While I truly did not want to be writing any more posts about the God Culture I have fallen down a long rabbit hole that really needs to be explored. This post will necessarily be long and detailed in order to ferret out the issues raised and to once again display the shoddy "research" of the The God Culture. Remember The God Culture says to test and prove all things, to check them out and see if they are right. That is exactly what I am doing here. The trail starts with Part 6 of the God Culture's Solmon's Gold series and Tim's citation of Samuel Purchas.
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https://youtu.be/12tOU7Szbpk?t=917 |
Samuel Purchas attempts to put forth an argument for Britain regarding Ophir but there is no such support for any British find nor actual claim that ever matched history, the geography, the Bible facts, as well as the actual life of the people themselves. Spain beat them in all of these arenas hands down. Unfortunately the British Empire overpowered the Spanish and this story was swept under the carpet. That's why you don't hear about this in modern times. It's the victors who write history and they choose to place things under the carpet that they don't want you to know.
There also was an argument raging in Europe referenced in Careri's journal of his visit to the Philippines he mentions he would not go into the argument raging in Europe at that time over whether the Philippines was actually, originally populated by the descendants of Biblical Tarshish. Well this is the British so they must be right, right? Wrong! They had an ulterior motive. Spain was their largest rival and they did not want Spain to find Ophir. They wanted to.
If you notice Tim doesn't actually quote Samuel Purchas. Instead he quotes a passage about him from Ancientphilippines.blogspot.com. That blog is listed as his source in tiny print underneath the quote.
In Samuel Purchas's well-known travel compendium Purchas His Pilgrim, he devotes the entire first chapter to a discussion of Tarshish and Ophir. In particular, he argues strenously that it is beloved Britain and not Spain that deserved the title as the modern Tarshish and Ophir. Curiously, in Careri's journal of his visit to the Philippines, he mentions that he would not go into the argument raging in Europe at that time over whether the Philippines was originally populated by the descendants of Biblical Tarshish.
In fact quite a large chunk of Tim's research originates from that webpage as we shall see. But here is the twist! The author of AncientPhilippines has copy/pasted their research from someone else! Namely from the document Pilipinas Ang Ophir by Abraham Tabling. The above quote about Purchas can be found on both the title page and page 11 of Pilpinas Ang Ophir. For Tim it's a case of third-hand quoting. Is that the hallmark of any kind of legitmate researcher? Did he even read Purchas? Did he do that?
No. He did not. Here is how Tim cites Purchas in the accompanying PDF of supporting research sources.
5. Samuel Purchas.
“Purchas His Pilgrimes.” Book 1. Samuel Purchas. Page 18-48 at least. Purchase has a very long dissertation on Ophir bought and paid for by the East India Company (Rothschilds) and never traveled more than 200 miles from Essex in his own words thus he is no explorer according to: Hakluytus Posthumus, or Purchas his Pilgrimes, Contayning a History of the World, in Sea Voyages, & Lande Travels, by Englishmen and others by Dr James Robert Wood, Trinity College Dublin. Also, Purchas did not know where Ophir was nor did he actually put up an argument against the Philippines which he does not address. Purchas was peddling a British mindset and never proves anything nor did he locate Ophir as no scholar fully did until Magellan.
Pages 18-48 at least. AT LEAST!? He cannot even cite the correct page or pages where Purchas lays out the argument for Britain being the land of Ophir but makes a guess! And we are supposed to believe him? According to the table of contents Purchas does not begin discussing the location of Ophir until page 66. AncientPhilippines does not cite these alleged arguments of Purchas for Britain being Ophir either. Nor does Tabilog. He does however quote a few lines from Purchas seemingly about this matter.
Samuel Purchas writing in the early 17th century stressed the need for Britain to involve itself in the "Ophirian navigation" to secure its own self-vision as the chosen messianic nation but with a more mercantile twist:
And this also we hope shall one day be the true Ophirian navigation, when Ophir shall come unto Jerusalem as Jerusalem then went unto Ophir. Meanwhile we see a harmony in this sea-trade, and as it were the consent of other creatures to this consent of the reasonable, united by navigation howsoever by rites, languages, customs, and countries separated.
https://www.scribd.com/doc/20188128/PILIPINAS-ANG-OPHIR pg 29
Tabilog's assertion that Purchas "stressed the need for Britain to involve itself in the "Ophirian navigation" to secure its own self-vision as the chosen messianic nation but with a more mercantile twist" is completely wrong. On pages 2-9 Purchas gives an anagogical interpretation of Solomon's navy sailing to Ophir which sheds light on this quote about "the true Ophirian navigation" which is found further down on page 56.
Or if you had rather adjoyne to the Allegory, the Anagogicall sense and use ; this History will appeare also a Mystery and Type of Eternitie. Every Christian man is a ship, a weake vessell, in this Navie of Solomon, and dwelling in a mortall body, is within lesse then foure inches, then one inch of death. From Jerusalem the Word and Law of our Solomon first proceeded, by preaching of Solomons and Hirams servants, the Pastors and Elect vessells to carry his Name, gathered out of Jewes and Gentiles, which guide these Ships through a stormy Sea, beginning at the Red Sea, Christs bloudy Crosse, which yeelded Water and Bloud, till they arrive at Ophir, the communion of Saints in the holy Catholike Church.
Pages 6-7
What Purchas is doing is employing the anagogical method of interpretation to spiritualize the history of the voyage of Solomon's navy to Ophir to gather earthly treasures. In this interpretation men are ships who voyage to Christ to gather heavenly treasures. Jerusalem is where the Law and earthly King Solomon rule. Ophir is where grace and the One who is Greater than Solomon rule. Thus the true Ophirian navigation is that journey from this earthly life to the heavenly life which is to be found only in Christ and His Church. The "true Ophirian navigation when Ophir shall come unto Jerusalem" is spiritual and has nothing to do with Britain being a chosen messianic nation with a mercantile twist. This allegory is completely lost on Tabilog. It is clear that Tim is also oblivious to it as he pontificates about history being written by the victors and the true location of Ophir being swept under the carpet thereby completely missing the point. Searching through Purchas' text there appears to be no arguments that Britain is Ophir. The text can be read here.
In the source listed as the reference to Purchas being paid by the East India Company to write his 20 volume travel compendium we read the following:
Purchas wrote Purchas his Pilgrimes under the patronage of the East India Company. The Company awarded Purchas 100 pounds to assemble the book and gave him access to many of the letters and manuscripts that Purchas would draw on in writing his magnum opus.
No indications are given as to when this essay was written. There is no date and any search for the author, Dr. James Robert Wood of Trinity College Dublin, comes up empty. Looking through the bibliography it seems the source for this claim might be "Hakluytus Posthumus: Samuel Purchas and the Promotion of English Overseas Expansion” which was published in 1966.
Purchas's East Indian chapters are among the best testimony that the Pilgrimes was both intended to be and was just as promotional as the Principal Navigations. The whole object of these chapters was public approval and support for the efforts of the East India Company. It is not surprising that upon publication of the Pilgrimes, the Company paid Purchas $100 and bought three sets of the work. It was meager pay indeed for the great service he had rendered them.
Hakluytus Posthumus: Samuel Purchas and the Promotion of English Overseas Expansion.” pg. 15Not only are the claims in this paragraph not sourced, and there are plenty of footnotes on that page, but just 40 years prior to this essay's publication in 1926 a completely different account of Purchas' dealings with the East India Company was given by Sir William Foster, Historiographer to the India Office.
Mr. Bolton Corney, in his edition of The Voyage of Sir Henry Middleton (Hakluyt Society, 1855), declared that Hakluyt had nominated “as his editorial successor” John Pory, the translator of Leo Africans, but that this project came to nothing, and “about the year 1620, under circumstances which are nowhere distinctly stated, the collections formed by Hakluyt came into the hands of the Rev. Samule Purchas.” Sir Clements Markham was bolder in his statements. According to him (Memoir on the indian Surveys, p.1) Hakluyt was appointed Historiographer to the East India Company in 1601, and consequently “had the custody of all the journals of the East Indian Voyages” ; on Hakluyt’s death these journals were handed over to Purchas, “no doubt with the consent of the Directors,” and the death of Purchas, closely following that of Sir Thomas Smythe, the Governor of the Company, would “possibly account for the loss of some of the earliest journals of the Company’s voyages.” For all this I have been unable to find any warrant in the Company’s records.
The statement that Hakluyt was appointed Historiographer I have elsewhere shown to be based upon a misreading (by a previous writer) of a passage in the Court Minutes. There is no evidence that the journals were ever placed in his custody or transferred to Purchas ; and when the latter applied to the Company in 1622 for permission to make extracts from their records he was apparently a stranger to them, for he is spoken of as “one Purchas, that wrote of the religions of all nations.” Moreover, the restrictions then placed upon the loan show that the Company were fully alive to the importance of preserving their journals ; and as a matter of fact, several of those used by Purchas are still extant, while the loss of others is easily accounted for by the neglect with which such documents were treated by later generations. That Hakluyt was acquainted with Purchas is highly probable, in view of their common professor and their common interest in geographical matters ; but that the former ever intended to entrust his materials to the later is doubtful, in the absence of any mention of the matter in Hakluyt’s will. On the whole it seems more likely that Purchas applied for them to Hakluyt’s executors, who, having no use for such things, readily agreed to make them over to him.
https://www.jstor.org/stable/1782578?seq=1 pgs 194-195
This historiographer who examined the records of the East India Company says Purchas was apparently a stranger to them. Clearly the relation between Purchas and the East India Company is disputed. But even if it were true that Purchas was the Company's historian that does not mean he covered up the true location of Ophir. Such a claim by Tim is an unwarranted conspiracy theory and it is based on an unsubstantiated paragraph from AncientPhilippines. Tim has not read Purchas and does not know if he even did argue that Britain was Ophir.
Now let's deal with the reference to the Rothschilds. If we look at the history of the Rothschilds we see it is completely unwarranted to associate them with the East India Company at least so early as 1614 when Purchas first published his work. The Jews were expelled from Britain in 1290 by King Edward I. They were not allowed to return until Cromwell gave them permission in 1655. The Rothschilds themselves did not gain any prominence or power until the Napoleonic wars in the early 1800's.
Now let's deal with the reference to the Rothschilds. If we look at the history of the Rothschilds we see it is completely unwarranted to associate them with the East India Company at least so early as 1614 when Purchas first published his work. The Jews were expelled from Britain in 1290 by King Edward I. They were not allowed to return until Cromwell gave them permission in 1655. The Rothschilds themselves did not gain any prominence or power until the Napoleonic wars in the early 1800's.
