Who is The God Culture? What do they teach and believe?
In roughly ten blog posts I have sought to answer those questions. The God Culture now stands naked for all to see. Not only has their "deep research" been exposed as being mere quote mining from the internet with no actual archeological or historical research out in the field whatsoever but their theology has been laid bare of all pretensions and shown to be completely non-Christian. They teach a false history of the Philippines and they teach a false Gospel of legalism whereby one must keep the Mosaic law, specifically the ten commandments and the feasts, to be engrafted into Jesus Christ. There is one other aspect about their theology and teaching which has not been explored and that is their doctrine of the Trinity.
To cut to the chase Timothy Jay Schwab is an anti-trinitarian heretic and The God Culture is just another anti-trinitarian cult in the Philippines.
In roughly ten blog posts I have sought to answer those questions. The God Culture now stands naked for all to see. Not only has their "deep research" been exposed as being mere quote mining from the internet with no actual archeological or historical research out in the field whatsoever but their theology has been laid bare of all pretensions and shown to be completely non-Christian. They teach a false history of the Philippines and they teach a false Gospel of legalism whereby one must keep the Mosaic law, specifically the ten commandments and the feasts, to be engrafted into Jesus Christ. There is one other aspect about their theology and teaching which has not been explored and that is their doctrine of the Trinity.
To cut to the chase Timothy Jay Schwab is an anti-trinitarian heretic and The God Culture is just another anti-trinitarian cult in the Philippines.
The clues have always been there. From Tim's teaching that the way to be ingrafted into Christ is by keeping the Mosaic law to his denigration of the First Council of Nicea as a conspiracy between Constantine and the Bishops to cover up the truth the fact is that this group's real sentiments have been hidden in plain sight. It is not so easy figuring out their doctrine of the Trinity because they don't like to talk about it. They are not keen on doctrine. They are keen on action which is why they are legalists.
I always had my doubts about The God Culture's theology but when I heard Tim say the following I was 100% convinced that this group denies the Trinity:
"Ladies and Gentlemen Bathala is more likely Yahuah. In EVERY SENSE the creator God of Genesis."
Only one who denies the Trinity could dare strictly identify the Philippines' hermaphroditic pagan deity with a messenger bird (Odin is also a God with a messenger bird!) as Yahuah and declare that he is in EVERY SENSE the creator God of Genesis. Tim is not so ignorant as to be unaware that Jesus Christ created all things and is thus the Creator God of Genesis. Why would he identify Jesus Christ as Bathala? How much more blasphemous could Tim be? Does he pray to Bathala?
It is true that in one of his videos Timothy Schwab does affirm the deity of Jesus Christ and opposes himself to the Jehovah's Witnesses and the Iglesia Ni Cristo. In "Feasts of YHWH: Spring Feasts in New Testament? Part 1A" at 24:52 he says the following:
They especially wished to attack the deity or Godhood of Messiah. Now, they did so to such a point that entire cults today like the JWs and INC actually teach that Jesus or Yahusah was not God. Which is totally against scripture but they are using fraudulent translations. This is why they're misunderstanding. Because you use a fraudulent translation you're gonna come up with fraud. Yahusha was God, period. The Bible's very clear on that. Just read John 1 it is very clear. There is no arguing with that.
But all based on the Wescott and Hort manuscripts who did exactly what they set out to do, attack the deity of Messiah. That's a massive problem and so many are being deceived. You can see it here in this passage that's why we wanted to demonstrate that for you to see.
Yahusha must be God as by Him all things were created and only God can create. And he was since the beginning as God. Not A God but as THE God, the Son indeed.
As far as the doctrine of Christ goes this is an orthodox confession right? No. Plenty of heretics such as Nestorius have believed that Jesus Christ possesses divinity. The question must be parsed even more exactly. It is safe to say that Tim rejects the definitions of Christ's divinity and person given at Nicea and Chalcedon because he rejects the Nicean Council and all the Church Councils in toto.
According to Tim Jesus Christ gave a ringing endorsement for the Book of Jubilees but not for any of the councils of the Church. Because Tim rejects the councils it follows that he does not believe Christ is only a divine person and not a human person, he does not believe Christ has two wills human and divine, he does not believe Mary is theotokos (mother of God or God-bearer), and he does not believe that Christ is divine in the way the Nicene Creed or any of the councils confesses Him to be. Whatever Tim believes about Jesus Christ, including His divinity, it is most certain that it is heretical and not in line with any of the teachings of the Church or the Ekklesia or the Body Of Christ. The fact that he does not believe Jesus is the second member of a united triad is enough to know that is true.
It has not been without a lot of badgering and persistent questioning of The God Culture that any light has been shed on their doctrine of the Trinity and of Christ. It is only recently that Tim has spoken about the Trinity in his videos and that just briefly to dismiss it as a doctrine of men.
I quoted this scripture because it is a favorite of modalists who equate the Father and the Son as The God Culture says they do. They agree with this passage which seems to equate the Father and Son as the same being but they claim the two are separate. Modalists teach that the Son is not separate from the Father but is only a different manifestation, or mode, of Him. So what The God Culture is saying is not very clear. The Father and Son are equated but separate. It is a contradiction they have not thought through.
Elsewhere Tim is very clear that the Father did not become incarnate.
What can we learn from these comments? We learn that The God Culture rejects the Trinity because the word is not in scripture. We learn that they equate the Father and the Son but still consider them to be separate and not the same being. We also learn that they are not sure about the role of the Holy Sprit but do not believe He is God. They say that the Holy Spirit, along with the Father and Son, was present at creation but elsewhere Tim seems to espouse a totally different doctrine which denies the Holy Spirit had a role in creation.
From "Sabbath Series: Part 1. What is the Sabbath? Did it pass away? The Biblical Truth."
Plenty of things about their doctrine of God are still left unclear. Is the Holy Spirit a person or an impersonal force? In what way exactly are the Father and Son equated yet separate? Is Jesus Christ a human person, a divine person, or both?
The God Culture did not like being compared to the INC and JW's because of their anti-trinitarianism. They responded by saying they are not anti-trinitarian but pro-Bible because they transcend that paradigm which they call polarizing pagan nonsense. They also countered by saying that neither the INC or the JW's believe that Jesus is the Son of God. That is a lie.
The JW's believe Jesus is the Son of God.
Now that is already a problem as no Pope nor Christian leader can be compared with John the Baptist. Thus changing his canon of scripture which this library would represent and which we now have full documentation in his time capsule preserved in the caves of Qumran is very problematic to any traditional line attempting to suppress books considered scripture by John and by the way Yahusha even visited and was baptized there which could be considered a a further endorsement in fact. You cannot say that about the council of Nicea or any of the other councils. Yahusha was not there and believe me not in any sense whatsoever as they eliminated the book of Jubilees and others which was scripture inspired and canon.
BOOK OF JUBILEES: Scripture? Inspired? What does the Bible Say? Enoch, Jasher, Dead Sea Scrolls at 38:22
According to Tim Jesus Christ gave a ringing endorsement for the Book of Jubilees but not for any of the councils of the Church. Because Tim rejects the councils it follows that he does not believe Christ is only a divine person and not a human person, he does not believe Christ has two wills human and divine, he does not believe Mary is theotokos (mother of God or God-bearer), and he does not believe that Christ is divine in the way the Nicene Creed or any of the councils confesses Him to be. Whatever Tim believes about Jesus Christ, including His divinity, it is most certain that it is heretical and not in line with any of the teachings of the Church or the Ekklesia or the Body Of Christ. The fact that he does not believe Jesus is the second member of a united triad is enough to know that is true.
It has not been without a lot of badgering and persistent questioning of The God Culture that any light has been shed on their doctrine of the Trinity and of Christ. It is only recently that Tim has spoken about the Trinity in his videos and that just briefly to dismiss it as a doctrine of men.
Then espousing some doctrine of men like Trinity which is a word that never even appears in scripture once. That's why you don't see any videos from us on that. We could care less about the doctrines of men.
https://youtu.be/EscrM4o-h4M?t=3644The following quotes from the God Culture concerning their doctrine of the Trinity can be found in the comments section of the post "The God Culture: A Biography of Timothy Jay Schwab." For the moment these comments are the only written statements they have issued regarding their doctrine of the Trinity. I have archived it in case they decide to delete anything.
To us, we focus on the roles of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit not ignorant buzz words that do not even exist in scripture. That's nonsense. The Father and Son are definitely equated in scripture. The Holy Spirit not exactly but His role never-the-less is crucial and He is Yahuah's spirit indeed. Whether anyone accepts Isis-Osiris-Horus or Nimrod-Semiramis-Tammuz, etc., the origin of your so-called Trinity word and Doctrine not scripture, is impertinent and we don't even enter such debate as it is unnecessary and your basis is not scripture and we focus on the Word not manmade words not even found in scripture.
Where does the Bible use the term "Trinity." Please enlighten us. Where does such concept come from in scripture?
Please show us the words "Triune Being" in scripture which you use as supposed fact that is not debatable. You will not find it nor the word Trinity which is an immediately flag that this is something that needs to be tested. 1 Thessalonians 5:21 says we are to "prove all things hold fast that which is good" because such doctrines of men need to be tested especially when they do not originate in scripture and they are many.
When such doctrine is named after a word not in scripture, using words such as Triune Being not in scripture, you have a massive problem. It is likely a doctrine of men not Yahuah. We just read the Word and it is very clear on this. However, feel free to produce the scripture that says the Holy Spirit is the same as the Father and Son as one Triune Being, a Trinity.
We said the Father and Son are equated and very little on a very massive topic which is why we did not answer your fraudulent paradigm as we knew you would do exactly what you just did because you are a liar. We did not say they are the same being which you just assumed from our very brief response to a topic that requires more than a blog comment especially. How stupid. You simply cannot read and screw up everything you touch. What a fool. Then, you attempt to claim we are the same as JW and INC on this topic yet you again show your ignorance as neither of them equate the Father and Son. Neither of them believe Jesus was the Son of God as we do and scripture defines and how dare you continue your disgusting communist-style agitation with scripture in further ignorance.
We told you we believe the Father and Son are equated in scripture and you give a scripture which demonstrates this so we agree on that.The passage which I cited was Isaiah 9:6.
For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.
Elsewhere Tim is very clear that the Father did not become incarnate.
Now it goes on later in this same passage to identify, and you know this, that the Word became flesh and dwelt among us. And let's be clear that is not Yahuah the Father it is only the Son Yahusha who was God, Elohim, in the flesh. Now that is specifically who is being referenced here as participating in creation. That all things were made by Him. And He is the Word. He is not only with Elohim Yahuah, He is Elohim.
If the Father did not become incarnate as the Son and there is no strict identification between the two then what exactly do they mean when they say the Father and the Son are equated? They do not say.BOOK OF JUBILEES: Scripture? Inspired? What does the Bible Say? Enoch, Jasher, Dead Sea Scrolls at 41:36
Anti-trinitarian is a stupid assertion. We aren't anti-trinitarian. We are PRO-Bible. We have not even produced a teaching on this Trinity Doctrine in which the word and it's buzz words are not even found in scripture because it is impertinent. It is polarizing nonsense that has no place in debate even. It is not in scripture thus no need to discuss it. Let's discuss what is. What matters is to understand the roles of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit and we focus on the Biblical application of that as we should not doctrines of men you can't even produce a scripture in support of the very words you use. The Father and Son are equated but separate as they both (Us) created according to John 1 and even the Genesis Creation account. The Holy Spirit was there as well in presence and His role is not equated nor defined in that passage. You have failed to produce a scripture that equates the Holy Spirit with the Father and Son. Do they work together? Yes. Are they a Trinity and Triune Begin? Not in scripture. That is a doctrine from paganism thousands of years old not Bible. We find such doctrines in the Catholic Church because their foundation is not scripture but paganism largely. Neither the JWs nor INC believe that Jesus is God nor the Son in that sense.
From "Sabbath Series: Part 1. What is the Sabbath? Did it pass away? The Biblical Truth."
Who made and gave the sabbath day of rest? Yahuah did with Yahusha. They both created.
https://youtu.be/qfAybCvlAuM?t=423Here Tim ascribes creation only to the Father and Son. Why no mention of the Holy Spirit if he too was involved in creation?
Plenty of things about their doctrine of God are still left unclear. Is the Holy Spirit a person or an impersonal force? In what way exactly are the Father and Son equated yet separate? Is Jesus Christ a human person, a divine person, or both?
The God Culture did not like being compared to the INC and JW's because of their anti-trinitarianism. They responded by saying they are not anti-trinitarian but pro-Bible because they transcend that paradigm which they call polarizing pagan nonsense. They also countered by saying that neither the INC or the JW's believe that Jesus is the Son of God. That is a lie.
