After a three month hiatus from publishing new videos on Youtube (the last one was August 15th with the ones published since being merely Tagalog translations of old videos) The God Culture has returned in a big way. This time Timothy Jay Schwab has removed his kid gloves, put on his big boy pants and dinner jacket, and has taken his group in a very, very surprising direction. No longer is The God Culture merely a Youtube channel teaching revisionist history of the "We Wuz Kangz" variety with a Filipino twist. No longer is Timothy Jay Schwab merely a heretic and blasphemer who denies that faith in Christ is enough to save us and says that the Trinity is a "doctrine of men" that he couldn't care less about. Now Timothy Jay Schwab has become the founder of a think tank he calls The Ophir Institute.
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What is the Ophir Institute all about? Instead of an "about" section this website has a "bio" section. Click that and you will read the following:
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The Ophir Institute is a think tank in the Philippines that has focused on the mystery of the pre-colonial history of our country. When the Spanish arrived, they recorded a literate people who were found reading and writing but what? Where did these writings go? What did they say? How significant they must have been if they needed to be destroyed or at least suppressed. This people is cataloged numerous times in history with more wealth than any other nation in Asia or really, on Earth. We have reviewed the demands to produce an admission from the Jesuits of their guilt in erasing this history but that is a false expectation creating a paradigm of ignorance we will not placate. The Philippines is ancient Ophir and the Garden of Eden and its significance is far greater than we are taught. It is time everyone knows the truth.
Therefore, the Ophir Institute has proudly partnered with author, researcher, singer, former minister, and successful publisher Timothy Schwab and his wife, Anna Zamoranos-Schwab, a Filipina, who lead a team of researchers who tackled this topic. They published their findings on YouTube first with over 10 million views and now, even deeper research is available in book and eBook form. As of recent, this list of publishings includes, The Search for King Solomon's Treasure, INSTRUCTIONAL EDITION: The Search for King Solomon's Treasure, Ophir Philippines Coffee Table Book, and The Book of Jubilees: The Torah Calendar.
Though we are a group, these authors' writings largely resemble the core of our mission to educate Filipinos about our lost history.
It is rather odd that instead of getting an about page which details the aims and goals of the Ophir Institute we get a brief biography of Timothy Jay Schwab and The God Culture's research. It is absolutely incorrect for this bio to say that the Ophir Institute has "partnered" with the Schwabs because on Tim's updated bio on The God Culture's website it is explicitly stated that he and his wife founded this organization.
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Timothy Jay Schwab, with his Filipina wife Anna, is the author of the books The Search for King Solomon's Treasure: The Lost Isles of Gold and the Garden of Eden, Instruction Edition: The Search for King Solomon's Treasure, and Ophir Philippines Coffee Table Book, all supported by a 300-page SOURCEBOOK of very credible sources no one can disprove. They have founded the Ophir Institute in the Philippines to restore this knowledge. Also, Timothy and Anna are Curators for The Book of Jubilees: The Torah Calendar founding The Levite Bible which is a project working to restore Dead Sea Scrolls understanding. This is over 1,400 pages of content and they have produced over 250 YouTube teaching videos as well while conducting over 30 conferences since May 2019 with as many as over 5,500 in attendance. They are the founders of The God Culture Research Team working to restore especially biblical geography and history operating internationally but based in the Philippines.
Why the deception? Why write here that Tim and Anna FOUDNED the Ophir Institute and on the Ophir Institute's page write that they are merely partners? It's sad that they changed this bio. Now no one will know that Tim toured in a Christian rock band and put on puppet shows for the kids or that he is an ordained Reverend!
At the age of 12, Timothy received a calling to minister to others. He began in a puppet ministry that travelled and they advanced into dramas and teachings. He, then, began leading worship at the age 14 while also teaching Sunday School. By 17 years old, Timothy toured as lead singer and President of a Christian Rock Group as an evangelist for five years. In the meantime, he completed seminary courses through his non-denominational faith and was ordained as a Reverend.
