Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Senate Investigations

Last year the Senate investigated two homicides among other things. Homicides! What are they? The cops? Now Sen. Grace Poe wants to investigate Facebook for taking down posts which violate community standards.
This is totally asinine and  a waste of taxpayers money. So I have taken upon myself to dig up a few old and ridiculous Senate investigations.  What has this august body investigated over the years? Certainly many of their investigations have been legitimate like investigations into corrupt officials but some of these investigations would seem to be out of their purview.

August 16, 2011
In 2011 the Senate held an investigation into a controversial art exhibit because some found it offensive. What are they? Art critics?

August 1, 2012
The Senate also investigated a hazing death in 2012. Wow talk about deja vu! Obviously like this investigation did not prevent future hazing deaths.

October 7, 2012
Animal cruelty is rampant in the Philippines. To be a canine in this country is to be condemned. Needless to say this hearing in 2012 did not solve the problem of animal cruelty nor do laws prevent crime. Let me say that again: LAWS DO NOT PREVENT CRIME!

May 28, 2009
A steamy video of a doctor and an actress leaks online and the Senate decides to have a hearing to get to the bottom of this very sexy national scandal. It's like the Senate is TMZ!

Now that the Senate has resumed their hearing on fake news expect more time wasted from politicians who do not care one bit about the security of the country they serve.

When will the Senate investigate the Marawi attack? When will they sit down and make an effort to find out what actually happened leading up to that day in May?  My guess is they never will.  There will never be a Marawi Commission Report because these Senators do not care about the security of the country and would rather waste everyone time with stupid hearings, pointless debates about changing the Constitution, and treasonous efforts to implement an Islamic State in Mindanao  aka the BBL.

A book we may never see written

Tuesday, January 30, 2018

A Pack of Mangy Dogs

The Philippines has a major dog problem.  And it's not just strays running around the neighbourhood digging through the trash!  

Martial Law: The Actual Struggle

The narrative around martial law in the Philippines and its continued existence for the foreseeable future, is that the rebellion, which the Supreme Court ruled exists, has not yet been put down.  But did the Supreme Court rule that a state of rebellion exists because of the attack on Marawi or did they rule that a state of rebellion exists in Mindanao even without that qualification? Calida thinks it is the latter and that arguing over whether "actual rebellion" exists or not is unproductive and besides the point.  A state of rebellion exists in Mindanao even without the qualification of the Marawi siege.
Calida argued that contesting the issue of whether or not there was actual rebellion “sets a bad precedent for endless suits and runs counter to the principle of judicial economy.” 
“Inasmuch as the Court already ruled in Lagman and Padilla that the President had sufficient factual basis to show that actual rebellion does exist in Mindanao, such issue can no longer be raised in the present Petition,” he said. 
Moreover, in a separate statement, Calida explained that the proclamation of martial law was “entirely different” from the act of extending it. 
“The declaration of martial law is an act of the President. The extension, on the other hand, is the prerogative of the Congress,” Calida said.
The essence of his argument rest on two key points: the SC ruled that rebellion exists in Mindanao and extensions are not the same as a proclamation and as such the SC has no say in the matter when it comes to extensions.
“The Court cannot, in the absence of any express or implied prohibition in the 1987 Constitution, prevent the Congress from granting further extensions of the proclamation or suspension,” Calida said in his 99-page memorandum sent to the SC on Wednesday, January 24. 
Calida said further extensions are possible “for as long as the Congress believes that the invasion or rebellion continues to exist, and the public safety requires it.”  
“The period for which the Congress can extend the proclamation of martial law and suspension of the privilege of the writ of habeas corpus is a matter that the august body can itself define, unshackled by any predetermined length of time, contrary to the petitioners’ erroneous submission,” the solicitor general said.
Will the Supreme Court buy into this line of reasoning and approve the extension? If they deny the extension will Duterte, Calida, and the AFP ignore the Supreme Court since they believe the SC has no say in the matter?  We will find out by February 12th at the latest.