There is a lot of noise on the internet about the Rothschild's alleged involevment in the East India Company but from their official archives we read the following:
As early as 1799, Nathan Mayer Rothschild (1777-1836) began to import and distribute Indian goods, and an ‘India Goods’ book, preserved in the Archive records dealings in cloth, indigo, spice, coffee and cotton between 1807 and 1812. Nathan is also reported to have dealt with the East India Company in connection with the famous ‘Waterloo Commission’, the contract from the British Government to supply Wellington's troops with gold coin in 1814 and 1815. In 1834, Sir Thomas Fowell Buxton wrote to his daughter recalling the dinner where Nathan told him of an occasion “when I was settled in London, the East India Company had 800,000 lbs of gold to sell. I went to the sale and bought it all. I knew the Duke of Wellington must have it… that was the best business I ever did.” Whilst no evidence exists that Nathan held East India Company shares, he did recommend the son John Roworth, his ‘Principal Clerk’for enlistment as a Cadet with the Company in 1818.
It is not likely that Jews were allowed to hold shares or control in the East India Company in the early 1600's when Purchas wrote his book as they were banned from Britain and as late as 1815 there was no evidence that Nathan Rothschild held shares in the Company. It is also ludicrous to suggest that the Rothschilds were attempting to cover up the real location of Ophir. Why would they? Tim does not give a reason for this alleged cover up on the part of the Rothschilds. Not to mention there appears to be nothing in Purchas' book to suggest that Britain is Ophir.
Neither Tim, AncientPhilippines, nor Abraham Tabliog assert that Purchas made any comments about the lost tribes but it would do good to read what one author has written on that subject in order to be thorough.
Neither Tim, AncientPhilippines, nor Abraham Tabliog assert that Purchas made any comments about the lost tribes but it would do good to read what one author has written on that subject in order to be thorough.
As early as the first two decades of the seventeenth century, the educated person could read about the ten tribes in, among other places, Samuel Purchas’s (c. 1575–1626) huge and popular Pilgrimages and Relations of the World series, a collection of world geography, voyages, and navigations. The kingdom of the ten tribes first appeared as part of biblical history, on its maps of the Holy Land (prepared by Hondius) with Samaria, the capital, in a large font. Similar maps, portraying the territories of the tribes before their exile, had been popular since the mid-sixteenth century. (For instance, Walter Raleigh’s [1552–1618] influential “history of the world,” published for the first time in1614, provided detailed information about the territories of each tribe during the period of the settlement of the Holy Land after the Exodus.)
About the ancient geography of the ten tribes in Palestine, there was little dispute. Purchas, however, placed great importance on the religions attached to each region of the world. The ten tribes after exile, a group whose location and religious status were highly unclear, were a matter of particular concern. Purchas was an attentive collector of materials on the subject. In 1613, Purchas discussed—and did not rule out—the possibility that the ten tribes were in Tartary, relying, apparently, on Ortelius. In 1625, a year before his death, he declared, “The Tartars are not Israelite,” and spent time on Esdras’s allegations that this was the case, reviewing in the course of doing so all other possible locations in Asia, America, Arabia, and Ethiopia. Even after years of study, he could not be sure.
Despite his skepticism, Purchas liked to tell tales about the “closed Jews.” In a section dedicated to the Persian Gulf, Purchas “intreate[d]” his readers’ “patience,” digressing to discuss at length “the Jewish fables” about the “Sabbatical streams”—the River Sambatyon. This comes just after mention of European travelers who had lost their lives or fortunes looking for the legendary river—something he called a “Jewish tragedy.” The learned geographer ridiculed the lack of geographic knowledge displayed by Jewish writers and could not resist a witticism concerning “the Sabbatical river: now you shall understand how the Jews generally drowned their wits therein.” He had as his two examples “Rambam [Maimonides; 1135–1204] who called it [the River] Gozan,” and Eldad Ha-Dani, whose story should serve as “favorable entertainment.” Purchas tells a version of Eldad’s story, which he claims to have read in a “translation of Génebrard.” Fable or not, Purchas did not deny the existence of the “closed Jews” and encouraged his reader to become acquainted with the fascinating story of the “traveler Eldad.”
The Ten Lost Tribes A World History, Zvi Ben-Dor Benite, pgs. 205-206If Purchas says nothing about the British being members of the lost tribes it stands to reason he said nothing about Britain being Ophir. Of course one would have to actually read the text to find out what he says about the location of Ophir. I will leave that task to the God Culture.
Let's look at the reference to Careri next. Who is this man? Tim doesn't tell us. He just repeats what he cribbed from AncientPhilippines as if everyone knows about the guy. Careri is Giovanni Francesco Gemelli Careri. He travelled the world in the late 17th century and ended up in the Philippines. The passage quoted is correct that there appears to have been a debate going on in Europe about the origin of the Filipinos.
For to endeavor to determine the first settlers of these lands, whence and how they came, whether they were Carthaginians, Jews, Spaniards, Phoenicians, Greeks, Chinese, Tartars, etc., is reserved for God, who knows everything; and this task exceeds all human endeavor. And if such study obtain anything, it will amount only to a few fallible conjectures with danger of the judgment, and without any advance of the truth or of reputation.
The Philippine Islands, 1493-1803, Vol. 40, pg. 296-297
Whether this debate was raging is not something determinable. Were there pamphlet wars about the subject? The passage above was written by Juan Fransisco San Antonio in 1744. Careri died in 1725. If there was a debate raging about about whether or not Filipinos were from Tarshish nothing was resolved by 1744.
Careri wrote a book titled "A Voyage to the Philippines." In this book a word search for both Ophir and Tarshish turn up nothing. Likewise a search of his book "A Voyage Round the World" brings up zero hits for either Ophir or Tarshish. If Careri ever opined about the Filipinos and their relation to Tarshish it is not to be found in these two most likely places. It could be in there somewhere but that appears to be not the case. This is why it is crucial that anyone doing research, especially of the type where a new history of the world is being eked out, needs to properly cite all their sources. Timothy Jay Schwab, AncientPhilippines, and Abraham Tabilog all fail on this point.
In the next slide Tim tells us all the names given to the Philippines by their neighbors.
The sources Tim lists are as follows.
For Chryse: Pomponious Mela, Marinos of Tyre and the Periplus of the Erythaean Sea mentioned this island. 100BC. These are sources that Tim refers to many times in his videos and which I have covered elsewhere.
In the next slide Tim tells us all the names given to the Philippines by their neighbors.
The sources Tim lists are as follows.
For Chryse: Pomponious Mela, Marinos of Tyre and the Periplus of the Erythaean Sea mentioned this island. 100BC. These are sources that Tim refers to many times in his videos and which I have covered elsewhere.
For Suvarnadwipa: Ancient Hindu Name for the Philippines. That is not a source. That is an assertion. I am having trouble chasing down this name because the more common appellation is Suvarṇabhūmi. The only place I can find where this name is claimed to be how the Hindus anciently referred to the Philippines is http://maharlikhan.blogspot.com/2014/11/ancient-world-heritage-of-maharlikha.html. No source for this claim is given on that blog. According to Wikipedia no scholar is of the opinion that this place is the Philippines.
The location of Suvarnabhumi has been the subject of much debate, both in scholarly and nationalistic agendas. It remains one of the most mythified and contentious toponyms in the history of Asia. Scholars have identified two regions as possible locations for the ancient Suvarnabhumi: Insular Southeast Asia or Southern India. In a study of the various literary sources for the location of Suvannabhumi, Saw Mra Aung concluded that it was impossible to draw a decisive conclusion on this, and that only thorough scientific research would reveal which of several versions of Suvannabhumi was the original.
For Lusong Dao: Chinese traders 300 AD. Again that is not a source. It is an assertion. The blog Maharlikhan also mentions this name but gives no source to verify the claim.
For Chin-Chou: I-Tsing, Buddhist Pilgrim, 200 BC. This is a name and not a source. While Tim does not give his source for this information a deeper look reveals that it may originate from the book "A record of the Buddhist religion as practised in India and the Malay archipelago" which was written by I-Tsing also known as Yijing. Here is what he has to say about Chin-Chou on page 17.
Sometimes an emperor greatly opens the way to the Triyana and invites the teachers, preparing hundreds of seats ; sometimes he constructs Kaityas (sepulchres) throughout his dominion, so that all the wise incline their hearts to Buddhism ; or he builds temples (Saiigharama) here and there throughout his realm in order that all the ignorant may go and worship there to mature their merit. Farmers sing merrily in their fields, and merchants joyfully chant on board ship, or in their carts. In fact, the people who honour cocks (i.e. Korea, see below) and those who respect elephants (India), as well as the inhabitants of the regions of Chin-lin (lit. gold-neighbours) and Yii-lin (lit. Gem-hill), come and pay homage at the Imperial Court. Our people manage their affairs peacefully in a peaceful state (or better,'peace and tranquillity are our objects'), and everything is so perfect that there can be nothing to be added.
He says nothing about Chin-chou. However there is a footnote for Chin-lin which reads as follows:
Chin-lin (lit. Golden Neighbours) is, according to Kaxyapa, the same as 'Chin Chou' (lit. Golden Island), which corresponds to Skt. Suvarwa-dvipa. The 'Golden Island' is the name once applied, by I-tsing, to Sumatra or at any rate to Sribhoga, where gold is said to have been abundant.
Chin-chou is mentioned again on page xli.
9. Gold seems to have been abundant. I-tsing once calls Sribhoga ‘Chin-chou,' 'Gold Isle.'
The footnote here is:
Chavannes, p. 1S1, note 2. Cf. Reinand, Relation, torn, i, p. lxxv. Sumatra is famous for gold ; Yule, Marco Polo, vol. ii, chap, ix, p. 26S.
At this point the trail goes cold because the book referred to, which I think is "Memoir Written in the Grand Tang Dynasty by Yijing on the Religious Men Who Went to Search for the Law in the Western Lands" translated into French by Émmanuel-Édouard Chavannes is not online and not translated into English. The task of searching this out further falls upon The God Culture. What is very clear is that Yijing did not refer to the Philippines as Chin-chou. He also did not write in 200 BC as his dates are 635-713 AD. His travel route bypassed the Philippines as the map on his Wikipedia entry shows.
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https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yijing_(monk) |
Tim has gotten this source wrong entirely because he did not check it out. Ironic how Tim keeps getting things wrong because he fails to check his sources when he admonishes his audience to test and prove all things.
For Chin-San and Chin-Lin: 17th Century, Dominican Gregorio Garcia. Again that is a name and not a source. I am unable to examine any of Gregorio Garcia's works because they appear to not have been translated into English. I am unable to find any sources linking Garcia with those two names. He is mentioned in the Wikipedia article about Names of the Philippines under the section "disputed" but for the name Ophir not Chin-San and Chin-Lin.
For Zabag: 1609 AD Juan de Pineda and Former Prime Minister Pedro A Paterno, Conjectural Anthropology. Those are names and not sources. In fact Paterno never wrote a book titled Conjectural Anthropology. It appears Tim got this reference from Wikipedia.
