Monday, September 27, 2021

The God Culture: Timothy Jay Schwab Says Jesus Christ Will Return in 2127

Has Timothy Jay Schwab of the God Culture not learned anything from the fiasco of Harold Camping or other men who would dare set a date of any kind for the return of Jesus Christ? No, he has not. 

For the past few weeks Tim has been giving his interpretation of the prophecies in in the book of 2nd Esdras. He has been delineating what certain symbols mean and which animal is which wicked empire or nation. It's all bunkum. 2nd Esdras is not scripture. It is a book written after the fall of the Jerusalem in 70 AD. Based on that book and the prophecies in Daniel, Tim has deduced a specific year for the return of Jesus Christ. It's 2127.

DANIEL'S 2300 DAYS. Count To The End? Part 2. Answers In 2nd Esdras 11

51:41 So, 2120 for the tribulation start and 2127 for Messiah's return. These are ballparks. We're not saying exacts, we're not saying it's exactly and we don't know. Look, this isn't trigonometry or calculus we could be off a decade, we could be off a year, we could be off certain months, we could be not considering something. We're not saying any of that, all right? This isn't an exact science. We don't care for it to be because we don't get to know the day or the hour. But here's what we do know. We know it's time to prepare. We know when the season is and we have about a century folks.

"Approximate only." LOL!! He even has the gall to write in the description of this video:

However, this is not intended to set a date nor are we prophets. This is research and it leads to an era we can know with certainty. It is time to know.

Despite all the precise and minute calculations Tim makes this video is not intended to set an exact date for the return of Jesus Christ. Yet, here we have an exact date of 2127. Oh, excuse me, an exact YEAR. Because, as Tim admits, "we don't get to know the day or hour." What's the difference between prognosticating dates and years when it comes to calculating the return of Jesus? Not much. The principle remains the same. 

Retired NASA engineer Edgar C. Whisenant thought the rapture would occur in 1988. What he had to say about predicting the return of Jesus Christ is rather similar to what Timothy says.

It is evident that in the minds of most Christians today, Matt. 24:36 is believed to prohibit anyone from being able to see the day of our Lord's return approaching. Matt. 24:36 states that “No one knows about that day or hour, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father.” In looking at this statement, you can easily see that it is impossible to know the exact day and hour of the Lord Jesus' return. 

If Jesus arrived at one particular instant of time, there are 24 times zones around the world, and each time zone has multitude of Christians in it. How are you going to identify that particular instant in each time zone on earth? Also, there are always two days existing on earth at the same time; only at the exact second that the earth passes through the international date line does only one day exist on all the earth. All other times, there are two days existing on earth at any one moment; one day is coming and the other day is going. So you can see the problem in trying to tell all the Christians covering the earth at any one instant of time the exact day or hour of our Lord's return. 

However, this does not preclude or prevent the faithful from knowing the year, the month, and the week of the Lord's return. 

Like Tim, Edgar Whisenant says we cannot "know the exact day and hour of the Lord Jesus' return." However, we can know the year. So. he gave 1988 for his prediction of when the rapture would occur. Likewise, Tim denies we can know the exact day but he thinks we can know the year so he gives 2127 as the date when Jesus returns. It's quite pointless for Tim to deny the exactitude of his forecast when he has spent almost 12 hours, really much more than that because all his videos tie into this calculation, scrupulously and in detail going over what he considers to be the prophetic timeline. What sense does it make to meticulously reconcile the calendars, do all the math, give a precise year, and then say "I don't know," "this is not exact," and "I don't care for it to be exact?" It is insulting to the intelligence of his audience to say he does not care if his "research" is exact.

It is also an extreme display of cowardice for Tim to give a precise year for the Second Coming and then backtrack by saying it's only approximate. Could it be his conscience working on him that causes him waffle so? Truly it has been said "conscience does make cowards of us all."  If Jesus Christ does not return in 2127 then all of Tim's work is for nothing. 

Every date setter, every year setter, every man who has looked into the scriptures to scry and calculate the time of Christ's return has been shown to be a fool. Funny that Tim sets the date 106 years into the future and says it "approximate only." What a wide window of deniability for him to say he didn't mean for his date setting to be accurate if it does not come to pass. He will be dead by then anyway and won't have to face any criticism or backlash.

Let me show you just how inept Tim is at making "approximate only" calculations. In the Gospel of Luke we are told that Jesus began His ministry at ABOUT the age of thirty. 