Until then it's business as usual in Mindanao.
Same old violence and same old proposed solution to said violence.
The push to create an autonomous Muslim region in Mindanao extends back to 1976 when Marcos and the MNLF entered into an agreement to create an autonomous Muslim region in Mindanao.
The 1976 Tripoli Agreement was signed on December 23, 1976 in Tripoli, Libya by Carmelo Z. Barbero, representing the Government of the Philippines and Nur Misuari of the Moro National Liberation Front. The agreement defined autonomous administrative divisions for Muslims in the southern Philippines, the establishment of an autonomous government, judicial system for Sharia law and special security forces, and the observance of a ceasefire. The autonomous region was to have its own economic system, including an Islamic bank.
This plan did not go through as agreed to and violence ensued. It was not until 1987 that Cory Aquino and the MNLF signed the Jeddah Accord which discussed the proposal of autonomy in the Muslim areas of Mindanao.
The Jeddah Accord was signed on January 3-4, 1987 in JeddahSaudi Arabia by Aquilino Pimentel Jr., representing the Government of the Philippines and Nur Misuari of the Moro National Liberation Front. The two panels agreed upon the continued discussion of the proposal of the grant of full autonomy to MindanaoBasilanSuluTawi-Tawi and Palawan subject to democratic processes.
Finally in 1989 the Autonomous Region in Mulism Mindanao was established. The establishment of this region was supposed to mean the end of violence yet violence continues to plague the region. Call me crazy but I don't think all this violence is over the form of government in the region. The Muslims already have self-rule. Limited self-rule but self-rule nonetheless. What more do they want? They want independence. They want freedom. But freedom from the Philippines won't mean freedom from themselves. And that is the problem. Them. They, the Muslim inhabitants of the ARMM, are the problem. Rido killings, revenge murders, honour killings, blood debts and blood oaths, the peaceful tenants of the religion of peace has left a trail of corpses centuries long and there is no end in sight. The Muslims don't care about the dirty kaffir and they don't care about each other either. If there was any sense of brotherhood and community in the ARMM between Muslism there would be peace. But there is no peace.

The BBL is a scam. The ARMM did not work and now with even more terrorist groups the passage of the BBL will only mean more violence as each groups fights for power. It's comical when terrorist groups like MILF plead that the BBL will stop violence but it is downright treasonous when Senators are not only pushing this same line but also using blackmail tactics.
Senators Sonny Angara and Juan Miguel Zubiri on Friday challenged government officials and those who oppose the Bangsamoro Basic Law (BBL) to go and personally check the war-torn Marawi City so they could witness first-hand the actual struggle of the Bangsamoro people. 
(To those who oppose Bangsamoro Basic Law, please visit Marawi City. You don’t want this to happen in your city. To end the extremist violence, please visit Marawi City and you will see that you don’t want the same thing to happen to you.)

(To those who oppose BBL, you should be prepared to fight. They should be the one to prepare to fight against the terrorists who will arrive.)
You really have to wonder if they believe or even know what they are saying. Visit Marawi to witness the struggle of the Bangsamoro people? What exactly is the nature of the struggle they are supposed to witness? Usually struggle is psychological and nuanced but apparently the Bangsomoro people are dealing with something very visible.  Why not just tell us all what it is? Not everyone can make it to Marawi.

Ah yes Marawi. The war-torn Marawi City is only ONE of hundreds of cities in the ARMM.  Marawi, Cotabato, Lanao del Sur, Zamboanaga City, and countless brangays and puroks and other settlements throughout the land are filled with the struggling Bangsamoro people. Have these Senators visited those places and talked to those people and witnessed their struggles? Of course people in Marawi are struggling. The entire city was pulverised and thousands of people were displaced. Is trying to reestablish normal life patterns after five months of war "the actual struggle of the Bangsamoro people" of which these Senators speak?

To top it all off they threaten the nation with war.  You don't like the BBL? Well then be prepared to fight against the terrorists who will arrive. But if they will arrive if there is no BBL what's to stop them if there is a BBL? Again they don't say. They never say.  Just believe them.  A new political entity governed by the same old corrupt politicians will surely end extremism and violence. Promise.

In 2011 the Philippine government declared the ARMM a failed experiment.
Why would the BBL be any different?