The JW's believe Jesus is the Son of God.
Jesus is Jehovah’s most precious Son—and for good reason. He is called “the firstborn of all creation,” for he was God’s first creation.
There is something else that makes this Son special. He is the “only-begotten Son.”
https://www.jw.org/en/library/books/bible-teach/who-is-jesus-christ/The INC also believe Jesus is the Son of God.
The Iglesia Ni Cristo believes that the Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God (Matt. 3:17), is the one and only Savior given by God
From what The God Culture has to say about the role of the Holy Spirit it seems they consider Him as the active impersonal force of the Father and not a person. Though they do use personal language referring to the Holy Spirit as He and Him they are not clear on his personhood or lack thereof. If the Spirit is a person and is not God then He is a creature. If they believe the Holy Spirit is merely an impersonal force or power then he could not be God because God is personal. If the Spirit is only an impersonal force and not God then it means the active power of the Father and Son is created which would make no sense as everything pertaining to the Father and Son is divine and uncreated. It seems this is something The God Culture has not thought through.
In anywise they do not believe He is God and admit they are not clear on His role. If The God Culture does deny the personality of the Holy Spirit then they are in agreement with the INC and the JW's concerning Him.
The God Culture shows the stupidity of denying a doctrine because a word is not in the scripture. Take the word omnipotent. It means all powerful. Is God all powerful? Yes. Is the word in the scripture? No. Yet The God Culture accepts this word along with the doctrine.
We believe that the Holy Spirit is the power (Acts 1:8) sent by the Father in the name of Christ, to teach and remind His messengers of all things that Christ said (John 14:26).
The holy spirit is God’s power in action, his active force. (Micah 3:8;Luke 1:35) God sends out his spirit by projecting his energy to any place to accomplish his will.—Psalm 104:30; 139:7.
In the Bible, the word “spirit” is translated from the Hebrew word ruʹach and the Greek word pneuʹma. Most often, those words refer to God’s active force, or holy spirit.
https://www.jw.org/en/bible-teachings/questions/what-is-the-holy-spirit/Regardless of what The God Culture believes about each specific member of the Holy Trinity (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit) it is quite clear from their own words that they reject the doctrine of the Trinity. They call such a doctrine pagan and say it is nowhere in scripture. They make the big mistake of declaring that because a word is absent from the scripture the concept is also not present. That would be the word concept fallacy but taken in a negative sense. They are irrefutably anti-trinitarian by their own statements even if they don't want to admit it.
The God Culture shows the stupidity of denying a doctrine because a word is not in the scripture. Take the word omnipotent. It means all powerful. Is God all powerful? Yes. Is the word in the scripture? No. Yet The God Culture accepts this word along with the doctrine.
We have never said Yahuah was anything less than omnipotent yet you go on in your own false paradigm of ignorance.
Though it would be nice to get the utmost clarity on what The God Culture teaches about the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit they are loathe to discuss the issue. They do not think it is important. One is left to guess and their listeners are left in the dark as to what they really believe about God. Perhaps if their listeners knew Timothy and The God Culture denied the Trinity they would abandon them.
What can be said for sure is that The God Culture is just another anti-trinitarian cult in the Philippines. Timothy Jay Schwab is no better than a charlatan of the likes of Felix Manalo, Brother Eli Soriano, and Apollo Quiboloy. All those men are founders of anti-trinitarian cults in the Philippines. All of them, just like Tim, believe they were sent to restore the Word of God.
The number one mark of any cult is its exclusivity manifested in a single leader espousing a secret doctrine no one is privy to except himself and which those who ignore do so at their own peril. Timothy fits that mold quite firmly. Like Prometheus he comes bearing fire to enlighten the minds of the Filipinos as to their true identity. Timothy Jay Schwab is a true gnostic and revealer of the secret flame. He has been given a revelation from God as his website and many of his video's descriptions proclaim.
Tim is right and all the scholars and theologians are wrong. He has managed to alter his consciousness by opening his third eye, changing his paradigm, and thus shifting from a wrong conception of the world to the correct one. Timothy Jay Schwab is an ascended master who has transcended maya, the illusions of this world. He has escaped the chains of Plato's cave and invites his listeners to leave the shadows and join him in the illuminating sunlight of truth. Tim is a yogi, a guru, a buddha, a bodhisattva, a messiah, one sent to restore what has been lost. His lips speak nothing but dharma and if you ignore him or contradict him you are a demonic, communist agitator sent by Satan. So it goes for all cults.
This rejection of the Trinity and especially the divinity of the Holy Spirit leads Tim into two errors. First is his despising and rejecting of the Church.
The God Culture is very clear about the Church. They want no part of it. They used to belong to the Church but have since shuffled off the mortal coil of Christ's Body for their own sectarian dreams and fancies. They are a schismatic group who teaches that Satan took over the Church in the 4th century. They actually claim the early church was wiped out and replaced with the synagogue of Satan.
And who is to aid in the building of the Church but the Holy Spirit?
What can be said for sure is that The God Culture is just another anti-trinitarian cult in the Philippines. Timothy Jay Schwab is no better than a charlatan of the likes of Felix Manalo, Brother Eli Soriano, and Apollo Quiboloy. All those men are founders of anti-trinitarian cults in the Philippines. All of them, just like Tim, believe they were sent to restore the Word of God.
The number one mark of any cult is its exclusivity manifested in a single leader espousing a secret doctrine no one is privy to except himself and which those who ignore do so at their own peril. Timothy fits that mold quite firmly. Like Prometheus he comes bearing fire to enlighten the minds of the Filipinos as to their true identity. Timothy Jay Schwab is a true gnostic and revealer of the secret flame. He has been given a revelation from God as his website and many of his video's descriptions proclaim.
Tim is right and all the scholars and theologians are wrong. He has managed to alter his consciousness by opening his third eye, changing his paradigm, and thus shifting from a wrong conception of the world to the correct one. Timothy Jay Schwab is an ascended master who has transcended maya, the illusions of this world. He has escaped the chains of Plato's cave and invites his listeners to leave the shadows and join him in the illuminating sunlight of truth. Tim is a yogi, a guru, a buddha, a bodhisattva, a messiah, one sent to restore what has been lost. His lips speak nothing but dharma and if you ignore him or contradict him you are a demonic, communist agitator sent by Satan. So it goes for all cults.
This rejection of the Trinity and especially the divinity of the Holy Spirit leads Tim into two errors. First is his despising and rejecting of the Church.
The God Culture is very clear about the Church. They want no part of it. They used to belong to the Church but have since shuffled off the mortal coil of Christ's Body for their own sectarian dreams and fancies. They are a schismatic group who teaches that Satan took over the Church in the 4th century. They actually claim the early church was wiped out and replaced with the synagogue of Satan.
The synagogue of satan was installed and their doctrines as what we call the early church today but the true early church was wiped out.
That is total nonsense and at odds with the promise of Jesus Christ that he will build his church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.New Sabbath Series Trailer
And who is to aid in the building of the Church but the Holy Spirit?
John 16:13 Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will shew you things to come.Tim rejects this guidance when he rejects the church councils. The councils were not men coming together to discover the truth or to hide it but rather to proclaim what the Church had always taught in contradiction to the novelties of heretics. The Holy Spirit was present guiding them. This principle is seen in Acts 15 at the very first Church council.
Acts 15:28 For it seemed good to the Holy Ghost, and to us, to lay upon you no greater burden than these necessary things;
Along with this preservation of the Church by the Holy Spirit is the preservation of Holy Scripture. The Church has a perfect and infallible guide to the truth in the scriptures. But Tim says that the scriptures have been corrupted and suppressed. Specifically The Book of Jubilees has been suppressed and it needs to be restored. Much of his teaching is rooted firmly in that non-scriptural book.
Rather than teaching what scripture teaches and what the Church teaches, scripture belongs to the Church after all, Tim has concocted a phony spiritual history of the Philippines and focuses almost exclusively on that. He brings in all kinds of extra-biblical books which contradict scripture, such as The Book of Jubilees, in order to prove his teachings. Tim believes that the Dead Sea Scrolls should be incorporated into scripture because they are scripture. Tim thinks the issue of our day is restoring God's Word. As if it has been lost!
Rather than teaching what scripture teaches and what the Church teaches, scripture belongs to the Church after all, Tim has concocted a phony spiritual history of the Philippines and focuses almost exclusively on that. He brings in all kinds of extra-biblical books which contradict scripture, such as The Book of Jubilees, in order to prove his teachings. Tim believes that the Dead Sea Scrolls should be incorporated into scripture because they are scripture. Tim thinks the issue of our day is restoring God's Word. As if it has been lost!
The second error which comes with denying the divinity of the Holy Spirit is a false soteriology or doctrine of salvation. In his letter to Titus the Apostle Paul lays out the true doctrine of salvation and the work of the Holy Spirit in it. It is all through the grace of Jesus Christ.
Titus 3:5 Not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to his mercy he saved us, by the washing of regeneration, and renewing of the Holy Ghost;
6 Which he shed on us abundantly through Jesus Christ our Saviour;
7 That being justified by his grace, we should be made heirs according to the hope of eternal life.
Tim preaches a doctrine that is fundamentally different from and opposed to the above verses. His video Grafted Into the Kingdom is where his teaching on salvation really shines through.
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https://youtu.be/P1bOSmv711k |
This video is an hour long exposition of John 15:5.
I am the vine, ye are the branches: He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for without me ye can do nothing.
Tim considers this verse more than any other to be the salvation scripture verse.
10:10 This is the salvation scripture we should be memorizing, we should be quoting, we should be understanding, and we should be preaching and teaching others because this is discipleship. No one can reject Him and enter the kingdom of heaven. No one.
He is very clear that the salvation scripture oft quoted from Romans 10 is not really the foundation of our salvation.
36:26 Romans 10 but after the famous salvation scripture which is not really the foundation for salvation at all, "For there is no difference between the Jew and the Greek for the same Lord over all is rich unto all that call upon him for whosoever, meaning everyone, shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved."
What famous salvation scripture is he referring to?
Romans 10:9 That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.
10 For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.
Tim does not believe that faith in Jesus Christ is the foundation of our salvation! In his new video "Was Peter The Rock Upon Which the Church Was Built? Doctrines of Men: RESOLVED" Tim discusses Matthew 16 and what the church is built upon. While Tim does correctly say Jesus and not Peter is the Rock he totally ignores the fact that Jesus commends Peter's confession of faith and that it is that confession of faith in Jesus which is the Rock upon which the church is built.
Matthew 16:15 He saith unto them, But whom say ye that I am?
16 And Simon Peter answered and said, Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God.When the Philippian jailer asks what he must do to be saved Paul says:
Acts 16: 30 And brought them out, and said, Sirs, what must I do to be saved?
31 And they said, Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, and thy house.
When the Ethiopian eunuch asks Philip what prevents him from being baptized he responds:
Acts 8:36 And as they went on their way, they came unto a certain water: and the eunuch said, See, here is water; what doth hinder me to be baptized?
37 And Philip said, If thou believest with all thine heart, thou mayest. And he answered and said, I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God.Tim utterly rejects this kind of faith in Christ as being the foundation of our salvation. For Tim the foundation of our salvation lies hidden in plain sight in John 15:5. It boils down to keeping the law. His exposition of the verse is rather simple and straightforward. To abide means one has to do something.
11:39 Abiding is doing something, by the way. It's not sitting back and doing nothing. Abiding is something that you physically have to do in relationship with Him which is never defined in all of scripture as saying a shallow prayer and checking a box on a decision card.
This something consists in keeping the law. Relationship with God is defined by Tim as keeping the law. From Sabbath Series 3B
20:05 For us to not keep his law, uh-oh here it comes, is also to not love Him. As if we love Him what do we do? John 15, keep my commandments. Even in revelation what are they found doing at the very end the end times remnant? Keeping His commandments, His law. Do we love him? This is a covenant folks and it is the way it works. See that's they way he defines this. It's a covenant relationship. This is intimacy wth the Creator. He loves you that much. He wants to be intimate with you in relationship. Are we in relationship with Him or not?
This relationship of keeping the law is the requirement of salvation. From Grafted Into the Kingdom:
18:52 Relationship with Him is the requirement of salvation and for getting our prayers answered.
