Wednesday, September 18, 2019

2019: A Christmas Odyessy

Across the mall, at all three of the major entrances, mysterious giant red monoliths suddenly appeared. This trinity of silent sentinels greeted each customer with the same message, "99 Days til Christmas 2019."

Slowly the days will roll by 98, 97, 96 until the revelation of Christmas 2019. What will happen to these monoliths when that day comes? Will they disappear back into the void? What is inside of them but the totality of all Christmas knowledge? Surely one has but to reach out and touch them to know.

And upon touching be filled with all the Yuletide wisdom the universe has to offer thus transforming and evolving into the Christmas Star Child.


  1. The malls in Surigao City start playing Christmas music in July.

  2. Damn I thought America had the most dragged out wind-up to Christmas