Former Prime Minister Pedro A. Paterno said in one of his works on conjectural anthropology that Ophir is the Philippines because the scented wood Solomon received from Ophir also exists in the Islands.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Names_of_the_Philippines#DisputedBut then again perhaps not because Tim claims Paterno as a source for the name Zabag and not Ophir. The same goes for Pineda who is also mentioned in the Wikipedia article alongside Paterno and Garcia. Whatever the case may be we see that this is shoddy research on Tim's part. He claims to list sources but does not. He also has not chased down these names to find out how they were used and by whom. Except for the references to Chryse this slide is worthless and unreliable. That is not to say Chryse is an ancient name for the Philippines, which is Tim's assumption, just that he gets the sources right for that particular name.
The next slide to look at deals with Antonio Pigafetta.
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https://youtu.be/12tOU7Szbpk?t=1632 |
Oops! This quote ism't from Pigafetta as Tim admits in the PDF of supporting research sources.
10. “Mindoro Possess Great Skill in mixing gold”:
CORRECTION: Please NOTE: The original source cited Pigafetta as the source but this quote comes from Hernando Riquel instead: Hernando Riquel, Excerpts From: “The Philippine Islands, 1493-1803 — Volume 03 of 55 / 1569-1576 / Explorations by Early Navigators, Descriptions of the Islands and Their Peoples, Their History and Re- cords of the Catholic Missions, as Related in Contemporaneous Books and Manuscripts, Showing the Political, Economic, Commercial and Religious Conditions of Those Islands from Their Earliest Relations with European Nations to the Beginning of the Nineteenth Century.” P. 65 Print Edition.
P.100 e-book:
Without naming AncientPhilippines Tim admits in this correction that he used them as his source. Funny that in the video he does not attribute that blog but instead Pigafetta'a book! Why did he do that when he knew he was not actually referencing Pigafetta's book but the blog AncientPhilippines as he admits in the PDF of supporting research sources? It is proof that he did not even check the veracity of the source and that he is being a tad duplicitous. He got too cocky and simply copy/pasted what he read and made it his own by telling us it came from Pigafetta and showing the book on the slide all the while knowing he was referencing AncientPhilippines and not Pigafetta. This wrong attribution to Pigafetta is also reproduced on page 62 of Tabilog's paper.
For all his corrections Tim messes up again! The real quote is as follows:
During these five days, the Moros had, little by little, given two hundred taels of impure gold, for they possess great skill in mixing it with other metals. They give it an outside appearance so natural and perfect, and so fine a ring, that unless it is melted they can deceive all men, even the best of silversmiths.
It is to be found on page 81 of the print edition not page 65. He writes 65 because the Gutenberg website has page 65 next to the section in which this quote is found. A minor mistake which is just more evidence that he is not very careful with his sources.
The next slide to look at from this video has a quote from Antonio De Morga.
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https://youtu.be/12tOU7Szbpk?t=2279 |
And where did this gold come from? When the Spanish arrived, the Philippines was so gilded with gold that most of the gold mines had been neglected. "... the natives proceed more slowly in this, and content themselves with what they already possess in jewels and gold ingots handed down from antiquity (ancient times) and inherited from their ancestors. This is considerable, for he must be poor and wrethced who has no gold chains, calombigas, and earrings." Again who had this gold and jewelry wealth? Everyone! Not just the royal class which was innumerable by the way. Not a small group that led the country. No. And it was handed down from their ancestors. Not necessarily forged in that era as the gold mines were neglected. One actually stood out as poor if if they did not have gold and jewels on their person. The mines had been neglected meaning they had enough gold from their ancestors and gold was not in demand among Filipinos, Ophirians. Can you imagine this?
If you notice I have misspelled "wretched" and so has Tim. That is because we both copy/pasted from AncientPhilippines who in turn copy/pasted from Tabliog's paper Pilipinas Ang Ophir page 61. That's some really great research Tim is doing right? All this copy/pasting? Because he did not read this source he gets it totally wrong!
Were the mines neglected because the natives had too much gold? Let's go to the source and see what it says.
All these islands are, in many districts, rich in placers and mines of gold, a metal which the natives dig and work. However, since the advent of the Spaniards in the land, the natives proceed more slowly in this, and content themselves with what they already possess in jewels and gold ingots, handed down from antiquity and inherited from their ancestors. This is considerable, for he must be poor and wretched who has no gold chains, calombigas [bracelets], and earrings.Some placers and mines were worked at Paracali in the province of Camarines, where there is good gold mixed with copper. This commodity is also traded in the Ylocos, for at the rear of this province, which borders the seacoast, are certain lofty and rugged mountains which extend as far as Cagayan. On the slopes of these mountains, in the interior, live many natives, as yet unsubdued, and among whom no incursion has been made, who are called Ygolotes. These natives possess rich mines, many of gold and silver mixed. They are wont to dig from them only the amount necessary for their wants. They descend to certain places to trade this gold (without completing its refining or preparation), with the Ylocos; there they exchange it for rice, swine, carabaos, cloth, and other things that they need.' The Ylocos complete its refining and preparation, and by their medium it is distributed throughout the country. Although an effort has been made with these Ygolotes to discover their mines, and how they work them, and their method of working the metal, nothing definite has been learned, for the Ygolotes fear that the Spaniards will go to seek them for their gold, and say that they keep the gold better in the earth than in their houses."
The Philippine Islands, 1493-1803 vo. 16, pgs 101-102
Tim says the mines were neglected because they had a surplus of gold. De Morga tells us mining was slowed down and the mining process kept hid for fear of the Spanish stealing all their gold. He also says the natives only dig for what is necessary for their wants. The mines were not neglected at all according to De Morga. Tim gets it wrong because he didn't check his sources. Throughout this video he is cribbing from AncientPhilippines and trying to pass off their research as his own by adding his singular little spin and presentation as he did with the wrongly cited Pigafetta quote. All the while unbeknownst to him he is also taking from the work of Abraham Tabilog.
I ask again is this how a serious researcher works? Using a random blog as a main source rather than using it as a jumping off point to the original sources? Not checking the sources? Not bothering to read them? Is that what a real researcher does? This is why I say again and again that Tim misuses his sources, picks and chooses what he will, and in some cases does not even read the source and he is not a credible person. He is a man on a mission to prove his thesis and not a serious researcher taking all the facts the sources present into consideration. If a source contradicts Tim's thesis it is because of a great conspiracy to cover up the truth.
Before we wrap up I have one more slide to look at and it's about chicken DNA.
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https://youtu.be/12tOU7Szbpk?t=2750 |
Before we wrap up haven't we all been taught that people came to the Philippines from the other Pacific islands? Wouldn't that dispel a lot of this if it were true it would. But a new study has been released by the American National Academy of Sciences that actually disproves that.
It declares that Philippines is the most likely ancestral homeland of the Polynesians, who's forebears colonized the Pacific about 3,200 years ago. Polynesian chickens had their genetic roots in the Philippines. Through chicken migration patterns, and chickens do not island hop on their own without human intervention by the way, scientists have proven the Polynesian roots are in the Philippines.
This study absolutely does not declare "that Philippines is the most likely ancestral homeland of the Polynesians." The study is wholly about chickens. Tim does not even bother to cite any material from the study itself or its authors but instead quotes from Ancient-origins.net. Both that webpage and Timothy read way too much into this study. National Geographic sheds more light.
Scientists looking into the DNA of ancient and modern chicken breeds found throughout Micronesia and Polynesia have determined that they are genetically distinct from those found in South America. The research runs counter to apopular theory that Polynesian seafarers might have reached the coast of South America hundreds of years ago, before European explorers.
Researchers sequenced mitochondrial DNA from 22 chicken bones found at Polynesian archaeological sites and 122 feathers from modern chickens living on islands across the South Pacific. They used an enzyme to remove any contamination by modern DNA that may have clouded the results of earlier studies. When the team compared the "cleaned-up" DNA of Polynesian chickens with that of ancient and modern South American chickens, they found the two groups were genetically distinct.
The chicken DNA does not support a connection between the peoples separated by the Pacific, Cooper said. "Indeed, the lack of the Polynesian sequences [of DNA] in modern South American chickens ... would argue against any trading contact as far as chickens go."
Cooper and his colleagues were able to trace the origins of Polynesian chickens back in time and across the Pacific, following the lines of what must rank as one of the boldest, most romantic, and least understood human migrations of all time—the peopling of the tropical islands of the South Seas.
"We can show [from chicken DNA] that the trail heads back into the Philippines," Cooper said. "We're currently working on tracing it farther northward from there. However, we're following a proxy, rather than the actual humans themselves."
The point of this study was to show the genetic difference between South American and Polynesian chickens. They trace the lineage across the islands of the Pacific back to the Philippines and say they are attempting to trace it further northward. They also say that they are not following "the actual humans themselves" but a proxy which is the chicken DNA. This study is not about people. It is about chickens. Did Tim read the study? The abstract at least? No. If he did he would have read this:
Two modern specimens from the Philippines carry haplotypes similar to the ancient Pacific samples, providing clues about a potential homeland for the Polynesian chicken.
"Clues about a POTENTIAL HOMELAND" which is why Cooper says they are looking to trace the line further northward. This study does not say anything about the Philippines being the homeland of the Polynesians nor does it suggest it. After all as Tim says, "chickens do not island hop on their own without human intervention" which means they were brought to the Philippine islands from elsewhere which means Filipinos came from elsewhere. The study is solely about chickens and anything else is mere speculation on Tim's part. Of course he cribbed it from Ancient-Origins which means, like a naughty school boy, he copied someone else's wrong answers.
Solomon's Gold Part 6 showcases the same academic dishonesty I have thoroughly documented in all the other posts I have written about the God Culture. They misuse sources, copy/paste from others, and sometimes don't read the sources at all. That is no way to do research. That is not research at all. Don't forget The God Culture claims to be a team doing "deep research including history, geography, archeology, science, language." What a joke!
This is why I did not want to be writing about the God Culture again. Anything I could write about them would repeat the formula of looking up their sources and showing how they get them wrong. It would be redundant, tedious, and boring. As I wrote before, if they don't get their sources right here they won't get them right there. And if they don't get their sources right then their conclusions will be wrong. These several posts have proven that to be true.
This is why I did not want to be writing about the God Culture again. Anything I could write about them would repeat the formula of looking up their sources and showing how they get them wrong. It would be redundant, tedious, and boring. As I wrote before, if they don't get their sources right here they won't get them right there. And if they don't get their sources right then their conclusions will be wrong. These several posts have proven that to be true.
There has not been 1 blog by this fraud which has proven The God Culture's conclusions to be wrong nor even begin to head int hat direction nor does this one. A long rabbit hole indeed of insanity because clearly this guy is obsessed to the point of breaking the law even. Oh look the fraudulent, libelous blogger is back with more misleadings. He has already proven he cannot even read and comprehend. He has proven he has no handle whatsoever on history nor geography nor science of the Bible nor the Bible itself. He is just one misrepresentation after the other and he is willing to break the law to do so. He continues to rehash positions we proved him wrong on but he is like a gnat whcih doesn't go away and again, he is willing to break the law to do so as he has multiple times in these worthless pieces of trash he calls blogs. Watch our videos and test them. He is not. He is trying to cherry pick and misrepresent. For instance this video deals with tons of history asnd was one of our first in our publishing on YouTube of our journey of research. The sources are not cited like a scientific journal and at that point, we didn't even know many would even watch. We did so in representing history accurately. This fraud only misrepresents.
