The pandemic is not going away. It's here to stay for good. That's what the government has told us. Along with the pandemic comes ridiculous and questionable safety measures set in place by moral busybodies.
For some reason everyone is under the impression that alcohol will kill the virus. Every time I enter a store a security guard spritzes my hands with an annoying mist which I invariably wipe off on my shorts. Apparently some people have been dousing an ATM with alcohol before they use it.
A REMINDER TO OUR VALUED CLIENTSPouring of alcohol or any liquid directly on the ATM is strictly prohibited.We assure you that this ATM is already disinfected.Thank you for your kind consideration.
They must have seen customers doing this through the camera on the machine. The government is fully to blame as they have set forth all these protocols about keeping safe and washing with alcohol is high on the list.
Here is something that is most definitely NOT safe.
What's going on here is that these security guards are blocking the only entrance and exit to the building in order to take people's temperatures. The other door is STILL pad-locked! This whole exercise is pointless because in order to enter the stores upstairs and downstairs you STILL have to be scanned and sprayed with alcohol. They have created a major fire hazard and an annoying headache as now there is an unnecessary logjam.
Eventering stores has become a little tricky these days. Most of the have log book and a lot of rules to follow. One store says you must scan a QR code to enter.
In order to contain the COVID-19 outbreak, you are required to scan the QR code below before entering this premises.
Second of all it's just not true. You do not have to scan that code to enter the store because to enter the premises in the first place you already have to be scanned in since this is a store inside a store. An employee even told me to just go in and that I did not have to scan it. So what's the point? Believe me when I tell you that the narrow aisles in this store make social distancing impossible.
Another barricade to entering stores is the number of people allowed at any time. It varies from store to store.
Reminder on
wearing of Personal
Protective Equipment (PPE)
Are they serious? Are there hospital workers walking around wearing PPE outside of their jobs? How ridiculous a notion! By the way who is to say that my face shield and face mask have not been exposed to the virus?
Some of these COVID-19 precautions are real head scratchers. I think this situation at the supermarket is the most puzzling I have seen yet.
Due to the increased alert of the COVID-19 virus, we would like to request for our customers to refrain from touching or sniffing our fresh and poultry products to prohibit the spread of the virus.
Thank you for your understanding.
Aside from the bad grammar I have to ask, "Who is sniffing the meat!?" I have never done this and I have never seen anyone else do it. What is the science behind this anyway? It's just more annoyance as you literally have to stand behind a barrier and shout your order as loud music blasts over the speakers. That fact that everyone's mouth is covered with a face mask which obscures your speech only increases the frustration.
Oddly enough the fruit and vegetable section is not roped off and that is the one section where everyone is touching and sniffing the product to find the best ones. I am pretty sure this is the only store with this restriction. Here is SM's meat section.
Is this lady at risk for spreading COVID-19 because she's selecting her own chicken? It's preposterous. The whole idea of roping off the meat section to prevent the spread of COVID-19 boils down to busywork. Someone was forced to come up with an idea to make them seem useful.
Do you know the symptoms of COVID-19? Well here they are:
Sore throat, Headache, Shortness of Breath, Fever, Cough, Diarrhea, Sneezing, Fatigue/Weakness
Wait a minute. Diarrhea, a gastrointestinal disruption, is a sign of having the respiratory illness COVID-19? It turns out...maybe. As with all things COVID-19 (masks, face shields, etc) the science is far from settled. The scary fact is that most who contract this virus, which has an over 90% survival rate unless you have existing co-morbibdites such as diabetes and obesity and heart trouble, will show no symptoms.
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Diarrhea does happen to be a symptom but a very uncommon one according to the WHO. Strangely enough it is the first sign to show in some patients. The most common symptoms according to the WHO are:
Fever, Dry Cough, and Fatigue.
Headache, Chill, and Sore Throat are, like diarrhea, on the list of least common symptoms. Shortness of breath is on the list of symptoms of severe COVID-19. Sneezing is nowhere on the WHO's list of COVID-19 symptoms.
What are we to really make of this list except that is more propaganda and scare tactics from the DOH especially in light of the fact that most carriers of the virus have no symptoms?
Well that's it for now. I am sure as the days go on more silly signs and situations will emerge and I hope to report on them.
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