Now that's a bio! The current bio is strangely rambling and defensive and tells us little about the Schwabs expect that they were lawfully married and if you doubt that because Jesus said don't marry a divorced woman then you are a fraud. That is of course a snide attack on the biography I wrote about Tim wherein I disclosed that he is Anna's third husband and she his second wife.
Another strange thing about this bio is that it is, with a few variations, the same bio on the Ophir Institute's page, the Levite Bible's page, and on Tim's own page Why is that? If the Ophir Institute is a think tank then why is the bio all about Timothy and Anna Schwab? What it boils down to is the Ophir Institute is an entity created by Timothy Schwab to publish all of his God Culture books and related materials. At least the e-book version of Solomon's Treasure is published by the Ophir Institute.
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The paperback lists God Culture, The as the publisher.
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If the Ophir Institute was not created to publish Tim's books then perhaps it really is a think tank but that is too horrifying and bizarre a thought to bear. Is Tim or his cohorts really going to write policy papers and draft legislation based on his God Culture research?
A think tank, or policy institute, is a research institute that performs research and advocacy concerning topics such as social policy, political strategy, economics, military, technology, and culture. Most think tanks are non-governmental organizations, but some are semi-autonomous agencies within government or are associated with particular political parties or businesses. Think-tank funding often includes a combination of millionaire donations and individual contributions, with many also accepting government grants.
Think tanks publish articles, studies or even draft legislation on particular matters of policy or society. This information is then readily used by governments, businesses, media organizations, social movements or other interest groups as part of their goals. Think tanks range from those associated with highly academic or scholarly activities to those that are overtly ideological and pushing for particular policy, with widely differing quality of research among them. Later generations of think tanks have tended to be more ideologically-oriented.
Imagine the God Culture accepting grants from the government via their front group the Ophir Institute. I have questioned Tim's visa status before as he is doing religious work in the country but this a whole new level. As part of a think tank he would be meddling in Philippine politics which is forbidden for a foreigner to do. Australian nun Patricia Fox was deported for her meddling in Philippine politics by speaking at rallies. How much more a foreigner who founded a think tank?
Of course unlike Patricia Fox Tim has Duterte's ear as he is friends with Dr. Grepor Butch Belgica whom Duterte appointed as the Presidential Advisor for Religious Affairs. Belgica also wrote the forward to Tim's new book "Solomon's Treasure." He is also friends with Sofronio Dulay who is the Grand Patriarch of the Principalia Hereditary Council of the Philippines. Dulay has indicated that he is in favor of an inevitable world government.
World government's objective is to save the world, save humanity. Don't ask who is behind me, who is orchestrating me. They are irrelevant!
Sofronio Dulay is also a Roman Catholic. Timothy has said he has been respectful to the Catholic Church by not doing an exposé video on them.
Now we've been very respectful not to do a video which really breaks down the dogma in the Catholic Church and comparing it to Mithraism. You would find it is an exact match.
As Tim would say, "Hmmmmm."
Another new venture launched by Timothy is The Levite Bible. |
In researching the available Dead Sea Scrolls, we have found the market lacking in high-quality publishing. In order to remedy this, we have formed a team with some members of The God Culture and others who are dedicated to the restoration and understanding of these scriptures. It is our intent to publish these in Bible format, curating the margin notes and providing additional research in order to explain the purpose of these publications, their historical track in use as scripture and we have no issue testing them as scripture. When they pass the test which few scholars have ever bothered to conduct adequately, it is time to take these far more seriously. Enough of dismissing scholars and pastors who know very little of these books yet claim to be experts and many have not studied them in the slightest. Enough control paradigms leading us all back to the Dark Ages.
Again more deception. The bio on The God Culture's website says that Tim and Anna FOUNDED The Levite Bible group while here it appears that The Levite Bible is completely separate from The God Culture saying that they have formed a team with some of the members of TGC.
This group is going to publish second temple Jewish writings and other apocrypha with their own marginal notes. The Book of Jubilees has already been published online. Ironically enough they are using a translation which was made decades BEFORE the discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls. Strictly speaking The Book of Jubilees is not a book that was hidden away in the caves of Qumran just waiting to be rediscovered. It is a book used by the Ethiopian church and rejected by everyone else.
