Time for more Stuff The God Culture Says. Tim has made over 200 videos just talking and talking. Every time you listen to or watch a video it's exciting because he has you on the edge of your seat thinking, "What's this meshuggeneh gonna say next?" That's what this series is for: to tell you the crazy things he says next!
You know what philosophy is right? The word literally means "love of wisdom." There are two whole books about philosophy in the Bible, Proverbs and Ecclesiastes, as well as numerous references to wisdom and knowledge being gifts from God Himself throughout all of the other books. But Tim doesn't understand that. He thinks philosophy is evil and was taught to men by the Nephilim. He is especially against the philosophy of Descartes.
Descartes is not saying he creates himself and is a god. What he is doing is attempting to find certainty via a principle of doubt. How can he know anything? So he doubts everything. But in the process of doubting he finds that he is thinking. Only an existent being can think. Hence I think therefore I am. Now Descartes has a foundation on which to build, namely his thinking. That is the philosophy called rationalism.
One fan of The God Culture commented on Tim's absurd interpretation of Descartes and the following exchanged ensued.
You know what philosophy is right? The word literally means "love of wisdom." There are two whole books about philosophy in the Bible, Proverbs and Ecclesiastes, as well as numerous references to wisdom and knowledge being gifts from God Himself throughout all of the other books. But Tim doesn't understand that. He thinks philosophy is evil and was taught to men by the Nephilim. He is especially against the philosophy of Descartes.
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Colossians 2. What Did Paul Say? Not What We Are Told. |
But here he tells us: "Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy." Who does that? "And vain deceit." Who does that? "After the tradition of men." Who does that? Who is rebuked in scripture by Messiah Himself? The Pharisees do. "After the rudiments of the world and not after Yahusha, Christ." Who is doing this? Well many there's no doubt it's not just Pharisees, no. Its Sadducees, it's also pagans, it's Essenes, it's Gnostics they have lots of names for their different groups although it really is one attack on the Word. The Greeks with their Greek Philosophy indeed but there is little difference with them and Pharisee Philosophy really. In fact you'll find Pharisees within Greek Philosophy even. Certainly not with Kabbalah especially as they really share the same philosophy which is more obvious today than probably ever."What a moron," indeed. Tim's moronic and asinine intellectual habits are on full display in this imbecilic rant against philosophy. Who knew that metaphysics, ethics, and epistemology all originated with the Nephilim!? But Tim has no idea what those words mean anyway just as he has no idea what Descartes meant by his famous Cogito.
Philosophy originates in the likes of the Nephilim and Watcher fallen angels. It is really their doctrine and so is modern Judaism. Some of it sounds smart but it is pretty stupid to elevate oneself above Yahuah which it does often. For instance we've used this example before: "I think therefore I am." Ohhh! That's so profound! You mean you create you? I don't think so. What a moron. I mean anybody that would say something so ignorant is obviously just espousing the doctrine of Satan from the Garden of Eden. That's what that is. I create me. That's what that says. And who says that? Satan does! So no thank you.
Descartes is not saying he creates himself and is a god. What he is doing is attempting to find certainty via a principle of doubt. How can he know anything? So he doubts everything. But in the process of doubting he finds that he is thinking. Only an existent being can think. Hence I think therefore I am. Now Descartes has a foundation on which to build, namely his thinking. That is the philosophy called rationalism.
But immediately upon this I observed that, whilst I thus wished to think that all was false, it was absolutely necessary that I, who thus thought, should be something; And as I observed that this truth, I think, therefore I am, was so certain and of such evidence that no ground of doubt, however extravagant, could be alleged by the Sceptics capable of shaking it, I concluded that I might, without scruple, accept it as the first principle of the philosophy of which I was in search.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cogito,_ergo_sumWhat Tim has done here is latched onto, "I am," and conflated it with the tetragrammaton of Exodus 3:14. Of all the controversy Descartes' philosophy caused during his day no one ever accused him of making himself a god. It took Tim 300 years later to make this truly and massively ignorant assessment. If Tim's "wife" asks what he is doing and he says, "I am making another heretical and blatantly false video about the history of the Philippines," does that mean he is declaring himself to be a god? According to Tim's logic it does because he said, "I am."
One fan of The God Culture commented on Tim's absurd interpretation of Descartes and the following exchanged ensued.
