Friday night / Saturday morning an anonymous thief or group of thieves stole a neighbour's seven fighting cocks. They left his his two turkeys and his two goats behind.
How did this happen? We have a guard at the gate. In fact there are three guards every night! One watches the gate and the other two roam the neighbourhood. Were they around? Did they just wave these guys right in?
How did this happen? We have a guard at the gate. In fact there are three guards every night! One watches the gate and the other two roam the neighbourhood. Were they around? Did they just wave these guys right in?
Did they even come through the front gate? There is a river bordering our gated community which is wide open and thieves constantly cross the waters looking to steal. But how would you transport seven cocks across the river? You would need several conspirators. I can't imagine holding each bird close to the chest and running through the woods and across the river. No. Its obvious they had a get away vehicle.
Oh well. It is too sad. Maybe try not raising fighting cocks in a gated community. There are already four other large game farms in this place. Why??? This is a gated community for people! Not a place to raise farm animals!
Once a family a few houses down slaughtered a pig on its premises! As I sat in my room I heard the blood-curdling and nearly human scream as they sliced its throat.
Once a family a few houses down slaughtered a pig on its premises! As I sat in my room I heard the blood-curdling and nearly human scream as they sliced its throat.
Fighting chickens is not only morally reprehensible it is also not profitable. The ratio of money spent on raising fighting cocks to actually making a profit is slim to none. It's just not worth the hassle. The money is better spent on food and clothes and medicine.
This is a picture of what his game farm looked like a few months ago.

Now it's all quiet and there are no fowl noises to be heard.
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