ReplyDeleteWow. Now maybe you can actually read it and deal with all the fraud I have meticulous laid out and proven in detail. You don't represent history accurately at all.
Delete"The sources are not cited like a scientific journal"
You are right. They aren't. And that is a bad thing. Here you are trying to prove this new paradigm of history and you claim oh its not a scientific journal as if that absolves you of anything and gives you a right to be sloppy and deceptive.
You have no credibility on this topic and no right to debate. This is our case you have never reviewed yet keep screwing up and we are tired of fixing your big fat mess you are attempting because you cannot read and comprehend. Only an idiot would attempt your stupid approach. You are a waste of breath because you are a complete deceiver willing to lie over and over which you have. You continue to attempt to focus on one reference here or there out of context without reviewing our case completely misrepresenting and typically misreading them just as you fraudulently dealt with most everything you have cited such as Mela's quote, Mela's map in which you ridiculed as a child in ignorance and you are truly stupid, misquoted the Periplus in fraud, misrepresented that the Periplus has issues when it does not, attacked a Supreme Court Justice who was accurate and you wrong, misread Villegas, Legeza, Horridge... I could go on and on and on as your blatant disregard for the truth and outright illegal behavior is far over the line. You ridicule the first globe of the world from 1492 which is one of the best documented maps out there. What a fool. All because they do not agree with you and prove you wrong because you are simply unable to comprehend nor read evidentally. The problem is you will never disprove our overall findings nor have you even put a dent in our case. Anyone can find a quote from a Jew to say someone else is wrong. Of course, there are British who have misled on this topic as you seem to be their Propagandist even. You ridicule Jews yet then use a Jew to make your case. What a nut job. You are a fraud PhilippinesFails David Roxas. This is nothing but a psycho psy-op from a communist, jesuit-style blogger trying to suck our time. Fortunately, most of the team ignores you. You have failed the Philippines, Philippines Fails David Roxas and Filipinos will soon rise up and deal with you.
DeleteYou attacked your opponent's character or personal traits in an attempt to undermine their argument.
DeleteAd hominem attacks can take the form of overtly attacking somebody, or more subtly casting doubt on their character or personal attributes as a way to discredit their argument. The result of an ad hom attack can be to undermine someone's case without actually having to engage with it.
You began attacking personal character from your first email in Cyber Libel from your first blog in which you go on and on in disgusting display as a communist-style agitator. We respond and you cry. Boo hoo. You have no credibility on this topic and no right to debate. This is our case you have never reviewed yet keep screwing up and we are tired of fixing your big fat mess you are attempting because you cannot read and comprehend. Only an idiot would attempt your stupid approach. You are a waste of breath because you are a complete deceiver willing to lie over and over which you have. You continue to attempt to focus on one reference here or there out of context without reviewing our case completely misrepresenting and typically misreading them just as you fraudulently dealt with most everything you have cited such as Mela's quote, Mela's map in which you ridiculed as a child in ignorance and you are truly stupid, misquoted the Periplus in fraud, misrepresented that the Periplus has issues when it does not, attacked a Supreme Court Justice who was accurate and you wrong, misread Villegas, Legeza, Horridge... I could go on and on and on as your blatant disregard for the truth and outright illegal behavior is far over the line. You ridicule the first globe of the world from 1492 which is one of the best documented maps out there. What a fool. All because they do not agree with you and prove you wrong because you are simply unable to comprehend nor read evidentally. The problem is you will never disprove our overall findings nor have you even put a dent in our case. Anyone can find a quote from a Jew to say someone else is wrong. Of course, there are British who have misled on this topic as you seem to be their Propagandist even. You ridicule Jews yet then use a Jew to make your case. What a nut job. You are a fraud PhilippinesFails David Roxas. This is nothing but a psycho psy-op from a communist, jesuit-style blogger trying to suck our time. Fortunately, most of the team ignores you. You have failed the Philippines, Philippines Fails David Roxas and Filipinos will soon rise up and deal with you.
DeleteLet's get this straight, this buffoon has supposedly now watched 1 Part of a 70 video or so series and he supposedly knows what we do or do not prove? Right. I saw a plane fly over this morning and well, now, I'm a pilot. Equally dangerous and equally stupid to write blogs out of ignoroance. Yet, that is all this moron is capable. Anyone can simply read Purchas and see he is a paid shill which he was. Can one find a quote defending him? Sure, typically by another Rothschild paid shill of course. That is not a point and to write a blog about that shows desperation. Purchas is a shill as he ignores the Philippines and Magellan's find completely in his very long ramblings thus clearly had an agenda and to say otherwise is ignorance. Yet that is what we have come to expect from this blog as he is even worse than Purchas who never actually made a case if you. read it as he only relies on old, outdated information already proven in increasing knowledge of that age to be wrong. The ramblings of a fool. Look at how he defends a Rothschild agent even. Clearly, this PhilippinesFails has an agenda for the Philippines to Fail. Clearly, he is aligned with the British colonialists rather than with his own country. Now that's sad. He wants everyone to believe the Philippines can't succeed yet he is a fraud never even making a point. He has broken the law in Cyber Libel even to make these points of nothing in which he has lost every debate royally. The reason he tries to take a series he has not watched and actually write blogs on it. What a fraud this PhilippinesFails David Roxas is!
ReplyDelete"Purchas is a shill as he ignores the Philippines and Magellan's find completely in his very long ramblings thus clearly had an agenda and to say otherwise is ignorance."
DeleteIF this is true then prove it! Show us the relevant quotes!!! That is the point here. YOU DID NOT READ PURCHAS and you DO NOT KNOW WHAT HE WROTE!! Yet you talk as if you did. You are relying on AncientPhlippines who is relying on Abraham Tablilog.
We deal with Purchas in more detail later in the series you haven't watched. You can be a big boy and watch like everyone else or continuing commenting in utter ignorance as you have all along. You have no credibility on this topic and no right to debate. This is our case you have never reviewed yet keep screwing up and we are tired of fixing your big fat mess you are attempting because you cannot read and comprehend. Only an idiot would attempt your stupid approach. You are a waste of breath because you are a complete deceiver willing to lie over and over which you have. You continue to attempt to focus on one reference here or there out of context without reviewing our case completely misrepresenting and typically misreading them just as you fraudulently dealt with most everything you have cited such as Mela's quote, Mela's map in which you ridiculed as a child in ignorance and you are truly stupid, misquoted the Periplus in fraud, misrepresented that the Periplus has issues when it does not, attacked a Supreme Court Justice who was accurate and you wrong, misread Villegas, Legeza, Horridge... I could go on and on and on as your blatant disregard for the truth and outright illegal behavior is far over the line. You ridicule the first globe of the world from 1492 which is one of the best documented maps out there. What a fool. All because they do not agree with you and prove you wrong because you are simply unable to comprehend nor read evidentally. The problem is you will never disprove our overall findings nor have you even put a dent in our case. Anyone can find a quote from a Jew to say someone else is wrong. Of course, there are British who have misled on this topic as you seem to be their Propagandist even. You ridicule Jews yet then use a Jew to make your case. What a nut job. You are a fraud PhilippinesFails David Roxas. This is nothing but a psycho psy-op from a communist, jesuit-style blogger trying to suck our time. Fortunately, most of the team ignores you. You have failed the Philippines, Philippines Fails David Roxas and Filipinos will soon rise up and deal with you.
DeleteAd Hominem
Delete(Attacking the person): This fallacy occurs when, instead of addressing someone's argument or position, you irrelevantly attack the person or some aspect of the person who is making the argument. The fallacious attack can also be direct to membership in a group or institution.
You began attacking personal character from your first email in Cyber Libel from your first blog in which you go on and on in disgusting display as a communist-style agitator. We respond and you cry. Boo hoo. You have no credibility on this topic and no right to debate. This is our case you have never reviewed yet keep screwing up and we are tired of fixing your big fat mess you are attempting because you cannot read and comprehend. Only an idiot would attempt your stupid approach. You are a waste of breath because you are a complete deceiver willing to lie over and over which you have. You continue to attempt to focus on one reference here or there out of context without reviewing our case completely misrepresenting and typically misreading them just as you fraudulently dealt with most everything you have cited such as Mela's quote, Mela's map in which you ridiculed as a child in ignorance and you are truly stupid, misquoted the Periplus in fraud, misrepresented that the Periplus has issues when it does not, attacked a Supreme Court Justice who was accurate and you wrong, misread Villegas, Legeza, Horridge... I could go on and on and on as your blatant disregard for the truth and outright illegal behavior is far over the line. You ridicule the first globe of the world from 1492 which is one of the best documented maps out there. What a fool. All because they do not agree with you and prove you wrong because you are simply unable to comprehend nor read evidentally. The problem is you will never disprove our overall findings nor have you even put a dent in our case. Anyone can find a quote from a Jew to say someone else is wrong. Of course, there are British who have misled on this topic as you seem to be their Propagandist even. You ridicule Jews yet then use a Jew to make your case. What a nut job. You are a fraud PhilippinesFails David Roxas. This is nothing but a psycho psy-op from a communist, jesuit-style blogger trying to suck our time. Fortunately, most of the team ignores you. You have failed the Philippines, Philippines Fails David Roxas and Filipinos will soon rise up and deal with you.
DeleteThere is nothing to respond in this rambling as it makes no points. What is extremely difficult is to take an entire case and prove it. We did. This fool does not know and is unqualified to say otherwise as he has never reviewed our case just 1 video out of entire series and a few briefs which in his own words he claims qualifies him to write these ignorant blogs. What a fool this David Roxas of PhilippinesFails is. We have had enough of his Cyber Libel and misleadings and we will deal with him.
ReplyDeleteYeah I know you don't want to respond to this overwhelming tsunami of evidence proving you misuse sources, don't read them, crib from AncientPhilippines, and don't do any "deep research." All the above information stands as a witness against you that all your pumping forth is lie after lie after lie.
DeleteThe point of this post is not to go after your whole case but to dismantle you one piece at a time. Solomon's Gold Part 6 has crumbled upon close examination.