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m6UQu5ajLsc&lc=UgzbmjfyL9wKImp1ST94AaABAg |
Gilvids: ”I think therefore i am" quote has to do with conciousness and idealism. In other words reality exist through conciousness. Because what actually exists outside of conciousness if no one is concious to observe it. Thats why "i think therefore i am" means i am concious therefore i am real. It doesnt disprove God or anything satanic, its just another perspective of looking at the world. In fact the theory points to a omnipotent being.
The God Culture: It’s vain philosophy and you just attempted to reform this yet saying the same thing. Consciousness has much to do with Yahuah. We are not conscious without His spirit. We are not conscious if He did not create not only mankind but a planet in which we can survive, perfectly balanced. You are not thinking this thru but stuck in the weeds in Jesuit semantics often applied in occult thinking not Bible. For anyone to say "I think, therefore, I am" is most certainly to say I create me or I create my own consciousness which are the same thing essentially which is exactly what satan was speaking of in the Garden of Eden. If you create your own consciousness, you are a god. You are not a god nor can you in any sense create your own consciousness. This ignorant so-called theory is against scripture period. Yah Bless.
Gilvids: @The God Culture there is no such thing as "most certainly" in an interpretation. Its like an opinion, we all have one. Again i said, one interpretation of "i think therefore i am" is i am aware that im aware therefore i must be real (in its simplest form). It doesnt mean "youre creating your conciousness" at all. The person is merely observing its own existence. There are many angles one can look at this idea. For example everything in the universe is the product of a dietys conciousness and human conciousness is merely a part of it (which sort of ties into your point of "we are not concious without his spirits"). Not everyone comes into a belief from the inside out meaning they were born and raised into a belief that formed their world view. Some people started from the outside and came into a belief after it made an impact on them. Like CS Lewis, Ravi Zacharias for example.
Gilvids is closer to the truth than Tim will ever be in this regard.
If you thought Timothy Schwab was a White man you better think again. Tim claims he's part Native American. "A good portion" of his bloodline is Native American Indian in fact!
Even another channel responded to our last video with no actual facts to refute anything we said by they way, and let's note that, because they cannot, but offering racism calling us Japhethite White Boys! Or at least me I reckon you know, "Mr. Culture." Of course let's forget that a good portion of my bloodline is actually Native American Indian who by the way have been far more decimated in history that even Ophirians and certainly more than Africans who were taken into slavery. My people were just plain killed! So don't tell me about your racist crap. Thank you. And that's from Mr. Culture.
Colossians 1. What Did Paul Say? Not What We Are Told.Which tribe? The Mohonk tribe? Is Tim or anyone in his family on the register of a federally recognized tribe? Just look at this guy. Doesn't he look like a Native American Indian with his white skin and caucasoid features?
"A good portion of my bloodline" is how much exactly? More than 50%? Does the man in the above picture look like "a good portion" of his bloodline is Native American Indian? He probably has as much red native blood coursing through his veins as pasty-white socialist shrew Elizabeth Warren.
Lest you have forgotten "Ophirians" is his term for Filipinos because, according to his false history, the Philippines is Ophir. He also mentions negroes who were sold into slavery and that is because, again according to his false history, Hamitic sub-Saharan African negroes are Israelites along with Filipinos. Tim is saying that he belongs to a people group that has been more oppressed than the Filipinos and negroes! Imagine the gall of this white man saying, "My people were just plain killed," in an attempt to outdo negroes in the racial grievances department and shed his White identity! Talk about playing the race card. He takes offense at being called a White Boy and pulls out the Native American trump card thereby absolving him from the sin of being White. "See everybody I'm not white at all and in fact I belong to a dark skinned people group that has been more oppressed than you!" Touché, Mr. Culture.
Lest you have forgotten "Ophirians" is his term for Filipinos because, according to his false history, the Philippines is Ophir. He also mentions negroes who were sold into slavery and that is because, again according to his false history, Hamitic sub-Saharan African negroes are Israelites along with Filipinos. Tim is saying that he belongs to a people group that has been more oppressed than the Filipinos and negroes! Imagine the gall of this white man saying, "My people were just plain killed," in an attempt to outdo negroes in the racial grievances department and shed his White identity! Talk about playing the race card. He takes offense at being called a White Boy and pulls out the Native American trump card thereby absolving him from the sin of being White. "See everybody I'm not white at all and in fact I belong to a dark skinned people group that has been more oppressed than you!" Touché, Mr. Culture.
Timothy really does believe Google is persecuting The God Culture. Censoring them in fact!