Luke 3:23 And Jesus himself began to be about thirty years of age, 

According to Tim's calculations Jesus was born in 9 BC which means he was 36 when he began to minister and 39 when he was crucified.

benyamin ben qohelet If he died in 31 ad and he was born in 10 BC that would make him 41 years old he died at thirty-three so you have a logical fallacy

The God Culture Third, you do not count the year 0 AD/BC in counting. It goes from 1 BC to 1 AD which we also cover so you obviously comment without really watching. So your number with the wrong starting year is 40 years not 41 and if you start from the actual year we prove, 9 BC not 10 BC, that makes him 39 at death and resurrection and 36 when he started his first year. That matches Luke's ballpark of "ABOUT 30" when He started His ministry. Luke never says He was 30 and would have known the age as He knew the birth year. So why does he use that ballpark? About 30 is the time Levitical priest enters the ministry and he is clearly making reference to this not giving an exact date as he does other times.

As ever, Tim's comments are entirely wrong. The age a Levite entered the priesthood was not ABOUT 30 but exactly at the age of 30.

Numbest 4:3 From thirty years old and upward even until fifty years old, all that enter into the host, to do the work in the tabernacle of the congregation.

30 From thirty years old and upward even unto fifty years old shalt thou number them, every one that entereth into the service, to do the work of the tabernacle of the congregation

39 From thirty years old and upward even unto fifty years old, every one that entereth into the service, for the work in the tabernacle of the congregation,

There is nothing in those verses concerting approximation. The scripture is clear that Levite priests served from 30 years old to 50 years old. Likewise 36 is not about 30. 36 is closer to 40. Does Tim not know about rounding up? Did he not take elementary math when he was in 1st grade??

Here's the general rule for rounding:

  • If the number you are rounding is followed by 5, 6, 7, 8, or 9, round the number up. Example: 38 rounded to the nearest ten is 40
  • If the number you are rounding is followed by 0, 1, 2, 3, or 4, round the number down. Example: 33 rounded to the nearest ten is 30

Not only does Timothy Jay Schwab kick against the pricks and defy the doctrines of the Holy Spirit inspired Church but he also defies the accepted conventions and rules of mathematics! A man who is 36 is not about 30 just like a man who is 16 is not about 10. The idea is absurd. His math is woefully wrong. But don't take my word for it.

If Jesus was around thirty years old in AD 27—29, and we know that His birth occurred before 4 BC, that would put His birth, at the earliest, around 6 BC—any earlier would make Him between 35 and 40 years old in Luke 3:23, at which point He could no longer be considered "about thirty." Despite the inability of scholars to pinpoint exact dates, it is reasonable from these facts to conclude that Jesus was born between 6 and 4 BC, during the last few years of the reign of Herod the Great.

Not only does Tim give an estimated year of the Second Coming but he also wants to produce a video giving a blow-by-blow timeframe of what happens afterwards!

RUTHANN JOHNSON How long will it take for Earth and heaven to be remade

The God Culture Good question. It appears the Trumpet sounds on the Feast of Trumpets, Judgment Day is about 10 days later and 5 days later believers are receiving their new bodies according to the Feast schedule. One could say the battle occurs with Messiah and his army vs. the world essentially for 10 days roughly and then, He judges and replenishes with eternal fire for 5 days essentially. That's just a quick answer but in time, we hope to produce a video on that. Yah Bless.

Gee, I can't wait for the video where Tim breaks down what happens on the day of judgement and afterwards day by day and hour by hour. All estimated and approximate of course.

In this article I will not be analyzing Tim's computations regarding 2nd Esdras or when Jesus was born. That is beyond the scope here and not the purpose. Besides, 2nd Esdras is not even scripture so it is not worth pouring over. He might as well be trying to decipher the quatrains of Nostradamus or a secret message on the back of a Lucky Charms cereal box with his magic decoder ring. His series on Revelation 12 is an altogether different matter since it involves both scripture and the Philippines. I already dismantled that nonsense in 3 articles starting here

What I want to point out is that Timothy Jay Schwab has now been officially enrolled on the list of disgraced end-times teachers whose prophecies, predictions, and research has not come to pass. This includes Harold Camping, David Koresh, Charles Manson, John Hagee, William Miller, Brother Stair, Hal Lindsey, Johnathan Cahn, Charles Russell, Joachim of Fiore, Montanus, Thomas Muntzer, and the Zwickau Prophets. None of those men came up with their predictions out of thin air. The fact is men have always thought the end is near and have always based this supposition on calculations derived from scripture. They had precedence from scripture for their prognostications. From Tim's own words he admits he fits in with the above crowd of false prophets.

The God Culture Can you imagine living during WW2's height in the middle of Japan or Germany or any of the areas being bombed heavily? It would appear the end was already near. men have always thought so but now we have precedence in scripture we can understand and we can know. Yah Bless. 