Tim's sermon about how to be grafted into the kingdom is graceless and Christless. While he mentions Christ many times he never tells us WHY we need to have faith in him or WHAT he has accomplished on the cross. Tim does not talk about sin and man's need for a mediator. He mentions repentance and the Holy Spirit very briefly at the end but does not tell us what we need to repent from. From Grafted Into the Kingdom:
68:31 He is your saviour and Lord and God and your life is meaningless without him. But don't just say words speak your heart to Him and ask the Holy Spirit to come help you confess what you need and repent because he already knows it. You can enter intimacy with Him right now. No processes, no formulas, just you and HimEverything Tim has previously said in this video contradicts this statement. Until the end of the video he had not mentioned the Holy Spirit or repentance at all. His doctrine rests wholly on keeping the law. He rejects the grace of Christ and His work and says we must keep the law. Our salvation is dependent wholly upon us and what we do and not on what Christ has done for us. There was no mention of the Holy Spirit sanctifying us or circumcising our hearts or even writing His law on our hearts or sealing us.
Ephesians 1:13 In whom ye also trusted, after that ye heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation: in whom also after that ye believed, ye were sealed with that holy Spirit of promise,
14 Which is the earnest of our inheritance until the redemption of the purchased possession, unto the praise of his glory.Until this point there was no mention of the Holy Spirit whatsoever. It is the Holy Spirit who seals and keeps us but according to Tim we can lose our salvation. From Grafted Into the Kingdom:
59:10 For if God spared not the natural branches, the Israelites, take heed lest he also spare not thee. Wait I thought you couldn't lose your salvation. Hmmm.There is absolutely no room for the grace and mercy of Christ and the work of the Holy Spirit in Tim's doctrine of salvation. There is no regeneration or sanctification or being washed by the Holy Ghost. No role for the Holy Spirit to produce the fruits of righteousness in us and no walking in the Spirit.
Galatians 5:22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith,
23 Meekness, temperance: against such there is no law.
24 And they that are Christ's have crucified the flesh with the affections and lusts.
25 If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit.The Holy Spirit plays no role in Tim's doctrine of salvation.
For Tim all one has to do is keep the law and have faith in Christ and you will be saved. This does not mean the whole law.
Tim is like many other advocates of keeping the law who only focus on laws that can be conveniently followed and appear to increase their righteousness. This includes the Saturday sabbath, the feast days, and the dietary laws. The rest of the hundreds of laws including the purity and sacrificial laws are abandoned. It is certainly not convenient for women to be cast outside of the house two weeks every month because of their monthly "sickness" as the scriptures calls it. Nor is it convenient to sacrifice animals twice a day. Most of the laws cannot be implemented anyway because to do so would require living in a society built on those laws. No advocate for keeping the law will say homosexuals, adulterers, and disobedient children must be stoned nor would they advocate slavery as the law clearly does.
Tim teaches that righteousness does not come from Christ but from our keeping the law. For Tim Christ is dead in vain.
Galatians 2:21 I do not frustrate the grace of God: for if righteousness come by the law, then Christ is dead in vain.We see this paradigm of the righteousness of the law being in opposition to the grace of God and the righteousness of the Gospel very clearly in Timothy's new video series about the Sabbath.
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https://youtu.be/AN4ArvfMR4w?t=1004 |
From "Sabbath Series: Introduction Commentary Only" we hear the following at 16:44
Abraham kept the law and the sabbath. And so did Isaac and Jacob. I mean how can they be called righteous if there was no law by which they could be judged as righteous? The very notion is ridiculous from the start.For Tim a man can only be judged righteous insofar as he keeps the law. He clearly teaches that keeping the sabbath is a part of being saved because it is a part of keeping the law.
People ask at times how do we know we are saved? Well, are you keeping the sabbath? That is the sign of one who is saved and in relationship with Him. Sorry, we tell the truth here.
In fact Tim says that the sabbath and the feasts, and not Jesus Christ, are the core of the entire Bible. From Sabbath Series 2A
From Grafted Into the Kingdom:
There are certainly more consequences of denying the Trinity than a rejection of the Church and a wrong doctrine of salvation but for now it is enough to expose The God Culture for what they really are. They are an anti-trinitarian and sabbatarian cult whose doctrine is completely opposed to that of Christianity and the Bible. The Philippines has plenty of these kinds of cults already without needing The God Culture to spew their filth all across these islands. The God Culture admits they "have not even produced a teaching on this Trinity Doctrine." This blog post will have to fill that gap for now. 45:00 The Sabbath and the feasts are the core of the biblical calendar and of the entire bible.True relationship with God begins not with faith in Jesus Christ but by keeping the sabbath. From Sabbath Series part 1:
38:10 When you start keeping the sabbath you will find in the if not right away it is the biggest blessing of your life. Relationship with Him really begins right there. I can attest to that personally.
But then Tim flips the script and says that keeping the sabbath is just about spending time with God and is not about salvation at all. From Sabbath Series Part 1:
36:35 So what is the sabbath? How do we keep it? This is the truly amazing thing it's not actually that hard to keep and since when is it such a bad thing to teach people to spend a day with Yahuah? I mean how dare we, oh what a terrible, terrible group we are to spend time with Yahuah. That's awful don't do that. That's really the position. Come on. Let's break it down.
From Sabbath Series 3A:
The Church does not question the setting aside a day to spend with Him. It's called the Lord's Day or Sunday, the day Christ rose from the dead. That is the day on which the church worships. What the Church calls heresy is the Judaizing which is fundamental to keeping the Saturday sabbath. There is no group that advocates sabbatarianism which does not also advocate other various Jewish practices such as keeping the feasts and the food laws. The evil is making salvation, abiding in Christ, depend on the keeping the law including the sabbath. Tim skips over all of that, gives zero context, misrepresents the Church, and calls the Church insane.
What's insane is that Tim tells people they must keep the feasts and the sabbath but he admits he doesn't even know the correct calendar by which to celebrate the feasts and the sabbath. There is a hypocrisy in Tim's sabbath keeping as he admits they do not know the proper calendar and when to keep the sabbath. But no worry because they are researching it.
So He created a day of rest for us to spend with Him and now to practice such is called being a heretic. Hah, hah. Heretic? Against what? Since when could it ever be a bad practice to set aside a day to spend with Him? The very notion the church would even make such a statement requires insanity practically.
https://youtu.be/zCwDTRzkYqo?t=378From Sabbath Series 3B
22:35 One person commented drawing the conclusion that we teach sabbath is salvation and that, we want to call out right now, is absolutely ridiculous. Wrong. We never said that. We said knowing Him in a true relationship is and always has been, even in the Old Testament, salvation.
Tim goes from saying that keeping the sabbath is a sign of salvation to saying it is merely setting aside a day to worship God. Then after he has declared that keeping the sabbath is a part of being saved he rejects that very notion saying that he never said it when he clearly did say it! Then he says the church questions the notion of having a day to spend with God and calls it heresy. This is all a masterful deception foisted upon the unsuspecting listener. Tim flips the script from one sentence to the next.
The Church does not question the setting aside a day to spend with Him. It's called the Lord's Day or Sunday, the day Christ rose from the dead. That is the day on which the church worships. What the Church calls heresy is the Judaizing which is fundamental to keeping the Saturday sabbath. There is no group that advocates sabbatarianism which does not also advocate other various Jewish practices such as keeping the feasts and the food laws. The evil is making salvation, abiding in Christ, depend on the keeping the law including the sabbath. Tim skips over all of that, gives zero context, misrepresents the Church, and calls the Church insane.
What's insane is that Tim tells people they must keep the feasts and the sabbath but he admits he doesn't even know the correct calendar by which to celebrate the feasts and the sabbath. There is a hypocrisy in Tim's sabbath keeping as he admits they do not know the proper calendar and when to keep the sabbath. But no worry because they are researching it.
The isn't about legalism folks. It's just about obedience. That's it. For those worried they might do something wrong at first relax. The point is give Him a day every week. We observe at Friday sundown to Saturday at sundown but there are several out there even now trying to figure out the biblical calendar including us to some degree. And we are open to good research on the topic. So we are not married to that timeframe necessarily but that's what we're doing until it's been overturned by good solid research. As of now we see nothing which overturns it as of yet. In fact even the Dead Sea Scrolls show that the sabbath begins at sundown on Friday.
Let's be clear, no one has truly reconciled the Hebrew calendar of the Bible with our modern Roman one that we have found and this is not a "Jewish" holiday but a Biblical day which was not only kept by Hebrews but by Gentiles even in the time of Moses. This is a task we began a while ago and hoped to complete prior to this season but our research is just not ready on that yet. However, these are the dates we keep for the Feasts and we are sharing with you. There are many other interpretations out there. The point for all of us is keep the feasts even if you prefer a different calendar as Paul and Luke especially admonished rather than pagan replacements that are rebuked by scripture even.
https://www.facebook.com/376627072897316/photos/a.382595402300483/533518283874860/?type=3&theaterI said there was no grace in Tim's system but that is not exactly true because The God Culture actually says law IS grace!
His law is grace and always has been. Salvation was available to even gentiles in Exodus and has been all along. The gospel of grace is a manipulation we will deal with. We are saved by grace but we have to do something. We cannot claim to make Him our Lord but then ignore that which He is Lord of especially the Sabbath. The Sabbath is a perfect example of His grace from the 7th Day when He created it as He realized man needed a Day of Rest set aside and set apart for Him. The notion that the law is absent grace is outright fraud on the part of so-called scholars. It is Pharisee leaven and we will deal with this. Yah Bless.
Sabbath Series: Part 1. What is the Sabbath? Did it pass away? The Biblical Truth.
"His law is grace." "We are saved by grace but we have to do something." That is a confounding of grace and law. Throughout his whole teaching Tim confuses the moral law of the ten commandments with the rest of the ceremonial laws which Christ has fulfilled. Contrary to Jesus who cried from the cross, "It is finished," Tim teaches Christ has not fulfilled the law or the old covenant at all.
From Grafted Into the Kingdom:
30:18 He came to fulfill the covenant which is certainly for us indeed. This was His purpose but has He done this yet? Didn't He do that on the cross already and in His resurrection? Well let's see what He says about that.
"Think not that I am come to destroy the law," that's the law of Moses, "or the prophets," that's the Old Testament, the writings of the prophets. "I am not come to destroy," destroy what? The law of Moses nor the Old Testament. "But to fulfill," fulfill what? The law of Moses and the prophecies of the prophets, the Old Testament. And then He tells when all will be fulfilled and he does not use His resurrection as the timestamp at all. "For verily I say unto you till heaven and earth pass one jot or one tittle," Hebrew letters basically, "shall in nowise pass from the law till all be fulfilled."
Now when does heaven and earth pass away? When all is fulfilled. Did it pass away at His resurrection. No. It's still there. Revelation 21 says that heaven and earth pass away at the time of the final judgment basically. Look around. Has earth passed away yet? If someone tells you it ever did they don't know scripture because the first heaven and earth are still here.
And the second one does not take place until that time of the end according to scripture essentially at the final judgement. But also this passage tells us when the law is fulfilled. All is fulfilled when? When heaven and earth pass away. Why, by the way? Because heaven and earth are the witnesses to the law in scripture. Keep reading though.
"Whosoever therefore shall break one of these least commandments and shall teach men so he shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven." Why would He say this knowing He was about to go to the cross if He were about to fulfill the law?From "Sabbath Series: Part 1. What is the Sabbath? Did it pass away? The Biblical Truth."
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So one "I", one "T" shall in no wise Pass. From. The. Law. Boom! So they don't pass from the law when? Till all be fulfilled. Wait when is that? When is all fulfilled? Not until heaven or earth pass on the day of final judgement. See, His work is a work in progress, He is still fulfilling the law. He is still keeping it. Heaven is still keeping the sabbath. Why aren't we?
Tim contradicts his own teaching in Sabbath Series part 1.
37:01 Some will note the sabbath included sacrifices both incense and animals and indeed it did especially in the temple days, yes absolutely, no doubt, that is fact. However there is no temple right now for one, and Yahusha became a sacrifice for us in scripture many times over, we'll cover this. So it's already made a sacrifice. A sacrifice has been made but that does not in any sense abolish the sabbath just because he's our sabbath sacrifice. He did not fulfill the sacrifice so that you and I would no longer have to spend time with Him. That doesn't make any sense but the opposite is true.
Right here Tim says Christ fulfilled the law of sacrifices. But how can this be when heaven and earth have not passed away? For Tim to be consistent in his teaching that Christ has not fulfilled the law he will have to continue to sacrifice and saying there is no temple does not give Tim a free pass because, as he teaches, the Mosaic law of sacrifices and feasts was kept by Adam and the rest of the patriarchs. You can't have Christ fulfilling some of the law and not all of it. The law is a whole.
