The God Culture is allegedly a group of researchers who have done little to no research outside of surfing the internet and are most definitely not ministers even though they run a teaching ministry. They are in no way affiliated with anyone whatsoever, no siree Bob! Which means they are not even affiliated with The God Culture which is a group of researchers not affiliated with anyone whatsoever, no siree Bob! They are all alone in this cold and absurd universe, which they claim does not exist anyway, detached from all humanity. Maybe it's because he is not grounded in reality which is why Timothy Jay Schwab says so much stupid stuff about the Philippines, Filipinos, and the Bible.
Let's start with a real zinger. According to Timothy Schwab and The God Culture the universe does not exist!
30:30 Now the word universe is not even actually a Bible word or concept. Think about that. Yahuah is never referred to in scripture as the Lord of the universe.
The context here is Tim is talking about the God of the Jews whom they claim is the God of the universe. Tim says this is the Ein Sof and goes on to give an erroneous and ridiculous interpretation of the word and concept claiming that it is a hybrid of Hebrew (Ein meaning eye) and Greek (Sof meaning wisdom). He does not elaborate on what he means by there is no concept in scripture of the universe. It simply means the totality of all which exists.
universe (n.)
1580s, "the whole world, cosmos, the totality of existing things," from Old French univers (12c.), from Latin universum "all things, everybody, all people, the whole world," noun use of neuter of adjective universus "all together, all in one, whole, entire, relating to all," literally "turned into one," from unus"one" (from PIE root *oi-no- "one, unique") + versus, past participle of vertere "to turn, turn back, be turned; convert, transform, translate; be changed" (from PIE root *wer- (2) "to turn, bend").
How could anyone deny the existence of the universe? To deny it's existence is to admit it's existence because you could not not deny the existence of anything unless you exist and to exist is to be part of the totality of all existing things which is the universe! It is madness!
The concept of the universe is clearly a Bible concept.
The concept of the universe is clearly a Bible concept.
Acts 17:24 God that made the world and all things therein, seeing that he is Lord of heaven and earth, dwelleth not in temples made with hands;Tim says Ein Sof is Kabbalah and he goes on to rant against the Essenes who he accuses of being Kabbalists. He even links them to the Nazis!
34:45 Wait till we take you to what is termed the Essene find in Ein Gedi. Yes Ein Gedi 25 miles south of Qumran, not in Qumran where not one piece of Essene archeology has ever been found. But in Ein Gedi, this will blow your mind because it is so abundant and the symbology is right there even the middle of their synagogue. They have the eye of the peacock, the symbol of the Nazis. symbol of the Nazis?? No. It was the Nazis who appropriated a symbol used around the world for millennia, the swastika! "How the world loved the swastika - until Hitler stole it"
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The swastika at Ein Gedi |
Then there is his tone as if the Nazis were the most evil group to have ever existed. Tim tells us again and again to challenge tradition. And he thinks the Nazis were evil? Has he researched the degeneracy of the Weimar Republic, the burdensomeness of the Treaty of Versailles, the Haavara Agreement, the nature of the camps, the contradictory testimony and outright lies of holocaust survivors, the wooden doors on the alleged gas chambers, the fact that the math of the holocaust (6 million cremated between 1941-1945) does not add up, or the real origin of the number 6 million? Has Tim even considered why in Europe it is illegal to question what actually happened in Nazi Germany? Nah, he has not invested any time in researching the holocaust or the Nazis. He is more of a normie swallowing the mainstream line than he realizes.
Tim does not like the Nazis or the Essenes but he is sympathetic to racist Black Hebrew Israelites.
Tim does not like the Nazis or the Essenes but he is sympathetic to racist Black Hebrew Israelites.
22:52 Yet there is some truth in the foundation of the Black Hebrew Movement from the beginning. Tim? A black supremacist group who calls the white man, that's you Tim, the devil has some truth in their foundations?
A group that wrongly interprets Revelation 1:14-15 to make Jesus an angry old negro with a white afro and red eyes has some truth in their foundations?
Does Tim know anything about the Black Hebrews? How about Yahweh Ben Yahweh, Robert Roizer, the Brotherhood, the links to the Nation of Islam and their doctrine of Yakub the mad scientist, and the demonization of whites and jews to the point of calling them devils and actually murdering them? Only a complete fool who knows nothing about this group or the Bible would say they have any truth in their rotten foundation. No wonder Tim is sympathetic to them!
What's stupider: angry negro Jesus or Tim's Nephilim doctrine?
1:47 Wth the feet of iron mixed with clay suggests it's still the Roman empire but mixed with the miry clay which Daniel explains himself is a mixture of "their" see with the see of men. Again that means "their" seed is not that of men nor are they men. They are Nephilim and this final empire is being led by such not men. We're talking about the true power by the way not figure head presidents. royalty, etc. who do have bloodlines that lead back to such but we're not going to go there in this video. Duterte have a bloodline that leads back to the Nephilim? Tim does know he was married to a Jewess right? If you listen long enough you will hear Tim has nothing good to say about the Jews and even links them to the Nephilim.
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Duterte and his Jewess wife Elizabeth Zimmerman |
The Nephilim are angel/human hybrids. The giants mentioned in Genesis 6 in fact. It's certainly not a new doctrine but Tim takes it a step further. He believes that some Nephilim survived the flood and continue to this day. He believes they are not human, that they are pure evil in fact. But the doctrine of a pure evil fighting against the good is the Zoroastrian, occult, teaching that Tim rails against! There is no metaphysical or physical substance called evil because that would mean God would have had to create it since all things are created by God.