Of all the men listed above Tim is more like William Miller than any of them. That's because Miller, much like Tim, attempted to work out the true Biblical calendar and timeline. Based on his calculations Jesus was to return within the timeframe of 1843-1844.  Miller's prediction failed spectacularly and out of his movement was born the Seventh Day Adventist church which Tim apparently has nothing bad to say about despite Ellen G. White being a notorious false prophetess.

Another deleted comment from Tim's Youtube Channel

William Miller did not have the luxury of producing videos explaining his system but he did draw a detailed chart of his timeline.

Basing his calculations principally on Daniel 8:14: "Unto two thousand and three hundred days; then shall the sanctuary be cleansed", Miller assumed that the cleansing of the sanctuary represented the Earth's purification by fire at Christ's Second Coming. Then, using the interpretive principle of the "day-year principle", Miller (and others) interpreted a day in prophecy to read not as a 24-hour period, but rather as a calendar year. Further, Miller became convinced that the 2,300 day period started in 457 BC with the decree to rebuild Jerusalem by Artaxerxes I of Persia. Simple calculation then revealed that this period would end in 1843. Miller records, "I was thus brought... to the solemn conclusion, that in about twenty-five years from that time 1818 all the affairs of our present state would be wound up."

Although Miller was convinced of his calculations by 1818, he continued to study privately until 1823 to ensure the correctness of his interpretation. In September 1822, Miller formally stated his conclusions in a twenty-point document, including article 15: "I believe that the second coming of Jesus Christ is near, even at the door, even within twenty-one years,--on or before 1843." Miller did not, however, begin his public lecturing until the first Sunday in August 1831 in the town of Dresden.

In 1832 Miller submitted a series of sixteen articles to the Vermont Telegraph, a Baptist newspaper. The Telegraph published the first of these on May 15, and Miller writes of the public's response: "I began to be flooded with letters of inquiry respecting my views; and visitors flocked to converse with me on the subject." In 1834, unable to personally comply with many of the urgent requests for information and the invitations to travel and preach that he received, Miller published a synopsis of his teachings in a 64-page tract with the lengthy title: Evidence from Scripture and History of the Second Coming of Christ, about the Year 1844: Exhibited in a Course of Lectures.

That is Timothy Jay Schwab's EXACT METHODOLOGY. Miller published his views in articles, Tim publishes his views in videos. Miller engaged in public lectures, Tim toured the Philippines giving public lectures. Miller was flooded with inquiries from those who read his articles, Tim has 117,000 subscribers on Youtube and gets hundreds of comments on every video. Miller's teaching eventually went international, Tim's videos reach people in every country. Miller never set an exact date just a year, Tim says we cannot know the exact date but sets an exact year. There are many more similarities between William Miller and his movement, Millerism, and Timothy Jay Schwab and his movement, The God Culture, that cannot be enumerated here. The only substantial difference between William Miller and Timothy Jay Schwab in regards to their prophetical interpretation is that Tim begins Daniel's 2,300 days (years) not at the decree to rebuild the temple in 457 BC but when wicked priests allegedly defiled the temple in 165 BC.

DANIEL'S 2300 DAYS. Count To The End? Part 2. Answers In 2nd Esdras 11

There is not enough space here to do justice to Tim's timeline or his calculations which really span the length of all his videos. It is sufficient to note that everything he is doing is exactly the same as what William Miller did 177 years ago. Miller was wrong and undoubtedly Tim will be proven wrong too, though we shall never get to witness that failure since we will all be dead by 2127. Truly there is nothing new under the sun.

Despite all the "Biblical" material Tim has produced and continues to produce the man is simply ignorant of the Bible. In attempting to figure out the timeline of Christ's return Tim resorts to using the unscriptural Book of Enoch. Enoch says a generation is 100 years. 

HOW MUCH TIME IS LEFT? It's Time To Know. Answers In 2nd Esdras 9

This prompted one viewer to ask a question. In a now deleted comment one commenter asked if we should just ignore what Moses had to say about the length of a generation.

Brett Hamm  Quick question. Do we just ignore or throw out Psalm 90 verse 10 where Moses describes a generation as 70 to 80 years? Please explain. Thanks. 

The God Culture First Moses did not write Psalm so stop pretending you can even read and comprehend. Why would you ever throw out Moses or suggest to do so? How stupid. That is the language of a fool and clearly you cannot read because David, who wrote Psalm never says that Enoch's generation Is 70-80 years. That is incredibly illiterate. David says In his day people live 70-80, years. What does that have to do with a generation before the Flood? Don't come in here especially first comment with such uneducated illiterate ridicule or you will be muted. Learn how to think or you will look stupid as you do.

This guy asked a question and Tim, being the scurrilous pedagogue he is, shut him down calling him illiterate, uneducated, and stupid. Furthermore, Tim claimed that Moses didn't write Psalm 90. That is simply not true.

