Thursday, March 19, 2020

Picture of the Week: Epal In The Time Of Coronavirus

Ever since Duterte declared Metro Manila under a community quarantine each city and province of the Philippines has fallen one by one until now the entire country is practically paralyzed. No boats, no buses, no airplanes, no taxis, no jeepneys, no exit!  Stay inside. Keep your distance.  Don't shake hands or hug. Wear a face mask. Funny no one is saying don't have sex! I bet in nine months there will be a baby boom worldwide. That is love in the time of coronavirus.

As for epal in the time of coronavirus?  Take a look:

What is a Congressman Greg Gasataya awning doing at the hospital's emergency entrance next to the inflatable tent that will be used to isolate any patients with the coronavirus? I took this picture on March 18th. Two days prior it was not there!
So why is it there? How did it get there?  That is bad form. Congressman Greg Gasataya might not know about it but this awning does not look good next to the inflatable isolation tent.

1 comment:

  1. Greg Gasataya, the one who was asked for child support in 2016. His daughter wrote in a/her blog
    ' the reason i asked for child support is that i'm going to university this Fall. My program will cost me $50,000 by the end of 4-5 years which has to be paid starting 6 months after graduation. i was hoping to be spared of the huge debt -- even to minimize it with help from the congressman - my "dad" who has been champion of education in bacolod ... ' ??????????????????
