Monday, May 20, 2019

What Kind of Drug War is Happening in the Philippines?

Shabu. Weed. Ecstasy. Cocaine. The Philippines has declared war on all illegal drugs. Except for steroids. Are steroids even illegal? Yes they are but no one seems to care as you can walk into your local supplement store and ask for them by name.

The clerk was even kind enough to write out each name for me. There is anabol, danabol, storm bear, and clenbuterol. Storm bear? No wonder someone I showed this picture to said these look like ecstasy pills. I think the yellow pills are actually called stanozolol. Searching for storm bear brings up nothing.

Most of these steroids, clenbuterol is not actually a steroid but does increase muscle mass, are banned the world over.  These substances are banned not only for personal use but also for competitive use as well. With sport in the Philippines being a huge part of the culture both at the professional and amateur level what exactly is the government doing about the steroids problem? Is there a steroids problem? Has it even been considered? When will the PNP start gunning down jacked up, roided, high test body builders?

Marijuana is also illegal in the Philippines but take a look at all these weed pipes you can buy at the mall.

Don't tell me any of that is for smoking tobacco. This kiosk does not sell pipe tobacco and I do not know of any place that does. There are bongs, one hitters, glass pipes, wooden pipes, and grinders to grind up your dank buds to smoke out of your pipe of choice. Why are these products allowed to be sold? It's like banning ammunition but allowing guns to be sold. When will the PNP be smashing the glass display cases of kiosks like this which openly peddle drug paraphernalia? It doesn't make any sense.

Actually the drug war in the Philippines doesn't make sense at all. It has been violent and very bloody but drugs keep on flowing into the country and onto the streets. The focus seems to be solely on the importation and distribution of shabu to the exclusion of all other drugs. Drug kingpin Peter Lim is still on the lam. Cocaine continues to turn up under the sea on the coasts. Even Duterte admits the drug problem has worsened. There is also not a word about fake drugs which I wrote about previously. That article gets a steady amount of hits and if you read the comments you will see the reason why: fake drugs are still being prescribed and people are searching for information as to why they are not getting better.

What kind of half-assed drug war is this?


  1. Duterte: "Kill drug users and dealers where ever you find them. Don't call the police just kill them, they are guilty"

    Then a sone of Duterte gets implicated in smuggling drugs into the country.

    Duterte: "Where's your evidence? Prove it in a court of law".

    Funny how evidence and a day in court are denied everyone else but when it comes to Dutertes little bastards then it's prove it in a court of law.

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