As the AFP continues its operations while waiting for the Supreme Court decision ISIS is allegedly making great inroads.
Islamist insurgents looted cash, gold and jewellery worth tens of millions of dollars when they occupied a southern Philippines town last year, treasure one of their leaders has used to recruit around 250 fighters for fresh attacks.
Allegedly Humam Abdul Najib took millions and has been able to recruit more fighters who will ultimately launch another Marawi type attack. It sounds like the intelligence gathering capabilities of the AFP are working just fine. Let us hope that if they do learn of an impeding attack on any city they will act accordingly and preempt any violence. 

Najib has been very active in the Islamic fight against peace, love, and happiness. 
Najib is a hardened fighter and cleric who studied in the Middle East and reportedly trained with militants in Afghanistan, they say. 
He co-founded Khalifa Islamiyah Mindanao, an insurgent group formed in about 2012 that launched a series of bombings in Mindanao. 
"He is a very, very important person because he has been there from the start," said Banlaoi. 
Najib had links to Al-Qaeda, which earned him the nickname "al Zarqawi of the Philippines", a reference to the slain leader of Al Qaeda in Iraq (AQI), Abu Musab al Zarqawi. AQI morphed into ISIS, to which Najib pledged allegiance in 2014.
Being that he is a cleric it should be obvious that his goals are more religious and less political. Naturally any political ideals will flow from his religious values.  Founding a separate religious state in Mindanao is the goal of the group he co-founded, Khalifa Islamiyah Mindanao.
The Khalifa Islamiah Mindanao has been fighting for the declaration of Mindanao as a separate religious state.
I wager he would not have a high opinion of the BBL.

Where will all this lead in the future? If the Supreme Court rules against the extension of martial law and there is huge attack will the nation blame the lack of martial law? What if they rule in favour and there is a large attack? Who or what will be blamed then? Does the AFP need martial law to find this guy? They have been looking since at least 2013 and have not apprehended him yet. In fact he slipped through their fingers in Marawi. 

Plenty of men slipped through their fingers in the early days of the Marawi battle and plenty more have been recruited into the folds of ISIS. But whatever happens in Mindanao life will continue to keep on keeping on.

Take that terrorists! It's still probably better to avoid the place though.
“Avoid Mindanao. There’s still martial law there,” Mr. Duterte said in a brief meeting with Indian entrepreneurs interested in investing in the Philippines. 
But it’s a martial law that’s not really a martial law. It is a martial law for the enemies of the state,” the Philippine leader said.
That won't increase hotel revenue!

Monday, January 29, 2018

Driving Dangerously

Driving during the day in the Philippines is tough enough. Driving at night is a nightmare! Too many vehicles do not use headlights or taillights. Some vehicles think they are using their headlights but are really driving with their parking lights on or with flashing multicoloured tube lights which they think is an appropriate substitute for headlights. The result is that drivers cannot see oncoming vehicles or vehicles they are approaching until it it's too late. 

For two nights I stood out on the corner recording the mess on the highway. It seems the most common infraction is motorcycles with no taillights. Some may think this is no big deal but they are wrong. If an oncoming vehicle cannot see you then you are putting your life at risk. How many times have I seen a motorcycle using a flashing turn signal as a a headlight!? Are lightbulbs so expensive as to be unaffordable or are these people just lazy? 

The footage I recorded is not so great. It's difficult to record at night without making everything blurry and bright. I was planning on recording for a week but I realised that it would mostly be all the same kind of thing, motorcycles with no taillights, which is boring, and I wanted to speed up the film and set it to Yakety Sax. If I had more footage to speed up it would have become unwatchable. 


Sunday, January 28, 2018

Smoky Piles 2

Filipinos love to burn leaves and trash.  They will leave that pile smoking and stinking up the air all day long making it impossible to open the windows. Heck that smoke even seeps in through the cracks of the window panes making it impossible to get away from the poisonous stench! Why do they do this?  They will say it gets rid of mosquitos. What a lot of baloney!  Here are a few pictures of some very noxious smoky piles.

Saturday, January 27, 2018

A Rather Lovely House

Look at this house.  It's rather quaint don't you think?

It's got a nice white exterior with red trimming. There is plenty of flora to beautify the place. A lovely hedgerow adorns the front along the cement wall.

