Last year the Senate investigated two homicides among other things. Homicides! What are they? The cops? Now Sen. Grace Poe wants to investigate Facebook for taking down posts which violate community standards.
This is totally asinine and a waste of taxpayers money. So I have taken upon myself to dig up a few old and ridiculous Senate investigations. What has this august body investigated over the years? Certainly many of their investigations have been legitimate like investigations into corrupt officials but some of these investigations would seem to be out of their purview.
August 16, 2011
In 2011 the Senate held an investigation into a controversial art exhibit because some found it offensive. What are they? Art critics?
August 1, 2012
The Senate also investigated a hazing death in 2012. Wow talk about deja vu! Obviously like this investigation did not prevent future hazing deaths.
October 7, 2012
Animal cruelty is rampant in the Philippines. To be a canine in this country is to be condemned. Needless to say this hearing in 2012 did not solve the problem of animal cruelty nor do laws prevent crime. Let me say that again: LAWS DO NOT PREVENT CRIME!
May 28, 2009
A steamy video of a doctor and an actress leaks online and the Senate decides to have a hearing to get to the bottom of this very sexy national scandal. It's like the Senate is TMZ!
Now that the Senate has resumed their hearing on fake news expect more time wasted from politicians who do not care one bit about the security of the country they serve.
When will the Senate investigate the Marawi attack? When will they sit down and make an effort to find out what actually happened leading up to that day in May? My guess is they never will. There will never be a Marawi Commission Report because these Senators do not care about the security of the country and would rather waste everyone time with stupid hearings, pointless debates about changing the Constitution, and treasonous efforts to implement an Islamic State in Mindanao aka the BBL.
A book we may never see written |
Taking stronger steps to prevent animal cruelty. Safe bet they will not outlaw cock fighting.