The fact is David did not write all the Psalms. Some are by Asaph, some are by Heman, others are by Ethan, some are anonymous, and Psalm 90 is by Moses. If Tim responds that David wrote Psalm 90 under the name of Moses then his whole scheme for accepting Jubilees as the work of Moses and 1st and 2nd Esdras as the work of Ezra falls to pieces. To paraphrase Tim, this is either a Psalm of Moses or it is a lie. 

Everything about Timothy Jay Schwab and The God Culture is laughable and worthy of ridicule. They don't know the scriptures, they ape false prophets from the past, and now there is this:
Sidonz Do you know where I can get a copy of the 2021 and 2022 calendar? Thanks for your thought provoking presentations.Blessings in Yahuah's Name.

The God Culture file:///Users/macbook/Downloads/Zadok%20Way%20Calendar%202021-2022%20(1).pdf Yah Bless.
A commenter asks where she can get a copy of a calendar. Tim, thinking he was posting a link, actually posted the file path from his MacBook!  This is not a fluke as he did it in a another comment here and on his Facebook page

Allow me to wrap this up with one final observation.

Preoccupation with attempting to figure out when Christ will return ignores the reality that Jesus Christ is here now and very present. He is with and in His Church and His people living in us and making his abode with us. It ignores the fact of Christ's own words that his Kingdom is not of this world. That it is spiritual and that his Church is this Kingdom on earth. It ignores that Christ lives and reigns in Heaven and is in control of all all things on earth. All the kingdoms of the earth are His. Attempting to figure out the day or year of Christ's return is a faithless and Christless endeavour. Note that waiting for His return and looking for His return are not the same as calculating when He shall return.

Closely aligned with predicting when Christ will return is millennialism. There is a reason chiliasm was condemned by the Church. It is because millennialism has always been and will always be the doctrine of heretics. It has long been the domain of heretics to look for a temporal 1,000 year reign of Jesus Christ in which there will be peace on earth when all the while Jesus Christ has been endued with power from on high and has been reigning since he ascended into Heaven. There is no end to His Kingdom which begins with the Church he built and which the gates of hell shall not prevail against.
Chiliastic views in antiquity were spread chiefly among heretics. The Second Ecumenical Council in 381 AD., condemning the heretic Apollinarius, condemned his teaching about the thousand-year Kingdom of Christ. To put a stop to further attempts at introducing this teaching, the Fathers of the Council inserted into the Creed the words about Christ: "His Kingdom shall have no end." In other words, when Christ's reign begins there will be no interruptions in His eternal Kingdom. In more recent times, chiliastic views were resurrected in some Protestant sects. As has been indicated, in this teaching there are proposed two future resurrections and two judgments: one for the righteous and later another for sinners; and there are two future comings of the Savior. There is a purely earthly reign of Christ with the righteous ones as a definite historical epoch. Formally, this teaching is based on an incorrect understanding of the expression first resurrection, while inwardly its cause is rooted in many contemporary sectarians' loss of faith in eternal life and in the blessedness of the righteous in Heaven, with whom they have no communion in prayer. Another cause is to be found in utopian dreams hidden behind religious ideas and inserted into the mysterious images of the book of Revelation.
Tim is such an heretic who looks for a literal and temporal 1,000 year reign of Jesus Christ on the earth.
Alana Bunch Timmothy, where is the second witness on the 1000 year rein? Thought this was symbolic OR already happened after the Messiah when here in the flesh?

The God Culture Think that thru... You can figure this out... Start with questions... How exactly were the Apostles being martyred a fit to the the 1,000-year reign? How is it that the Early Ekklesia was also being martyred still during the 1,000-year reign? Where does scripture say there will be murder during the 1,000-year reign? How can anyone think the Catholic Church came from the 1,000-year reign representing the opposite of scripture? How were there wars and conquests during the 1,000-year reign? Why is there sin during the supposed 1,000-year reign? Where did the Lost Tribes return during that 1,000-year reign? Where was the Beast just before that 1,000-year reign? If satan, has now been bound, why is the world mostly sin? Where is the Day of Judgment in that 1,000-year reign? Why is the world mostly sin again after that supposed 1,000-year reign? Why are men still dying after that supposed 1,000-year reign? Where exactly is the New Jerusalem come down from Heaven? Where is the Tree of Life we are supposed to be eating and why are you not eating from it? How did we miss all those incredibly massive events of epic proportion? Why did all the fish not die? Was the Bible wrong? Nothing in scripture fits that thinking. Now, do your research. Where is your second witness to any of this and why are you asking us to do your research for you which you clearly have not done? It's time to mature.
Tim does not see things are they really are spiritually but only as his eyes see temporally. I am not going to contradict him on every point in his comment. I would instead direct everyone to Book 20 of St. Augustine's City of God for a massive corrective of Tim's complete misunderstanding of the millennium.