It's also surrounded by a filthy moat filled with slimy garbage and foul waste water.  Run-off water from storms and washing clothes and probably from the toilet as well. A breeding ground for mosquitos and a bath house for rats. 


Remember: in the Philippines appearances are always deceiving.

Friday, January 26, 2018

Retards in the Government Part 33

Part 33 of Retards in the Government.  In this edition find out that not even the library is safe from government corruption!
“Relying on accused Relampagos’ good faith in alleging his grounds to travel to the United States, this Court granted his motion to travel. Needless to say, accused Relampagos, in failing to return to the country... acted contrary to his representations to, and in blatant contempt of, this Court,” the Seventh Division said. 
Relampagos is facing a total of 313 criminal cases before six out of the seven divisions of the Sandiganbayan in connection with the multibillion-peso pork barrel fund scam and the P900-million Malampaya Fund scam.
The man is accused of massive graft and fraud. 313 counts! But the court still allowed him to be not only out on bail but also to leave the country! He is not the first. Plenty of stories about criminals out on bail who plead for the court to leave the country to go visit family. And the court often allows it!!
In separate resolutions issued by the anti-graft court's First, Second, Third and Fifth Divisions, the Syjuco couple were granted permission to travel to Singapore from January 22 to February 2. 
In their motion, the couple said Augusto was advised by his physician to undergo a series of chemotherapy sessions at Haematology and Stem Cell Transplant Centre of the Mount Elizabeth Hospital in Singapore, in connection with his “advanced myelodysplastic syndrome.” 
The couple said Augusto's physician Patrick Tan explained that the medical condition has a “high chance to progress to leukemia if untreated.” 
The couple originally asked the court divisions to also allow them to go to Singapore on February 22, March 22, April 22, May 22, June 22 and July 22 to complete the sessions.
Does no one in the Philippines offer chemotherapy? The court is simply mad to approve anyone out on bail to leave the country.
We all know there was a conspiracy to import P6.4 billion of shabu but the problem is the DOJ keeps exonerating everyone involved.
Geting a simple ID card is a hassle in the Philippines let alone jumping through all the hoops to get a passport.  Streamlining the system so that it can all be done via mail as in other countries would be best.

Will justice be served the second time around?
An explanation?  How is this for an explanation:
Republic Act No. 10963 or the Tax Reform for Acceleration and Inclusion (TRAIN), which lowers income taxes while adjusting excise taxes on oil, coal and automobiles, and imposes new taxes on cosmetic procedures and sugary drinks, among others, took effect this month. 
“It depends on the definition of prevention. If it can be stopped, we cannot because it is a deregulated industry. We do not have the mechanism to physically prevent them from raising their prices,” Pulido said.
A tax law that raises excise taxes and deregulation of the industry under Ramos in 1998.  That's the explanation.

“From the Halls of the Senate and Congress, to the Courts of Justice and even basketball courts, I will cooperate and face the false and malicious accusations against me,” he added.
Pretty facetious of him to say. Basketball makes no sense in this context whatsoever and doesn't even really work as a joke. Can we expect more of this silliness as this scandal continues to unfold? You betcha!
“We’re putting up bail fund for them. So that’s our moral responsibility because those cops are our men,” Dela Rosa told CNN Philippines. 
“They were performing their duties during the time although they made a mistake. But still deep inside them there was no ill motive in that operation,” he added.
Really makes you think doesn't it? Will the PNP be raising bail money for the two cops charged with murder?  Does the PNP post bail for every cop charged with a crime? What kind of message does this send to corrupt cops or cops who are simply negligent in their duties?
The Office of the Ombudsman has upheld its September 2017 ruling finding probable cause to file a graft case against Davao del Norte 2nd District Rep. Antonio Floirendo Jr. for allegedly having unlawful business interests in a banana plantation doing business with the government.
This guy owns stock in a banana plantation which does business with the Bureau of Corrections. Interestingly he was also "the biggest financier of President Rodrigo Duterte’s presidential bid."