Tim's doctrine actually sounds more akin to the reptilian doctrine of David Icke. It is certainly not biblical and the fact that Tim makes all the bad guys of the Bible and history out to be Nephilim is beyond silly.
Tim's doctrine actually sounds more akin to the reptilian doctrine of David Icke. It is certainly not biblical and the fact that Tim makes all the bad guys of the Bible and history out to be Nephilim is beyond silly.
32:47 The greatest sin of Sodom was their desire to lure angels into mating with their children to bring about the return of the Nephilim. How appropriate. No, that passage is not about homosexuality though that certainly was a trademark of Sodom. It was about strange flesh and they were addressing angel and human intercourse not homosexuality necessarily. does a human woo an angel? How does a man seduce an angel to mate with his children? How does one even contact an angel to ask them out on a date? Furthermore do angels have sexual reproductive systems? Are there male and female angels in heaven at this moment being married and given in marriage and procreating little baby angels? The very notion is absurd and anti-scriptural.
Matthew 22:29 Jesus answered and said unto them, Ye do err, not knowing the scriptures, nor the power of God.
30 For in the resurrection they neither marry, nor are given in marriage, but are as the angels of God in heaven.For a thorough rebuttal of Tim's stupid interpretation of strange flesh as meaning angel flesh (as if angels have flesh!) see the follwing links:
Let's end on a silly note here.
33:01 If you've been to Florida you'll see there's a lot of Jews there that even have a kosher kitchen that they keep separate from their other kitchen. Of course the question is why would they need a second kitchen if they were truly kosher? It doesn't quite do anything but anyway that's fine whatever knew the answer to this question before I heard Tim ask it and I find it hard to believe that he would not know the answer seeing as his "wife" was a realtor in South Florida which is home to many Jews. The reason why Jews have two kitchens is so they don't mix their milk and meat and other food stuffs.
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A kosher kitchen is a kitchen in which food is prepared according to the Jewish kosher dietary laws. Some basic elements of the kosher kitchen:
• Meat and dairy are kept strictly separate.
• Only kosher ingredients are used.
• Any traces of non-kosher have been purged from the kitchen utensils and surfaces before they can be used.
• In a commercial setting, careful watch is maintained to ensure that everything remains kosher.
You and Tim can read more at the link. The Jews keep the law in all its rigor and that is why they have a kosher kitchen. Is it really so hard for Tim to take the time to find out the facts before making snide comments as he always does? He should know these things since he teaches it is the law which redeems us.
“One who is well-versed in ignorance knows much of nothing.” Timothy said that. Only in Scrabble does the word Duh have value. Yet, this blog can be translated very quickly by those who are truly educated as duh, duh, duh, duh, duh. We have stopped reviewing and responding to this irresponsible propaganda fraud blog which hates the Philippines and has proven they are willing to break the law numerous times in cyber libel, fraud, abuse, harassment even on a personal level, copyright infringement, and the list goes on as he has no respect for history nor the Bible nor you and he hates the Philippines thus the half-witted title from a brainless loser. Read at your own risk because this inane, insignificant impertinent deadbeat peddles dangerously lined disinformation and fake news not anything resembling truth on any level. When he is proven a liar and a fraud, he doubles down in his absurd universe of infinite asininity. One only needs read his titles which he doesn’t even support by his own admission to observe this pattern of dementia. Even when he attempted to discuss history which he knows very little, he resorted to outright lies and fraud to attempt a position he did not even hold in the end yet pretends he disproved something he did not nor can he which is why he results in ridiculous attacks of a fool. He has no credibility nor credentials by which to pass himself as a theologian which he is illiterate nor an historian which he remains inept nor science which he foolishly believes the entire earth was drowned in 22’ of water. What a fool but he sticks to and doubles down on complete nonsense as he is incapable of rational thought nor even reading comprehension as he has proven a profound disability in such. Though he has tried for over a year now and still has the gall to write blogs without having reviewed the case as an utter fool in ignorance, he cannot disprove that the Philippines is Ophir nor has he put the slightest dent in our comprehensive case which he has not even reviewed. The epitome of ignorance indeed and yet he continues blah, blah, blah in blindness, crudeness and illiteracy. He asks as if ridicule is disproof and that is insane babble. This batty loser is one of the worst parts of society and we should all rise up against such lunatic behavior as no sane person would blog about a position they never reviewed. One cannot be more stupid than to write about conclusions on topics in which they have never reviewed yet this blog has admitted such ignorance routinely. This is a criminal and he has been reported to the authorities who are after him already. He lied to Google committing perjury with at least 3 different fictitious addresses and likely his name is fraud as well as is this entire blog. He will not hide for long and he will be dealt with. In the meantime, if you are reading this fraudulent trash, discern for yourself. If you have not watched our videos, we source our slides and lay out our positions in a very deep method. This attempt to reduce us to the level of this piece of trash has failed and will continue to. We encourage you to do your research and when you find how fraudulent this fool is, report him and do not allow him to continue such stupidity and ignorance. We are done acknowledging him beyond letting you know what you are dealing with here. This guy has serious mental issues and we must all pray for him and hopefully he will be institutionalized in time which is where such psychos belong. Enjoy this psyop if you wish, but this kind of pronounced idiocy and mental retardation should not be encouraged from this fool nor his partner channel of communist propaganda.