Welcome back to 100 lies the God Culture teaches about the Philippines. Today's lie concerns Timothy Jay Schwab's claim that Jesus Christ prophecises about the Philippines in Matthew 12:42. That verse says the Queen of Sheba will rise up in the judgement. Tim teaches the Queen of Sheba refers to the Filipino people and they will be the ones rising up.
Tim explains this claim in his video "The Two Witnesses of Revelation Explained."
Two Witnesses of Revelation Explained. This Will Rock Your World. Ophir, Sheba, Tarshish |
1:13:04 In the next verse Messiah says the Queen of the South shall rise up in the judgment with this generation and shall condemn it for she came from the uttermost parts of the earth to hear the wisdom of Solomon. Who's that? The Queen of Sheba? And behold a greater than Solomon is here. Which Queen came from the uttermost parts of the earth to hear the wisdom of Solomon? Sheba, the Queen of Sheba.
Sheba is modern Philippines and we do prove that very overwhelmingly and it's also a Lost Tribes territory. Again, watch both series and you will find we prove that overwhelmingly and no, we do not expect nor do we wish for you to take our word for it. Go watch the evidence test and learn and specifically and we prove this out much further in Solomon's gold series. Cebu Philippines, still known as the Queen of the South to this day, which is also located in region 7 or Sheba, is that ancient land of the great Queen of Sheba who brought tons of gold to Solomon as a gift for the temple. If you haven't seen that most of your questions are answered in that series on that topic so check it out as we do prove it.
Ladies and gentlemen the two witnesses will come from Kurdistan, the Northern Kingdom Lost Tribes, the yahudim of Israel, and the ekklesia grafted Gentiles. It is the origin of the olive tree. Ancient Nineveh, Kurdistan, Messiah's prophecy says will rise up against the beast in the last days and the second witness is Ophir, Sheba the Garden of Eden, the Philippines all applicable. The Northern Kingdom Lost Tribes also went there. The yahudim, the ekklesia grafted Gentiles are also there and it is the origin of the gold used in the candlestick or menorah of the temple. The ancient Queen of Sheba, Queen of the South, prophecy for Messiah, says she or her people will rise up against the beast in the last days.
In this clip Tim claims Jesus prophesied both the Kurds and Filipinos are the Two Witnesses of Revelation who will rise up against the beast in the last days. A closer look reveals that is not what Jesus said.
The rising up of the Queen of Sheba and Nineveh will not be in the last days but IN THE JUDGEMENT. They will not be condemning the beast, the antichrist, or the New World Order but those who refused to repent and believe on Jesus Christ.
In his commentary Matthew Henry says:
https://biblehub.com/commentaries/matthew/12-42.htm |
The Ninevites would shame the Jews for not repenting; the queen of Sheba, for not believing in Christ. And we have no such cares to hinder us, we come not to Christ upon such uncertainties. This parable represents the case of the Jewish church and nation. It is also applicable to all those who hear the word of God, and are in part reformed, but not truly converted.
Tim's misinterpretation of Matthew 12:42 is crucial to his teaching concerning the Philippines and Filipinos. According to him they will not only rise up in the last days to battle the antichrist but also to reestablish the Mosaic law. In effect Tim teaches Filipinos will flee from Jesus Christ and return to the school master who leads to Jesus Christ. Once one understands the real interpretation of Mathew 12:42 they can brush aside this jumbled and disjointed exegesis as simply one more lie about the Philippines from Timothy Jay Schwab who is The God Culture.
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