Monday, December 7, 2020

The God Culture: The God Culture vs Facebook

The God Culture has been more active than ever in the past few weeks since they founded a think-tank and began publishing their books. What better way to get the information out than social media?  CIA-funded Facebook is the platform of choice for most people to get out their message. What else is there anyway? But it seems The God Culture has hit a snag. Facebook is censoring them!

What are you doing Facebook? Who do you think you are. Whoever you are inside, you better stop playing around. We are coming for you. This post is not limited in any sense. It is a simple posting for our book on sale on Amazon and how dare you attempt to censor this illegally. Keep it up. You are just giving us further documentation of you illegal actions. You are gonna sink your company. We did not limit anything, just posted you crook and you better stop it. We have not deleted it. If you cannot function as a simple site, you are gonna be out of business. What a fool you are you loser who is inside Facebook playing around.

That is God Culture founder and anti-trinitarian heretic Timothy Jay Schwab's personal Facebook page  which it seems is now a backup for the official God Culture Facebook page. Over at their official page the same accusations of censorship are being made.

Wow Facebook. You reached 34 people out of 6,600 in almost 2 hours. I guess this is becoming very difficult for you. Maybe feed the mice in wheels and get this post out there? Keep censoring Facebook and you will pay for that. Whoever you are inside, we will find you and you will be dealt with. This is illegal.

Oh Facebook, you are really rocking the world with 48 people reached in 4 hours on a page with 6,600 friends. That must have been so difficult for you to get this out to less than 1 person per minute. I mean please don't go out of your way to notify our friends on our own page of our posts that they wanted to be notified. Of course, none of us joined Facebook to actually connect and communicate. No, we all came here to submit to the Social Nazi tell us "no post for you." Maybe stop acting like Hitler or you will fall like he did. Your censorship is filthy and you will face the music for this.

As a follow up to this comment thread The God Culture asks anyone else having problems to let them know because they are "documenting."

I can just hear 351 screams of "REEEEEEE!!!" bouncing up and down Bonifacio Street as the above comments were typed out. The sheer amount of ignorance and stupidity in those posts is only surpassed by the paranoia that fuels them. Does the person who posted this, likely Anna Zamoranos, even know that in the first example her link is broken and when you click on it you get a 404 page from Amazon?

In fact 7 out of the 17 links on that post do not lead to their book. Why post so many links in the first place when all you need is one Amazon link and they will sort it out for you? This situation is even stranger than it appears because this was posted at 11:29 on November 20, 2020. Only half an hour earlier at 10:58 the same post was made on The God Culture's official page and all the links work because they are posted in full and not partially.

Eight minutes later at 11:37 on Tim Schwab's page the same post is made but this time with a picture added. Because there were no links to parse as a result of the picture there was no "This content isn't available right now" box. But Anna does not understand this. She probably has no idea what it means to parse a link and generate a preview.

Note: This post was just blocked from some illiterate loser inside Facebook. You better grow up and get a life because we are coming for you. Stop blocking our posts! Who do you think you are. We are allowed to post on our own site and how dare you. This is a simple post with links to Amazon. So threatening. Grow Up and stop behaving as a criminal! Censorship is illegal. 

What a total moron. The post wasn't blocked as she was able to post it. If it had been blocked there would have been a message from Facebook telling you it was blocked because it goes against their community standards. 

The link didn't parse because it was a bad link which is why a box telling her that the content is not available popped up. It is still a bad link. Does she think this lady is being blocked and censored too:

As for the other two allegations of censorship because not many of The God Culture's 6,600 friends are being reached, that is a problem. It is NOT censorship though. Or perhaps it depends on your perspective. Facebook does not show everything on your timeline in chronological order. What you see in your news feed is based on your past interactions in order to give you the best Facebook experience.

The second reason involves how News Feed works. Rather than showing people all possible content, News Feed is designed to show each person on Facebook the content that’s most relevant to them. Of the 1,500+ stories a person might see whenever they log onto Facebook, News Feed displays approximately 300. To choose which stories to show, News Feed ranks each possible story (from more to less important) by looking at thousands of factors relative to each person.

Why not just show everything — every piece of content from every friend and Page — and let people decide what they want to see?