If Timothy Jay Schwab of the The God Culture had nothing to do with the Philippines I would have ignored him long before now. It was obvious from the first article I wrote about him that he was a heretic. Because he has shown no remorse for his errors and has developed his system to such a height and continues to mislead so many people he deserves to go the same way the heresiarch Arius went.
As he approached the place called Constantine's Forum, where the column of porphyry is erected, a terror arising from the remorse of conscience seized Arius, and with the terror a violent relaxation of the bowels: he therefore enquired whether there was a convenient place near, and being directed to the back of Constantine's Forum, he hastened there. Soon after a faintness came over him, and together with the evacuations his bowels protruded, followed by a copious hemorrhage, and the descent of the smaller intestines: moreover portions of his spleen and liver were brought off in the effusion of blood, so that he almost immediately died.
But since his whole prophetic scheme and mission revolves around this nation and since the subject of this blog is the Philippines I cannot ignore him completely. 

Friday, September 24, 2021

Retards in the Government 225

It's your weekly compendium of foolishness and corruption in the Philippine government.

A policeman who was said to have been toying with his service firearm accidentally shot dead a delivery rider in Tondo, Manila Thursday evening. 

A report from the Raxabago Police Station of the Manila Police District identified the suspect as Cpl. Oliver Ferrer, assigned at Police Station 1 in Tondo, while the victim was identified as Jayson Capistrano. 

According to the report, the suspect went together with Cpl. Jerome Mingote to Barangay 183 to visit the barangay chairman on Thursday evening before the incident happened. 

“While PCpl Ferrer together with their other friend (were) waiting thereat and having conversation with the victim, PCpl Ferrer jokingly drew his firearm as stated by witness (PCpl Mingote) and, allegedly, it accidentally went off, hitting the victim,” the report read.

Another idiotic PNP officer kills someone because he treated his deadly weapon as a toy.

The police officer who reportedly performed an indecent act in front of a saleslady in Legazpi City, Albay, will be investigated and subjected to a psychological fitness check, Philippine National Police (PNP) chief Gen. Guillermo Eleazar assured the public on Friday.

Eleazar said he has directed the regional director of the Police Regional Office 5 (PRO-5) to probe the incident, after information about a police officer’s alleged  act inside a mall reached his office.

(I have learned of the incident involving a police officer in a mall in Legazpi City, wherein the entire police organization got dragged.)

(Whether a police officer or a civilian, no one in his right mind will do such things, hence I have ordered the Bicol regional police to investigate the incident and carry out appropriate actions, including necessary medical intervention for the police officer to address whatever it is he is going through.)

An unnamed cop committed an unnamed indecent act in public. Seems like he flashed his junk to a saleslady.

Judge Jaime Contreras of the Naga Regional Trial Court (RTC) Branch 25 in Camarines Sur, who was charged with rape, attempted rape, acts of lasciviousness as well as child abuse, exploitation and discrimination, has been dismissed for grave misconduct.

The Supreme Court (SC) said an administrative complaint was filed against Contreras before the Office of the Court of Administrator in 2014.

The SC said a warrant had since been issued, but Contreras evaded arrest, making him a “fugitive judge.”

“The court held that a judge who deliberately and continuously fails and refuses to comply with lawful orders or resolutions is guilty of grave misconduct. By becoming a fugitive from justice and evading arrest, Judge Contreras committed grave misconduct,” the SC said.

Based on the complaint, Contreras allegedly first molested his victim in 1994. The victim said the abuse became more frequent until 2004.

The high court said the judge was also guilty of dishonesty for failing to disclose in his personal data sheet that he was found to have committed simple misconduct by the Office of the Ombudsman when he applied as judge in 2016.

A judge has been accused of raping someone, a child it seems, for a decade. He is now dismissed and on the run from the law.

A police master sergeant was arrested in an entrapment operation after he allegedly tried to extort P300,000 from an arrested drug personality’s kin in exchange for “case-fixing” on Sunday in this city, police said. 

Police Lieutenant Colonel Andree Michelle Camhol-Abella, Cagayan Valley police information officer, said Police Master Sergeant Sherwin Gamit, 38, assigned at the warrant section of the Cauayan City police, was arrested for robbery-extortion and for illegal possession of firearms in front of the Our Lady of Pilar Catholic Church in Rizal Avenue, District 1 village at 10:52 a.m. 

The Philippine National Police-Regional Integrity Monitoring and Enforcement Team (RIMET), Isabela police intelligence unit, and the Cauayan police caught Gamit while receiving the P300,000 marked money from the female relative of a drug suspect. 

