Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Two Dog Cruelty Stories

It started with my helper rushing upstairs and asking for my tweezers so he could remove the worms from the dog. I had no idea what he was talking about but I managed to get the story out of him which was that a neighbour on her way to work, walking to where the jeepenies pick up passengers, saw a puppy, saw it was badly hurt, and asked us to take care of it. She would pay all the expenses when she returned home.

This is the puppy in question.

On its back were two deep wounds that were filled with what appeared to be hundreds of writhing, squirming maggots.

It was all pretty disgusting and heart wrenching. After inquiring where the dog was found I went to talk to the obvious owner. He was not home but his helper, an old lady, was and she did not seem very interested in the dog. In fact she said they were going to bury it. The dog being still alive I was horrified at the thought so we kept the puppy and my helper did his best to remove as many maggots as he could until we could take it to the vet.

At the vet the puppy was sprayed with a purple wound spray which drove out the maggots making them easier to remove. The whole time the puppy's eyes were closed and he did not seem to be in a good place. He was very lethargic.

Thankfully the cost was not too high and later that evening the money was recouped when the lady who first saw the dog came and took it to her place. Sadly it died the next morning. 

At the vet there were two ladies waiting outside with their dog. They had been told to come to this particular vet clinic and the dog would be taken care of for free. The vet said this was not the case and he had not received any calls concerning them. These ladies claimed the dog was hit by a car. But does this look like a wound caused by getting hit by a car?

A little more prodding from these two and the truth finally came out. They let their dog run outside the gate and he came home with a head wound. It appears that someone purposely cut him open with a machete. Whether out of cruelty or as a means of protection I cannot say. Ultimately these ladies are to blame for what happened to their dog because they allowed him to run around the neighbourhood.

I am not going to close with any moralistic musings. Anyone who lives here or who has read this blog knows about the horrendous situation dogs face in the Philippines. These two stories are only the latest examples and they speak for themselves.

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