All the types, all the sacrifices, all the works of the law have been fulfilled in and by Him. He is of the priesthood of Melchisidec and since the priesthood has changed the law has changed. Hebrew 7:11 If therefore perfection were by the Levitical priesthood, (for under it the people received the law,) what further need was there that another priest should rise after the order of Melchisedec, and not be called after the order of Aaron?
12 For the priesthood being changed, there is made of necessity a change also of the law.He entered into heaven once for all to offer up Himself for us. That is the message of Hebrews. It is no wonder that Tim mangles that message rather spectacularly saying that sabbatarianism is a mark of God's people. That is a flipping on the head of what Hebrews actually says. Now we enter into His rest because Christ, just as He is our Passover, is also our sabbath rest. In their own material The God Culture even acknowledges that we rest in Christ.
The Church of the Nephilim attacks TGC again. Imagine that. This blog speaks as Gog of Magog and behaves like such a demon as well as David Roxas of PhilippineFails has been proven a criminal in cyber libel, fraud, gross negligence, and now this political blogger turns to you as a supposed bastion of truth he is a liar as his father the devil in his Church of Gog. He doesn't even tell you his name, his denomination, his background nor anything yet attacks in yellow journalism (not that this can remotely be called journalism). Notice, he attacks weekly or more now. This is supposed to be a political blog yet he attacks TGC more than Duterte it seems. Does that not seem odd to you? Ask him who is paying for his fraud? Ask him who he is? What is his background? Why does he espouse Pharisee doctrine and protect British propaganda proven in religion, history and theology in his disgusting display of ignorance? He just can't stop his lying, deceiving tongue from wagging because as a dog returns to it's vomit, so does this fool return to his folly. Why the ramp up? Sure seems like someone is drawing a paycheck to attack but he always fails and this does again. His ignorance is profound. PhilippineFRAUDS is just another lying, manipulating, libelous, demonic fraud who is incapable of telling you the truth on any level. Here, he does what he always does, pulls out fragments and draws conclusions he doesn't even remotely understand nor does he care to based on ignorance as a fool. He does this to protect his British propaganda position on Ophir and his Gog of Magog Church in which he is a member. Of course, anyone that does not represent his Gog of Magog Church is libeled inappropriately as a "cult." The God Culture is not a church, not starting one nor even starting a movement. It restores the Word to it's original intent and this is yet another topic in which this fool is reaching far over his head to attempt debate. However, what you see here is propaganda and false paradigms not truth. In order to start a cult, The God Culture would need to form a church of sort and we have only teachings online for people to study and test. We have not brought people together in anything that could be labeled a "cult" but of course, the language of instigation,
ReplyDeleteThere is nothing to refute in this ignorant blog from an ignorant blogger who ultimately is just attempting yet another accusation from his very predictable Jesuit, Communist bag of tricks. He cannot win a debate on the facts of Ophir being Philippines because it is and always has been. So, he quickly moved to outright lies in attempt to refute yet he was exposed as a fraud. He then moves to personal attacks in Cyber Libel as a criminal on our leader because he has no part in truth but only desires to misrepresent and deceive you as if demon possessed. Yet he keeps coming. Why? He is a stalker and proven so. We aren't responding to uneducated, reckless, ignorant charges from a stalker proven to be a criminal in behavior.
"This is supposed to be a political blog yet he attacks TGC more than Duterte it seems."
DeleteThis is not a political blog though politics are discussed. This is a blog about the Philippines and the many facets of the country. If anything it is a cultural blog. TGC falls squarely under that heading.
"There is nothing to refute in this ignorant blog"
And yet you have posted 14 comments on this single post. 14! Without even a response from me you just keep going and going and going. You respond to be obliquely in your videos and directly here and yet you say there is nothing to refute, there is nothing to say, we are done. LOL!
"We aren't responding"
Yet you post 14 comments on this very blog.
This is a political blog. Everyone go back and look at the many political blogs associated. Yet another fraud and parsing of words in sorcery by a satanist named David Roxas of PhilippineFails. What a loser. He can't even tell you the truth about his own politic blog.
DeleteAs we said there is nothing to refute in this stupid blog. We didn't say we would not answer his fraudulent representations but no actual point to refute as he doesn't actually make valid points in any of his blogs as he offers only fraudulent representation screwing up the truth on every level because that is what a Jesuit agitator does. There is a difference but this demon is too dumb to know the difference of course. Not one actual point based in truth as usual. We only respond to this garbage because it is left even when proven wrong as all his blogs have been, sitting around for you to stumble over. This is a fraud and a liar proven so. David Roxas has no legitimacy and no credibility on any level.
Watch our videos, test what we teach, this fool does not test anything but rejects anything that does not originate in the Church of Gog and British propaganda which is all he espouses every time. It has been a year now since this libelous, fraudulent, liar began attacking and stalking The God Culture in illegal harassing behavior on several levels and several times. He is a criminal. However, the larger issue as you see from this first blog he wrote about a year ago, he is criticizing and ridiculing 3 different series he never watched. So, where are we now. It's been a year and he still have not watched either series and the Original Canon Series is all of 3 videos for goodness sake. Talk about gross negligence and misrepresentation. I mean what kind of psycho would write a blog on something they never reviewed? Then, multiple blogs for a year yet still failing to review the position? What a fraud. We have caught him lying and misrepresenting several times and called him out but then he gets personal and become his psycho, stalker self coming after our leaders especially. This is like the stalker (which this definitely is) saying to the victim, don't you love me? Don't you appreciate the attention I have given you? Really? This is evil, illegal, satanic and this criminal has committed fraud, negligence, cyber libel, etc. and then, wants us to pat him on the back calling that research yet he has yet to represent any topic with accuracy on any level as he is proven a liar. Sending pictures of our leaders' kids in harassment is not research, it's illegal. No sane person would do that. Sending us a text message twice in which he is harassing former family is definitely insane especially when the conversation said nothing but he wanted to harass. Stalker! Sending our leader's DMV report in which the report says his SS# was verified by this stalker is not research, it is a Federal Offense. Publishing our leader's marriage certificate calling his wife a harlot and saying she should be "put away" is not just offensive, unethical and completely wrong, but it is evil in the worst sense. What a lousy stalker this PhilippineFrauds is. This especially after he even verified they were married in the very large mega-church in which they were ministering completely legally and Biblical. What a fraud. Found nothing, proven to be nothing and yet, he doubles down in fraud to harass, cyber libel and call into question the unquestionable. Of course, after proven wrong, he leaves all this garbage lying around the internet for you to stumble upon. It is fraud and libel, illegal, criminal trash.
ReplyDeleteA stalker would characterize the wrong visa he thinks Tim needs yet Tim is not a missionary and we are not a missionary organization in any sense which this blogger already well-knew before. He admits he knows in the same blog but continues on with the requirements of the wrong visa and Tim's visa is accurate and up-to-date and very valid as he is welcomed in that country and invited by many. Then, when corrected that he was wrong according the BI, what does this stalker fraud do? Well, he doubles down on his fraud and claims to know more than the Bureau of Immigration and an attorney on immigration because he's an attorney? Nope. A BI official? Nope. Could he be more of a fool? Could he be more of a stalker? A stalker would claim to publish a biography of our leader and miss 30 years of ministry experience and then, call into question that which he missed. When corrected what does this ignorant blogger do, well, he doubles down on stupidity and still claims that doesn't mean anything yet it is gross negligence legally, fraudulent and libel among other things and that is according to the law. He would then marginalize Tim's almost 30 year, successful publishing career even rising to one of the largest magazines on newsstands worldwide but no, that is not important, st aside all Tim's successes and only focuses on 2 years of 30 years experience in which he attempted to start a magazine. Of course, David Roxas has a better resume? Nope. He doesn't and in yellow journalism he tells you nothing of himself because he is a fraud who is unqualified to publish anything. However, Tim has been a Publisher in title for many years. How stupid! A stalker would send 4 emails this am to Tim's private email about nothing including one of some woman asking questions alluding to something in fraud. Tim forwards this crap to me and it is senseless, pyscho babble completely incoherent. This David Roxas of PhilippineFrauds is a psycho. A stalker would assume that because Tim mentioned the word Tax in some context in some video that that means Tim must have tax problems yet no such record exists as that is a fraudulent assumption. He just keeps going and going and going like a stalker because he is a stalker and a libelous, abusive, harassing, lying, bullying, fraud. Is there no law this fraud will not break to try to prove something he cannot prove? I mean he has lost every debate on facts royally so he has to result in this kind of psycho behavior of a stalker. Then, he wants to have a conversation about theology? Even satan isn't that stupid. He even sent Tim an email this am about what coffee he likes or something like that. Only a stalker would assume a friendship from his abuse. How filthy... I need to go take a shower because this David Roxas of PhilippineFrauds is a stalker. I feel not just for our group as a whole but especially for our leaders who are his victims. This is demonic, satanic behavior and he is willing to lie and break the law to do so. Disgusting! That's not to even mention all the fraud he committed with The Periplus, Mela, Dionysius, Villegas, Legeza, Horridge, etc. in which he outright lied nor all the many maps he frauded and screwed up to support his British propaganda as he hates the Philippines and is prejudice against Filipinos whom he calls gullible. What a fool! He can't read nor comprehend and everything he has touched he has frauded just like a stalker would because David Roxas of PhilippineFrauds is a stalker. This is garbage.
ReplyDeleteThis blog should be titled, as all of his, as "The Regurgitation of Gog" as that is all he has ever represented. Finally, this ignorant blogger has never won debate with TGC on the Philippines as Ophir. He has lied to attempt debate, been caught and exposed changing maps, geographic quotes, etc. and he still represents these lies as some kind of proven truth because he is a liar and you have entered his false paradigm here. He is a fraud who has never unraveled our extensive case in the slightest nor could he as in over a year of attacks now, he still has not even watched Solomon's Gold Series yet he writes blog after blog not even reviewing the position. He tells you what we prove yet knows hardly any of it. Talk about ignorance at it's most profound levels. He is a fool by Biblical definition. He has never proven TGC to have lied about anything yet uses such language in conclusion and here you see it in the beginning of this vomitous filth yet again. TGC teaches the Word and it leads where it leads. Where it does not lead it is to this Church of Gog represented by David Roxas of PhilippineFails. This is a just another Jesuit-Communist manipulator and the kind the Philippines will very soon shut down. The good news is while he keeps writing and writing filth, his demise is coming near. He doesn't even know it. We are done talking to a proven criminal who then wants to discuss theology. What a loser. If you are reading this, you are wasting your time. Watch our videos, test them with scripture, not the doctrine of Gog but scripture and you will find they vet extremely well. This blogger never proves otherwise on any level. If you wish to understand the Sabbath, watch our Sabbath Series. If you wish to see if the Philippines can be proven to be Ophir, watch Solomon's Gold Series. These stand on their own very well and this blogger does not. He has proven to be a liar and a fraud and has no voice for truth on any topic. He will only lead you to his god, the Bible calls satan as he only bows to Gog of Magog in theology, historic interpretation, and he will follow the fruits of his father stealing, killing and destroying – a liar from the beginning and so he continues in David Roxas of PhilippineFRAUDS.
ReplyDeleteA perfect example is misusing the fragment from Hebrew 7. Does it say Messiah abolished the law he said He did not come to abolish? I mean essentially he is telling you this fragment means Jesus is a liar but David Roxas is the liar and proven so. Jesus cannot disagree with Himself and scripture cannot disagree with scripture. This ridiculous blogger, now supposed theologian though proven a liar and a fraud and a criminal, now is going to tell you how to read this fragment yet he leaves off that Melchizedek whom he says is the Priestly Order in which we are now under means we are under the Law of Melchizedek. Does it say he abolished the law in Hebrews 7? Nope but that is how he will misrepresent this fragment yet what Law does Melchizedek represent? The Old Testament. How stupid. Mr. Fragment strikes again and again as his ignorance is profound. Who is Melchizedek? He does not bother to tell you that part and would that not be important in telling you you are now under his Priesthood? It is Messiah and He appears where? In Genesis first NOT Hebrews. Abraham tithed to this Priest and King called Melchizedek who has no beginning and no end. That is Messiah who was in the OT as well and sorry but so was His Law of Melchizedek which is the same as the Law of Noah which is the same as the Law of Moses written by the very finger of Yahuah who changes not. Jesus in Hebrews 13:8, same book, same author, is the same yesterday (even in Abraham's time), today and forever. Abraham was under His law. Moses was under His Law and the Apostles remain under His Law. Though we have a new covenant and new law, it remains in basis built on the foundation of the old according to Messiah. That is what the supposed 2 "new" commandments which are both in the Law of Moses by the way, say. They lead to the Law of Moses and reaffirm it. This is consistent with the Law of Melchizedek and Noah. Of course, you are free to believe this fraud and liar and criminal instead if you feel he is more credible than Jesus. Your call.