RIMET agents found out that Gamit allegedly tried to extort P300,000 in exchange for fixing the case of a suspect who was earlier arrested for alleged drug dealing. 

After the woman handed the cash to Gamit, police officers who were “discreetly positioned overlooking the transaction” immediately rushed up and arrested him.

Another cop arrested for extortion.

The Sandiganbayan has sentenced a former town treasurer to up to seven years in prison for malversation of public funds amounting to nearly half a million pesos.

In a 26-page decision dated Sept. 8, 2021 written by Associate Justice Maria Theresa Mendoza-Arcega and recently released online, the anti-graft court's Fifth Division found Reynalda Mariscal, former municipal treasurer of Calabanga, Camarines Sur, guilty beyond reasonable doubt of malversation and sentenced her from six to seven years.

She must also pay a fine of PHP401,334.86, the amount she was found liable for, and indemnify the government with the same amount, with an annual interest of six percent from the date of the decision and until it is fully paid.

“In malversation of public funds, previous demand is not necessary. Demand merely raises a prima facie presumption that missing funds have been put to personal use,” the court stated.

In 2001, a confidential office order was issued, directing state auditors to conduct a cash and account examination on Mariscal covering the period June 14, 2001 to Nov. 7, 2001.

At the end of the examination, a letter of demand was sent to Mariscal, informing of her total accountability amounting to PHP966,743.53.

Mariscal presented cash and items amounting to PHP565,408.67 or a shortage of PHP401,334.86.

She claimed in her affidavit that the shortage was given to certain municipal employees as cash advances.

The court, however, noted that Mariscal “has not shown any proof that the funds were actually extended to the municipal employees as cash advances”.

A former treasurer's sentence of 7 years of prison time for malversation of funds back in 2001 has been upheld.

Cebu City Administrator Floro Casas, Jr., is once again in the hot seat due to another procurement issue raised by residents here. 

The two private complainants, Nicaster Elim Lumacad and Andrew Jacalan Lumapguid, filed a case of grave misconduct against Casas before the Office of the Ombudsman due to the city government’s renting of 373 vans and jeepneys amounting to P48,902,000. 

The complainants claimed that the city government released P48.902 million from March 26, 2020, to September 3, 2020, to various renting establishments. 

The city paid these establishments P5,500 per day, which the complainants said was twice the rate the Lapu-Lapu Government has paid for the same procurements, which is only at P2,166.67 per day. 

Furthermore, the complainants said that during the time period when these vans were rented, there were already 71 buses deployed by other agencies for the free rides. 

They lamented that the city government could release such huge funds for rented vans but could not release the salaries of health workers on time.

City of Cebu accused of paying too much to rent vans.

Thursday, September 23, 2021

Coronavirus Lockdown: Avoid 3Cs, Outbreak Inside Convent, and More!

More news about how the COVID-19 pandemic in the Philippines is being handled by the public and the government.

Lockdowns are here to stay but this time they will be "granular" rather than city-wide.

After over a week of delay, the Philippine government finally decided to implement a shift in community quarantine status for Metro Manila to a new system, which was supposedly simpler, starting on Sept. 16.

Metro Manila has been placed on Alert Level 4 until Sept. 30 as part of the pilot run of the new system of lockdown, which officials called granular because it would not cover entire cities or entire regions.

In a radio interview on Sunday (Sept. 12), Department of the Interior and Local Government (DILG) spokesperson Jonathan Malaya said the pilot run for a localized lockdown system will not come with warnings.

“The smaller the granular lockdown imposed, the better for our countrymen. If possible, only one, two, or four houses [will be] covered. If there’s community transmission, only a street,” he said.

“But it will not come with a warning. You’ll find out only once imposed. The only one to know will be the city health office, which has the data,” said Malaya, adding that warnings could “defeat the purpose” of the government plan.

But Interior and Local Government Secretary Eduardo Año on Tuesday (Sept. 14) said there have been revisions in the new lockdown system.

Año said the local government or local officials have the authority to declare a localized lockdown. “So actually it’s up to them whether they will give a warning or not,” he said in Filipino in an interview with GMA’s Unang Hirit radio program.

Diño also urged the public to report violators.

“It is your obligation to report to the barangay so they can get the names and file cases [against the offenders],” he said speaking in Filipino.

“We are protecting lives here. [Violating quarantine rules] is worse than stealing something from someone because you are robbing peoples’ lives,” he added.

"You are robbing peoples' lives." The virus has an over 90% survival rate. If you get it you are not going to die. Locking people down all of a sudden without warning is going to totally disrupt those peoples' lives and cause much more chaos. It certainly won't save lives.