Several other online feed platforms display all content in real time. But the real-time approach has limitations. People only have so much time to consume stories, and people often miss content that isn’t toward the top when they log on. This means they often do not see the content that’s most valuable to them.

In our tests, we’ve always found that the News Feed ranking system offers people a better, more engaging experience on Facebook. Additionally, given the amount of content in the average News Feed, using a real-time system for content would actually cause Pages’ organic reach to decrease further.

The short answer is there is too much content so Facebook curates everyone's newsfeed in order that they see what is most relevant to them based on their Facebook usage. That means if someone Likes The God Culture but does not regularly interact with their page then they won't be seeing the latest updates.

But there are tips and tricks to fix this plastered all over the internet. It is rather strange that Timothy Jay  Schwab, a man trained in marketing, does not know how to properly utilize Facebook to market his company. I guarantee he has no idea what FB Purity is and how it can force Facebook to show you things chronologically. It's not a conspiracy, it's not illegal, and it sure is not censorship. It's funny how The God Culture is always howllng about censorship when it is THEY who have tried to censor me on several occasions and still seek to shut me down. That's not stopping The God Culture from liking silly Facebook conspiracy memes posted in their comment section.

I have indicated above that Solomon's Treasure co-author Anna Zamoranos, interesting that Tim's second wife does not use her third husband's surname on the cover of the book they claim to have co-authored, is making all these wild and hysterical accusations against Facebook and I have a good reason. That's because on her own business page she is posting the same God Culture material albeit minus the wild, and I dare say libelous, accusations of censorship.

Anna's name is clearly listed under the Team Members section again with no indication she is a Schwab. Why would anyone post non-relevant materials on their business page? Shouldn't she be posting real-estate listings? Though there is a pinned post from 2017 the last post about real-estate is dated February 7th, 2019. That is almost two years ago. Maybe the real-estate market isn't so hot in Tim and Anna's hometown of San Fernando, La Union?

It makes more sense when you realize that The God Culture is spamming their book info all over their social media pages. Go to Youtube and read the comment section. All their replies to responses are huge walls of text with links and other matters that are in the video description and in their first pinned comment. That is completely unnecessary and actually quite rude. It's real interesting that instead of making this book about the Philippines available in the Philippines first they chose to use Amazon which takes a few weeks to ship here.

Now all this might seem inconsequential and even like a bit of needless drama but it's actually quite relevant. You see with this book The God Culture is claiming to be amending scholarship and restoring the lost history of the Philippines. Will they be doing interviews on TV or radio or other popular media? Will the media pick up the story of their book? 

The God Culture claims to have a "profound scientific method" to prove all their claims. They actually claim that NO ONE has disproved their research.
After 4 years, no one has disproven these findings... I repeat NO ONE! Not a single Rabbi, theologian, pastor, certainly no bloggers or other channels... NO ONE!
Tim and Anna are very bold to make such claims with a straight face. I have been thinking of the Golden Chersonese of late because there are several references to it in a book I am currently reading which has nothing at all to do with the subject at hand. Incidentally there are many parallels between the methods and intent of Godfrey Higgins and Timothy Jay Schwab. Much of Tim's research rests on the identity of the Golden Chersonese and the island called Chryse. He wrongly conflates the two identifying them as the Philippines. That mistake is enough to disprove his findings and I have written at length about this very thing. 

It's not as if Tim and Anna actually care about historical realities. Tim has made it clear that they are not proving a historical case.
"Remember one thing though. We are not proving an historical case here. That is not what this is. That is not what we ever claimed it to be. We are proving a multi-disciplined position with strong pose across-the-board. The reason our foundation is incredibly strong is because we set it in scripture and that is solid rock." 
What do we see time and time again when The God Culture is confronted about their false claims but lashing out and naming calling and threats of one kind or another? Not rational discussion. That they cannot even utilize Facebook properly and freak out when they post a bad link is just icing on the paranoid cake. They are also spreading disinformation about Facebook because they do not care to look hard enough to find out what is actually happening. No one has ever accused The God Culture of being good and reliable researchers!

If you think these people who cannot even utilize Facebook properly are going to rewrite and correct the history of the Philippines then I've got some Ocean Realty in Arizona to sell you.

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