our distinguished RAM officers and their men fully realized that, just like the 1896 Revolution, the 1986 EDSA Revolt was not a spontaneous people power uprising, but a well-planned, foreign-hatched conspiracy which used Filipino stoolpigeons.
pgs. 100-101
Yes, indeed, the post-Vatican II Liberation-Theology-promoting-Catholic Church, Jewish Bankers, the Committee of 300, the World Council of Churches, the CIA, the Trilateral Commission, the Bilderberg Group, the Illuminati, the IMF, George Soros, and every other nefarious conspiratorial group is seeking to bring the Philippines under the boot heel of the New World Order. That quote above, by the way, is from The Messianic Legacy - Michael Baigent, Richard Leigh & Henry Lincoln which is the sequel to their debunked and discredited book Holy Blood, Holy Grail.
Here are two among many documents Erick San Juan cites to prove this conspiracy.
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Of course "The Jew" is behind all of the aforenamed groups.
Rapacity is a passion which has become the Jew's second nature and to which he instinctively lends obedience. The lust of gain is so strongly entrenched in his organism that it overrides every other feeling, every other passion. He knows no respect. If you sneer at him, he rages like a tiger. His only life in aim is gain. Hence, everything which does not have this object in view deserves no attention from him.
The Jew's unlimited rapacity puts him in an everlasting antagonism to the rest of mankind. This is why he wages war against all other men. This rage lead the Jew to believe that men exist only to cheat and devour one another. The maxim, "Dalawang klase lang ang tao sa mundo...isang manloloko at isang naloloko," which has become a favorite saying among Filipinos is of Jewish descent. In this rivalry between men, it is the Jew;s option that the most cunning and rapacious must, in the end, devour the others. For them, this is the supreme law of the jungle, which is now being widely used by the Neo-Malthusian globalists and free traders.
pg. 9
That saying Erick quotes translates as, "There are only two kinds of people in this world, the deceiver and the deceived." To this effect even Misuari has been deceived by the Jews and their front organizations.
Misuari's political moves - his use of propaganda- only show who his real employers are: the globalists, free traders and narcotic legalizers whose objective is to destroy nation-states.
pg. 10
Of course the Muslim Independence Movement was not about Independence. It's all about the Jews destabilizing the Philippines.
Here in the Philippines, the same "balkanization" process in unfolding before our eyes. It's the Christians and Moslems slaughtering each other, while their Jewish masters laugh.
pg. 6
Funny how Erick San Juan paints the globalists as being very bad for the Philippines and yet claims in the preface that he is not fighting them.
To prove that history does not just happen is my primary reason for writing this book. How can it be when conspiracy is one of its active ingredients?
I am not fighting the globalists nor any other organization. I just want the Filipinos to know what's really going onto that our leaders and compatriots would know what to do.
pg. vi
If his purpose is not to fight the globalists then why even bother? Perhaps he is a globalist? Perhaps he is engaging in what is known as "revelation of the method?" What are Filipinos to do? They don't run the government. They elect people to run the government and then those people do whatever they fancy. And make no mistake that the Philippines is firmly entrenched in the World Order even in the New World Order. One wonders what Erick would think about the Duterte administration kowtowing to the WHO as regards the pandemic or even The Hague ruling on the WPS. Most importantly what would he think about a President who was married to a Jew and whose half-Jewish daughter is currently the Vice President and poised to become the next President.
The second part of this book is about several controversial figures. These figures include Cory Aquino, Cardinal Sin, Imelda Marcos, Potenciano Illusario (the director of Maharlika who cast Dovie Beams), Ninoy Aquino, Ramos, and Erap.
The chapters on the Aquinos are the longest at 27 pages for Cory and 45 pages for Ninoy. Both are accused of heinous activities and conspiracies against the Philippines and Filipinos. Concerning Ninoy Erick San Juan writes:
Is it possible therefore to say that it was indeed Masonic teaching which molded Ninoy Aquino to what he was highly suspected of: a cold-blooded, ambitious politician who had no scruples about eliminating his rivals? History tells us to conclude affirmatively.
pg. 137
Erick San Juan then proceeds to give a litany of facts from a variety of sources to back up this claim. Many of these sources are not available online and would require lots of legwork at a university library to verify. The book "This is Ninoy" is one of his sources but it is only available on library shelves far out of my domain.
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But what about Sin and Bacani? Are they not to be blamed for the spiritual death of millions of Filipino Catholics whom they have "judaized?"
pg. 105
Why Erick employs the term "judaized" I have no idea because his truck is with post-Vactican II Liberation Theology of which he treats extensively throughout the book. There is nothing Jewish about Vatican II.
There is nothing critical written about Imelda. Erick relates two stories concerning her that are brushed off as being, "Ha, ha! That' so Imeldific!" The first one is about the time she was contemplating jumping bail and returning to the Philippines disguised as a nun and then hiding out at the INC's compound. The second is the well-known snub of the Beatles. As regards the latter he writes:
The thing is, during those days, one must never f__k around with the likes of Imelda Marcos, if knowingly, he does not have the backing of the Royal British Army.
pg. 123
How charming. The thing is this book is about the "Most Controversial Filipinos of the 20th Century" and Erick San Juan only gives Imelda Marcos a scant 7 pages! That is scandalous and shows where his biases lie. In fact there is no chapter devoted to Ferdinand Marcos who is by far the "Most Controversial Filipino of the 20th Century." Instead Marcos, Erap, and Ramos are depicted as victims of the globalists.
The bottom line is this book falls in the genre of speculative conspiracy and Erick San Juan fails to give any concrete proof for many of his claims. That makes many of its conclusions questionable. The Muslim Independence Movement was orchestrated by the Jews to destabilize the Philippines?? How ridiculous especially given the long history of the Moros vs the Spanish. It's not as if the Philippines has ever been stable anyway.
There are a lot of facts and data stuffed on every single page but as even Erick San Juan writes concerning Alfred McCoy and which is just as applicable to this book:
"He writes very well. He's an extremely seductive analyst because he can marshal data to support his claims," Robles insists.
Don't they all do? I mean the paid hacks.
The great American industrialist Henry Ford said: "history is bunk." Napoleon Bonaparte called it "a collection of lies statesmen hav agreed upon." For countless generations already, history is what happens in history books.
So far, a Catholic scholar was able to capture history's most fitting definition when he said, "Education rests on texts revised with every shift in public policy."
pg. 196
Perhaps if Erick San Juan wrote this book today he would no doubt add Ella Cruz's unwise dictum, "History is like tsismis."
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