The God Culture: Are you kidding YouTube?!!! We uploaded this video almost 1 hour ago to 85,000 subscribers and you are caught censoring this channel. 200 views in the first hour from 85,000 subscribers? Are you on crack YouTube? You thought we wouldn't catch you? We did not post anywhere else or send our eblast but just relied on you to do your job and follow your own guidelines. YouTube is guilty of religious discrimination and censorship. You better stop this now. How dare you!
The God Culture: Is YouTube and Google Philippines censoring our channel? Are you here to help Filipinos or tear them down? Are you good or evil? Will you do the right thing or make up your own law? Hope you aren't too comfortable in the Philippines Google Philippines to think that this society will allow this. It will not.
Is Timothy so self-absorbed that he does not realize that other people are having this same problem? Even people with millions of subscribers??
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https://reclaimthenet.org/logan-paul-youtube-no-notifications/ |
Logan Paul, the YouTuber with more than 20 million followers, has lashed out against the large online video platform, stating that working on the site is like “walking on eggshells” because of the difficulties that content creators face.
Despite being one of the most influential YouTubers with varied content that includes the publication of multiple videos throughout the week, his audience has allegedly been struggling to get alerted to his most recent videos.
Logan Paul’s case is definitely not an isolated problem.
Many YouTubers have complained about YouTube not sending out notifications.
One of the Twitter users that reported the problem also shared a screenshot where he suggests that several YouTubers do not appear in his feed.
According to Polygon even Pewdiepie, the biggest Youtuber wth over 100 million subscribers, is having the same issue. Is Google trying to censor or persecute Pewdiepie?
This is all ridiculous and part of Tim's martyr complex.
This is all ridiculous and part of Tim's martyr complex.
The martyr complex is fundamental to the nature of schismatic groups like The God Culture, the Mormons, JWs, the Protestant Reformed Church, and the like. These small groups always pit themselves against the world. In a time of ignorance their group has been given the light of revelation and now stands all alone on the side of truth while the rest of the world has been hoodwinked by Satan. They are the remnant. They are the true Church.
24:06 The world will hate you and I if you are serving Him. He said so. If the world does not hate you may want to do some soul searching. Are you really serving Him?
Sabbath Series: Part 3C. Did Messiah Break the Sabbath?
In Tim's view the mean, evil Google is purposefully targeting The God Culture because they bring a new and fresh revelation from God Himself. Google does not want anyone to hear that message. But that is not what's happening here. What is happening is that many people are having this same problem. Here is a two year old Reddit thread about the problem. If Google really wanted to shut down The God Culture they would do it. Ask Stefan Molyneux.
Did you know the 1994 animated film The Lion King is actually about the Babylonian lion god named Nergal?
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Psalm 83 War: Pharisees and Assyrians. Lost Tribes 8C |
Nergal is the Lion Man or really the Lion King. Yes if you saw that cartoon you are not watching a harmless account of an animated lion with human features which would be called a Nephilim hybrid and uh not at all but you are watching this guy really. It's his story. He is the hero. Same title as the Nephilim really The Mighty Men of Renown. He's the god of battle.
Silly me, all this time I thought Disney's The Lion King was a rip-off of Shakespeare's Hamlet (a prince is visited by the ghost of his dead father, the king, who was killed by a jealous uncle to steal the crown and now he must prove this to all).
They don't even look remotely similar. Tim claims Simba has human features and is a Nephilim hybrid but that is clearly not the case. Simba is a lion with hardly any anthropomorphic features except for his facial expressions. He certainly does not use his paws like hands to wield an axe nor does he walk on two feet. A better comparison to Nergal would be Lion-O.
Now that's more like it. Lion-O is definitely more of a "god of battle" than Simba. Thunder, Thunder, Thunder, Thundercats...HOOOOOOOOO!!!!
Tim doesn't know a thing about philosophy and it appears he doesn't have a clue about 80's cartoons either. Oh well. Hakuna Matata.
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https://www.oprahmag.com/entertainment/tv-movies/a28376309/the-lion-king-hamlet-comparison/ |
In a 2011 interview with Blu-Ray.com, Minkoff said the film, which went into development six years before its release, was initially "thought of as a Bambi in Africa." He said the filmmakers believed that "because The Lion King was considered an original story, there was always the need to anchor it to something familiar. "
While it does share a crucial plot point or two with the 1942 tearjerker (the pivotal sudden death of a parent, for one), unintended parallels to another story emerged during a roundtable meeting.
