Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Scenes From the Hospital

At a recent visit to the hospital I saw some crazy stuff.  

The guy I was waiting on either had appendicitis or a UTI or just a cramp. The doctors weren't sure. So they ran a few tests.  Blood work and urinalysis. All this had to be prepaid in cash of course so we paid but they forgot to give us a urine cup when we paid so that messed everything up. He had already peed without collecting a sample. So we had to get a cup and wait.  Here is the cup:

Looks familiar doesn't it?

I asked the doctor why they did not provide a sterile urine cup sealed shut and he said that is just what the hospital provides. What an answer! Maybe the hospital and Shakey's both get their plastic cups from the same supplier. I did not ask him why we had to provide the cup and why it was not the nurses' responsibility to provide it instead.

The doctor asked how my friend felt and he said the pain had subsided. The doctor said that when the appendix bursts the pain will subside so that means his appendix has likely burst but they have to wait for the urinalysis results to be sure. I wonder where he got his medical degree.

I saw a bathroom with no toilet paper, no soap to wash your hands, and no paper towels to dry your wet hands.

Very sanitary.  Not even a bucket of water and a ladle. How many nurses and doctors and visitors are walking around the hospital spreading faecal matter and crotch germs?

I saw one of the Stations of the Cross.

Every Friday during Lent the Catholics parade around the city from station to station praying and singing very loudly. Do they do the same in the hospital? Do they have a procession of prayers and music so loud it could wake the dead?

Outside the hospital I saw a rotted wooden electric pole.

Why not just get rid of the wooden pole?  Why leave it attached to the concrete pole? The whole area smelled like urine because it also functions as a toilet. So after doing your business in the hospital toilet you walk out with your unwashed, filthy hands to catch a tricycle in an area that is basically a urinal. Disgusting.

I did not get a picture of the most interesting thing I saw. I hope you can imagine it well enough.

A cop truck pulled up, one of the cops jumped out, and with his machine gun dangling at his side, finger on the trigger, he waddled over to the information desk and, I think, he asked if the guard on duty and seen someone matching a description. I didn't hear the conversation but I'd imagine they were looking for a perp who had been shot and come to the hospital for help.

Really wish I'd been able to get a picture of that little scene.

And if you are wondering about my friend, well it seems he only had a cramp. 

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