In the Philippines it is always campaign season. Always. (This post brought to you by the Mayor of Philippine Fails.)
The political pendulum swings both ways.  Right, Centre, Left, Centre, Right, Centre, Left and so on and so forth.
Asked whether the Department of National Defense was aware of the USS Hopper’s presence in the region, he said: “They do not inform us beforehand of their activities there.” 
A critic of the Duterte administration’s policy in the West Philippine Sea, Magdalo  Rep. Gary Alejano, said the US warship was likely on routine “freedom of navigation” exercise in the region. 
The Philippine government, he said, is no longer interested in patrolling the waters around Panatag Shoal. “We only patrol that area once a month,” he said.
The DND is unaware of what a foreign naval vessel is doing in its territory? If that infographic does not highlight the absurdity of China's claims I don't know what will.
We have reached a point where we have independent foreign relations, and a problem of America is no longer a problem of the Philippines.
A foreign warship in Philippine territory and China claiming said territory as their own is not the Philippines problem.

The recently enacted law, he said, would ensure quality in education and training systems, make qualifications earned here in the country recognizable in other countries and enable employers to respect and value these qualifications.
What a great new law. Now foreign employers will be able to more confidently siphon off the best talent the Philippines has to offer since education and training will be standardised to meet global standards. This will surely cause a boom in the economy.
Historically the Jesuits are a nasty group. Formed in 1534 by Ignatius Loyola for the purpose of combating the Protestant Reformation and bringing the world under the dominion of the Pope, this group has been at the centre of many political intrigues and after being expelled from several countries was finally suppressed by a decree of the Pope in 1773. In 1814 they were revived and allowed to continue their nefarious activities. To this day the Jesuits do not answer to the Pope but rather to the Black Pope, the head of the Jesuit order. (Interestingly the current Pope is a Jesuit!) It is very fitting that Duterte would encourage others to remain loyal to Jesuit principles which include deceit, deception, and even murder and treason. 

I hope to see a kind, upright and efficient Philippine National Police. That is really my dream because our salary has increased, right? We should raise our standards as well.
Bato honestly thinks the reason cops are corrupt is because of their salary. Maybe Congress should raise the salaries of ALL government employees.  That will be sure to end corruption once and for all.
“Human Rights Watch has been deliberately misrepresenting the figures to make it appear that there exists a culture of impunity in the Philippines and that the country’s democratic institutions are at risk... These assertions are unfair to the Philippines and to the Filipino people," he said.
Whether or not the recent report on the human rights situation in the Philippines is misleading, Cayetano's insistence that there is no culture of impunity and that the country's democratic institutions are not at risk is a total lie. Government officials and other crooks in this country routinely get away with crime because of the slow and awful justice system and Duterte has made many threats to the nation's democratic institutions. How many times has Duterte indicated he does not need Congress, the Supreme Court, or the Constitution?
Good to know that there are no official physical fitness standards for the PNP. Of course the fat cop is a staple of police departments worldwide.

Join the ruling party and get your name cleared. How convenient is that?
More scandal, more corruption, more plunder, more pork barrel funds, more allegations, more investigations, more fun in the Philippines.
Duterte also said to kill him if he did not end crime and drugs within six months of taking office. He has yet to fulfil that promise.