ReplyDelete"That is Messiah who was in the OT as well and sorry but so was His Law of Melchizedek which is the same as the Law of Noah which is the same as the Law of Moses written by the very finger of Yahuah who changes not."
DeleteThe law of Melchizedek is the same as the law of Noah and Moses? WRONG! Read it again. ALL OF HEBREWS! Christ FULFILLS the law of Moses in its entirety. That is why we don't sacrifice and more. We are not under the law of Moses or the law pertaining to the Levitical priesthood. We have a high priest of a different class entirely.
BTW you don't even keep the law of Moses or Noah because if you did you would be sacrificing and your wives and daughters would be cast out of the house as unclean for two weeks every single month.
You just can't read. Not the Bible and not even a comment. Yet, Melchizedek, Messiah, is the old law stupid as Abraham tithed to Him under His law and that Order is still with us fool and He says the law did not pass away thus all you represent is garbage yet again attempting to deceive as you have proven you are only capable. You attack and attack and attack and when challenged in defense you offer nothing because you are a fraud and a liar. You just cannot read at all. Fulfills does not mean done away with fraud. There is never a single scripture in the whole of scripture which does anything but affirm the law and you would know that if you could actually read but you have proven you have a profound learning disability in reading comprehension which leads to your lying and fraud. You can't even understand simple language. You have proven yourself David Roxas as a fraud and a liar many times over in these blogs but now want to represent your fraudulent, lying self as one who is qualified to discuss theology? You are unqualified to write this blog nor to misrepresent yourself as an expert on any of these topics. We will now move to shutting down this conversation as we are not going to engage this fraud and liar, proven so, any further. We answered and now we will offer standard responses as he has forfeited any right to engage in discussion with us on any level. David Roxas of PhilippineFails is a criminal who will soon answer for this criminal behavior.
DeleteThis is another display of absolute stupidity from a demon-possessed blogger who only attempts to oppose not teach nor is he qualified to even write this blog and he has proven he will lie, fraud and libel to pull of this nonsense. Does he tell you what his denomination is? No, but he tries to form one for The God Culture in ignorance and wrongly. Does he give you his background? Nothing at all but he'll claim to represent in fraud a biography of our founder forgetting to mention his 30+ years of ministry experience of course yet then calls his experience into question. Right, the experience his negligence missed in fraudulent representation. What a liar. Yet he continues. Yet he claims to be an historian, archaeologist, theologian, cartographer, etc. He is not yet if you follow his logic, one is to be silenced if they are not of these disciplines which is stupidity yet he speaks but TGC is not supposed to be allowed to speak according to him. The hypocrisy is so profound, it is among the most uneducated psychobabble we have encountered. This guy has major issues but likely because he entertains demons. He tells you there is no law period. That is the Doctrine of Liberty whose author is... satan espoused in the Mystery Babylon Religion. His religion of the Nephilim. If you have no law, you are the law. If you are the law, you are a god. You are not a god and you have law whether you like it or not. Where does that lawless doctrine originate? Satan in the Garden of Eden, "you will be as gods." Paul condemns it MANYT times yet this fraud misreads Paul in fragments out of context to say the opposite of what he actually says. That's satanic. This is the Doctrine of the Nephilim from the Church of Gog this blogger defends, even regarding Ophir, in absolute and profound ignorance. He hacks up this topic as he does everything he touches as he is incapable of representing anything in context. If you wish to know what we teach and believe, watch our videos. They are extremely clear and very abundant with scripture. Then, go into the Word and test everything we say. This is not testing, it's ridicule from a fraud. In our Sabbath Series, this blog is already obliterated but of course he ignores all of that as he is only here to agitate and nothing else which he now does practically weekly showing he is being paid to do so. How else does a political blogger turn into a platform to attack only 1 ministry? Where is his blog on Quiboloy? How about Soriano? What about the other YouTube Channels such as Ophirian Heritage, Pinoy Mystery, Ancient Magostribe, etc. who all also produce many videos on the Philippines as Ophir? If he were truly interested in the truth, he would take on all the platforms but he only hyper-focuses on 1. There are many channels out there teaching much of what we are yet, same thing, he only focuses on 1. He has a vendetta against TGC and it's leader in absolute and very provably racism, cyber libel, fraud, negligence, illegal harassment, etc. Well, obviously this racist pig who hates the Philippines, Filipinos and God for that matter by his own admission, just hates The God Culture even more. David Roxas of PhilippineFails is prove a liar, fraud, negligent and a criminal especially in cyber libel. He will not have this platform much longer as he will be run out of this country.
ReplyDelete"Where is his blog on Quiboloy? How about Soriano? What about the other YouTube Channels such as Ophirian Heritage, Pinoy Mystery, Ancient Magostribe, etc. who all also produce many videos on the Philippines as Ophir? "
DeleteI don't know about any of those YT channels. I already wrote a blog about Quiboloy. Read it here: https://philippinefails.blogspot.com/2019/11/filipino-cult-leaders-apollo-quiboloy.html
As for Soriano....I have a blog planned for him, Manalo, and a few other cult leaders. Just haven't gotten around to writing it yet. But blank drafts are all prepared with titles. Quiboloy was the first in a series. I even wrote about a Fil-Am nurse who was involved in a cult in the USA. She poisoned a whole town! Read it here: https://philippinefails.blogspot.com/2020/04/ma-anand-puja-filipina-nurse-who.html
We will now move to shutting down this conversation as we are not going to engage this fraud and liar, proven so, any further. We answered and now we will offer standard responses as he has forfeited any right to engage in discussion with us on any level. David Roxas of PhilippineFails is a criminal who will soon answer for this criminal behavior.
DeleteFinally, did anyone else notice this fraud infringed on our Copyrighted logo above. It's bad enough he uses copyrighted slides claiming the Fair Use Act which really doesn't apply to him but this time he uses our logo as art in his construction of his trashy Trinity logo and Nicene logo above. What a disgusting, filthy display from a criminal who violates every law he possibly can in bringing you this complete fraud called PhilippineFails by David Roxas, a proven lying, negligent fraud also guilty of copyright infringement. What a lousy piece of trash this blog is.
ReplyDeleteA billigerent, harrassing, cyber libeling, fraudulent, negligent, copyright infringing waste of time. This moron doesn't know the rules of running a blog yet attempts to know what our setting our in uploading on YouTube even. What a stupid fool. One embarrassment after the other, this utter idiot can't render a sentence properly. He has proven himself a fraud. David Roxas of PhilippineFails is a lying fraud. You want theology from him? Enjoy satanism because that is all you'll get from this demonic display of filth.
ReplyDeleteAre we really to be surprised that one who does not even respect the laws of the land violating copyrights, harassing, cyber libeling, fraudulence, negligence turns out to be a lawless one of sin promoting sin or lawlessness telling you not to obey God's law? He can't even respect simple rules of engagement whether alone the laws of the land. What trash and filth this disgusting, demonic blogger represents. Just another Jesuit, Communist-style fraud this David Roxas of PhilippineFails turns out to be. He is exposed now and he is about to have to answer for his profound stupidity.
ReplyDeleteI was just informed by our leader that this fraud keeps sending harassing emails to his personal email address even commenting on comments we have made on YouTube as if he is entitled. He has already sent pictures of our leader's children, an illegal act, texts he sent to and from former family members in which his republishing them is illegal, logging into the DMV in Florida which says this fraud verified our leader's SS# which is a Federal Offense, publishing a purposeful and intention fraud misrepresented as a biography of our leader yet this loser missed 30 years of ministry experience but then calls his ministry experience into question of course... I could go on and on all day on the number of highly illegal infractions we have seen from this lawbreaker of man's laws even. He accuses yet he is the one guilty of every stupid accusation in hypocrisy. He has never proven TGC to be nor ever proven anything we teach to be wrong Biblically, historically, scientifically, linguistically, etc. He even misrepresents Bathala above which is such an overt copy of Baphomet, a deity well-known to the Jesuits when they came to the Philippines and created such myth. But he is a Jesuit fraud so no surprise. Yet, he's gonna teach you on the topic of God's law? His credentials to do so are?......... Missing... because he has no such. In his own logic, he is unqualified to speak or write on this topic, on history, archaeology, science, language, etc. He's done all he can to try to silence TGC yet his own dumb rules would imply he is the one unqualified to speak. In fact, let's apply the logic of David Roxas here. According to what he is saying, he is a Jesuit, Catholic who practices Satanism. That's right, he propagates Mithraism, Zoroastrianism and Pharisaism. He doesn't know it because he is too stupid to know the difference. He hasn't told us his denomination because he does not want you to know he is really a satanist in theology because that is what he is espousing. He hates God and said such as he hates the Philippines and Filipinos by his own admission. We have seen him misquote doctrine numerous times along with history and his linguistics and science is pathetic especially. When called out, he just doubles down in ignorance with the same stupid trash. He hides in yellow journalism attacking and attacking yet he has provided you with what credentials? Is he qualified to call himself a journalist? No. He has produced no such credentials. Is he qualified to teach the Word? No. He has produced no such credentials. Is qualified as an archaeologist? No. He has produced no such credentials. Is he qualified as an historian? No. He has produced no such credentials. Is he qualified to even speak? Not by his own stupid logic. What a hypocrite and a fool David Roxas of PhilippineFails turns out to be.
ReplyDelete"He even misrepresents Bathala above which is such an overt copy of Baphomet, a deity well-known to the Jesuits when they came to the Philippines and created such myth."
DeleteSo do you pray to Bathala or not? You do teach that he is the creator God of Genesis (Jesus).
We will now move to shutting down this conversation as we are not going to engage this fraud and liar, proven so, any further. We answered and now we will offer standard responses as he has forfeited any right to engage in discussion with us on any level. David Roxas of PhilippineFails is a criminal who will soon answer for this criminal behavior.
DeleteNO IRRESPONSIBLE, LYING FRAUD! You don't go around accusing a teaching ministry founded on the Bible of praying to Baphomet/Bathala in complete fraud and misrepresentation. You would have to prove we ever prayed to Bathala and we never have you lying fraud. You did not and this is ILLEGAL. This is cyber libel yet again. You are a criminal and you will be dealt with.
DeleteWhy are you so mad at a question? You claim Bathala is the creator God of Genesis. If that is true then you should have no problem with praying to Him. In fact you should pray to him if your claim is true. Why are you now calling Bathala Baphomet when you said before he is the creator God of Genesis? Which one is it?
Delete"You don't go around accusing a teaching ministry founded on the Bible"
True Tim you do use the Bible but that is not your foundation. You believe the Bible has been corrupted and needs to be restored by reading Jubilees and Enoch. You don't even teach the doctrines the Bible teaches such as faith in Christ saving us. You have an entirely different doctrine called legalism.
Oh...AND NOW YOU ARE A MINISTRY!!!??? HAHAHA!! After scrubbing your web page and after saying again and again on your videos we are not ministers now you are a teaching ministry!!?? Get your story straight bud.
Perhaps my tone was not strong enough you criminal as you dare answer is utter stupidity yet again. It's not a question you stupid fool and you know it and so does everyone, all 3 of them, who read this. It's an accusation which you already made above and you know it. Jesuit trash. NO IRRESPONSIBLE, LYING FRAUD! You don't go around accusing a teaching ministry, we always have been and never said otherwise, founded on the Bible of praying to Baphomet/Bathala in complete fraud and misrepresentation. That's not just over the line and unethical, it's illegal you fraud! You already did above and now in your weighted stupid, poorly-framed question of entrapment in fraud. You do this often and no one is fooled by your ignorance and the law is far clearer than you realize you cannot do that legally nor can you play dumb mainly because you are dumb. You would have to prove we ever prayed to Bathala to make such allegation if you were responsible and operated legally but not you. You are an immature pig with the manners of a gnat. This is cyber libel yet again. You are a criminal and you will be dealt with. We have always been a ministry but again, you don't know the meaning as you don't with anything, you assume whatever you want in fraud because you are a fraud. What we are not fool, is a missionary organization and that is what you in your fraud accused in ignorance as a fool and you continue to attempt to head there yet again right now. What a stupid moron you are David Roxas of PhilippineFails. Stop your Jesuit agitation. You are a criminal.
Delete"You don't go around accusing a teaching ministry, we always have been and never said otherwise, founded on the Bible of praying to Baphomet/Bathala in complete fraud and misrepresentation."
