Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Insurgency: Basically Neutralized

Armed Forces of the Philippines chief General Romeo Brawner Jr. says the number of guerrilla front have been reduced from 11 to 7.


The number of guerrilla fronts in the country has decreased to seven, Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) chief General Romeo Brawner Jr. said on Tuesday.

In an interview on Bagong Pilipinas Ngayon’s pres-SONA special, Brawner said there were 11 guerrilla fronts during the start of the administration of President Ferdinand “Bongbong” Marcos Jr. in 2022.

(Out of the 11 guerrilla fronts that we are still confronting since the start of the presidency of President Marcos, now there are only seven left.)

(So, we have dismantled four guerilla fronts and we are still conducting operations continuously.)

Brawner said many “high-value individuals” have been neutralized. Some of the armed rebels were killed in encounters while some have surrendered to authorities.

He said the government is offering a Comprehensive Local Integration Program in which former rebels may receive livelihood programs and other assistance.

President Marcos says the insurgency in Mindanao has been "basically neutralized."


President Marcos has lauded government forces in Mindanao for successfully minimizing the threat posed by the Abu Sayyaf Group (ASG) and other enemies of the state in the province.

Marcos said this during his visit to the headquarters of the 11th Infantry Division (ID) in Camp Teodulfo Bautista in Jolo, Sulu, on Friday, July 5.

In his speech, the President saluted the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) for their achievement but asked them to not be complacent as the mission to destroy the government’s nemesis is not yet over.

“I have to congratulate all of you who have worked to achieve this success, who have worked very hard and have made many sacrifices so that we can now say that the capabilities of the main threat, which is the ASG, have been severely reduced,” he said.

"Now, that does not mean that the mission is over. As you can imagine, there are still people coming in who might want to organize again, so we still have to watch," he added.

According to Marcos, he was briefed by the military command in Sulu on the very constant drop in the insurgents’ capabilities, manpower, and number of firearms they possess.

“The assessment is the threat is only from individual actors. They are no longer working as a unit," he said.

"They are … basically (neutralized)... We have dismantled their machinery for causing, for bringing terror,” he added.

Marcos said he was also informed about the diminishing threat posed by other terrorist groups, particularly those inspired by Al Qaeda or ISIS that used to enter the country before.

"We're no longer threatened as we used to,” he said.

"Basically neutralized" is not neutralized. It is interesting that Marcos says people are still coming to Mindanao to organize. 

Operations continue against the remaining NPA. The AFP urging those stragglers to surrender.


The Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) on Wednesday called on all remaining New People's Army (NPA) members to surrender peacefully and return to the fold of society.

This comes in the wake of last week's clash that resulted in the death of 10 communist rebels in Pantabangan, Nueva Ecija.

"We are urging you to surrender your weapons and walk towards the path of peace and progress. The government has programs that will allow you to reintegrate yourself to mainstream society and provide a better future for you and your families," AFP spokesperson Col. Francel Margareth Padilla said in a message to reporters.

Padilla was referring to programs such as the Local Peace Engagement (LPE) and the Enhanced Comprehensive Local Integration Program (E-CLIP).

The LPE is a collective effort of the security sector, local government units, and communities in conflict-affected areas to encourage NPA remnants to surrender, regain the human dignity stolen from them by the Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) and live peacefully with their families.

The E-CLIP offers a multifaceted transformation program for capacity building and sustainable livelihood, not only cash incentives.

"With unity, we can strengthen our defenses and protect our sovereignty. We need to help one another to ensure a peaceful and safe Philippines," she added.

Yes, the AFP is urging the remaining rebels surrender to unite with the military and defend the nation against China. 

The AFP has been saying the NPA is leaderless but they keep killing high-ranking NPA leaders.


A high-ranking New People's Army (NPA) leader was killed in an encounter with the military in Juban town, Sorsogon province on Tuesday morning, July 2.

The 9th Infantry Division (ID) identified the slain communist fighter as Arnel Estiller, alias Mando, Arnel, and Ariston, secretary of Sub-regional Committee 3 (SRC3), Bicol Regional Party Committee (BRPC).

Estiller died in a 30-minute gunfight with the 22nd Infantry Battalion in Barangay Biriran.

He was the father of Jose Marie Estiller, alias Maria and Bagi, the leader of Panlabang Yunit Gerilya-Sorsogon, who was arrested in Batangas recently.

Arnel is facing murder and frustrated murder charges. He was tagged in extortion activities and violence in Sorsogon.

“Estiller entered the movement in 1985 and eventually became the secretary of the communist group in Sorsogon,” the 9th ID said.

Estiller did not heed the call of authorities and his family to surrender because of his benefits as member of the communist movement, the 9th ID added.

The 9th ID said his death is a victory is not just for authorities but also for the people of Sorsogon and peace-loving Filipinos.

