Thursday, September 14, 2017

Help! I Can't Breathe

It was 2 o'clock in the afternoon and I was just warming up to lift some weights when all of a sudden smoke hit my nostrils and breathing became difficult.  So I grabbed my camera and followed my nose until I found the source of the smoke.

My neighbour around the corner had been cutting the weeds across from his house and instead of tossing them over the brick wall and into an empty field he decided to stink up the air by burning them.  Smoke and ash in the air. And billowing right in my direction!

How nice of my neighbour to foul up the air. 

And how typically Filipino.  

There is not a that day goes by but every morning is ruined with the smell of smoke secretly pouring forth from somewhere. Heaven forbid you want to open the window and let in the cool fresh morning air. Burning leaves, burning coals, motorcycle exhaust. There is no fresh morning air here because fires and vehicle exhaust stink it up all day long.  

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