Surely everyone has heard of the Three R's, Reading, wRiting, and aRithmetic. They form the core of all education. Now comes the three C's to help stop the spread of COVID-19.

The Quezon City government on Wednesday reminded its residents and establishments to avoid the "three Cs" to control the spread of the coronavirus disease (Covid-19).

“All establishments must, to the greatest extent feasible, implement minimum health standards to avoid or mitigate the following “3 Cs”: Confined spaces with poor ventilation; crowded places with no physical distancing; and close-contact settings with face to face interaction,” according to the Sept. 14 memorandum released by Mayor Joy Belmonte and to take effect on Thursday.

The memorandum contains the guidelines to be observed during Alert Level 4 status until Sept. 30 and in the Special Concern Lockdown Areas in the city.

The city government may order, at any time, the closure of an establishment, even if they are listed under those that are allowed to operate if they violate the three Cs, Belmonte stressed.

She said establishments that are confined and enclosed must either ensure sufficient ventilation through open windows or maintain efficient air conditioning systems following applicable building and health standards.

To avoid being crowded, the city government said establishments should enforce the observance of two meters distance among all persons, or at least with a one-meter distance as the absolute minimum, when completely unavoidable.

Moreover, establishments are encouraged to implement a contactless transaction whenever feasible, by using online facilities, touchscreens, or placing cash in baskets instead of transferring payment, and documents among others through hand-to-hand.

It certainly is a Catchy Campaign but it probably won't save lives since the virus has an over 90% survival rate anyway. Speaking of catchy the writer of the song Pusong Bato died after he was turned away from 32 hospitals.

The singer-composer of the Original Pilipino Music hit song “Pusong Bato” died due to respiratory complications. 

Renee "Alon" dela Rosa died earlier today at the Novaliches District Hospital. He was 61. 

His wife Raquel Hernandez told ABS-CBN in an interview that they are still awaiting for the results of his COVID-19 test. She also said that her husband was rushed to at least 30 hospitals, but they were turned away because of overcapacity. 

Hospitals in the country are so full they can't accept any more patients it seems. They even have some patients waiting in tents. It's a real mess and just goes to show how ill-equipped and inept the healthcare system is in this country.

Last week there was a COVID-19 outbreak in an orphanage. This week there was an outbreak in a convent.

The Quezon City government is looking into the possible cause of the coronavirus disease 2019 (Covid-19) outbreak in a convent in the city after 114 persons have been infected.

A total of 64 nuns and 50 of their staff of lay partners, health aides, caregivers, a nurse, and drivers of the congregation of the Religious of the Virgin Mary (RVM) located in Cubao yielded positive swab test results.

Quezon City's Epidemiology and Disease Surveillance Unit (CESU) said Wednesday that 22 of those infected are asymptomatic, 86 experiencing mild symptoms, four are moderate, and two are severe and currently in the intensive care unit.

No one among the nuns have been vaccinated against Covid-19 after they canceled their vaccination schedule, the CESU said. The staff, however, have been fully vaccinated.

Interesting that 54 people got infected despite being vaccinated. It's as if the vaccine doesn't actually vaccinate you.

Also last week a school teacher told how he pasted the faces of his students on their chairs so he could interact with them despite all classes being online. This week another teacher says he has done the same thing but not with pictures of her students.

A senior high school teacher of Ciriaco L. Icamina Sr., National High School (CLISNHS) in Barangay Bulabud, Malinao, Aklan has used two anime characters to connect with her students.

Instead of the original photos of her 25 learners, Jocelyn P. Villanueva placed the popular anime images on the assigned seats for her learners' modules.

“I am thinking that our high school students are fond of games and animations so I tried to keep up with them since I am also a mother and at the same time their teacher-adviser,” said Villanueva, adviser of Grade 11-Section Lotus, said in an interview on Friday.

“I think they understood that I just used animation as an art inside the classroom. Although we cannot have a face- to- face conversation to explain it, but I think it has good effects because they got inspired to see their name in that animation,” she said.

However, she admitted that she was unfamiliar with the characters she used, not even their names.

Villanueva said she was told by a student that the characters she used were fan art anime characters.

She said she just found the drawings of female and male anime characters cute when she did her research.

It would have been a lot more awesome if this teacher had used actual anime characters, say Gohan for the boys and Bulma for the girls, instead of two random pictures she found on the internet.

People tired of all the lockdown nonsense held a rally this week. The PNP patted themselves on the back for "exercising tolerance."

Police personnel acted with maximum tolerance on protesters at the anti-COVID vaccine rally held at the Liwasang Bonifacio in Manila on Saturday.