Continue to call me names and such and don't deal with the evidence. That is on you. Makes you look like fools.
we have proven you a liar, a libelous fraud and you have only proven you have no reading comprehension in the slightest. Yours is the behavior of a psycho. You have no credibility on this topic and no right to debate as you abandoned such right when you libeled, lied, committed fraud and negligence. Our videos have drawn accurate conclusions which you have not remotely been able to unravel and this tactic has failed as you fail the Philippines almost daily. This is our case you have never reviewed yet keep screwing up and we are tired of fixing your big fat mess you are attempting because you cannot read and comprehend. Only an idiot would attempt your stupid approach. You are a waste of breath because you are a complete deceiver willing to lie over and over which you have. You continue to attempt to focus on one reference here or there out of context without reviewing our case completely misrepresenting and typically misreading them just as you fraudulently dealt with most everything you have cited such as Mela's quote, Mela's map in which you ridiculed as a child in ignorance and you are truly stupid, misquoted the Periplus in fraud, misrepresented that the Periplus has issues when it does not, attacked a Supreme Court Justice who was accurate and you wrong, misread Villegas, Legeza, Horridge... I could go on and on and on as your blatant disregard for the truth and outright illegal behavior is far over the line. You ridicule the first globe of the world from 1492 which is one of the best documented maps out there. What a fool. All because they do not agree with you and prove you wrong because you are simply unable to comprehend nor read evidentally. The problem is you will never disprove our overall findings nor have you even put a dent in our case. Anyone can find a quote from a Jew to say someone else is wrong. Of course, there are British who have misled on this topic as you seem to be their Propagandist even. You ridicule Jews yet then use a Jew to make your case. What a nut job. You are a fraud PhilippinesFails David Roxas. This is nothing but a psycho psy-op from a communist, jesuit-style blogger trying to suck our time. Fortunately, most of the team ignores you. You have failed the Philippines, Philippines Fails David Roxas and Filipinos will soon rise up and deal with you.
DeleteAd hominem is a Latin word that means “against the man.” As the name suggests, it is a literary term that involves commenting on or against an opponent, to undermine him instead of his arguments.
You began attacking personal character from your first email in Cyber Libel from your first blog in which you go on and on in disgusting display as a communist-style agitator. We respond and you cry. Boo hoo. You have no credibility on this topic and no right to debate. This is our case you have never reviewed yet keep screwing up and we are tired of fixing your big fat mess you are attempting because you cannot read and comprehend. Only an idiot would attempt your stupid approach. You are a waste of breath because you are a complete deceiver willing to lie over and over which you have. You continue to attempt to focus on one reference here or there out of context without reviewing our case completely misrepresenting and typically misreading them just as you fraudulently dealt with most everything you have cited such as Mela's quote, Mela's map in which you ridiculed as a child in ignorance and you are truly stupid, misquoted the Periplus in fraud, misrepresented that the Periplus has issues when it does not, attacked a Supreme Court Justice who was accurate and you wrong, misread Villegas, Legeza, Horridge... I could go on and on and on as your blatant disregard for the truth and outright illegal behavior is far over the line. You ridicule the first globe of the world from 1492 which is one of the best documented maps out there. What a fool. All because they do not agree with you and prove you wrong because you are simply unable to comprehend nor read evidentally. The problem is you will never disprove our overall findings nor have you even put a dent in our case. Anyone can find a quote from a Jew to say someone else is wrong. Of course, there are British who have misled on this topic as you seem to be their Propagandist even. You ridicule Jews yet then use a Jew to make your case. What a nut job. You are a fraud PhilippinesFails David Roxas. This is nothing but a psycho psy-op from a communist, jesuit-style blogger trying to suck our time. Fortunately, most of the team ignores you. You have failed the Philippines, Philippines Fails David Roxas and Filipinos will soon rise up and deal with you.
DeleteAd Hominem (Abusive)
Deleteargumentum ad hominem
(also known as: personal abuse, personal attacks, abusive fallacy, damning the source, name calling, refutation by caricature, against the person, against the man)
Description: Attacking the person making the argument, rather than the argument itself, when the attack on the person is completely irrelevant to the argument the person is making.
Logical Form:
Person 1 is claiming Y.
Person 1 is a moron.
Therefore, Y is not true.
You have no credibility on this topic and no right to debate. This is our case you have never reviewed yet keep screwing up and we are tired of fixing your big fat mess you are attempting because you cannot read and comprehend. Only an idiot would attempt your stupid approach. You are a waste of breath because you are a complete deceiver willing to lie over and over which you have. You continue to attempt to focus on one reference here or there out of context without reviewing our case completely misrepresenting and typically misreading them just as you fraudulently dealt with most everything you have cited such as Mela's quote, Mela's map in which you ridiculed as a child in ignorance and you are truly stupid, misquoted the Periplus in fraud, misrepresented that the Periplus has issues when it does not, attacked a Supreme Court Justice who was accurate and you wrong, misread Villegas, Legeza, Horridge... I could go on and on and on as your blatant disregard for the truth and outright illegal behavior is far over the line. You ridicule the first globe of the world from 1492 which is one of the best documented maps out there. What a fool. All because they do not agree with you and prove you wrong because you are simply unable to comprehend nor read evidentally. The problem is you will never disprove our overall findings nor have you even put a dent in our case. Anyone can find a quote from a Jew to say someone else is wrong. Of course, there are British who have misled on this topic as you seem to be their Propagandist even. You ridicule Jews yet then use a Jew to make your case. What a nut job. You are a fraud PhilippinesFails David Roxas. This is nothing but a psycho psy-op from a communist, jesuit-style blogger trying to suck our time. Fortunately, most of the team ignores you. You have failed the Philippines, Philippines Fails David Roxas and Filipinos will soon rise up and deal with you.
DeleteYawn! what a sleepy and quiet Sunday morning. And here you are attacking me in these comments. Why are you even here? If all you want to do is call me names then why bother? What is the point? Don't you have better things to do? But since you are here why don't you read what is written and engage with the arguments which is that none of your sources check out.
DeleteLet's hear your defense of the Names of the Philippines slide. Start with that one. Defend each name and cite the proper source. Go ahead and prove everything I wrote above is not true.
Here is my original email. Now go through it and show me EXACTLY where I attacked anyone's personal character.
DeleteDear Timothy Schwab
A few days ago I wrote to you at schwabmarketing@gmail.com but have yet to receive a response so I am writing to you again through this website contact form in hopes of getting a quicker response.
I have composed a response and review of your Youtube videos and claims for my blog https://philippinefails.blogspot.com. However before I publish it I have a few questions I hope you will answer.
1. You claim to not be part of a denomination or organization yet according to https://talbotspy.org/the-shore-life-magazine-marks-first-anniversary-with-expansion-plans/ you were once a youth pastor and elsewhere you indicate that you were the worship leader at a few churches https://www.linkedin.com/in/tim-schwab-a44173b5/. Are you still part of a church and if so what kind of church?
2. Are you a trinitarian? Do you believe the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit share one nature and are three separate persons? Or are you a oneness pentecostal who believes that the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are manifestations of the same being?
3. You give a lot of detailed linguistic information in your videos comparing Hebrew with Tagalog asserting that similarity of sound equals similarity of origin. What background in linguistics do you possess? Have you studied Hebrew or Taglog at a collegiate level?
4. Have you ever lived in the Philippines? Aside from your recent brief trip to the Philippines for the RISE conferences what is your experience with Filipino people and culture?
5. You claim that Kurds, Filipinos, and West Africans are members of the lost tribes of Israel. Have you heard of other lost tribe theories and claims like those of the British Israelites, Christian Identity, and Black Hebrews? What do you think of their claims?
6. How can Filipinos and West Africans be members of a Semitic tribe when they are not Semitic peoples?
7. At 34:07 in your video Lost Tribes 2 G you make some brief comments about Marcos. Are you a Marcos apologist? Do you think Marcos was ultimately good for the country and all the bad things said about him are CIA disinformation?
8. You are not a Filipino yet you are claiming to be bringing to Filipinos lost knowledge about who they are. Knowledge which has been suppressed and hidden on purpose. When God delivered Israel out of Egypt he chose Moses, an Israelite, to lead them. Why do you think God has chosen you, a white man, to bring this knowledge rather than a Filipino? What do you think of the claim that to bring such knowledge would make you another white saviour? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/White_savior
I hope to hear from you soon.
What EXACTLY in any of that is attacking anyone's personal character. Be very specific.
Can you read at all or do you think these things do not apply to you? You began the attack on us and you have leveled one personal attack in libel after the other after the other as it lines all of your blogs essentially. Your harassment and libel is against the law and yes, we have the right to respond to your filth and we will. Now you cry when we respond, a standard communist-style response. Boo hoo. You continued to libel over and over and in ignorance. You lied numerous times even about Tim's LinkedIn in which you cannot even read yet again but that is separate from your complete cyber libel which is very clear and proven already. You even attacked his wife. Disgusting! Well, let's not pretend we don't know you intend to misread and mislead as the communist tactics you employ typically do. Calling one a fool who has behaved as a fool and proven a fool is simply telling things as they are. As Forrest Gump said, perhaps he knew you, "Stupid is as stupid does." Telling one they are ignorant when they have admitted they are ignorant is called fact and you have admitted such and then, further proven you cannot read and comprehend which is sad but does not give you the right to libel, harass and commit fraudulent acts. Writing blogs against videos you have not even reviewed remains ignorance. Calling one a liar who has mischaracterized your group as a liar yet that person lied (against there very own dictation of our words even) to say we are liars is simply fact and that is you sir. You have fraudulently dealt with most everything you have cited such as Mela's quote, Mela's map in which you ridiculed as a child in ignorance and you are truly stupid provably, misquoted the Periplus in fraud provably, misrepresented that the Periplus has issues when it does not, attacked a Supreme Court Justice who was accurate and you wrong (and hope he does not find out the manner in which you referred to him because you libeled him too, you even libeled Magellan as a complete fool), you misread Villegas, Legeza, Horridge... I could go on and on and on as your blatant disregard for the truth and outright illegal behavior is far over the line. You ridicule the first globe of the world from 1492 which is one of the best documented maps out there. The behavior of a fool thus you are a fool. All because they do not agree with you and prove you wrong because you are simply unable to comprehend nor read evidently (as proven fact). The problem is you will never disprove our overall findings nor have you even put a dent in our case. Anyone can find a quote from a Jew to say someone else is wrong. Of course, there are British who have misled on this topic as you seem to be their Propagandist even. You ridicule Jews yet then use a Jew to make your case. What a nut job. You are proven a fraud PhilippinesFails David Roxas. This is nothing but a psycho psy-op from a communist, jesuit-style blogger trying to suck our time. You have failed the Philippines, Philippines Fails David Roxas and Filipinos will soon rise up and deal with you.
DeleteThese aren't questions Philippines Fails David Roxas. Your conclusions are already drawn in the formation of these communist-style propaganda hits Philippines Fails David Roxas. Tim will never answer a fraudulent, libelous blogger who has no right to ask questions nor does he bother with your insignificant ramblings. You, Philippines Fails David Roxas, continue to commit libel as his personal email address is not for you to publish and you have no such permission yet here ya go again. I will have to have him take that email address down now. Good job fool! Your disruptive behavior has crossed legal lines and you will be dealt with. As if anyone could not see what these questions are setting up? More libel. Answers you especially are not entitled to. You really don't get it at all. Fraud just oozes out of your pores as you continue to operate in ignorance and pretend you have not already been disproven and caught in illegal behavior which you most certainly have. You are disgusting and your demonic behavior will not go unpunished Philippines Fails David Roxas. We have answered your ignorant blogs, proven you a fraud and libelous yet you have not felt our response yet. Enjoy.
