Wednesday, October 16, 2024

The God Culture: 100 Lies About the Philippines: Lie #27: Aparri is A Hebrew Word

Welcome back to 100 Lies The God Culture teaches about the Philippines. Today's lie concerns the town of Aparri in Cagayan Province. Timothy Jay Schwab claims it is an ancient Hebrew word. As we shall see that is a lie. 

In his video Tim says:

Ancient Entrance to Ophir / Aupir, Philippines. Solomon's Gold Series 6K

13:26 Yet another version says that the town's name comes from the locals, the Ibanag word Aparrian. Oh, that makes sense that looks like the same word and wait they live there. Hmm. That makes much better sense and it actually in meaning a place where there are many priests. Oh, you mean the the local tribe actually named their own land long before the Spanish? Duh. Who would think otherwise, really?  

Tim is getting his information about the etymology of Aparri solely from Wikipedia which states:

The origin of the name Aparri has been disputed. One version says that the town was named by Spanish conquistador Juan Pablo Carreron, who upon landing there in 1581, named the town after the colloquial word for supper in his hometown. Another version claims that the name comes from the Spanish word aparte, or "separate", referring to the town's separation from Camalaniugan and Buguey in 1680. Yet another version says that the town's name comes from the Ibanag word apparian, a place where there are many priests.

That information is as good as it goes but there is more to the story. The reference at the end of the paragraph is to a book titled "Cagayan and Her People" by Ed de Rivera Castillet.

As far as I can tell this book is not available online in full. However Google does allow one to search little snippets of the text. The following is what Castillet writes about the origin of the name Aparri. 

Cagayan Province and Her People

Cagayan Province and Her People

That is essentially the content of the Wikipedia article. But there is more to this story. Why were there priests in the area? Because a church was erected in 1604 and priests moved to the area to evangelize the natives. Aparri was officially made a town in 1680. 

It is believed that Aparri got its name when the civil and religious authorities in Nueva Segovia (now Lallo) decided in 1604 to erect a church there for the evangelization of the natives. The many priests who celebrated the first mass there remained to supervise the construction of the church and continued their evangelization work; subsequently, the natives referred to their place as “Aparrian,” an Ybanag word meaning “where priests resided.” On May 11, 1680, Aparri was officially inaugurated and was granted ecclesiastical recognition having for patron saint, Peter Thelmo.      

This is contrary to Tim's false assertion that Aparri was named as such long before the Spanish arrived. It also once again showcases his poor research as he has relied only on a Wikipedia article rather than search for original sources and get to the bottom of the matter. 

As for his Hebrew etymology of Aparri it makes no sense. According to him the word breaks down into "Apar" meaning dust of the earth and "ri" meaning moisture or watering. 

19:54 That's all appropriate to the land of Creation in the Garden of Eden indeed. The land where Adam was formed from "apar," dust, and "ri" the first watering. Wow!

What sense does "dust watering" make? Why would a town in Cagayan be named for the watering of the Garden of Eden when Tim teaches that the Garden of Eden is buried beneath the floor of the Sulu Sea? That is no where near Cagayan and does not make sense within his own false teachings. 

The fact is Aparri is not a Hebrew word. It is an Ibanag word. The Hebrew etymology is a total figment of Tim's imagination. It is simply another lie about the Philippines being taught by Timothy Jay Schwab of The God Culture.

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