DeleteSo you think Bathala is Yahuah but you don't pray to Him? Why not? If Bathala is Yahuah then you should be praying to Him. Why is he Baphomet all of a sudden and no longer Yahuah?
"We have always been a ministry but again, you don't know the meaning as you don't with anything, you assume whatever you want in fraud because you are a fraud."
Hmmmm so you are a ministry but you aren't ministers????
From sabbath series commentary 0:50
"We don't even refer to ourselves as ministers but researchers."
Quit clowning around. One minute you say you are not ministers the next minute you say you are running a ministry. LOL! Your brain is so addled with lies and fictions. Even going so far off the deep end as to believe the earth is flat!! Just tell the truth for once about who you are.
Tim is a missionary, a minister, who has come to the Philippines to conduct religious meetings and minster to people. And he does not even have the proper visa! You know he does not which is why you scrubbed your webpage! As if that changes anything. A rose by any other name would still smell as sweet and no matter what name you attach to Tim the fact is he is in this country doing religious work and needs a missionary visa to be doing so.
You are a liar and you have misrepresented what we believe as usual. What an absolute fraud! NO IRRESPONSIBLE, LYING FRAUD! You don't go around accusing a teaching ministry founded on the Bible of praying to Baphomet/Bathala in complete fraud and misrepresentation. You would have to prove we ever prayed to Bathala and we never have you lying fraud. You did not and this is ILLEGAL. This is cyber libel yet again. You are a criminal and you will be dealt with.
DeleteOn Tim's visa, that is none of your business but how profoundly inept and stupid you are. Such a fraud. The experts who make such decisions say you are wrong including B.I. and Tim's attorney yet you keep opening your stupid mouth thinking you have the right to overrule BI and an actual attorney who specialize in such in the same way you attempt to overrule Jesus, the Bible, Paul whom you can't read, the same as you do with history with The Periplus you frauded, Mela you frauded, Dionysius the Tourist you frauded, Legeza you frauded, Villegas you frauded, Horridge you frauded... Guess the real question is, is there anything you don't fraud? This blog is riddled with such misrepresentation as you are proven a liar and a fraud. Because of course David Roxas is a god evidently in his own mind. What an absolute, arrogant moron you are David Roxas of PhilippineFails. You think you know better than the experts in everything yet you are unqualified and stupid as you prove over and over again.
We have been truthful liar and we have always been a ministry not missionaries. If BI ever needed Tim to file differently he would have been happy to but they say you are wrong but of course David Roxas is above BI and the attorney in his own arrogant world of satanism. You are the proven liar. You have never proven us to lie and that is called cyber libel stupid. You just can't stop you nasty mouth. It took you 20 pages to attempt to twist a sentence I rendered in which I said we did not mention an author in your foolish blog of nothing and you start with the dictation in which we do not mention the author. Most sane people would stop there already but not this nut job. He goes on for 20 pages trying to claim a complete fraud in misrepresentation claiming something he already proved wrong in the beginning of his own blog. You have done the same all along as you are just a worthless Jesuit agitator with not a single word worth reading. You are a lousy journalist who is only capable of committing fraud, gross negligence, illegal harassment, cyber libel, even copyright infringement which not only us but the person you took this blog from says you stole their logo even and it sucks so you aren't even a good thief. Enough answering a liar. You can't even tell people your name you lying fraud whether alone your denomination or anything yet attack others who do. What a hypocrite and fraud this liar David Roxas of PhilippineFails is.
DeleteWe will now move to shutting down this conversation as we are not going to engage this fraud and liar, proven so, any further. We answered and now we will offer standard responses as he has forfeited any right to engage in discussion with us on any level. David Roxas of PhilippineFails is a criminal who will soon answer for this criminal behavior.
"We have been truthful liar and we have always been a ministry not missionaries."
DeleteThen why did Tim say: ""We don't even refer to ourselves as ministers but researchers."
If TGC is a ministry why do you claim to not be ministers!?
"It took you 20 pages to attempt to twist a sentence I rendered in which I said we did not mention an author in your foolish blog of nothing and you start with the dictation in which we do not mention the author."
No idea what that sentence means.
"You have done the same all along as you are just a worthless Jesuit agitator with not a single word worth reading."
And yet here you are reading and responding and even changing videos and your web page. You even respond to me in your videos!
"On Tim's visa, that is none of your business but how profoundly inept and stupid you are."
Sure I mean if Tim wants to come to the Philippines and do ministerial work with the wrong visa then so be it. That is all on him.
"The experts who make such decisions say you are wrong including B.I. and Tim's attorney"
We already know Tim entered into an occult ritual with the ancestors with Sofroni Dualy the Patriarchate of the Royal Families of the Philippines. So it would not be surprising if Tim could flaunt the law here with no repercussions.
This loser has no opinion worthy of perusal. He just lies and lies and lies. See how he just instigates and instigates and every representation in fraud and negligence as well as cyber libel. When you encounter one who is only capable of lying, there is no discussion with them. They will take anything you say and attempt to turn it to the opposite. This is a consistent fraudulent pattern with this blogger. However, we aren't here to discuss theology with a proven liar and fraud as if he would ever represent anything with an once of honesty. This David Roxas is a fraud and a liar, proven so. He is guilty of cyber libel, gross negligence, illegal harassment, copyright infringement and the list goes on. He will be dealt with. However, for anyone reading this, go watch our videos and test them for yourself. This is no test. It is an absolute hatchet job from a proven fraud and liar. He will reap that which he has sewn and very soon.
DeleteThen stop coming back here. I should never have given you the courtesy of a reply. Should have just continued to sit back watching you post comment after comment banging your head against your keyboard.
DeleteAnd you haven't even touched the meat of this post which is that you deny the Trinity. You teach that the Holy Spirit is not God, is not a person, does not work our salvation, and has not preserved the church.
You are a one note Johnny!! Change your tune buddy!
You'll be dealt with, You'll be dealt with, You'll be dealt with, You'll be dealt with, You'll be dealt with, You'll be dealt with, You'll be dealt with, You'll be dealt with, You'll be dealt with, You'll be dealt with, You'll be dealt with, You'll be dealt with!!!!!
THAT'S ALL YOU SAY!!!!! Because you have NOTHING ELSE TO SAY!!
I have ripped you open several times here and you keep pretending like I haven't. You are a liar. You teach lies. And you believe the earth is flat!!!
Tip: Stop insulting when you're in a discussion.
It makes us think you're weak and are out of arguments.
Also: You're weak and out of arguments
P.S. I found more things to write about today inadvertently so yes there will be more coming next week.
We are not in a discussion with a criminal. This blogger has no right to discuss anything with us. He has committed fraud, cyber libel, gross negligence, copyright infringement and is proven to be a liar. There is nothing to discuss with a liar. He will be dealt with. If it were not for the lockdown, he would already have suffered the consequences of his actions. This criminal will be dealt with and he will soon learn what the law says as he is held to it. As if everyone doesn't see thru the fraud in that representation. This criminal is only capable of misrepresentation in everything he touches. We will now move to shutting down this conversation as we are not going to engage this fraud and liar, proven so, any further. We answered and now we will offer standard responses as he has forfeited any right to engage in discussion with us on any level. David Roxas of PhilippineFails is a criminal who will soon answer for this criminal behavior.
DeleteThat's you Tim just blabbing away saying nothing as always. I really cannot get over the fact that not only are you an anti-trinitarian heretic but you are also flat Earther!!!
Now that is the most coherent this failure has appeared in all the thousands of words he has wasted. The most intelligent in fact. Otherwise, all we see this fraud doing is misrepresenting in fraud, lies, cyber libel, gross negligence, harassment, copyright infringement, etc. I am here to call him out for that and I will continue to do so until he is dealt with which he will be. What I will not do is engage this lying fraud in conversation because he will just lie as usual but not for long because he will be dealt with. He is just another thug criminal who thinks he can get away with blatant disregard for the law of the land as well as the law of Yahuah. He cannot and he will not. You can even picture the demon behind his keyboard spewing this filth.
DeleteIt's so funny he keeps calling me Tim and trying to invoke Tim's name every chance he gets because he is a stalker. He wants to know what coffee Tim drinks and he wants to meet him. Problem is Tim has no interest in talking to a liar and a fraud. A troubled loser really David Roxas of PhilippineFails is. How pathetic. We have no videos on flat earth and our group has never reached such consensus but rest assured this fraud doesn't care about what we actually believe, he'll make up his own misrepresentation in fraud to mischaracterize just as he did multiple times above because well, that is all he has done all these many blogs. He is proven a liar and a fraud. He has never proven anything in any of these blogs but offers you saliva as one viewer put it very well. I am here because I committed to Tim I will not allow this fraud to go unchallenged. This crybaby can't handle it but he is just going to have to get over it because I will continue to treat him as the criminal he is. He has earned that indeed. Soon though he will be dealt with and then, he will really be crying. Boo hoo.
"We have no videos on flat earth and our group has never reached such consensus"
We have no videos on flat earth and our group has never reached such consensus. Only a liar would say otherwise and there ya go, he just did.
DeleteThis criminal will be dealt with and he will soon learn what the law says as he is held to it. As if everyone doesn't see thru the fraud in that representation. This criminal is only capable of misrepresentation in everything he touches. We will now move to shutting down this conversation as we are not going to engage this fraud and liar, proven so, any further. We answered and now we will offer standard responses as he has forfeited any right to engage in discussion with us on any level. David Roxas of PhilippineFails is a criminal who will soon answer for this criminal behavior.
Did Tim start a church? Even an organization with members? No, we just teach the Bible online. Sure we have subscribers who have only signed up to be notified which YouTube has greatly failed in notifying them even many times. We know this because we have hundreds maybe even over 1000 messages from viewers who say so. Yet, this fraud in his last blog claims we have a Martyr Complex. What a stupid fool. Welcome to the PhilippineFool blog because that is all you will find in this nonsense. What church does TGC have? Please produce it fraud. TGC can't be called a Cult when they have no organization for anyone to join. Can one be more stupid! He can't even understand simple language which David Roxas of PhilippineFool, PhilippineFrauds and PhilippineFails has proven over and over. We have provided such list many times. What an absolute fraud and liar this David Roxas of PhilippineFails is.
ReplyDeleteOne must then ask themselves: what kind of absolute fraud accuses a group who clearly bases all of their 200+ video teachings on the Word, of worshipping Baphomet? That's whom he is displaying above not Bathala, not the Filipino Bathala but the Jesuit fraud from a Jesuit fraud. This David Roxas is the most disgusting of liars we have encountered. Does TGC ever say we worship Baphomet? Come on. How utterly stupid. Unfortunately, that is what you get from this blog, just stupidity, false assumption and false paradigms as he continues to lie, fraud and cheat as he is a criminal. We have 1 video out of 200 that explores the Hebrew possibilities of the word Bath and Ala which are direct Hebrew words that specifically tie to the Creation even and all in a God called the Creator God in history. That is not coincidence and the Jesuit narrative can never be believed at face value as they are proven liars just like David Roxas of PhilippinesFails is proven a liar. Yes, the Jesuits describe this god as Baphomet but let's be clear, they are liars and manipulators as this Jesuit liar David Roxas of PhilippineFails turns out to be. In that 1 video, we find this likely a Hebrew word and then we test the Jesuit history which disagrees with itself as they tell us Filipinos said they did not worship the Anitos nor the bird associated but then Jesuits keep on writing that they do when Filipinos said they do not. This is normal for such liars who enter a land and believe they are a more evolved species and must take it and steal, kill and destroy. Who fruits are those? Not God's. However, David Roxas is one of those people. He only defends his Gog of Magog, British propaganda as he defends their control religion as he is a Jesuit agitator and nothing more. What an odious display of extreme mental retardation this David Roxas of PhilippineFails demonstrates. What a lying fraud he is. TGC in that video and even in the words above worships Yahuah, YHWH thru His Son Yahusha. The Holy Spirit is never placed into a "Trinity" in scripture though his role vital indeed. We do not teach against it thus cannot be labeled in fraud as "anti-trinitarian" either. What a fraud this David Roxas of PhilippineFails is. We don't care about doctrines of men and that clearly is as it certainly is not a Bible term. This blogger has yet to produce a single scripture which renders the word Trinity however because he cannot. Not one that renders Triune God because that is not a Bible term either. He beats and beats his programmed drum like a robot as a fool. You can clearly see this blog is really all about being about to accuse in headline which all of his are. He has even admitted that his headlines do not actually represent the purpose of the blog. No, they represent sensationalism and fake news because David Roxas of PhilippineFails is proven a lying fraud.