DeleteNo conclusions are drawn in these questions. That is why they are called questions. You ask a question then you get an answer then you get a conclusion. There are no personal attacks here or anywhere else in these posts. I deal with your content and because you are so fragile you see that as a personal attack on you.
DeleteThe only response you should be making is to the facts I have laid out above proving your shoddy scholarship. Anything else such as these silly ad hominem you keep making is not a proper response and only shows you cannot deal with criticism. I laid out my case against you rather strongly and your only response its to call me names. Does Tim approve of this behavior? Does your leader think you are being a good representative of the organization?
You have got to be kidding. You are so jaded you can't even read your own insinuations in these loaded questions. Anyone else could especially in your libelous, fraudulent warped mind of thinking. We know how you use stuff in fraud and libel. No, you don't libel someone and then libel them again publishing their personal email and then somehow forget you are guilty of breaking the law and think you are entitled to further inquiry in order to continue to libel and commit fraud and gross negligence. You are truly stupid if you think we are that stupid. You have no case and your lying is not strong. Your harping on a slide in which we do not mention and author, then you show the dictation of the slide in which we do not mention the author but then go on in a 20-page blog attempting to connect that slide mentioned an author it did not is among one of the most ridiculous displays of ignorance we have seen. Your misusing quote after quote in fraud as you have fraudulently dealt with most everything you have cited such as Mela's quote, Mela's map in which you ridiculed as a child in ignorance and you are truly stupid provably, misquoted the Periplus in fraud provably, misrepresented that the Periplus has issues when it does not, attacked a Supreme Court Justice who was accurate and you wrong (and hope he does not find out the manner in which you referred to him because you libeled him too, you even libeled Magellan as a complete fool), you misread Villegas, Legeza, Horridge... I could go on and on and on as your blatant disregard for the truth and outright illegal behavior is far over the line. You ridicule the first globe of the world from 1492 which is one of the best documented maps out there. The behavior of a fool thus you are a fool. All because they do not agree with you and prove you wrong because you are simply unable to comprehend nor read evidently (as proven fact). The problem is you will never disprove our overall findings nor have you even put a dent in our case. Anyone can find a quote from a Jew to say someone else is wrong. Of course, there are British who have misled on this topic as you seem to be their Propagandist even. You ridicule Jews yet then use a Jew to make your case. What a nut job. You are proven a fraud PhilippinesFails David Roxas. This is nothing but a psycho psy-op from a communist, jesuit-style blogger trying to suck our time. You have failed the Philippines, Philippines Fails David Roxas and Filipinos will soon rise up and deal with you.
DeleteIf I am wrong about what I have written then why are you so mad? Why do you rage so much? Why did you change your videos?
DeleteThere is no if... you are wrong about practically everything you touch and attempt to mess up. We are well aware of the communist tactic from psychos especially and it deserves outrage because it is disgusting and frankly, demonic. You then respond as a child. If you do not know libel laws, you shouldn’t be blogging. You don’t get to cross them and get away with it. We updated sources on a few videos especially to give more detail. We publish that edit announcing it publicly and label those videos as edited and you call that dishonest as a complete fool. That is filthy and disgusting. You misuse quote after quote as you cannot read a full sentence or paragraph much of the time and you have been wrong on many to the point of fraud. You have libeled our leader, his wife and our group illegally multiple times and that most certainly deserves outrage. Jesus shared such outrage multiple times with Pharisees that were misleading and misusing the Bible and history just as you do. Our book will give full detail with a Sourcebook we have now created that will be available so one can follow along virtually every quote and see the actual page we used with highlighted quote, the pg. #'s, etc. and a link when appropriate. However, you misuse quote after quote in fraud as you have fraudulently dealt with most everything you have cited such as Mela's quote, Mela's map in which you ridiculed as a child in ignorance and you are truly stupid provably, misquoted the Periplus in fraud provably, misrepresented that the Periplus has issues when it does not, attacked a Supreme Court Justice who was accurate and you wrong (and hope he does not find out the manner in which you referred to him because you libeled him too, you even libeled Magellan as a complete fool), you misread Villegas, Legeza, Horridge... I could go on and on and on as your blatant disregard for the truth and outright illegal behavior is far over the line. You ridicule the first globe of the world from 1492 which is one of the best documented maps out there. The behavior of a fool thus you are a fool. All because they do not agree with you and prove you wrong because you are simply unable to comprehend nor read evidently (as proven fact). The problem is you will never disprove our overall findings nor have you even put a dent in our case. Anyone can find a quote from a Jew to say someone else is wrong. Of course, there are British who have misled on this topic as you seem to be their Propagandist even. You ridicule Jews yet then use a Jew to make your case. What a nut job. You are proven a fraud PhilippinesFails David Roxas. This is nothing but a psycho psy-op from a communist, jesuit-style blogger trying to suck our time. You have failed the Philippines, Philippines Fails David Roxas and Filipinos will soon rise up and deal with you.
DeleteWhy do you copy/paste the same comment over and over and over and over? What is wrong with you? You sure do have a bee in your bonnet! Looking at this "Coleccion General de Documentos Relativos a las Islas Filipinos document 98" as i type. Directions to Ophir? HAHA! this was actually written BEFORE Magellan even landed in the PHL. There is nothing about Ophir in this text at all. But this fake news has spread like wildfire all over the net because of a column written by Jes Tirol in 2008 in which, surprise surprise, he fails to give the places in this document he is citing.
DeleteI have actually been right about everything so far. I check your sources, find them wanting, and then you change your videos because you agree! Yes you did dishonestly edit them because you changed the visual and kept the same audio. So you SAY the armor is INDISPUTABLY Greek but on the slide you have "Archeaological Confirmation Pending." On another slide you erase the reference to Suarez but in the audio you are still using him as a source because the Periplus does not mention Argyre. Mela does and your source for Mela is Suarez. in Clue #53 which is a rebuttal to me you use Suarez as a source for the Turin map! LOL! Make your mind about him. He is either a scholar and worthy to be used as a source or he is not!
I have not libeled you at all but you are welcome to waste your time and money suing me if you wish. Then we can all see you are so fragile and your foundation so weak that you have to resort to having the courts shut me up instead of refuting the facts I have listed in all these blog posts. I encourage you to waste both the courts time, your time, and your money in this endeavor.
Because you have difficulty with reading comprehension clearly. There ya go again… Uneducated babble… Are you a child? You just called something “fake news” you haven’t even tested which is extremely well documented and clearly you can’t read yet again as the words are right there in the text. It is not Tirol’s fault you can’t read. But why not libel him too though along with Magellan who you accused of “falsifying” in your fraud because he proved you wrong. You behave as a child and neglect this platform royally. It is disgusting and you are the one repeating debate you lost as nothing here even makes sense. Let’s take Mela… He maps what he meant stupid which we have explained many times over in many blogs which you miss the part even in Suarez’s book that he believed Chryse to be an ISLAND (that’s not a peninsula) and between the tip of the Malay Peninsula and China which he drew on a map ¬– a credible reconstructed, published and vetted for over 100 years map thus you not only have no point, you truly are stupid to continue a debate in which you were smacked down royally. Do those 2 islands look like the Malay Peninsula to you? Uh… no. Nope. What about Dionysius the Tourist’s directions and map? Oops, no. Both draw islands SE of China where the Philippines is located. What about the 1492 Behaim globe? Oops, nope. What about the Periplus directions you also screwed up missing the second portion clearly identifying Chryse SE of China? You are buried on the point with every pretty much and proven to continue to fraudulently represent “fake news” as your false view is yet you accuse others of your own shortcoming. Grow up child.
DeleteAs for "Magellan who you accused of “falsifying” in your fraud because he proved you wrong" allow me to quote YOUR OWN SOURCE Nowell where he says Magellan rewrote one passage in Barbosa's book:
Delete"Magellan digested Barbosa's work and with his own hand rewrote one passage, which consisted of a list of places between the Cape of Good Hope and the Lequios that were known but not yet occupied by the Portuguese. Magellan's version substitutes for Barbosa's “Lequios” the words “Tarsis” and “Ofir.””
Magellan rewrote that passage to fit his preconceived notions. Thus he falsified the text. He did not make notes. He "rewrote one passage" as Nowell says.
Now let's quote what Suarez has to say about Chryse and Argyre.
"Chryse most likely represented Malaya, while Argyre was probably Burma, perhaps Arakan. Both are seen as islands in the world map after Mela, Chryse being the island off to the east Asian coast, and Argyre the island at the Ganges delta next to Taprobana."
Suarez does not say they are islands! He says they are represented as islands on Mela's map but Suarez identifies them as something else completely. Namely Burma and the Malaysian peninsula.
The 1492 Behaim globe is worthless as a real world map. It has features that do not even exist. Why refer to it to back up your claims? The world it depicts does not exist. It comes from the imagination of a man who never even visited Asia.
The Periplus tells us that Chryse is located just opposite the Ganges River. Philippines is too far to be just opposite the Ganges river. By your logic I am just opposite to you even though we are many many many miles apart.
"And just opposite this river there (the Ganges) is an island in the ocean, the last part of the inhabited world toward the east, under the rising sun itself; it is called Chryse"
Periplus says Chryse is just opposite the Ganges. It says nothing about it being near China.
But here's the real kicker! You and many other people says the Greeks came to the Philippines and mapped the way there! Yet these maps show TWO ISLANDS!! You say Luzon is Chryse (gold) and Mindanao is Argyre (silver). But all the largest gold discoveries have been found in Mindanao. If anything Mindanao would be Chryse. The second problem is if the Greeks were here and accurately mapped the way here then where are the other 6998 islands?? You cannot account for them!
Really? You want to rehash debate you have lost over and over and over again yet wonder why I keep repeating myself because you are incapable of comprehension? So again you can't read and even attempt to defend your learning disability. You say a lot but it’s all uneducated. Making notes, even a paragraph, in a book you own in your own copy is not "falsifying." Nowell does not say Magellan republished it nor does he ever say he “falsified” it as those are your libelous, stupid words. Anyone with brains reading this comment knows your point is a fraud. The fact you would continue to debate in something in which you were body slammed further demonstrates you are just a communist-style agitator not one seeking nor representing the truth. To libel Magellan as "falsifying" is stupid. Again, you can't think beyond your little box and that is sad. You proved in your last comment that you are only after one thing with preconceived notions and you will never find Ophir nor disprove it but just continue this communist-style confusion which is obviously your only intent. You are caught and your viewers know know as well. Fact: Magellan believed and prove that the Lequios are Tarsis and Ofir. Fact: Pigafetta records the Lequios as Luzon Island. Fact: Pinto also defines the Lequios as not Japan nor Malaysia nor China but islands in between in which he even gives coordinates that lead to Luzon. Fact: Suarez’s conclusions do not represent the information before him. They represent an agenda which we see in academia ofter. We especially see it from you. Fact: you are a fool to make such an utterly uneducated point.