Now for some good news:
Actually this is great news. The economy is growing despite the growth being lesser than last year's and despite a slowdown in one of the nation's most important industries which employs millions.  Wait, that doesn't make any sense. How is this great news?
“For IBON, it is still a jobs-destroying and shallow growth where growth is concentrated in sectors directly benefited by OFW (overseas Filipino workers) remittances and BPOs (business process outsourcing),” Audrey de Jesus of IBON research group told GMA News Online. 
In its paper BirdTalk 2017, the research group cited “re-estimated” government data to pinpoint what it claimed was the “exclusionary nature” of Philippine growth. It said the unemployment rate rose to 9.2 percent, compared with the official estimate of 5.7 percent. 
This means that as many as 4.1 million Filipinos are unemployed—higher than state figures of 2.4 million—and one to two million others who have dropped out of the labor force due to “discouragement” because of lack of job prospects, the report said.
Very interesting. This is what I pointed out last week just by looking at headlines and putting the pieces together. GDP growth does not equal jobs and many jobs available are for OFWs with overseas remittances remaining a cornerstone of the economy. Filipinos have a tendency to look at numbers without understanding what they mean or how they fit into the larger picture. After all bigger is better and growth is growth even if said growth benefits practically no one except those at top.
The DFA's Facebook page has been flooded with complaints from people unable to get appointments earlier than March, with some accusing it of conniving with travel agencies to sell slots for P5,000 and above. 
Both the DFA and the travel agencies have denied this, although Foreign Affairs Secretary Alan Peter Cayetano said they suspect of syndicates that use "bots" to "grab" slots and sell them.
There are ways to combat this fraud. Like not giving travel agencies any slots and having the DFA alone handle all matters related to passport applications. Also reducing paperwork requirements and enabling the whole process to be done via mail. How about making slots reserved online untransferable? Where did these 100,000 slots come from anyway? Just a week ago they were booked for months now out of blue they have 100,000 openings?  Sounds pretty fishy. It's funny that so many Filipinos are trying to get passports. They really do want to leave this place. In what other countries have you heard about the mad rush to get a passport?
The European Commission announced on Monday that Philippine shipments worth an estimated P120 billion ($2.35 billion),  about 66 percent of annual exports to its number-two trading partner, would carry no duties.
Fuck you, EU! We will no longer be taking your grants or loans. WE DON'T NEED YOU! But please let us have duty free privileges on our exports.
Vernon Totanes, a licensed and registered librarian, has accused President Rodrigo Duterte of violating Republic Act 9246 — The Philippine Librarianship Act of 2003 — when he appointed Ceasar Gilbert Adriano to the post of Director IV of the National Library of the Philippines. 
Totanes told that his complaint has larger implications. He cited how Duterte vowed to fill the Cabinet with the best and the brightest, and that it would be patterned after the Cabinet of Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. 
“Some of those who have been appointed by the President do seem to be among 'the best and the brightest,' but there are some who are far from the best and some do not even seem to be bright at all. Oftentimes, we have come to accept this as just part of the President's prerogative,” Totanes said in a letter to 
“We shrug our shoulders, even when the President says that it's payment for 'utang na loob'," he added. 
Totanes cited that "there are instances when the law defines limitations by prescribing qualifications for prospective appointees." 
"In this particular case, the law is clear: only librarians may serve as such in government libraries. Thus, the National Library must be headed by the National Librarian, not the National Non-Librarian," he said.
The complainant is hopeful that more Filipinos will become aware that there are government officials who have been appointed to positions where they are unqualified.
The Philippine government is so corrupt that not even libraries are safe!
Philippine National Police Director General Ronald "Bato" dela Rosa on Wednesday unveiled a sign warning government employees against arrest for gambling. 
Dela Rosa kicked off the campaign after President Rodrigo Duterte announced stricter implementation of the ban, which, he stressed has never been repealed. 
Duterte said he told Dela Rosa to put "government employees" instead of "government officials" on the signs to stress that everyone in public service is an employee. 
The signs, which warn that government employees found in casinos will be arrested and charged, do not explain what the charges will be nor the basis for arrest.
The Philippine government is so corrupt and government employees are so stupid that they cannot even have a fun night out at the casino and have to be reminded that everyone employed in public service is a government employee.
Under new guidelines, officers from the Philippine National Police will drop in on drug users and suspected dealers in broad daylight — anytime between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. — and only on weekdays. 
And the visits can be watched live online — if things go as planned.
So now these bumbling Barney Fifes are only going to knock on doors between 8 and 5 and they hope to have the whole thing livestreamed? This technology, livestreaming police body cameras for the public to view, does not exist and if it did would not be legally tenable. Livestreaming police body cameras back to headquarters might be possible but are we really going to believe that the PNP, which can't even properly equip its officers (I had one PNP officer ask to borrow a flashlight when they were in the neighbourhood looking for a criminal) is going to suddenly get more high tech that anyone else in the world?
In his complaint, La Viña questioned various media contracts with television, radio and print companies “without undergoing the prescribed procurement process.”
It's the same old kind of scam really.  Procuring contracts without going through the proper process.
Publicly Duterte is very serious about his turn from the West and from the USA specifcially while privately he has allowed American military assistance to not only continue but actually to increase.