Manila Police District Station 5 (MPD 5) acting chief Police Lt.Col. Elmer Oceo told Super Radyo dzBB on Sunday that the protest rally peacefully ended, and that his personnel reminded the militants to wear their mask always while staging their protest.

(Protesters had a candle-lighting event. We observed that when they speak at the rally they take off their face mask. To avoid creating tension, we just reminded them to wear the mask all the time during the gathering.)

An earlier report on dzBB said that members of militant group Gising Maharlika staged a protest rally on Saturday evening calling the government to end some of its mandated protocols against the spread of the coronavirus.

The group particularly called on the government to end its mask mandate, and the vaccination program against COVID-19.

According to the report, the militants also called on the Department of Health (DOH) to stop lying about the deaths that the anti-COVID vaccines have caused.

For his part PNP Chief Eleazar had a warning for these protestors.

Freedom of expression and public health should be tightly balanced in this time of the pandemic, Philippine National Police (PNP) chief Gen. Guillermo Eleazar on Sunday said as he warned some anti-vaccine individuals for defying the quarantine protocols by holding protest actions.

This, after members of the group Gising Maharlika recently held a protest action with most of them not wearing face masks at the Liwasang Bonifacio in Manila to oppose the vaccination program of the national government.

Eleazar said he respects the belief of some Filipinos who still say there is no Covid-19 “(but you should learn to respect the belief of majority of Filipinos, including those who have family members who died and become infected especially our healthcare workers on the frontline of this battle).”

“Holding protest actions to insist on what you believe in does not make it right. It is but plain and simple acts of defiance and irresponsibility because you are putting our personnel and other civilian population at risk of being infected,” he said.

He said the PNP will strictly monitor if there will be protest actions by anti-vaxxers that would violate the minimum public health standard.

(The police have shown maximum tolerance and respect for your beliefs when you staged a protest action without wearing protection. I warn you that you may not be tolerated if you repeat the insult to the beliefs of majority of our countrymen and your insult to public health policies),” Eleazar said.

What does it matter what someone believes? I thought we were al trusting the science. The science says that COVID-19 has an over 90% survival rate, that neither face masks not face shields prevent transmission, and that the vaccine does not actually vaccinate anyone as you can still get the virus after getting the shot. Those are facts and no amount of crippling lockdowns or senseless government polices will change that.

Where I live the city has been placing large red tarps that read "Quarantine" on the houses of those infected with COVID-19. Elsewhere the authorities are using yellow caution tape to alert the neighbors of the presence of the virus.

"Yellow-tagging" houses with COVID-19 cases in Pateros does not violate the law because it is voluntary, an official of the Department of the Interior and Local Government said.

Interior Undersecretary for Barangay Affairs Martin Diño made the statement amid concerns that placing yellow ribbons outside the homes of COVID patients in Pateros violates RA 11332 or the Mandatory Reporting of Notifiable Diseases and Health Events of Public Health Concern Act.

Section 9 of the said law prohibits the unauthorized disclosure of private and confidential information pertaining to a patient’s medical condition or treatment.

So that's the Mayor's answer, this is voluntary, so if, for example, what is really voluntary, I don't think it will be violated, because if, for example, you say 'Mayor', don't put it there, anyway. We are locked down, we are already on the lookout, so that was the Mayor's immediate answer there, ”Diño said in an ANC Rundown interview.

"So what the Mayor's opinion is, that's also my opinion," he said.

Pateros Mayor Miguel “Ike” Ponce said Monday that he ordered the tagging policy last week to ensure the monitoring of residents infected with coronavirus.

"You will be placed if you are willing. If you are not willing, we have no problem," he said.
They say its voluntary but some have not seen it that way which is why this issue has made it to the news.

Houses with infected people get tagged and now some lawmakers are looking to have vaccinated people tagged by forcing them to wear a lanyard with their vaccination card.

An official on Wednesday suggested requiring the public to carry their COVID-19 vaccination cards on lanyards whenever going outside their homes, as the Philippines continued to fight an uptick in coronavirus cases. 

Interior Undersecretary Martin Diño noted restrictions in Metro Manila that limit indoor restaurant dining to small groups of fully vaccinated individuals. 

(I will request the inter-agency task force to order these to all barangays in what I hope will be a sacrifice from all vaccinated Filipinos: If you are already vaccinated, once you go out your home, wear your vaccination card.)

He then showed his own vaccination card hanging from his neck on a lanyard. 

(How will you know someone is not vaccinated if they are not wearing their vaccination card? When you go outside the house, you will no longer be bothered by policemen or barangay officials who may ask you, 'Where is your vaccination card?' because it's already hanging on your chest.) 

It's amazing how totalitarianism is so easily justified by these morons. But they aren't morons. It's all part of the plan which is happening world wide.