"When we first pitched the revised outline of the movie to Michael Eisner, Jeffrey Katzenberg, Peter Schneider and Tom Schumacher, someone in the room announced that its themes and relationships were similar to Hamlet," Minkoff said. "Everyone responded favorably to the idea that we were doing something Shakespearean, so we continued to look for ways to model our film on that all-time classic."
"I'd be happy if we had even unconsciously channeled the old Bard!" added Allers.and a Japanese anime called Kimba The White Lion.
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https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kimba_the_White_Lion#The_Lion_King_controversy |
Matthew Broderick has said that when he was hired as the voice of adult Simba in The Lion King, he presumed the project was related to Kimba the White Lion. He explained that he "thought he meant Kimba, who was a white lion in a cartoon when I was a little kid, so I kept telling everybody I was going to play Kimba. I didn't really know anything about it, but I didn't really care." Animators Tom Sito and Mark Kausler, who both have story credits, have admitted to watching Kimba, and assumed many of their colleagues had too, especially if they grew up in the 1960s.Who knew that the original anime was not just going to be plagiarized but radically altered to represent the life and times of the Babylonian god Nergal? Or maybe the original anime was based on him?
They don't even look remotely similar. Tim claims Simba has human features and is a Nephilim hybrid but that is clearly not the case. Simba is a lion with hardly any anthropomorphic features except for his facial expressions. He certainly does not use his paws like hands to wield an axe nor does he walk on two feet. A better comparison to Nergal would be Lion-O.
Now that's more like it. Lion-O is definitely more of a "god of battle" than Simba. Thunder, Thunder, Thunder, Thundercats...HOOOOOOOOO!!!!
Tim doesn't know a thing about philosophy and it appears he doesn't have a clue about 80's cartoons either. Oh well. Hakuna Matata.
“One who is well-versed in ignorance knows much of nothing.” Timothy said that. Only in Scrabble does the word Duh have value. Yet, this blog can be translated very quickly by those who are truly educated as duh, duh, duh, duh, duh. We have stopped reviewing and responding to this irresponsible propaganda fraud blog which hates the Philippines and has proven they are willing to break the law numerous times in cyber libel, fraud, abuse, harassment even on a personal level, copyright infringement, and the list goes on as he has no respect for history nor the Bible nor you and he hates the Philippines thus the half-witted title from a brainless loser. Read at your own risk because this inane, insignificant impertinent deadbeat peddles dangerously lined disinformation and fake news not anything resembling truth on any level. When he is proven a liar and a fraud, he doubles down in his absurd universe of infinite asininity. One only needs read his titles which he doesn’t even support by his own admission to observe this pattern of dementia. Even when he attempted to discuss history which he knows very little, he resorted to outright lies and fraud to attempt a position he did not even hold in the end yet pretends he disproved something he did not nor can he which is why he results in ridiculous attacks of a fool. He has no credibility nor credentials by which to pass himself as a theologian which he is illiterate nor an historian which he remains inept nor science which he foolishly believes the entire earth was drowned in 22’ of water. What a fool but he sticks to and doubles down on complete nonsense as he is incapable of rational thought nor even reading comprehension as he has proven a profound disability in such. Though he has tried for over a year now and still has the gall to write blogs without having reviewed the case as an utter fool in ignorance, he cannot disprove that the Philippines is Ophir nor has he put the slightest dent in our comprehensive case which he has not even reviewed. The epitome of ignorance indeed and yet he continues blah, blah, blah in blindness, crudeness and illiteracy. He asks as if ridicule is disproof and that is insane babble. This batty loser is one of the worst parts of society and we should all rise up against such lunatic behavior as no sane person would blog about a position they never reviewed. One cannot be more stupid than to write about conclusions on topics in which they have never reviewed yet this blog has admitted such ignorance routinely. This is a criminal and he has been reported to the authorities who are after him already. He lied to Google committing perjury with at least 3 different fictitious addresses and likely his name is fraud as well as is this entire blog. He will not hide for long and he will be dealt with. In the meantime, if you are reading this fraudulent trash, discern for yourself. If you have not watched our videos, we source our slides and lay out our positions in a very deep method. This attempt to reduce us to the level of this piece of trash has failed and will continue to. We encourage you to do your research and when you find how fraudulent this fool is, report him and do not allow him to continue such stupidity and ignorance. We are done acknowledging him beyond letting you know what you are dealing with here. This guy has serious mental issues and we must all pray for him and hopefully he will be institutionalized in time which is where such psychos belong. Enjoy this psyop if you wish, but this kind of pronounced idiocy and mental retardation should not be encouraged from this fool nor his partner channel of communist propaganda.