DeleteWe already covered Suarez, crushing this stupidity, who is impertinent in conclusions as he never found Chryse nor did he travel to Southeast Asia nor can he even represent Mela, the Periplus, Pliny, etc. with accuracy but fraudulently represents them just as you do. You have been made aware of your error and to continue in such vein is the action of a fool. You even just admitted that Suarez admits he is ignoring Mela’s map to draw the conclusion of a peninsula which he also ignores most every reference he quotes in order to arrive at such conclusion. Mela knew where Chryse was pretty closely and was confirmed by The Periplus, confirmed by Dionysius the Tourist, confirmed by Behaim, confirmed by Columbus, confirmed by Magellan and Pigafetta, and more. The British line you tow as a propagandist however, has been wrong all along and the British aren't even consistent in their position as they are all over the map on this in confusion. It's India, yet India's history says it's not, it's Malaysia yet the Portuguese possessed Malaysia previously and they write Ophir is not in Malaysia, it's in Peru because well, P-R is in the word yet that is ridiculously stupid as no one could travel in Solomon's day to the West coast of South America, plant, trade and harvest and return in a 3-year period. The British are confused and Suarez tows their ignorant line. He even misrepresents Pliny as well who defines Chryse as an island many times and that geographer was not confused, you and Suarez are. Is that the Malay Peninsula on Mela’s map? Nope. Dionysius, Behaim? Nope. The Periplus or Dionysius nor Mela’s directions? Nope. If you could only read and comprehend and then, read a map, perhaps you would understand but that seems improbable. Was it not an Island in all these and many more including Pliny who Suarez fraudulently misrepresents? Yep. Did Columbus not know where this was? Yes, he just did not make it that far in journey but thought he did. Did Magellan not pin this down? Of course he did. And Pigafetta nail it completely? Of course he did. Again, this is 1 point in which you continue to harp and you have been smacked down royally. Yet, you continue in foolish ignorance and pretend you made a point when you only proved you can’t read and incapable of context. Enjoy your ignorance.
DeleteIn 1492, ALL maps were inaccurate to absolute true positions and we demand you produce a map from 1492 that was 100% accurate in the entire world layout. We dare ya. Another false paradigm of ignorance. That does not mean they were not right and demonstrating increasing knowledge in the age of exploration which this map certainly does. His representation of the India and Sri Lanka are good, then the Malay Peninsula which according to him and the Portuguese who controlled the territory, was NOT Chryse getting closer to true, Java Major and Minor are pretty close , Behaim was German and not a British shill as you towing propaganda as you do. His information in creating the map for Southeast Asia was based on progressive knowledge from Portuguese explorers especially who already controlled Malaysia exploring the area even to the Philippines a little and the data he pulled from that is that Chryse and Argyre were in the South China Sea Northeast of Malaysia and the shapes begin to take form in land mass even as Luzon and Mindanao. For you to say his map is “worthless” again proves you are just a communist-style agitator with an agenda and you are drowning in ignorance and very blatant and obvious. You are exposed as a fraud and certainly not academic nor scholarly.
DeleteFor The Periplus, have you not read our slapdown to you at all? Or are you just going to keep repeating ignorance as a foolish child? You are reading half of the directions yet again as it continues and for you to not know that at this point after all these blogs again proves you just a communist-style agitator with no interest in the truth. The Periplus continues…
Delete“After this region under the very north, the sea outside ending in a land called This [China], there is a very great inland city called Thinae [Well known as Sinae or South China in history], from which raw silk and silk yarn and silk cloth are brought…”
You just said in ignorance “It says nothing about it being near China.” That is a lie and you know better already but you continue to lie and misrepresent. I imagine you would think so because you can’t seem to read the next sentence even. We pointed this out to you numerous times and now again yet you defend your ignorance in stupidity. What fraud. Again, your last comment royally proves this as you drew a conclusion based on even admitting you did not read the text.
Ancient gold originates in Luzon in massive proportion and still does which one can see over and over and over in the Spanish letters when they came. You actually just said in ignorance “But all the largest gold discoveries have been found in Mindanao.” That is ridiculous. It is truly uneducated to attempt to say otherwise yet again, you have no filter for such as your diarrhea mouth just continues on and on in ignorance. Then, you incredibly stupidly say “The second problem is if the Greeks were here and accurately mapped the way here then where are the other 6998 islands??” What a false paradigm yet you create one after the other clearly incapable of thinking nor comprehension. You even say yourself accurately mapped the way to the Philippines as Chryse. We have shown you map after map that does exactly that. How many islands and exploring and mapping all of them is a process that still continues to this day even as just in recent years, NAMRA has increased the Philippines from 7,107 islands to 7,634 or so. Based on such stupid logic as you apply, this would mean all maps prior to recent years is “worthless.” Stupid, ignorance and uneducated as every point in this blog has been from the beginning. You don't know anything about history as everything in this comment is stupidly misrepresented and fraudulent. No doubt you have a serious reading comprehension issue and communist-style agitation behavior that is disgusting. What a fool.
Nowell says Magellan rewrote a passage in Barbosa's book. He put words that were not in the text in the text. Ergo he falsified it. End of story. Magellan only THOUGHT he was going to Ophir. He did not KNOW he was going to Ophir. Just like Columbus THOUGHT he was going to Asia but ended up elsewhere. Just like you THINK you have found Ophir but you have not. You can only conjecture but you cannot say definitely because sadly that part of history is gone forever. The location will forever remain a mystery. But for you the PHL is not just Ophir but Tarshsish, Sheba, Seba, and the Garden of Eden. Not even Paterno was that nuts.
DeleteHow can Tim (Pedro) be looking at the mountains of Eden as he says he is in the video "What's going on?" when an angel with a flaming sword is keeping everyone out? How did Tim (Pedro) get in the Garden of Eden?
Suarez's book is listed as the standard authority on the subject matter. Either believe what he says or find new sources for Mela and the Turin map. Get rid of him if you think he is a fraud. Why would anyone use fraudulent scholarship to prove their thesis? Why list him as an approved source on your PDF of approved sources when he is a fraud? It defies logic.
Behaim's map is worthless as it includes many features that do not even exist such a s a second Asian peninsula. He was making it up as he went. Had he been getting accurate info from Portuguese explorers such a peninsula would not have existed on his map.
The Periplus says in black and white that it is JUST OPPOSITE THE GANGES. That is not near China. Read it again.
You have not solved the problem about the islands at all. To go from Luzon to Mindanao and vice versa you will inevitably encounter many islands. But there is no legend of many islands of gold and silver. There is only Chryse and Argyre. If the Greeks had been here mapping accurately they would have mapped the Visayas. You know the Greeks figured out the curvature of the earth right? Yet somehow they missed the Visays while exploring the Philippines.
In a previous comment you admitted you editorialized the Periplus. You say you do this to give the meaning but you end up denying what is actually written, that Chryse is just opposite the Ganges.
Delete"The fact is we quote the Periplus exactly and then editorialize to the EXACT meaning of it which we cover in the video linked in our previous comment."
Try not manipulating or editorializing your sources.
This is your exact quote from the video:
"Periplus of the Erytheaen Sea in the first century records Chryse and Argyre as being located in "the last part of the inhabited world toward the east, under the rising sun itself beyond the land of China which brought silk to India."
The Periplus DOES NOT SAY THAT. It does not mention Argyre. And it says Chryse is just opposite to the Ganges.
You are one of the dumbest I have ever encountered. What a child. You continue to draw conclusions yet you never reviewed our position nor can you even read a sentence nor are you even aware what some of these terms represent. What a sad existence for a communist-style blogger who beats up and libels on people unprovoked. No worries, you will be dealt with you fraud. No one is going to read your crap and believe you are anything but a fool.
DeleteYou have no clue what you are even talking about. We prove Suarez is no authority in his conclusions and you are not either. We will quote whomever we wish whenever we wish. You are so backwards and twisted to think that using a quote from an author must mean you agree with them on everything especially in conclusion. That’s stupidity and more misrepresentation in false narratives which is all you are capable. You haven’t made an actual point other than you are unable to read and comprehend.
You can’t even read the rest of the directions in the Periplus though we have provided them to you several times. What a fraud you are. It clearly says Chryse is beyond China. You can’t complete Mela’s either. You can’t even read. What a joke you are.
We have nothing to solve and you have no clue what you are talking about because you can’t even understand a simple straight reference whether alone several. You just deceive, deceive, misdirect, deceive in demonic ilk. What a filthy display of utter stupidity and satanic behavior. You are a fool and you have lost all debate. You have proven yourself a fraud. Then you agitate as a child who cannot read. Shame.
There ya go again... You just cannot read. We represented the Periplus accurately and yes, we editorialize or paraphrase at our discretion and that was accurate and you proved you do not. You are a liar. You screwed up the Periplus even in this blog yet again as you proved you can only read half the directions in ignorance and you repeat that mistake over and over and over as if people can't read how stupid you are. The remaining directions certainly do represent beyond China to the South and the East of it and we even explain that more fully in a latter video duh! Our use is accurate. You are simply a liar. Now you continue to defend such ignorance which is indefensible as you just leave out the 2nd half of the directions in fraud. You lost that debate and all debate. You don't even understand common words as to editorialize is not to manipulate. We will do so whenever we wish and your opinion is meaningless and inappropriate especially since we are true to the text and you lie. To note in one's own copy is not "falsifying." Seems you just make up your own language. Pathetic.
Delete"We prove Suarez is no authority in his conclusions" Thomas Suarez, unlike you and Tim (Pedro) is an EXPERT in cartography and his book on Mapping Southeast Asia has become a stand work on the subject.
Delete"Thomas Suarez is a well-known authority on early maps whose previous books include Early Mapping of Southeast Asia (Periplus, 2000), which has become a standard work in the field. He has served as curator and advisor for collections and exhibitions dealing with the history of cartography, and has been an important source for early maps for the past twenty-five years."
But go ahead and call him no expert or authority. Go ahead and keep using a man who claim is no expert in the field as one of your main sources. Who doesn't use fake experts to back up their theses? Sure you are free to quote whomever you want. You can even use Big Bird as a source if you wish.
"yes, we editorialize or paraphrase at our discretion"
to express a personal opinion, especially when you should be giving a report of the facts only
to let your opinions show in a piece of writing where you should only be giving facts
to set forth one's position or opinion on some subject in, or as if in, an editorial.
to inject personal interpretations or opinions into an otherwise factual account.
You did not represent the Periplus for what it actually says. You give it your own spin, your own opinion, you manipulate it, or as you say editorialize it. Stick to the facts.. Just opposite the Ganges.