ReplyDeleteOn a final note, notice above the admission from David Roxas of PhilippineFails for his illegal harassment behavior. He admits he badgers TGC and a lot. That is not legal behavior yet he acts as if he deserves a badge for his badgering. What a lying fraud this David Roxas of PhilippineFails is. So profoundly stupid he admits his own illegal activities. He has crossed several legal lines against man's laws such as cyber libel, gross negligence, fraud, copyright infringement, etc. He has no respect for the laws of man yet he is going to position himself as the expert on God's law. Right. Another fraud by David Roxas of PhilippineFails. This guy is just another criminal trying to seem important when he is the lowest in the land. This is the exact behavior the Philippines will rise against and eject. This guy is toast and unfortunately for him, he will not even make it that far as he is about to have to answer for his criminal behavior.
"On a final note, notice above the admission from David Roxas of PhilippineFails for his illegal harassment behavior. He admits he badgers TGC and a lot. That is not legal behavior yet he acts as if he deserves a badge for his badgering."
DeleteWrong. I did not say I badger you a lot. I said "It has not been without a lot of badgering and persistent questioning of The God Culture that any light has been shed on their doctrine of the Trinity and of Christ."
Remember how I kept on the issue asking you again and again in these very comments about your beliefs about the Trinity? That is what I am talking about here Timothy. All you had to do was answer basic questions such as "Is the Holy Spirit a person or an impersonal force," but you declined.
No matter though because i did squeeze enough out of you to get a basic gestalt on your teaching.
And look above, he cyber libeled yet again and then cyber libels with a question which makes assumption we pray to Bathala. This is going to get what he is begging for. He will answer for his criminal behavior very soon.
DeleteWe will now move to shutting down this conversation as we are not going to engage this fraud and liar, proven so, any further. We answered and now we will offer standard responses as he has forfeited any right to engage in discussion with us on any level. David Roxas of PhilippineFails is a criminal who will soon answer for this criminal behavior.
"And look above, he cyber libeled yet again and then cyber libels with a question which makes assumption we pray to Bathala."
DeleteAsking a question is a libel? It is YOU who said that Bathala is the creator God of Genesis. If that is true then you should no problem praying to Him. So do you pray to Bathala who you consider to be the creator God of Genesis (Jesus Christ) or not? Or are you willing to abandon the foolish and blasphemous claim that Bathala is the creator God of Genesis?
This criminal will be dealt with and he will soon learn what the law says as he is held to it. As if everyone doesn't see thru the fraud in that representation. This criminal is only capable of misrepresentation in everything he touches. We will now move to shutting down this conversation as we are not going to engage this fraud and liar, proven so, any further. We answered and now we will offer standard responses as he has forfeited any right to engage in discussion with us on any level. David Roxas of PhilippineFails is a criminal who will soon answer for this criminal behavior.
DeleteDoes Timothy claim to be the Appointed Son of God? Of course not. Yet this fraud David Roxas of PhilippineFails does it again. He is incapable or representing even an once of truth. He lies again attempting association between a guy who claims to be God. Are you kidding? Could this loser be more of a fraud? Likely not. His behavior is as a child agitating yet demonic in nature. It does appear that David Roxas of PhilippineFails is demon-possessed or oppressed by this demonic, satanic behavior. But let's all listen to him on theology. Right. This Manalo guy claims to be a prophet usurping all the prophesies of an entire nation of people. Talk about fraud. Yet, this fraud, David Roxas of PhilippineFails attempts such stupid association with our leader. Could he be more inept? Not likely. What a complete lying fraud this David Roxas of PhilippineFails is. He loses every debate on facts proven to lie, manipulate, misrepresent history and the Bible to attempt failed points in fraud. Then, as a loser, he resorts to personal attack in illegal cyber libel which he just continues in this blog. However, this David Roxas is just a child in maturity. He is unqualified and illegitimate and he doesn't even bother to tell you he is just another Jesuit espousing satanism not a Christian. In fact, he pulled that Baphomet picture down from his altar of worship in order to display it in this blog which must be why he will not tell you his denomination not anything about himself. David Roxas is proven a lying fraud incapable of rendering a sentence with accuracy and truth. All he offers is lined with Pharisee leaven from Britain in historic propaganda and his Church of Gog in his demon worship. We know this by his actions. Only a demon would behave in this manner. This is disgusting, filthy trash and sorry you had to read it but it will be gone soon and David Roxas will be dealt with.
ReplyDelete"He lies again attempting association between a guy who claims to be God."
DeleteQuiboloy and TGC and Timothy are spiritual brethren who deny the Trinity. That is a fact. Or do you suddenly believe in the Trinity?
As if everyone doesn't see thru the fraud in that representation. This criminal is only capable of misrepresentation in everything he touches. We will now move to shutting down this conversation as we are not going to engage this fraud and liar, proven so, any further. We answered and now we will offer standard responses as he has forfeited any right to engage in discussion with us on any level. David Roxas of PhilippineFails is a criminal who will soon answer for this criminal behavior.
DeleteDoes Messiah not tell us in John 15 we must bear fruit or we will be cut off from the vine and burned in the fire? Of course he does and there is no debating that and our teaching accurate. Does Matthew 7 not tells us that many Christians who think they are saved will be told depart from me, I never knew you? Well, it's hard to take but fact and truth and our teaching accurate. This fraud is incapable of understanding nor representing scripture and he is unqualified to teach such nor oppose. What is David Roxas' resume? He demanded ours "badgering a lot" in his own words. He published a fraudulent biography but really still only demonstrated our leader is well-qualified to speak, publish and preach. But what about David Roxas? What is his ministry experience? He admits he has none. He tries to silence us which turned against him as our leader and the rest of us if we all released them have strong resumes. We demand David Roxas produce his ministry and theological experience before writing any more blogs about theology. This is a political blogger now turned minister in his representation, though all we see in reality is demonic filth. Who is David Roxas? Is David Roxas an historian? Well, by his own admission, no. Yet he calls TGCs credentials in question but TGC has a strong background in publishing. Oops! What a fraud this David Roxas of PhilippineFails is. Is David Roxas and archaeologist? Not by his own admission. Yet, he tries to silence TGC because we are not (nor have we ever claimed to be) archaeologists. However, we can read and he has proven he cannot, not with coherent comprehension in history nor the Bible in the slightest. It is profound ignorance. To this fraud David Roxas of PhilippineFails, our leader is not allowed to preach, even be int he Philippines, be married, etc. I mean can anyone really be so stupid? Well, David Roxas has proven he is capable of such extreme, dumfounding ignorance and this blog is yet another example of the same fraud he always represents. Ask him who is paying him to now attack TGC almost weekly and regularly. Ask David Roxas if he is a Jesuit. Is he a communist? He certainly behaves like one. Why does he hate the Philippines? He says he does. He wants to turn the Philippines into his British Gog which is also why he peddles and defends British propaganda. What a fraud. Why does he hate Filipinos whom he calls "gullible?" And this lying fraud is supposed looking out for Filipinos? Really? That's like saying Ophirian Heritage who leads to China is anything but China Heritage. These are the same move against TGC and all liars and frauds proven so. They will manipulate, twist, deceive, agitate, lie, fraud, etc. to make a point in fraud. They will say anything to attempt to call into question. Yet, really, they are just racist bigots not just against TGC and Americans but also against Filipinos and no one can lead to China and call themselves Ophirian just as no stupid blogger can call their blog PhilippineFails and Filipinos he labels "gullible" and represent themselves as giving a crap about the Philippines. This evil wants to burn down this country. They want to tear down and destroy in order to bring their communist, British propaganda remaking the Philippines into the New World Order system which they have failed and Messiah says they will continue to fail. Oh, they hate TGC because we have restored an inconvenient truth they need to suppress in order to maintain some sort of power. That power ends now! This kind of filth is coming to an end in the Philippines as the people rise up and kick it out. Of course, David Roxas of PhilippineFails is already finished, he just doesn't know it yet but he will soon.
ReplyDeleteFor Jubilees, watch Testing the Book of Jubilees which this fraud only picks out fragments just as he reads the word in fraud. It is all he is capable. What a lying fraud this PhilippineFails, David Roxas represents. He leaves out well, the entire video otherwise which finds Paul, Peter, John and Luke quoted the Book of Jubilees for significant doctrine, the Qumran community treated it as Torah and they were the actual keepers of scriptures, the Aaronic Levite Priests exiled from the Temple to Qumran (Bethabara). They in fact, are the only ones Biblically qualified to determine the canon not the Catholic Church or any council otherwise. Their Bible included Jubilees. Does David Roxas disprove that? Of course not yet he draws conclusions in profound ignorance because he is proven a lying fraud. Of course in his incredible sagacity, he will say and has, nuh-uh. Oh, well that settles it then. He knows nothing on the topic yet misrepresents himself in fraud yet again. He is unqualified to write this blog.
ReplyDeleteFor Sabbath, watch our Sabbath Series as there is so much scripture on that topic, it takes an entire series to delineate yet this immature blogger would attempt to reduce sacred, profound topics into his same fraudulent fragment mentality. It is as if he suffered some sort of brain damage as he just places another nail in the coffin of this blog with every attack on TGC. Amazingly stupid. You will find Messiah, Paul and the Apostles and even the early church kept the Sabbath, the Saturday Sabbath in fact. Those are facts no one can manipulate. You will never find a single scripture in context which ever abolishes the Sabbath but many which reaffirm it. David Roxas offers??? The Nicene Creed and Catholic Councils? Really? This is an issue long before there was a Catholic Church and the Bible far overrules any tradition deriving from any of those councils. If they disagree with scripture, they are wrong every time. David Roxas is wrong every time especially on the Bible but even so in history which he has been proven to lie, manipulate and fraud to attempt fraudulent debate. He lost royally and then moved to attack us on every level because that's what childish, demonic losers do. They are incapable of proving anything so they offer sensational headlines, fragments and soundbites out of context to deceive, etc. That is the staple of a fake news site and if he is fake news regarding TGC which he is proven to be, all of his other political representations will be lined with the same fraudulent method. David Roxas of PhilippineFails is proven a liar, fraud, negligent, a copyright infringer above denigrating our logo even in disgusting display of criminal behavior repeated as an established pattern and as fact. This criminal will face this soon. In the meantime, we would not recommend anyone read his trash further. David Roxas of PhilippineFails is a demonic deceiver of pronounced ignorance.
For Paul's teachings and actual words, watch What Did Paul Say? Roxas does not know. He only knows fragments misrepresented out of context. He has also admitted he is unqualified to teach on the matter and that includes this kind of opposite in false claim. He is a fraud.
Watch Grafted Into the Kingdom which is Biblically accurate and test it for yourself. Roxas didn't watch. He just sifts thru looking for anything he can manipulate. He is a hatchet man now attacking us weekly which demonstrates he is likely in the employ of others. Whom is the question? Does he work with Ophirian Heritage and the communist agitators? Or is he a Jesuit agitator? In either event, this is an odious stench of poorly formed fraud and lies meant to deceive you. David Roxas of PhilippineFails is proven to be a liar and a fraud. But you can follow him if you wish.
Delete"Watch Grafted Into the Kingdom which is Biblically accurate and test it for yourself. Roxas didn't watch."
ReplyDeleteWrong again. I listened to that hour long sermon 4 times a least. Not a word of grace or mercy or the atoning work of Christ is to be found therein. There is no Gospel being taught in that video. Only law keeping.
"He is a hatchet man now attacking us weekly which demonstrates he is likely in the employ of others. Whom is the question? Does he work with Ophirian Heritage and the communist agitators? Or is he a Jesuit agitator?"
I have already told you who I work for. See this is just your martyr complex and your conspiratorial world view shining through again. You simply refuse to believe that anyone would sincerely take your offer to test and prove if you are right as I have done and continue to do. You really think that the 1000s of positive responses you receive mean anything when you condemn the billions of catholics! Just because someone likes you does not mean you are teaching the truth. Mormons, JWs, INC, etc etc they all have positive responses from their millions of members.