One high-ranking leader has been captured and the AFP is holding peace talks with his family to convince him to surrender. 


THE Philippine Army's 3rd Infantry (Spearhead) Division joined a Localized Peace Engagement (LPE) with the family of a captured rebel leader in a bid to encourage his surrender and promote peace in the region on July 1, 2024.

The LPE, initiated by the Local Government of Tapaz, Capiz, brought together family members of Ka Tonying, with representatives from the government and former rebels. 

Communist New People's Army (NPA) Terrorist (CNT) Ka Tonying, 56, a squad leader for the NPA's Madia-as Dos unit under the Komiteng Rehiyon-Panay (CF, KR-P), was captured in a joint military and police operation on June 25, 2024.

The LPE team comprised Tapaz Mayor Roberto O. Palomar, Department of Justice (DOJ) Prosecutor Lawyer Flosemer Chris I. Gonzales, 3ID officers, Capiz Police Provincial Office (CPPO) led by Police Colonel Jerome Afuyog, and former rebels. 

Ka Tonying's family members, including sons, daughters, brothers, and sisters, participated in the dialogue.

During the talks, Ka Tonying's family expressed their appreciation to the government, particularly Palomar, for past assistance they had received. 

They highlighted that two of Ka Tonying's children are employed by the Local Government Unit (LGU) of Tapaz.

"LGU Tapaz offered us help even before my father was caught, and we are thankful for that. We'll try our best to share what we learned today with our family and associates. We will encourage them to join the government's peace programs," Ka Tonying said.

Palomar assured the family of government support and emphasized the importance of communication in resolving the insurgency. 

"We are committed to helping you reintegrate into society. Encourage those still in the mountains to avail of the E-CLIP and Amnesty programs. We will help them return to their families and live peacefully," the Mayor said.

Major General Marion R. Sison, 3ID commander, commended Palomar's proactive approach to assisting former rebels and their families.

Sison praised the Mayor of Tapaz for his genuine efforts in ending local armed conflict, highlighting his role as a strong alligator in the pursuit of peace and development in Capiz and Western Visayas.

“I must admit, we cannot end this insurgency problem alone. We need the support of the LGU and, most importantly, the support of the whole of society. With every one of us on the peace table, sooner rather than later, we shall reap the fruits of our labor and realize the dreams of those who came before us. By then, we shall be able to declare the whole island of Panay stable internal peace and security," Sison concluded.

If the guy is already captured why does he need to surrender? Another NPA leader gave himself up. 


A wanted New People’s Army (NPA) leader surrendered to the police in Don Salvador Benedicto, Negros Occidental on July 1.

Police Capt. Ignacio Javier, deputy chief of the Don Salvador Benedicto Municipal Police Station, said that it took them years to negotiate the surrender of the 29-year-old communist rebel whose name was withheld for his security.

The surrenderer was a vice commanding officer of the dismantled North Negros Front (NNF) of the Komiteng Rehiyon-Negros, Cebu, Bohol, Siquijor (KR-NCBS) operating in Don Salvador Benedicto, Toboso, and Calatrava.

He was an NPA for 10 years before he decided to return to his family.

The rebel returnee turned over a homemade .357 revolver, five .357 rounds, four 40mm ammunition, and a two-meter detonating cord. 

He had been served warrants of arrest for various crimes he had committed while he was in the armed struggle.

Javier said that he was placed under their custody pending an assessment that would enable him to avail of assistance from government programs.

This guy is wanted for crimes but he might still be able to avail of E-CLIP benefits. How about throw him in prison for his crimes with no free money? 

How many more leaders are left in the "leaderless" NPA? 

Regular NPA fighters continue to surrender as well. 


Police said three communist rebels in the Cordillera region surrendered from June 30 to July 1.

The Police Regional Office-Cordillera said the surrenderers were members of the New People’s Army (NPA) in the Barrios.

One of them surrendered in Benguet.

The rebel returnee was a 44-year-old farmer and construction worker. He turned over one caliber .38 revolver with six bullets, a 2.5-meter detonation cord, three inert blasting caps, and two dynamite sticks.

Another surrendered in Baguio City. The 57-year-old laborer surrendered an Armscor caliber .45 handgun with five bullets and one grenade.

The third rebel returnee was a 38-year-old laborer from Mountain Province.

Their surrender was made possible by the series of negotiations facilitated by authorities.

They are now under the custody of operating units in charge of custodial debriefing and proper disposition.

Police said their voluntary return to mainstream society to embrace peace and freedom signifies their personal redemption and highlights the effectiveness of the National Task Force to End Local Communist Armed Conflict (NTF-ELCAC) program of the government.

No doubt they are guilty of various crimes perhaps even murder but the government will give them all the money they need. 

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