Maybe if you read real slow this time you can actually comprehend what this says:
Delete“After this region under the very north, the sea outside ending in a land called This [China], there is a very great inland city called Thinae [Well known as Sinae or South China in history], from which raw silk and silk yarn and silk cloth are brought…”
Duh! Southeast of China exactly as we represented, you fraud. You said it doesn't say China and oops! there's China in name and description. How stupid. We will editorialize whenever we wish and you have no say. We will condense, recap, brief and do whatever we feel is appropriate as this certainly was except to a liar who has no interest in the truth like you. We perfectly and accurate represented what the Periplus actually says but you lie and lie. Really you are a blogger and you do not know what editorialize means? As if you have done nothing but editorialize the entire time because you clearly cannot read. We represented The Periplus accurately as it's directions continue to the East and South of China and that is fact you con easily confirm bu you don't. You continue to ignore the remaining directions to attempt to stay on the mainland because you are a liar not interesting in facts. You instead lied. We showed you it was wrong. You still lied. We showed you again. You still lied. We just showed you again. You continue to lie. What a fraud. That debate is over an dyou have lost royally. There is no saying the Periplus does not say China in stupidity and ignorance as it is right there and we showed you multiple times. Willing ignorance of a fool.
"We will editorialize whenever we wish and you have no say."
DeleteYou are right. I have no say in how you misrepresent the facts by inserting your own opinions. You are exactly right. That is your business.
"We perfectly and accurate represented what the Periplus actually says"
No you admitted you editorialized it.
"After this region"
Now is China before or after the Philippines going eastward? It is before. Therefore Chryse is not the Philippines. The Philippines lies southeast of China while Chryse is purported to be JUST OPPOSITE THE GANGES.
We admit to summing it up indeed which is obvious and spelled out as that part is not in quotes is it? We are teaching and a real teacher does so. We earned the right to do so and our use is accurate. You are a liar who continues to lie. Your stupidity of saying "No you admitted you editorialized it" is ridiculous as we were accurate and there is nothing wrong with editorializing on a YouTube channel and rather dumb of you to insinuate such but you have already proven you have no idea of how the format works. You lie and further prove you have a very elementary level comprehension in reading. The Periplus completes it's directions with a full description not 3 words and it reads as:
Delete“After this region under the very north, the sea outside ending in a land called This [China], there is a very great inland city called Thinae [Well known as Sinae or South China in history], from which raw silk and silk yarn and silk cloth are brought…”
What a fraud you are especially to leave out "under the very North" especially. You began saying it does not mention China and that is utterly stupid as it does twice and defines it by the region of silk. That is stupid and you can't read. Now you go further into stupid and leave that part off and focus on 3 words you can't even read either as "This Region" is China stupid. "If you only had a brain..." This is China for one but more so at that point in the directions you are beyond India and now you go beyond China which is identified by name twice and in geography in the text you left off in fraud. Is there a Sea in the interior of China? No stupid. It is as it says OUTSIDE of China or beyond China as one heads East as the directions are. The islands are to the East of China. Then, again, they are South of China as China is in the "very North." These islands and yeah, they are islands not peninsulas stupid, are Southeast of China or in the South China Sea. That is called the Philippines whose 2 largest islands are Luzon and Mindanao.
The Ganges on maps of that era including Erastothanes of 194 BC, Mela of 43 AD, Dionysius the Tourist of 124 AD show the Ganges dumping into the South China Sea just South of China. In that age they do not even draw Malaysia and Indochina on the map but they indicate China and especially 2 islands SE of it in the South China Sea. You have no context and are screwing this up royally as you have everything you have touched as you are not interested in the truth but propagating British propaganda wishing for the Philippines to Fail and it does not fail at all but proves out. That is for those of us who can read. Those like you will simply remain ignorant yet puff up their chests in arrogant foolish pride proven to be utter stupidity. Enjoy that so-called bliss of ignorance.
Now you again take 3 words in a sentence out of context further proving what a liar and manipulator you are. You can't even represent a sentence accurately and you are a fraud. We summed this up in editorial for this very reason so it would not be confusion and yet, you take it and make it confusion when it's right there in black and white. You just can't read.
This is your only tactic. Form a false narrative with an out-of-context fragment and attempt debate. It is so obvious and you are proven a fraud. You either cannot read or you are a liar. It seems you can read some though cannot comprehend at all which is because you are a liar. You are looking like a complete fool in your own blog because you double down on ignorance, then triple down and now you are in the teens on ignorance. Absolutely stupid but this is your blog and you can look as dumb as you wish. Keep it up fool.
A man pulls up on the side of the road and rolls down his window and asks for directions. A lady stops and answers him with directions to take a right, when he hits the gas station, keep heading East, once passed the gas station, take the first right to head South. Your interpretation of these directions would be that he sit still and go nowhere. That's idiotic.
DeleteParagraph 63 describes Chryse and its location. Paragraph 64 is describing the location of China. China is AFTER Chryse. AFTER. AFTER THIS REGION that is what it says. Now the Periplus has left Chryse and is going somewhere else completely.
Delete"We admit to summing it up indeed which is obvious and spelled out as that part is not in quotes is it? We are teaching and a real teacher does so. We earned the right to do so and our use is accurate."
Wrong! You do not represent the Periplus accurately. Let me give Tim (Pedro)'s full stament again:
"Periplus of the Erytheaen Sea in the first century records Chryse and Argyre as being located in "the last part of the inhabited world toward the east, under the rising sun itself beyond the land of China which brought silk to India."
The Periplus DOES NOT MENTION Argyre. Not one time is Argyre mentioned in that document. Yet Tim (Pedro) claims it does. Nor does it say anywhere "beyond the land of China." Here is the full quote which Tim (Pedro) adds to:
"And just opposite this river there is an island in the ocean, the last part of the inhabited world toward the east, under the rising sun itself; it is called Chryse;"
Chryse is just opposite the Ganges toward the east in the last inhabited part of the world which is the Malay Peninsula as all tesitfy because no one from the West knew the Philippines that early. To them the Golden Chersoneses was the last inhabited part of the world. It does not say "beyond China." The next paragraph says "AFTER THIS REGION" and goes on to describe China. After Chryse comes China. So no you do not represent that document accurately.
"when it's right there in black and white."
I agree 100%. The location of Chryse is right there in black and white and it is just opposite the Ganges. Not far far away in the South China Sea.
"nothing wrong with editorializing on a YouTube channel"
Why do you hate your audience so much that you think you have a right to not be very specific and accurate with all your sources? The people you are speaking to take your word as Gospel and you have a duty to be accurate 100% of the time. You know how susceptible the people here are to believing anything that sounds good without checking it out right? There is no room for slacking off and saying, as you have, that this is not a scientific journal. You are dealing with history and geography and science etc so you had better change your view and start treating all your facts and documentation with the utmost honesty which so far you have not.
You still haven't addressed all the errors I document above especially the alleged names of the Philippines. Not that I expect you to though.
Face it bud. No one who has studied cartography believes Chryse is the Philippines. Not even your approved research source Suarez believes this. And he is going along with 2000 years of geography. Now Tim (Pedro) comes along with his degree in Marketing and all his Google Sleuthing and says oh hey guys this is the Philippines and you say Suarez is a fake scholar working for the Rothschilds. Every bit of information you have that contradicts yours you chalk up to some fake conspiracy to keep the truth about the PHL and her inhabitants a secret. It's total nonsense and I say again not even Paterno was this silly and that man was quite silly with his made up pre-Spanish Philippine past which you even buy into! Tim (Pedro) has a whole video about Bathala and his videos are replete with the same linguistic humbug Paterno engaged in.
Here is a map of the Periplus https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/f/ff/Periplous_of_the_Erythraean_Sea.svg
See how Chryse is not the Philippines and how China comes after it and to the north?
And they continue in 64 as... “After this region under the very north, the sea outside ending in a land called This [China], there is a very great inland city called Thinae [Well known as Sinae or South China in history], from which raw silk and silk yarn and silk cloth are brought…”
DeleteIt's right there in black and white. We represent it accurately and you are completely lost because you are sitting still by not actually reading as we have caught you misrepresenting Mela, Mela's map, the Periplus, Behaim and the list keeps growing and growing and growing. You are a fraud.
Stop playing stupid games. You have royally lost debate. Grow up. You are ridiculous.
You have no credibility on this topic and no right to debate. This is our case you have never reviewed yet keep screwing up and we are tired of fixing your big fat mess you are attempting because you cannot read and comprehend. Only an idiot would attempt your stupid approach. You are a waste of breath because you are a complete deceiver willing to lie over and over which you have. You continue to attempt to focus on one reference here or there out of context without reviewing our case completely misrepresenting and typically misreading them just as you fraudulently dealt with most everything you have cited such as Mela's quote, Mela's map in which you ridiculed as a child in ignorance and you are truly stupid, misquoted the Periplus in fraud, misrepresented that the Periplus has issues when it does not, attacked a Supreme Court Justice who was accurate and you wrong, misread Villegas, Legeza, Horridge... I could go on and on and on as your blatant disregard for the truth and outright illegal behavior is far over the line. You ridicule the first globe of the world from 1492 which is one of the best documented maps out there. What a fool. All because they do not agree with you and prove you wrong because you are simply unable to comprehend nor read evidentally. The problem is you will never disprove our overall findings nor have you even put a dent in our case. Anyone can find a quote from a Jew to say someone else is wrong. Of course, there are British who have misled on this topic as you seem to be their Propagandist even. You ridicule Jews yet then use a Jew to make your case. What a nut job. You are a fraud PhilippinesFails David Roxas. This is nothing but a psycho psy-op from a communist, jesuit-style blogger trying to suck our time. Fortunately, most of the team ignores you. You have failed the Philippines, Philippines Fails David Roxas and Filipinos will soon rise up and deal with you.
ReplyDeleteWe have proven over and over from his own words and deeds, this is a libelous, abusive, harassing, lying, fraud who offers nothing of value. He only knows how to corrupt and fraud and we have proven that with quote after quote, map after map, scripture after scripture… This shows how pathetic he is and he has identified his foundation now, we have it. David Roxas of PhilippineFails hates God in his own words. He blames him for the state of the Philippines instead of looking at how the Filipino people have lost covenant relationship which we are working to restore. Yet, he mischaracterizes and misrepresents yet claims he cares but he hates the Philippines and he is a racist, bigot who hates Filipinos and Americans. Seems he just hates everyone but this is common with those whose father is the devil. We live in the End Times when evil is painted as good and good as evil and this persecution is welcomed as it demonstrates we are in the Will of Yahuah. This fraud is in the will of his father, satan. They are liars incapable of truth, haters oblivious to love, demonizers who are the ones with demons, accusers yet guilty themselves… these are hypocrites and yes, the Philippines is not perfect but mostly because of the influence of these Jesuit and Communist-style agitators… They read scripture and then ignore it reframing it in fragments to manipulate to their Pharisee leaven which this fraud represents. They read history and outright lie and commit fraud to reframe it and cover it up but no longer. They are exposed. David Roxas of PhilippineFails has failed the Philippines.