David Roxas already admitted he does not watch our videos but listens to some (only some) on MP3 looking for something to rip apart. That is a deceiver. That is what satan does – the accuser of the brethren. Behavior to be real proud of. Again, he attempts fraudulent association as he is a criminal, a cyber libeler, a fraud, he just gives example after example as he is incapable of representing the truth in even a sentence. This criminal David Roxas of PhilippineFails is proven a liar and a fraud and he keeps adding to his disrespect for the law of man in these things as well as trashing our logo illegally and using it illegally to draw traffic. However, is true disrespect comes from his father the devil as he hates the Law of God which is reinforced throughout the Bible. Of course, he blames God for the current state of the Philippines as well. Then, he hates Filipinos whom he calls "gullible." He hates TGC whom he attacks now almost weekly but let's not pretend that is just a crusade for nothing. The core of this blog and all his blogs is truly demonic. He only attacks with nothing positive to say about anything. Even when he tries, he twists it into a negative. This is the odious stench in behavior that Yahuah hates and condemns in the word many times yet this proven liar and fraud then tries to enter the arena of theology of which he knows nothing. Where are his credentials? Show us fraud! He has already admitted he has none and is unqualified to write this blog.
DeleteThis criminal is only capable of misrepresentation in everything he touches. We will now move to shutting down this conversation as we are not going to engage this fraud and liar, proven so, any further. We answered and now we will offer standard responses as he has forfeited any right to engage in discussion with us on any level. David Roxas of PhilippineFails is a criminal who will soon answer for this criminal behavior.
This liar is not genuine in the slightest. He attempts associations in fraud because he is a liar. Does he blog against JW? No, he attacks one group... TGC. Does he attack Mormons? No, he attacks one group... TGC. Does he attack INC or Quiboloy? No, he is hyper-focused on 1 group yet wants to use associations he is not qualified to make and does in fraud and error. This is how a fraud operates. They move in an out of facts and twist them with Pharisee leaven. Is TCG affiliate with either of those groups? Of course not but see how he tries to land such association? We do not agree with Quiboloy nor INC on the Father, Son and Holy Spirit yet he attempts to represent that we do. He actually even knows better as we have educated him on that before but here goes attempting such association anyway. Why? Because he is a fraud and a liar and proven so many times. Do we teach the same things? Not even remotely but a fraud would run our leader's picture with Quiboly and Manalo. He knows what he is doing and so do you as all of us can see right thru this fraud.
DeleteIt is the same with the other YouTube Channels. He doesn't attack Ophirian Heritage, Ancient Magostribe, Pinoy Mystery, Dr. Narag and the others who are also finding the Philippines as Ophir. He only attacks 1 group... TGC. Why? Well, he is clearly commissioned to do just that and these days it appears weekly. Yet, every representation he has offered is riddled with lies and fraud. He can't help but throw in cyber libel and even taking our logo and completely manipulating it multiple times above is illegal. He knew exactly what he was doing and that is demonic. He is agitating and doing so with reckless abandon even breaking the law as a criminal. What can we all learn from this? Well, that is Jesuit agitation thus David Roxas is a Jesuit which, using his own logic, in most cases makes him a satanist as they overwhelmingly exhibit his fruits not Yahuah's. He is a racist though he also hates Filipinos by his own admission. He is a religious Bigot as anyone not agreeing with him is considered heresy. He enjoys and propagates hate speech and fake news. He hates the Philippines this his name and his longing in his own words to turn the Philippines into Britain as good little New World Order puppets. They will not. He hates God whom he blames for the state of the Philippines, yet it is his Jesuit brothers who stole from, raped and killed Filipinos. Thus he is a murdered as well in spirit.
This criminal is only capable of misrepresentation in everything he touches.
We will now move to shutting down this conversation as we are not going to engage this fraud and liar, proven so, any further. We answered and now we will offer standard responses as he has forfeited any right to engage in discussion with us on any level. David Roxas of PhilippineFails is a criminal who will soon answer for this criminal behavior.
"We do not agree with Quiboloy nor INC on the Father, Son and Holy Spirit yet he attempts to represent that we do."
Delete"Do we teach the same things? Not even remotely but a fraud would run our leader's picture with Quiboly and Manalo."
So now you DO believe in the Trinity? No you don't. You called it pagan nonsense. You are in the same category as those groups as well as all the others like the Mormons who deny the Trinity. You are no better than them.
This blogger just can't stop his diarrhea mouth from spitting green goo. It's all he knows. He is sick in the head obviously. Is it the same to claim one is literally part of the Trinity as Quiboloy claims to be the actual son of Yahuah and another who teaches the Father and Son are equal and not Quiboloy? Of course not. Scripture is abundant and clear the Father and Son are equated. Has David Roxas, the fraud, ever shown you where the Bible equates the Holy Spirit? Nope. He assumes it because it is his satanic doctrine which originates in Osiris-Isis-Horus in Egypt and Nimrod/Baal-Semiramis-Tammuz in Babylon. The Bible rebukes those so-called Trinities and never propagates a Trinity of it's own. It's just not there. We aren't anti-Trinity, we are PRO-Bible and if the Bible don't say, we aren't interested no matter what church or man comes up with whatever doctrine. Test it yourself and you will find this blowhard has no clue of what he speaks on this nor any issue he's attempted. He proes himself a fool every time. Only a fool would attempt such but David Roxas of PhilippineFails is most certainly a fool by Biblical definition. Those are opposites yet this ridiculous stupid, uneducated, malicious fraud is incapable of rendering even a sentence with accuracy. Then, he attempts Manalo who doesn't even believe that Jesus is God because he uses a New World Order bible which is false. We and scripture say He is God. We have said that many times and this fraud knows it but still attempts to mislead. Our only issue is this doctrine of man which is manufactured and even attempted insertion into the Bible by the Catholic Church even. That is how these Jesuits like David Roxas operate. They wanna force down your throat. We teach how to test things. He demands you accept his stupid doctrine of men not found in the Bible. You chose which makes more sense. You are adult enough to research this for yourself. David Roxas is an immature child who spouts control line after control line in robotic ignorance because he is a fool who knows nothing. Yeah, he talks a lot and as a viewer put, it's just saliva. What a lousy excuse for a blog this is. David Roxas of PhilippineFails is a liar and a fraud and he proves it many more times in this blog which also breaks the laws of man while he tries to lead you to also breaking the Law of God. It is amazing how satanic he is in his alignment with the teachings of Gog, his master whom he defends in his British propaganda and his Jesuit Babylonian Church. We are not here to answer any more of his stupidity and fraud from a liar proven so. We are here to balance this lousy trash. Fortunately, we will not have to much longer because this blog will be gone.
DeleteACTS Chapter 5 verses 3 and 4 clearly teaches that the Holy Spirit is GOD. And IF that was the only place then it still would be enough. But you will not see that unless the Holy Spirit opens your eyes and heart to it. Listen, (I am not a catholic but protestant), so we will never agree with your teachings because we do not believe that the books of Enoch, Jubilees, Estrada, etc... are Inspired by GOD. You believe those books are........ we will see at the consummation of time. I think it is very clear that those books add to God's Word even to the first 5 books by Moses. I believe the Word of God as we have it in the 66 books now is Holy and Inspired by The Creator of Heaven and Earth.......by your teachings you do not fully believe that. Oh Well. PS. I like and I use the KJV....But it is not perfect.
Delete"David Roxas already admitted he does not watch our videos but listens to some (only some) on MP3 looking for something to rip apart."
ReplyDeleteThere is absolutely nothing in your videos which needs to be seen. Most of the video has nothing to do with the audio. Tim's whole set up works well as a lecture without visuals. I listened to your new one today while I was out this morning and then when I got back I looked at the video and it was totally unnecessary to watch.
"Well, he is clearly commissioned to do just that and these days it appears weekly."
It may appear that way. I was not going to publish this till later but I figured it was time. It had been gestating for over a month. And with your new series about the Doctrines of Men it just fit since that is what you call the Trinity, a doctrine of men.
There is only one more TGC post brewing right now but that is not ready at all. Want a sample? Here you go:
"Let's be clear, no one has truly reconciled the Hebrew calendar of the Bible with our modern Roman one that we have found and this is not a "Jewish" holiday but a Biblical day which was not only kept by Hebrews but by Gentiles even in the time of Moses. This is a task we began a while ago and hoped to complete prior to this season but our research is just not ready on that yet. However, these are the dates we keep for the Feasts and we are sharing with you. There are many other interpretations out there. The point for all of us is keep the feasts even if you prefer a different calendar as Paul and Luke especially admonished rather than pagan replacements that are rebuked by scripture even. "
Would God really want Tim and the gang to be teaching that the point is not the date but to simply keep the feasts? Why not keep Passover on the 10th of July if that is my interpretation?
Let's pretend that Tim has somehow figured out the correct calendrical calculations to celebrate the feasts. What would that look like? Remember Tim says these feasts will be fully reinstated in the Philippines at some point in the future. I am going to go through each feast and lay out how the Bible says we are to celebrate them. The feasts are Passover, Unleavened Bread, Firstfruits, Harvest, Trumpets, the Day of Atonement, and Tabernacles.
[scripture about how to keep the feasts goes here]
Is the picture becoming clearer? Tim says the feasts will be fully reinstated in the Philippines at some point in the future. That would mean new Ark of the Covenant since the ark and its mercy seat are required to celebrate the Day of Atonement. Additionally there would need to be some place where the Lord has put his name as that is the only place where the festivals can be celebrated. Because all the festivals including the weekly sabbath require sacrifices there will also need to be a reinstatement of the Levitical priesthood. Only the Levites can be priests and perform the sacrifices required by the feasts. The Day of Atonement requires a high priest and only someone in the line of Aaron can hold that position.
A new Ark, a new place where the lord has put his name, and a reinstatement of the Levitical priesthood including the line of Aaron for the high priest. That is what Tim is saying the future holds for the Philippines. Since many sacrifices took place inside the Holy of Holies in the temple and since that temple is no longer standing it is imperative that Tim locates the Holy of Holies so that the proper sacrifices can be made.
That's it for the moment. Needs a whole lot more work. It's not ready at all. A very rough draft of something I started last month. But it's exciting. A reinstatement of the feasts and sacrifices and the Levitical priesthood and the whole framework of the Mosaic law right here in the Philippines! How much more Christless and graceless can you get, Tim? For you Christ is dead in vain. You don't need him at all. Why even bother to pay lip service?
This criminal will be dealt with and he will soon learn what the law says as he is held to it. As if everyone doesn't see thru the fraud in that representation. This criminal is only capable of misrepresentation in everything he touches. We will now move to shutting down this conversation as we are not going to engage this fraud and liar, proven so, any further. We answered and now we will offer standard responses as he has forfeited any right to engage in discussion with us on any level. David Roxas of PhilippineFails is a criminal who will soon answer for this criminal behavior.
DeleteWhen you encounter one who is only capable of lying, there is no discussion with them. They will take anything you say and attempt to turn it to the opposite. This is a consistent fraudulent pattern with this blogger. However, we aren't here to discuss theology with a proven liar and fraud as if he would ever represent anything with an once of honesty. This David Roxas is a fraud and a liar, proven so. He is guilty of cyber libel, gross negligence, illegal harassment, copyright infringement and the list goes on. He will be dealt with. However, for anyone reading this, go watch our videos and test them for yourself. This is no test. It is an absolute hatchet job from a proven fraud and liar. He will reap that which he has sewn and very soon.
ReplyDeleteI have listened on my own (before ever seeing this page) last night to The God Culture's podcast on Son of Man: Enoch.....Revelation........ I considered their teaching on that subject as pretty much blasphemous!!!! Then I went through a few other things they wrote or said and can come to the conclusion I have to get my two sisters and niece away from their teachings. God culture, I read your answers above and also can include that all you are really worried about is your reputation and not really the Word of God. Your responses are uneducated and quite juvenile. Plus, the person who teaches that Enoch series sounds terrible as if he's in 8th grade. It is embarrassing. There is so many things wrong with your ministry that I'll just let David deal with you guys......I don't have the time or energy or even will to engage myself. Sorry. Steven From USA.
ReplyDeleteHi and thanks for reading. In the Son of Man Enoch video Tim does deny the Holy Spirit is part of the Trinity which is indeed blasphemous. I assume looking for more information about The God Culture's Trinitarian beliefs got you here? I have another blog entirely dedicated to exposing this group. Start with this article if you want to know more: https://thegodculturephilippines.blogspot.com/2021/12/the-god-culture-biography-of-timothy.html
DeleteThanks for reading.
Many of this comments you have made about him is false . I know where does this comes from this works of Jesuit the Vatican’s who are trying to hard to shut down truths around the world about Philippine and other history. Jesuit think people are so stupid . we know that they know that how Jesuit hidden a lot biblical canon from people and also if you truly think we are stupid to know that you Jesuit who controls many bible publisher companies to change things around the bible everywhere and they put there own scholars to change things around. Vatican’s you time is up we will be rise
ReplyDeleteThere right its in scripture that the remnant will keep His commandments. This is in Revelation. Whats wrong with you guys . They know scripture better then you. In fact so do I..