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Suffice to say this is far from a scholarly work though it pretends to be one with all its notes, maps and other apparatus. It is filled with pictures like the following:
Noah added a curse on anyone stealing their brother's property. That includes all empires, bankers, and churchws! Japheth was never given the right to conquer others. Colonialism and conquest have always been forbidden. Israel was taking it's land back from Canaan and the Nephilim who stole it.
Lot, the nephew of Abraham from whom Israel descends, is a...negro? A Hamite? I thought the family of Abraham all descended from Shem.
If you want to know about the meaning of Jubilees it would be to better trust yourself to a man who has spent his whole life studying it along with the rest of the Dead Sea Scrolls.
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Jubilees--so called because of its concern with marking forty-nine-year periods (or "jubilees") in Israel's history--is an ancient rewriting of Genesis and the first part of Exodus from the point of view of an anonymous second-century BCE Jewish author. Its distinctive perspective--as well as its apparent popularity at Qumran--make it particularly important for any reconstruction of early Judaism. James C. VanderKam, the world's foremost authority on Jubilees, offers a new translation based on his own critical editions of all the available textual evidence, including the Hebrew fragments preserved at Qumran (which he first published in Discoveries in the Judean Desert, vol. 13), as well as the first full running commentary on the book in the English language. Jubilees approaches the book as a rewriting of scripture but also as a literary work in its own right. The commentary explains the text and the teachings of the author with comprehensive coverage of the modern scholarship devoted to them. The introduction sets the book in its second-century BCE context, traces its sources in the Bible and in other early Jewish texts, and describes its influence on Jewish and Christian writers.
I have also written at length about Tim's misconceptions concerning the Book of Jubilees, such as Mosaic authorship, as well as the Dead Sea Scrolls and the formation of the Biblical canon.
The future seems pretty bright for The God Culture. Timothy has two new organizations and several books on the way including a coffee table book and instructional versions of Solomon's Treasure. However there is one more book, a smaller 40 page booklet, that Timothy has produced which will not be available to the general public. It is a report on my blog.
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40-page PDF report available... Illegally attacks a ministry, The God Culture in multiple infractions for almost a year including cyber libel, copyright infringement, fake news, racism, hate speech, discrimination. fraud, and misrepresentation harassment. 40-page PDF report available. cc_Karl Daniel E. Buban, Belgica, Aranas, Alim, Dela Cruz, and Associates.
Notice that the law firm has Belgica listed as a partner. That would be Jeremiah Belgica who is also the son of Grepo Belgica who is good friends with Timothy. Both Belgicas also work for the government. Funny how Timothy, a white guy from Florida, has all these high level connections in the Philippines. It really raises questions about the sources of funding for all his new ventures.
It will be interesting to see what direction the God Culture takes as they produce more materials and possibly more groups. They are not going anywhere. Tim's Filipino-centric message is enough to tickle any Filipino's ears and entice them into his web of deceit. But make no mistake. No matter how many shiny websites Timothy builds, no matter how many slick videos he produces or meticulous books he publishes, no matter how much lipstick this pig puts on his kisser he is still a pig. This heretical piggy is an anti-trinitarian and is on record saying faith in Jesus Christ is not enough to save a man.
So this is another example that we aren't to just have faith in Yahusha. That’s not enough. That’s not it. No, no, no, no. We are to keep His commandments.
Sabbath Series: Part 5: The End Times Sabbath at 19:30
The law written by the very finger of Yahuah Himself. The law is what redeems us.
"The law is what redeems us." No wonder Tim founded a group called "The Levite Bible." Timothy rejects the priesthood of Melchizedek of which order Jesus Christ is made a priest for ever and would rather turn back to the Levitical priesthood which the book of Hebrews tells us has passed away and with it the Levitical law.
Please guide me to the place on your site to register in your site, just in case you-tube does what its famous for to many other, and that's to cancel your content so that I can continue to be taught by your people through your videos. I am so well pleased in your videos because it was Michael that told Daniel that knowledge will be increased towards the end. Again thanks for this information! Love in Yahuah and His Anointed!