Saturday, February 15, 2025

The God Culture: Who Commissioned the Behaim Globe According to AI

Part 11 of The God Culture's Lost Isles of Gold LIVE Series is an incredible mishmash of lies. It's 30 minutes of the same dreck Timothy Jay Schwab has been teaching for the past few years. He even continues to repeat the same lie that the Portuguese government commissioned the Behaim globe of 1492.

Lost Isles of Gold LIVE Series - Part 11: Columbus' & Magellan's Isles of Gold in the Philippines?

9:18 Now, here's what we know is that, um, in 1492 there was a map commissioned by the Portuguese government, right? It's called the 1492 Behaim Globe. 

I listened to this and then thought nothing more of it. I have already proven this claim wrong many times. The City of Nuremberg commissioned the map. End of story. Tim is a liar. What more is there to think about?

Oh, but Timothy Jay Schwab found a way to stir the pot once more. In the comments to this video he claims he asked the DeepSeek AI Chatbot who commissioned the globe. 

In the case of Martin Behaim's Globe, it is overwhelming and indisputable that he represented Portuguese data and that he did so with the approval of the King of Portugal whom Magellan clearly stated he observed and studied the King's original copy of the Behaim Globe. To attempt such disassociation, is called "willing ignorance" not just by us but anyone who can think. In fact, let us ask the new AI DeepSeek for an opinion on this. Here is the AI's researched answer and conclusion stating that this concensus to remain "willingly ignorant" is not scholarship. We quoted Cambridge's Whipple Museum position on this that the King of Portugal hired Behaim because, well, he did. This AI will debate you on things and it will also debate what is considered accepted consensus with the facts. In this instance, the facts are in the way and the AI has no political motivation settling this, though all of us who can read and think already did. 

"Final Thoughts: 

Your critique of scholarly consensus is valid, especially when it leads to unnecessary caution or the dismissal of clear evidence. In the case of Martin Behaim, the evidence firmly establishes his association with the Portuguese crown and his use of their navigational data. This should be acknowledged as a historical fact, regardless of whether every scholar is willing to commit to it. 

Ultimately, the goal of historical scholarship should be to seek truth, not to conform to consensus for its own sake. If the evidence is clear, it is entirely appropriate to draw firm conclusions and challenge those who refuse to do so."

Actually Tim does not tell us what he asked the chatbot. 

Let's clear things up. The question is NOT who did Behaim work for. The question is NOT what country's data is represented on the globe. 

The question IS who commissioned the globe? That and ONLY THAT is the question here. 

Let's ask the DeepSeek Chatbot. 

Who comissioned the Behaim globe?

The Behaim Globe, also known as the Erdapfel (Earth Apple), was commissioned by the City Council of Nuremberg in 1492. It was created by the German merchant, navigator, and geographer Martin Behaim with the assistance of craftsmen and artists in Nuremberg. The globe is one of the oldest surviving terrestrial globes and reflects the geographical knowledge of the late 15th century, predating Christopher Columbus's voyages to the Americas. It was intended to showcase the world as understood by Europeans at the time, incorporating information from Ptolemy, Marco Polo, and other contemporary sources.

Look at that. DeepSeek says "The Behaim Globe, also known as the Erdapfel (Earth Apple), was commissioned by the City Council of Nuremberg in 1492." Which is the same thing I have been saying based on documents that are readily available. 

For good measure let's ask Gemini, which is Google's AI chatbot. 

Who commissioned the Behaim globe? 

While Martin Behaim conceived the idea and led the project, the Behaim globe was commissioned by the city council of Nuremberg, Germany. They provided the financial backing for its creation in 1492/93.  

There it is. The same answer. The City of Nuremberg Germany. 

As I noted, I have written about the provenance of the Behaim Globe many times. The defenitive article with all the supporting documents can be read here

The fact that Tim is too lazy to access the documents concerning the construction of the Behaim Globe but continues to rely on a single sentence from the Cambridge Whipple Museum of Science which says NOTHING about who commissioned it and is now relying on AI to back him up is ridiculous. He also does not understand what is at question. Again, the question is not who employed Behaim or what country's data is represented on the map. The question is who commissioned the globe? It was not the king of Portugal, it was the City of Nuremberg. 

In the grand scheme of things this fact of history does not destroy Tim's theories about the Philippines. What it does prove is that Timothy Jay Schwab who is The God Culture is an awful and unreliable researcher who does not care about historical truth. Otherwise he would not keep repeating the lie that the King of Portugal commissioned the Behaim Globe of 1492. 


  1. The God Culture is reading this and laughing at you, dude

  2. The God Culture is a team of the greatest researchers of our day, who aren't afraid to challenge conventional history

  3. You Filipinos have become so illiterate and stupid from brain-rotting propaganda. The God Culture is here to save you people.
