Thursday, September 28, 2017

Bawal Umihi Dito 1

Bawal Umihi Dito!!!!!

That means: "Don't piss here."  Public urination is a problem here in the Philippines. Men, and also women but not as often, simply turn towards a wall or walk towards a bush and start pissing whenever they feel the urge to go.  What a public health nuisance.  It is impossible to take a picture of a smell so look a these photos and just imagine the horrid, overpowering stench of urine after it has been drying on the sidewalk in the sun.

Dried urine on the sidewalk
Gross!  It might not be so bad if these guys pissed in the dirt since the urine would be absorbed into the earth instead of just sitting there stinking up the area. Its not enough that there are literally packs of roaming stray dogs fouling up the roads and sidewalks but grown men are also acting like dogs and pissing wherever they please.

This will be the first of many posts dedicated to documenting this phenomena of public urination in the Philippines.

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