Wednesday, March 4, 2020

American Show Kidding Calls Philippines A Police State and Duterte A Dictator

If it wasn't enough for Jim Carrey's new TV show Kidding to portray the PNP as thieves and killers now two characters are shown calling Duterte a dictator and the Philippines a police state. The context is rather odd if you do not follow the show. The scene starts off like this:
"You know whose fault this is? Duterte. He turned the Philippines into a police state. He has oppressed his people for too long. You can't just heave a man off a building for singing about divorce!"
The lady on the toilet is Catherine Keener who plays the sister of Jim Carrey's character while the other lady is Judy Greer who plays his ex-wife. The references to Duterte and the Philippines callback to the previous episode.

Watch below.

You know whose fault this is? Duterte.
He turned the Philippines into a police state.
He has oppressed his people for too long.
You can't just heave a man off a building for singing about divorce! The problem is men.

Read more:

1 comment:

  1. Just wait for the pinoy pride shit storm to start. Remember they were complaining about this on the news for 2 weeks:
